
[Pathdinder] Duda: Guerrero especialista en escudo torreón

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25/04/2014, 01:58

Vamos por partes:

Shield, Tower: This massive wooden shield is nearly as tall as you are. In most situations, it provides the indicated shield bonus to your AC. As a standard action, however, you can use a tower shield to grant you total cover until the beginning of your next turn. When using a tower shield in this way, you must choose one edge of your space. That edge is treated as a solid wall for attacks targeting you only. You gain total cover for attacks that pass through this edge and no cover for attacks that do not pass through this edge (see Combat). The shield does not, however, provide cover against targeted spells; a spellcaster can cast a spell on you by targeting the shield you are holding. You cannot bash with a tower shield, nor can you use your shield hand for anything else.

When employing a tower shield in combat, you take a –2 penalty on attack rolls because of the shield's encumbrance.


Tower Shield Proficiency (Combat)

You are trained in how to properly use a tower shield.

Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency.

Benefit: When you use a tower shield, the shield's armor check penalty only applies to Strength and Dexterity-based skills.

Normal: A character using a shield with which he is not proficient takes the shield's armor check penalty on attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving, including Ride.

Special: Fighters automatically have Tower Shield Proficiency as a bonus feat. They need not select it.

Entiendo que todo guerrero tiene esa dote, y que la dote elimina el -2 al ataque que tiene el escudo.

Ahora bien, el arquetipo de guerrero especialista en escudo torreón tiene lo siguiente:

Tower Shield Specialist (Ex): At 5th level, when a tower shield specialist employs a tower shield in combat, he does not take the –2 penalty on attack rolls because of the shield's encumbrance. This ability replaces weapon training 1.

¿Se me escapa algo o esto se pisa con la dote de competencia con escudo torreón que ya tiene el guerrero por defecto?

Dejo el enlace al arquetipo:

Carné Umbriano nº287
25/04/2014, 02:03
Editado: 25/04/2014, 02:04

Entiendo que todo guerrero tiene esa dote, y que la dote elimina el -2 al ataque que tiene el escudo.

No, la dote elimina el –10 de penalización al ataque, no el -2

Normal: A character using a shield with which he is not proficient takes the shield's armor check penalty on attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving, including Ride.

El escudo pavés tiene un -10 de penalización si no eres proficiente y un -2 si sí lo eres (bueno, en realidad creo que si no lo eres se acumularían a -12.

El Tower shield especialist no está mal.


25/04/2014, 02:17

Vaaaale, ya sabía yo que se me escapaba algún detalle tonto...

Este hilo tiene más de 6 meses, lo usuarios novatos no pueden reabrir hilos antiguos.