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Dark Heresy: Capítulo Primero.

Credo Imperial.

Cargando editor
02/03/2010, 23:46

Escena de Trasfondo.

Cargando editor
02/03/2010, 23:54


Estamos en el cuadragésimo primer milenio.


El Emperador ha permanecido sentado e inmóvil en el Trono Dorado de la Tierra durante más de cien siglos. Es el señor de la humanidad por mandato divino, y el dueño de un millón de mundos por el poder de sus inagotables e infatigables ejércitos.

Es un cuerpo podrido que se estremece de un modo apenas perceptible por el poder invisible de los artefactos de la Era Siniestra de la Tecnología. Es el Señor Carroñero del Imperio, por el que se sacrifican mil almas al día para que nunca acabe de morir realmente.


En su estado de muerte imperecedera, el Emperador continúa su vigilancia eterna. Sus poderosas flotas de combate cruzan el miasma infestado de demonios del espacio disforme, la única ruta entre las lejanas estrellas. Su camino está señalado por el Astronomicón, la manifestación psíquica de la voluntad del Emperador. Sus enormes ejércitos combaten en innumerables planetas. Sus mejores guerreros son los Adeptus Astartes, los Marines Espaciales, supersoldados modificados genéticamente. Sus camaradas de armas son incontables: las numerosas legiones de la Guardia Imperial y las fuerzas de defensa planetaria de cada mundo, la Inquisición y los tecnosacerdotes del Adeptus Mechanicus, por mencionar tan sólo unos pocos. A pesar de su ingente masa de combate, apenas son suficientes para repeler la continua amenaza de los alienígenas, los herejes, los mutantes… y enemigos aún peores.


Ser un hombre en una época semejante es ser simplemente uno más entre billones de personas. Es vivir en la época más cruel y sangrienta imaginable. Éste es un relato de esos tiempos. Olvida el poder de la tecnología y de la ciencia, pues mucho conocimiento se ha perdido y no podrá ser aprendido de nuevo. Olvida las promesas de progreso y comprensión, ya que en el despiadado universo del futuro sólo hay guerra. No hay paz entre las estrellas, tan sólo una eternidad de matanzas y carnicerías, y las carcajadas de los dioses sedientos de sangre.


Cargando editor
03/03/2010, 00:07
Dios-Emperador de la Humanidad.

- El Emperador te ha escogido.

- Una vez creíste que habías nacido para ser soldado, para guardar la Puerta de Cadia contra el Ojo del Terror.

- Sin embargo, la maldición de la Disformidad se clavó en ti. Te convertiste en un psíquico desatado y fuiste entregado a las Naves Negras por tu regimiento de Kars.

- En la Nave Negra, camino a la Sagrada Terra, sufriste tormentos. Fuiste probado y se decidió que eras lo bastante fuerte.

- Fuiste reclutado por los celadores del Adeptus Astronomica, como uno más de los millones de cuidadores del Astronomicon, aunque no como su alimento.

- Pero tu destino era más complejo y tortuoso...

- El Reclutador Schulzz te eligió...

- Porque el Emperador te ha escogido a ti.

Cargando editor
03/03/2010, 00:14
Grupo de Adeptus Arbites.

- ¡Ah, el Adeptus Arbites!

- ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que está en tu vida?

- Siempre, desde que tienes memoria.

- De niña, uno de tus primeros recuerdos es el de tu papá, con su armadura antidisturbios del Adeptus Arbites.

- Era tu héroe. El hombre más fuerte y bueno en un mundo lleno de gente mala.

- Tan pronto como pudiste seguiste sus pasos...

- Aunque la vida de una Arbitradora novata puede ser decepcionante... Alguien tiene que ocuparse del papeleo.

- Pasaron los años entre el tedio de las oficinas y la corrupción de todo un mundo...

- Tu destino era llegar a ser Juez, eso decía tu madre.

- Pero el destino puede ser un cabrón retorcido. En tu caso llegó a tu mundo en forma del Reclutador Schulzz. Nunca supiste por qué, pero en cuanto puso sus ojos sobre ti, supiste que no ibas a poder escapar.

- ¡Y ahora eres acólita de la temida Inquisición Imperial! ¿Estaría orgulloso tu padre?

Cargando editor
03/03/2010, 00:26
Adeptus Mechanicus.

- Desde niño empezaste a trabajar en la fábrica de munición, al igual que tus padres y abuelos antes que tú.

- Demostraste pronto tener un intelecto despierto para aprender las letras y los números.

- Con los años promocionaste. Por méritos propios fuiste ascendido a la casta de los Tecnosacerdotes.

- Cambiaste de nombre tras recibir los sagrados implantes Mechanicus. Eras otra persona.

- Te hubieras contentado con permanecer los siguientes siglos en tu mundo natal de Cyclopea, construyendo armas para que la Guardia Imperial las usara contra la amenaza de los Orkos.

- Pero el Omnisiah quiso otra cosa para ti.

- El Destino te alcanzó en la forma del Reclutador Schulzz.

- Algo especial debió ver en ti, y fuiste reclutado como acólito de la Inquisición.

Cargando editor
03/03/2010, 12:17
Sagrada Terra.

- Dicen que la Sagrada Terra fue así, alguna vez.

- Actualmente desde la órbita se ve todo gris o plateado, pues el planeta entero es una ciudad.

- Allí se alza el Palacio Imperial, que tiene el tamaño de un continente y en el que viven y trabajan miles de millones de sacerdotes, burócratas, sirvientes y guardias.

- De entre esos miles de millones, tan sólo mil, los Adeptus Custodes, la guardia personal del Emperador, tienen el privilegio de contemplar Su Rostro.

- Siempre has sidom un hombre de fe, lo que es normal habiendo nacido en Veneris, un mundo catedral de peregrinación. Sin embargo, tu fe arde en tu pecho, más ardiente que la de muchos grandes sacerdotes. Es una fe absoluta, incondicional.

- Creiste que tu destino sería ser un monje menor en alguna de las muchas abadías de Veneris, aunque soñabas con poder peregrinar algún día a la Sagrada Terra, y verla como es, fue y será.

- Tu monasterio se encontraba en la Montaña de San Drusus. Nadie podía acceder a el como no fuera en peregrinación a través de una interminable escalitata.

- Sin embargo, un día llegó una aeronave. Traía tu destino en la forma del Reclutador Schulzz. No vivirías una vida contemplativa, tu destino era servir en la Santa Inquisición del Emperador, combatiendo a Sus enemigos en todas sus formas y manifestaciones.

- Te sentiste honrado. Supiste que Él te había elegido.

Cargando editor
03/03/2010, 12:43
Cartel de Reclutamiento.

- Ese hubiera podido ser tu cartel de reclutamiento para ingresar en la Guardia de Hierro de Mordia. Tal vez sí lo fuera, y por eso viene a veces a tu memoria, cuando te alistaste, cansado de pasar hambre.

- No fuiste un Guardia Imperial modélico, estafabas a tus compañeros jugando con ellos a las cartas y otros timos, o vendiendo material robado al Munitorum.

- Cuando te atraparon tu castigo iba a ser ejemplar. En Mordia los recursos son escasos, y no hay piedad para los ladrones.

- Sin embargo, el Reclutador Schulzz intervino, librándote del castigo y reclutándote al servicio del Gran Inquisidor Anton Zerbe. Tu vida, tu cuerpo y tu alma pertenecía desde ese momento a la Inquisición.

- Tal vez fuera cierto lo que dijo el Agente Schulzz. Quizá fuera tu destino. O quizá fuera un castigo mayor por tus antiguos pecados.

Cargando editor
03/03/2010, 16:32
Primeros Nacidos Vostroyanos.

- Nadie sabe más sobre el deber que los Primeros Nacidos de Vostroya.

- Vuestro planeta mantiene una deuda milenaria con el Emperador.

- Para intentar pagarla, el primer hijo nacido de cada familia se une a la Guardia Imperial en cuanto tiene suficiente edad.

- No hay nada que un Primer Nacido Vostroyano no hiciera por el Emperador. La lealtad es vuestra principal virtud.

- Te gustaba combatir con los demás miembros de tu unidad, contra los salvajes orkos o los perversos eldars oscuros. No temíais a ningún enemigo.

- Sin embargo, el Reclutador Schulzz decidió que tu destino era otro, que debías unirte a la Santa Inquisición del Emperador.

- Nada está por encima del deber. Tu función ahora es incluso más importante que antes.

Cargando editor
03/03/2010, 16:37
Adeptus Sororitas.

- Nadie es capaz de imaginarse el sacrificio que supone convertirse en una Adepta Sororitas.

- Fuiste reclutada de entre las más feroces huérfanas de la Schola Progenium y entrenada para librar la guerra entre las estrellas desde que eras tan sólo una niña.

- No has conocido, ni conocerás, otro amor que no sea el que sientes hacia el Dios-Emperador de la Humanidad. Tu devoción y fe es absoluta.

- Las Adeptas Sororitas sois la rama militante de la Eclesiarquía. La Fe mueve montañas, pero la vuestra aniquila legiones de enemigos de la Humanidad.

- En ocasiones, cuando la ocasión lo requiere, también apoyáis a la Ordo Hereticus de la Santa Inquisición del Emperador.

Cargando editor
03/03/2010, 16:42
Agente de Campo Schulzz.


- "Bienvenido a la Inquisición, Acólito. Sé que antes, a tu manera, ya servías al Dios-Emperador de la Humanidad. Sin embargo, el servicio en la Inquisición es distinto, pues ésta se ocupa de lidiar con enemigos del Imperio cuando ninguna de las otras organizaciones imperiales es adecuada.

Te he elegido a ti porque, aunque no lo creas, tienes algo especial. No eres un ciudadano imperial corriente y moliente.

Tu capacidad para soportar el estrés y mantener la cordura frente a situaciones abominables está muy por encima de la media. Crees que no, pero a lo largo de tu vida ya te has enfrentado a situaciones que habrían empujado a otros, más débiles, a la locura o a la depravación.

En algún momento, puede que en tu alumbramiento, o tal vez incluso antes, el Emperador te bendijo con una fracción ínfima de su fuerza. Con entrenamiento y experiencia, esa fracción puede marcar la diferencia.

Muchos son, los enemigos de la Humanidad: herejes, mutantes, los insidiosos alienígenas, e incluso las entidades de la Disfomidad.

Tu entrenamiento para tratar con esos enemigos comienza ahora, en esta base secreta de la Inquisición en el Segmentum Obscurus.

Inicialmente, tendrás que memorizar infinidad de larguísimos códigos. Es lo que te permitirá identificarte, en caso de ser estrictamente necesario, como agente al servicio de la Inquisición.

Cuando estés preparado, visitarás las cuevas de los videntes, para recibir tu Predestinación por medio del Tarot Imperial.

Si superas las pruebas, en pocas semanas serás trasladado a la base principal de la Inquisición en el Sector Calixis, pues vas a entrar en el séquito del Gran Inquisidor Anton Zerbe, líder de la Cábala Tiranista del Cónclave Calixiano.

Allí recibirás la última parte de tu adiestramiento, antes de ser asignado a una célula inquisitorial para comenzar tus primeras misiones." -

Cargando editor
03/03/2010, 16:45

- "El dolor que inflige una bala es el éxtasis comparado con la condena eterna". -

Cargando editor
03/03/2010, 16:46

- "Si merece la pena hacer un trabajo, merece la pena morir por él". -

Cargando editor
03/03/2010, 16:47


"Conoce al mutante; mata al mutante.” -

Cargando editor
03/03/2010, 16:48

- "Una mente suspicaz es una mente saludable". -

Cargando editor
03/03/2010, 16:49

- "Los pecados ocultos en el corazón hacen que todo se descomponga". -

Cargando editor
03/03/2010, 16:51


"El hombre sabio aprende de las muertes de los demás.”-

Cargando editor
05/03/2010, 21:47


- En el siniestro futuro del cuadragésimo primer milenio han cambiado muchas cosas.

- La lengua culta se llama Gótico clásico, y es idéntica al latín.

Muchos términos comunes en gótico vulgar cambian:


- Infusión de tanna: Estimulante leve, equivalente al té.

- Cafeina o Recafeinado: Estimulante leve, equivalente al café. El recafeinado es más basto y rápido de preparar, lo usa mucho la tropa en la Guardia Imperial.

- Varillas de lho: Se fuman y tienen un efecto relajante. Equivalente al tabaco.

- Obscura: Droga dura prohibida, se puede tomar de varias formas (inyectables, fumada, esnifada...)

- Cogitador: Ordenador.

- Servidor: Cyborg lobotomizado programado para llevar a cabo tareas simples. Muchos son monotarea.

- Amasec: El equivalente al whisky, es un destilado generalmente caro y de buena calidad, aunque hay infinidad de variantes.

- Matarratas: La bebida alcohólica local.

- Placa de datos: Dispositivo de almacenamiento y lectura. Muchas muestran un solo documento.

- Óleo Sagrado: Aceite para máquinas bendecido por el Omnisiah. Se emplea en muchísimos rituales Mechanicus.

- Estimulante: Droga inyectable que se emplea para sobreponerse a los efectos del dolor.

- Frenzonia: Drogas de combate administradas a las legiones penales de la Guardia Imperial.

- FDP: Fuerza de Defensa Planetaria. El ejército local, que generalmente se considera peor entrenado y más inexperto que la Guardia Imperial..

- Guardia Imperial: Cada planeta Imperial en función de su población contribuye a la Guardia Imperial con regimientos y cuerpos de ejército. Estos regimientos conservan la mayoría de las tradiciones culturales de su planeta de origen, aunque luchan en otros mundos contra los enemigos del Imperio, a menudo codo con codo con otros Regimientos de la Guardia Imperial de origen diverso.

Se consideran los ejércitos regulares, aunque a menudo son fuerzas expedicionarias que pueden llegar a alcanzar gran veteranía en combate.

Lamentablemente las estrategias habituales en el cuadragésimo primer milenio consisten en usar la fuerza de los números y en sacrificar a las tropas como carne de cañón en una oleada tras otra.

La mayoría de Regimientos de la Guardia Imperial son de infantería, pero existen regimientos mecanizados de tanques y artillería, e incluso regimientos de fuerzas aéreas.

Cargando editor
11/03/2010, 08:24


- La doctrina oficial, tanto en el Credo Imperial como en el Culto Mechanicus, es que el Dios-Emperador y el Dios-Máquina son uno y el mismo.

- Hace más de 10.000 años, tras las Guerras de Unificación en Terra, la Nave Dorada del Emperador aterrizó en Marte, que por aquel entonces era independiente. Cientos de miles de tecnoadeptos y guerreros se reunieron al ver llegar la nave, de la que emergió el Emperador. De inmediato, todos se arrodillaron, reconociéndolo como el Dios Máquina.

- Posteriormente, durante la Herejía de Horus, Marte se dividió en al menos dos facciones, siendo la principal el Mechanicus Oscuro, que rechazaba la divinidad del Emperador.

- Finalmente, se impusieron las fuerzas leales tras una cruenta guerra en Marte.

- A lo largo de los 10.000 años transcurridos, la política del Adeptus Terra y del Administratum ha sido dejar las cosas tal cual están. No indagar demasiado en la ortodoxia del Culto Mechanicus, dado que el Adeptus Mechanicus es vital para la supervivencia del Imperio (mantienen en funcionamiento las naves de la Armada Imperial y toda la maquinaria compleja, incluyendo tanques, y aportan sus propias e insuperables fuerzas de combate: el Colegium Titanica).

- Por parte de algunos miembros (generalmente los más fanáticos) del Ministorum, se ha suscitado una y otra vez la cuestión de si el Dios Maquina, llamado Ominisiah por los tecnosacerdotes, es realmente una manifestación del Dios-Emperador, o se trata de alguna "deidad" distinta... La Inquisición también ha tenido sus propias sospechas, pero siendo como es una organización bastante pragmática, en general ha optado por mantener el estatu quo, en bien del Imperio.

- La actitud de los propios tecnosacerdotes varía. La mayoría identifican plenamente al Dios Máquina con el Dios Emperador. En los estamentos más altos, tal vez, hay cierta tendencia a referirse al Omnisiah como algo diferente...

Cargando editor
22/03/2010, 22:36


Upon His Ascension unto the Golden Throne the Emperor truly became the God He was destined to be. On the Golden Throne He guides and watches over Humanity, protecting His people from the depredations of the Warp and the foul Chaos gods. He guides the Astronomicon, which allows ships to find their way in interstellar travel, and shows the Way through His Holy Tarot. He is our Saviour and Protector.

[edit] Tenets

  • Venerate the Immortal Emperor: He gave His life to protect us from the Great Enemy and protects us to this day.
  • Seek His Guidance and Forgiveness: All Heretics and uninformed are encouraged to seek out the Word of the Emperor through His servants who can offer His wisdom and guidance to any who seek it.
  • Repent for Sins Committed:Any who refuse to work with the servants of the Emperor may receive forgiveness for their sins as well as failing to uphold His works.
  • Strike Down His Foes:The Emperor frowns upon those who have turned their backs on Man and towards Chaos or Xenos races. The Emperor demands that those who will not repent for their Heresy to be struck down so they may receive His Righteous Judement.

[edit] Saints and Martyrs

In the Imperium there are people who through extraordinary devotion, piety, and service rise above and beyond the common believer. These form the calendar of saints and martyrs of the Imperium who are revered and often used for intercession with the Emperor.

[edit] Primarchs

Foremost among those honored in this fashion are the Primarchs, the leaders and fathers of the legions who remained loyal to the Emperor during the bloody Horus Heresy.

  • Lion El'Jonson: Primarch of the Dark Angels Legion, known for his secrecy and pride
  • Jaghatai Khan: Primarch of the White Scars Legion, known for his cunning and initiative
  • Leman Russ: Primarch of the Space Wolves Legion, known for his feral ferocity and good humor
  • Rogal Dorn: Primarch of the Imperial Fists Legion, known for his steadfast determination and honesty
  • Sanguinius: Primarch of the Blood Angels Legion, known for his self-sacrifice and his love of beauty
  • Ferrus Manus: Primarch of the Iron Hands Legion, known for his rage and his death at Istvaan V
  • Roboute Guilliman: Primarch of the Ultramarines Legion, known for his military prowess and tactical brilliance
  • Vulkan: Primarch of the Salamanders Legion, known for his skill in the forge and his calm demeanor
  • Corax: Primarch of the Raven Guard Legion, known for his silence and his cleverness

[edit] Saints

Saints are those who led holy lives and died after leading such a life in the service of the God-Emperor. To be confirmed as a saint requires a decree of the highest ranking official of the Ecclesiarchy, at present time that being the Cardinal, after miracles in the saint's name are witnessed. Relics of saints are highly prized for what they symbolize as well as their protective power. It is said that some of the saints still advise members of the Imperium through many diverse means.

  • Deacon Possenti: Founder of the Redemption in Hive Malton, key spiritual figure in the earlier Imperium (old) in Malton. Saint of Faith and Revelation, is said to guide the Imperium to this day. His most prominent relic is his book of sermons and records.
  • Lisa Harper: Faithful member of the Redemption, martyred in battle and ascended to sainthood as the Saint of Devotion and Revenge. Her most prominent relic is her dagger.
  • Ron Burgundy: Though never a servant of the Imperium in life, Ron's legend and stature was highly regarded by all in Hive Malton. After miracles were witnessed in his name the Eccelsiarchy determined Burgundy fit for elevation to Sainthood as the Saint of Victory, his symbols including his Trident, his Scotch Glass, and locks of his Hair.
  • Max: The first and last head of the Inquisition, Max was elevated to sainthood upon her death for her willingness to even challenge Command in the Emperor's Name as the Saint of Piety. Her relics include her power armor, her Inquisitorial seal, and her pistol with which she executed many heretics.
  • MkoII: A highly regarded and long-serving commander of the Imperial Guard, MkoII finally fell in battle to the enemy only recently and upon his death it was said angels with flaming swords swooped from the sky to strike down all the foes of the Emperor on the spot. For his glory MkoII was elevated to the position of the Saint of Battle, his relics including his laspistol and his officer's cap.

[edit] Martyrs

Martyrs are those who died in the service of the Imperium in battle against their enemies. In Hive Malton there is no shortage of martyrs sadly, often it is not unusual for a martyr to be elevated to sainthood.

  • Shamos: Martyred in battle, conducted an extended search for penance and revival before his final demise and is known for his persistence.

[edit] Prayers and Holy Days

[edit] Holy Days

[edit] Feast of the Emperor's Ascension

This is the day when the Ascension of the Emperor to the Golden Throne and His apotheosis is celebrated. This holy day is celebrated with much feasting in the Emperor's honor along with prayer for forgiveness of sins and trespasses against Him on December 1st of each year. If the Imperium is ever in a state of war it will always seek a cease-fire on this holy day to properly observe the Feast of the Emperor's Ascension.

[edit] Martyrs' Day

On this day the Imperium remembers all those who have fallen in the Emperor's Service and to vow that their deaths shall not have been in vain. This takes place on May 31st of each year. It is honored by Imperial forces seeking out and destroying many heretics and mutants in commemoration of the losses the Imperium has suffered over time seeking to cleanse the shame of defeat in the blood of the Emperor's foes.

[edit] Prayers

[edit] Litaniae Majoris

The Litaniae Majoris are considered important prayers, used during high holy days and religious ceremonies.

[edit] Fede Imperialis

The Fede Imperialis was a common prayer prior to the Decree Passive for members of the Ecclesiarchy under arms and slowly this prayer spread throughout the rest of the Imperium's fighting forces. It is most popular among the Sisters of Battle.

A spiritu dominatus,

Domine, libra nos,

From the lightning and the tempest,

Our Emperor, deliver us.

From plague, deceit, temptation and war, Our Emperor, deliver us,

From the scourge of the Kraken,

Our Emperor, deliver us.

From the blasphemy of the Fallen,

Our Emperor, deliver us,

From the begetting of daemons,

Our Emperor, deliver us,

From the curse of the mutant,

Our Emperor, deliver us,

A morte perpetua,

Domine, libra nos.

That thou wouldst bring them only death,

That thou shouldst spare none,

That thou shouldst pardon none,

We beseech thee, destroy them.

[edit] The Emperor's Prayer

Similar in purpose to the Old Earth Pater Nostra, this prayer is a common invocation of the Emperor's protection, it is said a true heretic cannot speak the Emperor's Prayer in its proper form.

Adore the Immortal Emperor

For He is our Protector

Admire the Immortal Emperor

For His Sacrifice to Mankind

Exalt the Immortal Emperor

For His Strict Guidance

Revere the Immortal Emperor

For His Undying Guard

Venerate the Immortal Emperor

For His Holy Wisdom

Honour the Immortal Emperor

For Is Eternal Strength

Glorify the Immortal Emperor

For His All-seeing Vision

Praise the Immortal Emperor

For His Unending Rule

Hail the Immortal Emperor

For He is the Lord and Master

Worship the Immortal Emperor

For without Him we are Nothing

[edit] Libation to the Emperor

Often spoken when giving up thanks or homage to the Emperor during worship.

The Emperor is our guiding light, a beacon of hope for humanity in a galaxy of darkness.

As we serve Him, He is our greatest servant.

As we pray to Him, His thoughts are only for us.

And in the dark when the shadow's threaten, the Emperor is with us, in spirit and in fact.

[edit] Prayer of Adulation to the Emperor

O immortal Emperor have mercy on us, miserable unworthies that we are.

O master of the galaxy, protect your flock from the alien.

O keeper of the light, guide our darkened path with your radiance.

We are your warriors and we are servants to thee, we stand free from blindness of heart, free from hypocrisy, vainglory and deceits, but captive to hatred, malice and anger, to the filth, the alien, the heretic.

By thy agony and bloody sweat; by thy Golden Throne and thy death; by thy destruction and re-emergence as the God of men, keep and strenghen us, we who fight for thee.

[edit] Imperial Lobgesang

Love the Emperor, for He is the salvation of Mankind.

Obey His words, for He will lead you into the light of the future.

Heed His wisdom, for He will protect you from evil.

Whisper His prayers with devotion, for they will save your soul.

Honour His servants, for they speak in His voice.

Tremble before His majesty, for we all walk in His immortal shadow.

[edit] Litaniae Minoris

These are more common in usage on a daily basis, unlike the Litaniae Majoris the Litaniae Minoris were often composed by common citizens and soldiers as opposed to the Litaniae Majoris which are often written by Ecclesiarchal officials.

[edit] Warrior's Catechism of Worship

Look to your battle gear and it will protect you.

We guard it witrh our lives.

Your armour is your soul, and your soul's dedication is its armour.

The soul of the warrior is the protector of humanity.

Honour the craft of death.

Only the Emperor is higher in our devotion.

Honour the battle gear of the dead. We ask only to serve.

[edit] Warrior's Prayer of Battle

I offer my life to the Emperor, I pray that He accepts it.

I offer my strength to the Emperor, I pray that he redresses it.

I offer my blood to the Emperor, I pray that it quenches His thirst.

I offer my body on the altar of the battlefield, I pray He grants me a noble death.

I pray for His protection, as I offer all that I am.

[edit] Prayer in Time of Tumults

Emperor of Man, overseer of all things right, whose powers none can resist, save and deliver us, we beseech, from the hands of our enemies, by granting us domination over them, show us the path to victory, that we might produce it in your Undying Name.

[edit] Prayer for Safe Return

O eternal Emperor, who alone watches us, and rules the tides and storms, be compassionate to your servants, preserve us from the perils of the warp, that we may be a safeguard to the domain of men.

[edit] Prayer for the Lost and Endangered

Most powerful and glorious Emperor, who commands the winds and eddies of the galaxy, we miserable men are adrift in peril, we cry unto thee for help, save us, or we will perish. We see how great and terrible thou art, we fear you and offer our awe, we fear naught but your wrath , and beg a chance to prove ourselves, so let us not die in the tumultuous of the warp.

[edit] Holy Places

The Imperium has many holy places in Malton as well as means of worship. The following are the most prominent examples.

[edit] St. Matthew's Cathedral

It is this place where the Imperium gives worship to the Emperor and has stood as the spiritual heart of the Imperial Creed in Hive Malton. Those who desecrate the holy images of this Cathedral are doomed to punishment and damnation.

[edit] Ecclesiarchy

This is the place where those seeking to find information and worship in the Emperor's Name may go to find fellow parishioners, seek forgiveness for their sins, and venerate the Emperor as is proper and fitting.

[edit] Sects

Considering the vast size and nature of the Imperium it is no surprise there are many sects within the Ecclesiarchy. The most common tie of these sects is their recognition of the Emperor's Divinity, due to such diversity it is often rare for a sect to be declared heretical.

Sect Known Geographic Reach Beliefs
Armormants Unknown Believe the edifices of the Cult Imperialis should be heavily ornamented works of art, in praise of the Emperor. Stricter in treatment of mutants than Lucid[s]. Founded by Gracius of Armorm.
Ayatani Hagia, in the Sabbat Worlds Absolute pacifism.
Brethren of the Light Desedna and surrounding space (Segmentum Obscurus) See themselves as an adjunct to the Inquisition, and carry out much covert espionage of suspected heretics.
Calendites Western Segmentum Solar Believe the Emperor was always a living god (as opposed to Phanacians).
Imperialism Mostly frontier space, particularly the Eastern Fringe Pioneering faith devoted to spreading the Emperor’s Light to the whole galaxy and all mankind. Missionary work is highly praised (though they often disagree with the Missionarius Galaxia on how to do it), as is colonization of new worlds and prolific procreation. Especially strong xenophobia.
Lucid[s] Karis Cephalon and surrounding system Value poverty and abstinence, favour spartan houses of worship.
Phanacian[s] Segmentum Pacificus Believe the Emperor was fully deified only upon the defeat of Horus.
Polarists Emerging sect in the Segmentum Pacificus, some following on Hydraphur Believe in the absolute separation of humans and psykers; the two can be combined only in the Emperor. Even sanctioned psykers should for preference be turned into servitors or otherwise lobotomized.
Redemptionists “Most flourishing” on Necromunda, other spread unknown Militant sect, devoted to purging the sins of any and all deviants. Consider most non-members to be deviants.
Resurrectionism Unknown Believe in the eventual resurrection of the Emperor and may also work towards it in some way (Thorians within the Inquisition are Resurrectionists, and Omnissiads within the Cult Mechanicus strongly echo them).

[edit] History

[edit] Origins

The Ecclesiarchy's beginnings can be traced back to the earliest Emperor-worshipping sects and cults founded during the Great Crusade, when groups such as the Lectitio Divinitatus began worshipping the Emperor, despite his express decrees to the contrary. However, these groups were a burgeoning influence upon the Imperium, achieving emancipation following the Emperor's ascension to the Golden Throne. As the reality of Chaos dawned upon the Imperium, so did the stories of the Emperor's divinity and righteous power in the face of Chaos. Over the next two millennia various sects contested with each other for the belief of the populace, until the Temple of the Saviour Emperor finally united two-thirds of the populace (excluding the Adeptus Mechanicus and Space Marines, who had and continue to have their own structures) and become recognised by the High Lords of Terra as the Imperium's state religion.

[edit] Reign of Blood

The Ecclesiarchy's temporal might grew vastly in the wake of this, eventually growing so great that not only did the Ministorum's leader, the Ecclesiarch, gain a permanent seat in the Senatorum Imperialis, but the other High Lords also took their lead from him to the point that the Ecclesiarch was the Imperium's de facto ruler. This development was not unopposed, however. The Administratum soon entered a power struggle with the Ecclesiarchy which climaxed with the reign of the 361st High Lord of the Administratum, Goge Vandire, who took control of the Ecclesiarchy by a military coup. Vandire would be one of the most blood-soaked tyrants in Imperial history, and was finally overthrown by a breakaway sect known as the Confederation of Light, led by Sebastian Thor, aided by the actions of the future Sisters of Battle.

[edit] Reformation

After Vandire's death, the High Lords of Terra declared Thor the new Ecclesiarch, and sparked the Reformation of the Ecclesiarchy. Terra's Holy Synod, the Ecclesiarchy's main governing body, was to be supplemented by the new Synod Ministra on Ophelia IV, to ensure that no one man could amass the power over the Ecclesiarchy that Vandire had. The dioceses of each Cardinal were also made smaller, to further dilute the power of each individual Cardinal. Members of the Ecclesiarchy were forbidden by these reforms from holding any position outside the Church of the Emperor.

The Decree Passive was also passed at this time, forbidding the Ecclesiarchy from holding 'men under arms'. Thor did, however, retain Vandire's favoured female warrior corps, the Daughters of the Emperor, restyling them as the Orders Militant of the Adeptus Sororitas.

Cargando editor
22/03/2010, 22:38
Warrior's Prayer of Battle

I offer my life to the Emperor, I pray that He accepts it.

I offer my strength to the Emperor, I pray that he redresses it.

I offer my blood to the Emperor, I pray that it quenches His thirst.

I offer my body on the altar of the battlefield, I pray He grants me a noble death.

I pray for His protection, as I offer all that I am.

[edit] Prayer in Time of Tumults

Emperor of Man, overseer of all things right, whose powers none can resist, save and deliver us, we beseech, from the hands of our enemies, by granting us domination over them, show us the path to victory, that we might produce it in your Undying Name.

[edit] Prayer for Safe Return

O eternal Emperor, who alone watches us, and rules the tides and storms, be compassionate to your servants, preserve us from the perils of the warp, that we may be a safeguard to the domain of men.

[edit] Prayer for the Lost and Endangered

Most powerful and glorious Emperor, who commands the winds and eddies of the galaxy, we miserable men are adrift in peril, we cry unto thee for help, save us, or we will perish. We see how great and terrible thou art, we fear you and offer our awe, we fear naught but your wrath , and beg a chance to prove ourselves, so let us not die in the tumultuous of the warp.

[edit] Holy Places

The Imperium has many holy places in Malton as well as means of worship. The following are the most prominent examples.

[edit] St. Matthew's Cathedral

It is this place where the Imperium gives worship to the Emperor and has stood as the spiritual heart of the Imperial Creed in Hive Malton. Those who desecrate the holy images of this Cathedral are doomed to punishment and damnation.

[edit] Ecclesiarchy

This is the place where those seeking to find information and worship in the Emperor's Name may go to find fellow parishioners, seek forgiveness for their sins, and venerate the Emperor as is proper and fitting.

[edit] Sects

Considering the vast size and nature of the Imperium it is no surprise there are many sects within the Ecclesiarchy. The most common tie of these sects is their recognition of the Emperor's Divinity, due to such diversity it is often rare for a sect to be declared heretical.

Sect Known Geographic Reach Beliefs
Armormants Unknown Believe the edifices of the Cult Imperialis should be heavily ornamented works of art, in praise of the Emperor. Stricter in treatment of mutants than Lucid[s]. Founded by Gracius of Armorm.
Ayatani Hagia, in the Sabbat Worlds Absolute pacifism.
Brethren of the Light Desedna and surrounding space (Segmentum Obscurus) See themselves as an adjunct to the Inquisition, and carry out much covert espionage of suspected heretics.
Calendites Western Segmentum Solar Believe the Emperor was always a living god (as opposed to Phanacians).
Imperialism Mostly frontier space, particularly the Eastern Fringe Pioneering faith devoted to spreading the Emperor’s Light to the whole galaxy and all mankind. Missionary work is highly praised (though they often disagree with the Missionarius Galaxia on how to do it), as is colonization of new worlds and prolific procreation. Especially strong xenophobia.
Lucid[s] Karis Cephalon and surrounding system Value poverty and abstinence, favour spartan houses of worship.
Phanacian[s] Segmentum Pacificus Believe the Emperor was fully deified only upon the defeat of Horus.
Polarists Emerging sect in the Segmentum Pacificus, some following on Hydraphur Believe in the absolute separation of humans and psykers; the two can be combined only in the Emperor. Even sanctioned psykers should for preference be turned into servitors or otherwise lobotomized.
Redemptionists “Most flourishing” on Necromunda, other spread unknown Militant sect, devoted to purging the sins of any and all deviants. Consider most non-members to be deviants.
Resurrectionism Unknown Believe in the eventual resurrection of the Emperor and may also work towards it in some way (Thorians within the Inquisition are Resurrectionists, and Omnissiads within the Cult Mechanicus strongly echo them).

[edit] History

[edit] Origins

The Ecclesiarchy's beginnings can be traced back to the earliest Emperor-worshipping sects and cults founded during the Great Crusade, when groups such as the Lectitio Divinitatus began worshipping the Emperor, despite his express decrees to the contrary. However, these groups were a burgeoning influence upon the Imperium, achieving emancipation following the Emperor's ascension to the Golden Throne. As the reality of Chaos dawned upon the Imperium, so did the stories of the Emperor's divinity and righteous power in the face of Chaos. Over the next two millennia various sects contested with each other for the belief of the populace, until the Temple of the Saviour Emperor finally united two-thirds of the populace (excluding the Adeptus Mechanicus and Space Marines, who had and continue to have their own structures) and become recognised by the High Lords of Terra as the Imperium's state religion.

[edit] Reign of Blood

The Ecclesiarchy's temporal might grew vastly in the wake of this, eventually growing so great that not only did the Ministorum's leader, the Ecclesiarch, gain a permanent seat in the Senatorum Imperialis, but the other High Lords also took their lead from him to the point that the Ecclesiarch was the Imperium's de facto ruler. This development was not unopposed, however. The Administratum soon entered a power struggle with the Ecclesiarchy which climaxed with the reign of the 361st High Lord of the Administratum, Goge Vandire, who took control of the Ecclesiarchy by a military coup. Vandire would be one of the most blood-soaked tyrants in Imperial history, and was finally overthrown by a breakaway sect known as the Confederation of Light, led by Sebastian Thor, aided by the actions of the future Sisters of Battle.

[edit] Reformation

After Vandire's death, the High Lords of Terra declared Thor the new Ecclesiarch, and sparked the Reformation of the Ecclesiarchy. Terra's Holy Synod, the Ecclesiarchy's main governing body, was to be supplemented by the new Synod Ministra on Ophelia IV, to ensure that no one man could amass the power over the Ecclesiarchy that Vandire had. The dioceses of each Cardinal were also made smaller, to further dilute the power of each individual Cardinal. Members of the Ecclesiarchy were forbidden by these reforms from holding any position outside the Church of the Emperor.

The Decree Passive was also passed at this time, forbidding the Ecclesiarchy from holding 'men under arms'. Thor did, however, retain Vandire's favoured female warrior corps, the Daughters of the Emperor, restyling them as the Orders Militant of the Adeptus Sororitas.