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Novatos en la Muralla

Información para el director

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27/08/2017, 14:39
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- Crecer o morir:

Llegada a la muralla de los pjs, apenas tienen tiempo para presentaciones dado que inmediatamente atacan la Muralla. Una gran roca abre una brecha en ella y las hordas comienzan a entrar. Necesitan contenerlas hasta que lleguen refuerzos.

- Segundo

Las hordas aumentan en número, necesitan abrirse paso hasta la torre y proteger a los ingenieros y ashigaru hasta que llenen la brecha de piedras con los ingenios de asedio. Aparecen los oni.

- Reparar la muralla (fin).

El ataque ha sido rechazado. Los personajes reciben las escuetas felicitaciones de sus compañeros.

Cargando editor
27/08/2017, 16:43
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Cargando editor
28/08/2017, 09:40
Sólo para el director

The Kaiu Wall, also known as the Carpenter Wall or the Kaiu Miracle, for centuries was the very physical demarcation of the southern border of Rokugan. On its north side lie the lands of the Crab Clan, and on its south the River of the Last Stand separated it to the blighted reaches of the Shadowlands. [1] It was here that the forces of Rokugan entrenched themselves in their eternal battle against the forces of Jigoku.

Burden of the Crab

Original Wall

After the Day of Thunder the first Emperor, Hantei, commanded the Crab to build a great wall between the Empire and the Shadowlands and to guard the Empire from its evil. [2] The original wall was built by Hida at the behest of Hantei, and it ran along the southern Hiruma border. [3] In the year 516 it was accounted an attack of oni working together, and the assault lasted for a decade. [4]


The original wall was destroyed when the army of The Maw invaded Crab lands. They also stormed the Hiruma Castle and seemed unstoppable. [3]

New Wall

The Army of The Maw was stopped at the Seigo River by Kuni Osaku, who raised the waters of the river into a wall via a magical ritual. Kuni Osaku was able to keep the magic of her ritual flowing for 73 days by using her own lifeforce to power the spell. Meanwhil the Crab called in all the favors owed to them and requested aid from the other Clans. Kaiu Haruko designed the new defenses, and planned the logistics needed to build it. The Crab were able to build the wall in 73 Days and finished it in the year 716. The valiant Kuni Osaku was unable to keep the spell going any longer and with her magically accelerated death the water wall she had created dissipated. The army of the Maw charged across the now quiet river to attack the Crab atop their wall but they could not pierce the new defences and were defeated, the Maw was slain and his head taken to be mounted over the gate of Kyuden Hida. The wall had since been expanded repeatedly over the years until it stretched from Razor of the Dawn Castle to the beginning of the Kuni Wastes. [5][6][7] The next year three students of Kaiu Haruko began to extend the wall. [8]

The Carpenter Wall was over 100 feet tall with its foundations sinking many 100's of feet beneath the soil. Its battlements were almost 30 feet thick and it was garisoned by 150,000 samurai and stocked with enough rations to feed an entire army for two years. It has strongpoints located at 50 yard intervals, which housed siege engines. Each blockhouse holds one crew for the engine and a further two units of troops numbering 50-100 bushi. Between the strongpoints archers and bushi patrolled. There were also 12 great towers that lined the wall from end to end, [9] the famous Kaiu Towers. [10] The First and Second Crab Armies garrisoned the Wall. [11]


Communications along the wall were handled by Hiruma runners who could sprint a mile before handing their message over to another runner. The system was surprisingly effective and the runners were known as the Falcon's Wings. [9]

Passage Through

Kaiu Trap
Under the wall the Kaiu constructed a bewildering maze of traps and dead ends. All Hiruma Scouts who are about to enter the Shadowlands were provided with a Kaiu guide that led them through the mazes. The Kaiu were very loathe to show outsiders the secrets of these defenses. [12]


Kaiu Wall Overrun

In the Month of the Rat of 1128 the defenders of Razor of the Dawn Castle were wiped out by an enormous Shadowlands Horde, which broke through into Rokugan, heading directly for Otosan Uchi, where Fu Leng was possessing Hantei XXXIX's body. [13]

Carpenter Wall Falls

In 1159, in the month of the Horse, [14]Daigotsu ordered an assault on the Kaiu Wall and he used unknown magic to transport a portion of his forces beyond the wall, storming it from both sides successfully. Hida Kuroda, the Crab Clan Champion, faced and was then killed by Kyofu, the Onisu of Fear, below the Carpenter Wall. [15] The Carpenter Wall fell due to the Tsuno magic. Tsuno Soultwisters used the presence of the Onisu to inspire nightmares among the Crab troops, and then used the Crab's nightmares to open a passage between Yume-do and the mortal Realm. This allowed the Onisu to slip past the Wall unnoticed, causing six of the towers of the Kaiu Wall to fall. [16]

Tower of Fear

At the Battle for the Last Tower, Fu Leng corrupted the sixth of the twelve great towers of the wall. Unable to cleanse the Taint from the tower, it was ordered to be separated from the wall, which was rebuilt to circumvent it. The resulting Tower of Fear stood within view of a considerable portion of the wall, a grim reminder of the consequences of failure. [17]

Seventh Tower

A tower was built to replace the one that had become tainted. It was known as the Seventh Tower. [18]


Hida Kuon wished the Kaiu Wall to be extended so that in time, the entire Empire might be protected. Construction began in the Valley of Spirits, toward the Unicorn territory. [19]

Fleeing Oni attack the Wall

In 1171, shortly after the end of the War of Dark Fire appeared the first reports of ogres, goblins, and demons fleeing from the Shadowlands. [20] The Wall of Bones had been destroyed when hundreds of creatures were driven out of the depths of the Shadowlands, by something dangerous enough to scare oni. The Kaiu Wall began to suffer daily attacks from the fleeing demons. [21]

Fall of the Wall

Fall of the Wall
After the shadowlands beasts stopped their attack, the Destroyers appeared and overwhelmed the exhausted samurai breaching the wall, letting hordes of Destroyers pour into Rokugan. [22]


The Kaiu Walls
External Links

The Kaiu Walls (Forbidden Knowledge)
The Great Walls of Kaiu (Time of the Void)
The Great Carpenter Wall (Words and Deeds)


↑ Roleplaying in the Emerald Empire, p. 240
↑ The Gaijin's Guide to Rokugan, Part I
↑ 3.03.1Way of the Crab, p. 96
↑ Imperial Histories 2, p. 85
↑ Legend of the Five Rings: Third Edition, p. 306
↑ Way of the Crab pp. 31-32, 96-97
↑ Bearers of Jade, p. 61
↑ Imperial Histories 2, p. 133
↑ 9.09.1Way of the Crab, p. 97
↑ Secrets of the Crab, p. 4
↑ Masters of War, p. 35
↑ Way of the Crab pp. 97-98
↑ Time of the Void, p. 100
↑ Imperial Histories 2, p. 203
↑ Legend of the Five Rings; Third Edition, p. 38
↑ Fortunes & Winds, p. 93
↑ Secrets of the Crab, p. 85
↑ The Seventh Tower (Samurai)
↑ The Hidden City (Tani Hitokage Starter Quote)
↑ Rulebook Story (Celestial), by Shawn Carman
↑ A Warrior's Peace, by Brian Yoon
↑ The Burning Wall, Part 2, by Shawn Carman

Cargando editor
28/08/2017, 09:44
Sólo para el director

La Muralla Kaiu, también conocida como la Muralla del Carpintero o el Milagro Kaiu, ha sido la representación fisica de la frontera sur de Rokugan y el lugar donde las fuerzas del Imperio y el Jigoku libran su eterna batalla.

Sin embargo, la Muralla del Carpintero no es la primera fortificación que fue construida para la defensa de la humanidad. La primera muralla levantada por Hida y recorría la frontera de lo que eran las tierras Hiruma. Esta edificación consiguió detener un asalto que duró una década entera, pero resultó ineficaz para detener el asalto de la Fauce que acabaría asolando Hiruma Shiro.

Aquella horda continuó su avance hasta el lugar dónde hoy se alza la muralla que todos conocen. Allí fue donde Kuni Osaku entregó su vida alzando las aguas del río de la Cresta Creciente durante setenta y tres días, permitiendo al Cangrejo alzar una nueva fortificación con la que detener al poderoso ejército y acabar con el oni que los dirigía.

La Muralla Kaiu se eleva más de treinta metros sobre el lecho del río, sus almenaras son de nueve metros de ancho y posee torres con armas de asedio cada cuarenta y cinco. En ella hay apostados ciento cincuenta mil samuráis que se encargan de patrullar la muralla y guarnecer cada una de las torres, en las cuales siempre hay dos regimientos y la gente necesaria para controlar las armas de asedio alojadas en ellas, pero el grueso de las fuerzas aguardan en alguna de las doce Grandes Torres, siempre preparados para enfrentar a las abominaciones del sur.

Básicamente esa es la historia y descripción del monumento frente al que os encontráis, una información que todo Cangrejo conoce, pero es ahora, bajo su sombra, cuándo llegáis a comprender la verdadera labor que el clan desempeña y que el resto del Imperio apenas llega a comprender. Habéis venido a defender el mundo de los monstruos que la hicieron necesaria, pesadillas vivas capaces de destrozar tu cuerpo y devorar tu alma... y lo único que tenéis a vuestra mano son vuestras vidas.

Cargando editor
28/08/2017, 17:32
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Crab Clan Army

The Crab Clan Army was the largest standing military of any of the Great Clans. [1]
Organization Edit
Crab battle philosophy was highly defensive. Let the enemy force himself to exhaustion by delaying him, ensnaring him, and absorbing his punishment until he was spent. Then destroy him. [2] Because they were constantly at war with the Shadowlands, attrition was high. At any time, there were some 300,000 bushi serving in the Crab lands. Almost three quarters of those were stationed at the Kaiu Wall, being the rest guarding the northern borders and patroling internally. [1]
Units Edit
The lowest Crab fighting unit was a “Squad” (nicknamed tanto), the next unit up was a “Troop” (nicknamed wakizashi), the next was a “Company” (nicknamed no-dachi), next up was a “Brigade” (nicknamed tetsubo), the Regiment (called a Claw) was the largest Crab fighting unit, but not the largest strategic unit, which belonged to the army, a force up to 20 regiments. [3]
Armies Edit
The Crab army consisted of four full-strength armies, as well as a fifth strategic reserve. [4]
First Army Edit
The First Army was stationed in the Kaiu Wall, from the eastern end of the Wall, which overlooked Earthquake Fish Bay, to the west of Shiro Kuni. [4]
Below were some of the legions and units present in the First Army: [5]

First Legion Hida Berserkers
Second Legion The Damned
Third through Forty-Eighth Legions, Fourth Company, 1st Squadron Falcon's Strike
Third through Forty-Eighth Legions, Fourth Company, 5th-7th Squadrons Hiruma Scouts
All Legions, Reserve Company, 3rd-6th Squadrons Kaiu Siege Engineers
Second Army Edit
The Second Army was stationed in the Kaiu Wall, from the end of the First Army's zone to the west of Razor of the Dawn Castle. [4]
Below were some of the legions and units present in the Second Army: [5]

First Legion Hida Berserkers
Second through Forty-Eighth Legions, Fourth Company, 1st Squadron Falcon's Strike
Second through Forty-Eighth Legions, Fourth Company, 5th-7th Squadrons Hiruma Scouts
All Legions, Reserve Company, 3rd-6th Squadrons Kaiu Siege Engineers
Third Army Edit
The Third Army consisted of the garrisons that manned the major fortifications backing up the Kaiu Wall, as well as Shiro Hiruma and the village of Shinsei's Last Hope. Its headquarters was located at Kyuden Hida. [6]
Below were some of the legions and units present in the Third Army: [7]

First Legion Hida Berserkers
Second, Third Legions Hida Elite Guard
Seventh, Eighth, Ninth legions, First Company Kaiu Siege Engineers
Seventh, Eighth, Ninth legions, Reserve Company, 3rd and 4th Squadrons Falcon's Strike
Fifteenth Legion, First through Fourth Companies Hiruma Stalkers
Twentieth legion, Fourth Company Kuni Witch Hunters
Forty-Sixth legion, First and Second Companies Hiruma Stalkers
Forty-Sixth, Forty-Seventh, Forty-Eighth legions, Reserve Company, 3rd-6th Squadrons Kaiu Siege Engineers
First through Sixth, Tenth through Forty-Fifth Legions, Reserve Company, 5th-6th Squadrons Kaiu Siege Engineers
The Army of the East Edit
Its primary duty was to watch the Crab's borders with its Rokugani neighbors, the Crane and the Kitsune. Its headquarters was the Watchtower of the East. [8]
Below were some of the legions and units present in the Army of the East: [9]

First Legion Hida Berserkers
Second Legion, First and Second Companies Hida Elite Guard
Fifth through Eighth Legion, Fourth Company Falcon's Strike
Ninth Legions Yasuki House Guard
Eleventh, Twelfth Legions Yasuki Taskmasters
All Legions, Reserve Company, 5th-6th Squadrons Kaiu Siege Engineers
The Reserve Army Edit
Its component units were mostly deployed in the Clan's hinterlands, prepared to be mobilized. Its headquarters was Shiro Kuni. [10]
Below were some of the legions and units present in the Reserve Army: [11]

First Legion Hida Berserkers
Second, Third, Fourth Legions Tsuru's Legion
All Legions, Reserve Company, 5th-6th Squadrons Kaiu Siege Engineers
Navy Edit
Crab navy was a rapid strike force, used to sail up the coast, deploying their soldiers to outflank advancing armies, mostly from the Shadowlands. [1]
↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Way of the Crab, p. 91
↑ Clan War: Rulebook, p. 48
↑ Clan War: Crab Army Expansion, p. 57
↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Masters of War, p. 19
↑ 5.0 5.1 Masters of War, p. 20
↑ Masters of War, pp. 20-21
↑ Masters of War, p. 22
↑ Masters of War, pp. 22-23
↑ Masters of War, p. 23
↑ Masters of War, pp. 23-24
↑ Masters of War, p. 24

Cargando editor
28/08/2017, 22:07
Sólo para el director

Año: 936

Daimyo Cangrejo: Hida Chomen
Daimyo Dragón: Togashi (Noburo)
Daimyo Grulla: Doji Suzumiko
Daimyo Fenix: Shiba Ikkiyoku
Daimyo León: Matsu Goratu (recien proclamado)
Daimyo Escorpión: Bayushi Sashiko
Daimyo Unicornio: Shinjo Hiro

Cargando editor
05/09/2017, 18:34
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Heridas Cangrejo: 3/6
Heridas TS: 4/6

Cargando editor
21/09/2017, 12:46
Sólo para el director

Nanako, nada.
Yasuki Sakura, 2 gloria, heroica
Hiruma Kihei, 1 herida
Kuni Saito, nada.
Hiruma Aoki, nada.
Hiruma Niou, nada.

Hida Ryoga, 3 heridas 1 gloria/ 2 heridas 1 gloria.
Kaiu Ginawa, 2 heridas duelo
Ragu, 1 heridas 1 gloria.
Kuni Hirotaro 2 heridas 1 gloria
Hida Kio, 2 heridas 1 gloria.
Hida Otohime, 3 heridas 1 gloria

- Tiradas (2)
Cargando editor
23/09/2017, 00:08
Sólo para el director

El ritmo era ligero, ¿que quiero decir con eso? Simple, postearé y espero que la mayoría lo hagáis en ese día o el siguiente y esperaré un día extra por si alguien se ha retrasado (lo que viene a ser un post cada 3 días de máximo de espera). Si alguien se queda sin responder, asumiré que no ha hecho nada/ha fallado o algo parecido y como esté en combate se llevará un ataque extra del bicho en cuestión (tiraré directamente daño aparte de su ataque normal).

Si posteáis a tiempo, pues os pondré turno el mismo día o al siguiente si se me complica mucho, pero espero haberos matado a algunos antes de que acabe Septiembre ;)

Cargando editor
29/09/2017, 16:43
Sólo para el director

Nanako, 1 heridas.
Yasuki Sakura, 1 heridas.
Hiruma Kihei, 2 gloria.
Hiruma Aoki, 1 heridas.
Kuni Saito, 1 heridas.
Hiruma Katagi, 1 heridas.

Hiruma Niou, 1 heridas.

Hida Ryoga, nada.
hida Kyo, 1 heridas.
Ragu, 1 heridas.
Hida Kiyoshi, nada.
Hida Otohime, 1 heridas.
Kuni Hirotaro, 1 heridas

- Tiradas (3)
Cargando editor
04/10/2017, 11:25
Sólo para el director

Grupo Aire
Doji Ako
Yasuki Sakura
Hida Otohime
Hida Kiyoshi

Investigar el Camino de los Vendedores.

Grupo Tierra
Hida Kyo
Hida Ryoga
Kuni Hirotaro

Acompañar a Hida Chomen.

Grupo Fuego
Hiruma Aoki
Hiruma Katagi
Hiruma Kihei
Hiruma Niou

Persecución / Aldea.