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The Gatling Decision

Nuevas reglas

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18/07/2013, 16:54

En general todo es igual. Se añade alguna cosita por el tema de los revolvers

Combat in the Weird West works as
described in the Savage Worlds rules, with
only a few exceptions. It doesn’t much matter
whether you plan to shoot, punch, knife, or
otherwise maim your enemy—here’s how we
do things in the West.
Single-Action and Double-Action
If you’re not a gun nut, these terms probably
don’t mean much to you. Well don’t worry,
amigo, we’ve got you covered. Here’s what
you need to know.
Single-action revolvers require the user to
cock the hammer before he can pull the trigger
and fire. This means a gunhand can’t fire these
hoglegs fast enough to use the Double Tap
maneuver, but he can fan the hammer (see
Double-actions are faster and more reliable.
They allow a gunslinger to simply point and
shoot—the weapon’s action cocks the hammer
for him. These revolvers can’t be fanned, but
single shots can be fired quickly, allowing the
hombre to Double Tap.
Fanning the Hammer
Most folks have trouble enough drawing a
bead and hitting a target with a single shot. A
few supremely skilled shootists can hit their
targets while slapping their gun around like a
red-headed stepchild, and in a fraction of the
time, to boot.
A gunslinger who wants to “fan the hammer”
holds the trigger of a single action pistol down
while repeatedly slapping the hammer with
his other hand. Assuming his six-gun is fully
loaded, he may fire up to six shots in a single
action as if taking the Automatic Fire maneuver.
Each shot suffers a –4 Shooting modifier, but
what you lose in accuracy you more than make
up for in getting lead in the air!
Just watch who’s about when you’re fanning
the hammer, partner. If your Shooting die comes
up 1 or 2, there’s a chance you hit an Innocent
Bystander (see the Savage Worlds rules).
Most guns in the Weird West have to be
reloaded the old-fashioned way: one bullet at
a time. No, tenderfoot, that doesn’t mean you
spend six rounds filling your hogleg. It does
mean that if you empty your weapon, you
have to spend a little time digging bullets out
and shoving ‘em in your gun. Any time your
firearm runs out of ammo, your hero must
spend an action reloading. He can still shoot in
the same round, but he takes a –2 multi-action
penalty to his Shooting roll.
Weapons with Reload 2 or more work as
described in Savage Worlds. And before you
ask—no, you can’t take a multi-action penalty
and get all the actions done in a single turn.
But nice try, amigo, you’ll go far in the Weird

Cargando editor
18/07/2013, 16:57


Desgraciadamente por Umbria no se puede uno a repartir cartas y a jugar al poker asi que los duelos habra que hacerlos sin ellas. A ver que tal sale

The Art of the Duel
1. Face Off
Each duelist rolls Intimidation or Taunt
and compares results. If they tie, they roll again

El que pierde, desenfunda primero, que si nos guiamos por Sergio Leone suele ser malo. En este juego te da un -2 al disparo. Desenfundar primero tiene la consecuencia de que si te cargas al otro, le has matado a sangre fria y no en defensa propia y te pueden colgar por eso... Si algun testigo se atreve a denunciarte a las autoridades, claro.

2. Reach for It!
Each duelist decides to go for speed or
accuracy in Swappin’ Lead.

Si eliges velocidad, desenfundas y disparas en una accion, con un -2 (se apila con el -2 de desenfundar primero)

Si eliges precision, disparas siempre despues de alguien que haya elegido velocidad, con +0

3. Swappin’ Lead
A duelist can only fire a single shot: no
Double Taps or Fannin’. Whoever lost
the Face Off suffers a –2 to his Shooting

The duelist with the better taunt/intimidate adds 1d6 to damage for each success/raise
over his opponent  (*)

All shots for speed are resolved at –2
unless the duelist has the Quick Draw
Edge (–0) or a quick-draw holster (–1).
All shots for accuracy are resolved if
If anyone’s still alive, go to combat!

Notas de juego

(*) esto es un poco injusto, ya que en las reglas originales, puedes tener mejores cartas de poker que el otro a pesar de haber perdido el face off y meterle varios dados extra. Con esta primera version, se pone mucho peso en intimidar/taunt :-/

Si se os ocurre algo mejor para umbria, a off-topic, porfa :-)

La regla original es tipo texas poker. te dan do cartas y ponen tres en la mesa. Luego otra y luego otra. En cualquiera de las tres manos uno de los dos puede decir Disparo!  y se hace el duelo. Cada mejor mano sobre el rival representa 1d6 adicional de damage.

Cargando editor
19/07/2013, 09:40


Ailin’ (Minor or Major)
Medicine is a rudimentary science on the
wild frontier, and there are worse ways to die
than a severe case of lead poisoning. This Hindrance
is reserved for ailment-ridden hombres
with a cold grave in their near future.
Like Doc Holliday, your hero has a reservation
with the undertaker. It’s just not been
confirmed yet. The cause of his future demise
is something like consumption (tuberculosis),
diabetes, or cancer.
When a cowpoke has this Hindrance at
the Minor level, he always subtracts 1 from
Fatigue rolls made to resist physical exertion

(but not Agility rolls to avoid suffering bumps
and bruises). He’s in the earliest stages of the
disease and may not even be diagnosed yet.
If this is a Major Hindrance, your hombre
subtracts 2 from Fatigue rolls made to resist
physical exertion (though not Agility rolls to
avoid bumps and bruises). It’s impossible to
hide the fact that he’s ill, and everybody can
tell that death’s walking one step behind him.
In either case, at the end of every game session
the lunger must make a Vigor roll. On
a failure, the disease gets worse. The Minor
version of this Hindrance becomes the Major
version. If the hero already has the Major
Hindrance, he dies at the end of the next session
in which he fails a Fatigue check (or at an
appropriate time chosen by the Marshal).

Grim Servant o’ Death (Major)
Your hero’s a killer. His family’s probably
pushing daisies, his enemies are worm food,
and even a few of his friends have holes in
them that are suspiciously the same caliber as
his very own shootin’ iron.
Only Wild Cards can take this Hindrance,
and you shouldn’t do it lightly, amigo.
The good news is your hombre adds +1 to
every damage roll he ever makes, whether it’s
from Fighting, Shooting, Spellcasting, or even
Throwing things at people in a most inhospitable
manner. The downside is that your
hero winds up in the hoosegow or on the run
a lot. But there’s more than that, amigo. Any
Shooting or Throwing attack roll that comes
up 1 on the skill die (regardless of the result of
any Wild Die) automatically hits the nearest
friendly character in sight—whether they’re in
the line of fire or not. Other players’ characters
are always first choice, but an allied Extra will
do in a pinch.
Even hand-to-hand attacks hit allies when
that mean old 1 comes up. This may require a
little imagination, but either the weapon flies
out of the hero’s hand and strikes his friend, or
the hero must move adjacent to his erstwhile
comrade and “accidentally” whack him.
In either case, snake eyes on the attack roll
adds an additional d6 to the damage (as if the
cowpoke hit with a raise).

Heavy Sleeper (Minor)
A thunderstorm from Hell itself won’t
wake this Dozing Doolie. Once he drops off,
he must make a Notice roll (–4) to wake up.
He also suffers a –4 penalty to Vigor rolls made
to stay awake.

Lyin’ Eyes (Minor)
Lies just don’t come easy to this hombre.
That sounds all good and noble, but often
causes problems when dealing with more
nefarious types. A hero with this Hindrance
suffers a –2 penalty to all Intimidation and
Persuasion rolls where lies—even little white
ones—must be told.
What’s worse, if your hero is planning to
make his money playing poker, the penalty
also applies to bluffing. That’s –2 to your
Gambling rolls in a poker game as well, compadre!

Old Ways Oath (Minor or Major)
Whether your hero is an Indian or he’s
gone native, he’s decided to forego modern
technology to honor the spirits. As a Minor
Hindrance, he will travel in modern conveyances
such as trains or steam wagons, but
won’t use any modern device himself (including
guns, steel knives/tomahawks, etc.). As
a Major Hindrance, he won’t even passively
use such devices, refusing to ride in anything
more complex than a horse-drawn wagon
(and unhappy to do even that).

Slowpoke (Minor)
Molasses on a cold day moves faster than
your hero. Reduce his Pace by 1. This is cumulative
with the Lame Hindrance if you really
want to put yourself in for the next tortoise
and hare race. We’ll leave you to figure out
which one you are.

Thin Skinned (Major)
Every little ol’ cut and scrape makes your
cowpoke cry for mama. As long as he has
at least one wound, he suffers an additional
–1 penalty to all his actions (so a hero with 2
wounds would suffer a –3, for example).

Wanted (Minor or Major)
Whether or not your cowpoke did something
wrong, the law thinks he did! His face
is on posters all over the territory, and maybe
farther afield too. The nature of the crime and
the Marshal’s sense of “sport” determines how
far and wide the charges may have circulated,
but someone somewhere is looking for you.
As well as having someone after his hide,
your hombre also has a price on his head. For
the Minor version, there’s a reward of 1d6 x$100. A Major Hindrance ups the bounty to a
tempting 1d6 x $1,000. The player and Marshal
should agree where the bounty can be


Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, Shooting
Your hombre is a deadly gunfighter, and
anyone foolish enough to face him at High
Noon winds up in the boneyard by sunset.

You get one more d12/d4 in duel

Cargando editor
19/07/2013, 09:50


Teneis 250 dolares para comprar cosas, no 500. Despues del equipo inicial, suponemos que teneis unos dolares para gastos, etc. Vamos, que jugamos sin dinero que siempre es un rollo.

Hay dos opciones para comprar:

1) Ir al carrefour de la epoca y pagar el precio que tenga en la lista

2) Ir al carrefour de la epoca y comprar la marca blanca de carrefour llamada "El Cheapo"(*). La marca blanca cuesta 50% pero:

a)Common items such as clothes are ratty and torn, hats are crumpled, and dinged-up playing cards can’t be used anywhere except by the campfire. The effects of these items are usually situational, though many items can cause bigger problems… or become them! -

b)Cheap guns, saddles, and so forth—anything a cowpoke might use in an attribute roll—malfunction when the player rolls a 1
on the skill die, as if your hombre had the All Thumbs Hindrance. This even applies to gear that is normally exempted from All Thumbs. Your el cheapo tomahawk, for example, might fall apart while you’re trying to whack on
some no-good rascal. If your cowpoke has all Thumbs, he’s in for double trouble: el cheapo gear malfunctions on a 1 or 2. (Good luck, buddy.) Items that don’t come into play for skill rolls might affect folks’ perception of your hero. A ratty duster, for example, is a sure sign of a no-good scofflaw or saddletramp in civilized company (and in the more toney parts of the West, too!). These items inflict a –1 Charisma. Maximum being -2 to charisma.

El Cheapo Horses
Skinflint characters who cheap out on horseflesh are in for a whole different brand of trouble.
El cheapo horses, in addition to their normal statistics, have two Minor Hindrances or a Major Hindrance of the Marshal’s choice. That’s right, partner, you could wind up with an elderly nag, a stubborn mare, or a stallion full of piss and vinegar. You pays your money (or not) and you takes your chances when you save money on your trusty steed. Marshal, we know how much you want to punish your players for being misers, but use common sense here. Horses don’t make the
kind of enemies that call them out for a duel at High Noon, and they’re about as likely to be outlaws as Doc Holliday is to join a sewing circle.

Sell ing Goods
Posses often wind up with a fair amount of spare gear. Everyday items are easy enough to sell or trade, but unloading more unusual or dangerous gear—guns, blades, and gold bullion, for example—can be a bit tricky. One or two such items can be sold at full price if the trader finds the right private buyer, but no merchant pays full price.Attempting to unload much more is liable to catch the attention of suspicious law dogs, something characters in the market to sell ill-gotten goods probably want to avoid. A Streetwise roll in a city of fair size or larger allows the seller to dump the goods at a quarter the normal value, while a raise nets half the list price. This roll may be attempted once a week.

Mas cosas


Chaps: These heavy leather, seatless trousers are worn by ranchers and other riders to protect their trousers and legs. They grant a +1 bonus to Riding rolls to resist Fatigue.

Dynamite: Dynamite is sold by the stick or by the case; a typical case contains 24 sticks. The weapon table lists the effects for combining sticks of dynamite. A demolitionist may use up to eight sticks as a single, throwable weapon. For any number not listed, add +1 damage to the base value per additional stick. For example, three sticks of dynamite inflict 3d6+1 damage and otherwise work like throwing two sticks, while seven sticks would do 4d6+3 damage and otherwise work like
four sticks. Exploding dynamite automatically sets off any other dynamite in the blast radius. Increase the effect based on the total number of sticks in the area, with any additional sticks beyond eight counting as separate damage rolls. Eight (or more) sticks of dynamite exploding at once is considered a Heavy Weapon. For example, Mike tosses four sticks of dynamite at Steve, not knowing that Steve has 10 sticks of dynamite in his saddlebags, so a total of 14 sticks explode, resulting in two
damage rolls—one roll for eight sticks doing 5d6 damage in a Large Burst Template, and one for six sticks doing 4d6+2 damage in a Medium Burst Template. For purposes of this rule, center the first explosion on the original target, and any secondary explosions on the location(s) of the additional dynamite. This may result in cascading explosions as more dynamite  is covered by the expanding area. Try not to giggle too much when this occurs.

Quick Draw Holster: This item allows the  user to draw a pistol quickly in combat. Pistoleros only suffer a –1 multi-action penalty when they draw a pistol carried in a quick draw holster (additional multi-action penalties are –2, as normal).

Pongo la lista en el siguiente post

Notas de juego

(*) no se si habeis visto The Mexican pero hay una conversacion de Brad Pitt con unos mejicanos en los que les habla en ingles poniendo uno "o" al final de cada palabra para intentar hablar español. Muy gracioso :-D

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Cargando editor
19/07/2013, 10:06


Notas de juego

Creo que con eso esta todo

Cargando editor
19/07/2013, 10:36
Ada Sanchez

Si me dices en que libro viene todo eso, y esta soportado por el Wild Card Creator intento añadirlo, que me es muy cómodo.

Cargando editor
19/07/2013, 10:42

Deadlands reloaded player guide

Cargando editor
14/08/2013, 10:28
John Umaekytahp Tallchief

Pego esto aquí que seguro que lo tendremos que usar más.

Notas de juego

Improvised Weapons
Heroes often find themselves fighting with objects that aren’t intended for use as weapons. Torches, vases, chairs,
tankards, bottles, tools, and other mundane items are frequently pressed into service in combat. And sometimes
characters find themselves using existing weapons in improvised ways, defending with a ranged weapon in melee
or trying to throw a hand weapon not designed to be thrown. Such improvised weapons cause the wielder to suffer a
–1 Fighting or Throwing penalty, as well as –1 to Parry. The Game Master is the final judge of an improvised weapon’s
• Small Weapons (botellas, vasos, etc. Todas las que querais): Range 3/6/12, Damage Str+d4, RoF 1, Min Str d4, –1 attack and Parry
• Medium Weapons (sillas. una por PJ y 4 en cada otra mesa): Range 2/4/8, Damage Str+d6, RoF 1, Min Str d6, –1 attack and Parry
• Large Weapons (Mesa. Requiere superar chequeo de Str para levantarla y eso se considera una accion): Range 1/2/4, Damage Str+d8, RoF 1, Min Str d8, –1 attack and Parry