
Ayuda Interface Zero - Shadow of the Beanstalk - Ciberpunk

El mundo del rol :: Herramientas roleras :: Ayuda Interface Zero - Shadow of the Beanstalk - Ciberpunk

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14/06/2023, 14:08
Editado: 14/06/2023, 14:12

He enlazado imágenes y puesto descripciones mínimas de los equivalentes al mazo de adversarios de Shadow of the beanstalk. En el mazo hay más información, aquí pongo sólo lo mínimo.

Yo las tengo para que sea fácil para los jugadores ponerse enemigos/aliados y para mí sacar adversarios.

Son 20.

Al final del mensaje están las imágenes, quizá prefiráis empezar por ahí.

Android Shadow of the Beanstalk Runners, Mercs and Criminals Adversary Deck

  1. Rachel Beckmann  
    1. Cazarecompensas
    2. "This is Rachel Beckman. She's in the business of keeping people alive."
      Rachel smiled. "Only when I'm not in the business of killing them."
  2. Lily Lockwell  
    1. Reportera NBN
    2. "Live from New Angeles, this is Lily Lockwell."
  3. Jackson Howard
    1. Ejecutivo NBN
    2. "It is my job to ensure our creations are the perfect companions and edutainment for tomorrow's consumers."
  4. Inez Delgado
    1. Investigadora policía de personalidad rebelde
  5. Mr. Stone
    1. Pistolero freelance
    2. "VP of Retirements and Pensions? So is that HR or Accounting?"
  6. Thomas Haas
    1. Ejecutivo niño rebelde Haas-Bioroid
    2. Thomas, the director's son, has been carefully groomed to inherit the corporation since before he was born. His favorite pastime appears to be disappointing his mother.
  7. Kati Jones 
    1. Correo
    2. "You aren't the only type of runner in New Angeles."
  8. Mr. Li
    1. Capo mafioso
    2. "We're always happy to help, Mr. Santiago."
      "I appreciate it, Mr. Li."
      "We'll be in touch. And, Gabriel…"
      "Don't leave town."
  9. Monica Singh 
    1. Monica Singh is a freelancer and assassin for hire. She works all over the world, the moon and even in space. She is a cyborg. She has an ex-husband she despises. She has worked more than once with John McEvoy.

      No contract. Just a handshake and a fistful of C-6 high explosives.

      "I have money, Mr White"

      "So does your ex-husband. Wouldn't you like to fix that?"

  10. Rashida Jaheem
    1. Agente-Mercenaria freelance
    2. She gets the job done. And then some.
  11. Ji "Noise" Reilly
    1. Runner anarquista
    2. "Watch this. It'll be funny."
  12. Gabriel "El lobo" Santiago
    1. Runner criminal
    2. "Of course I steal from the rich. They're the ones with all the money."
  13. Reina Roja
    1. Runner Freedom fighter (Anarquista)
    2. "I'm through with games. "
  14. Olivia "Chaos Theory" Ortiz
    1. Runner moldeadora
    2. "Have you met Dinosaurus?"
  15. Bernice Mai
    1. Sysop NBN (operadora sistemas)
    2. Keeping tabs on the world, one screen at a time.
  16. Elitzabeth Mills
    1. Ejecutiva Weyland Consortium
    2. "It's not personal. Urban renewal is a necessity of the modern world. It's always someone's home, yours is no different."
  17. Aaron Marrón
    1. Líder banda callejera importante
    2. "You want to do business in Los Pistoleros turf, then you gotta deal with me."
  18. Caprice Nisei
    1. Clon detective policía
    2. "The first clone to serve as an NAPD detective."
  19. Raymond Flint
    1. Detective policía
    2. "Flint? He's a burnout. A useless, alcoholic waste of Department time and money." -Louis Blaine, NAPD Detective.
      "One of the best detectives on my PI list." -Richard Harrison, NAPD Captain
  20. Floyd 2X3A7C
    1. "It would be nice to be the cold, emotionless machine that I have been accused of being." - Floyd 2X3A7C

      Floyd 2X3A7C is a bioroid created by Haas-Bioroid and lent out to the NAPD as part of a pilot program that aims to determine if androids can make good law enforcement agents (Caprice Nisei is Jinteki's contribution to this program). After proving himself quite capable, a second bioroid was lent out to the NAPD: Drake 3GI2RC[1].

      Floyd must operate within the bounds of his programming, but he is deeply interested in humanity and attempts to become more human-like. This brings him into conflict with both his creator, Director Haas , and his programming directives. Director Haas has a personal relationship with Floyd, overseeing his development and expecting him to protect and promote her company. After he embarrassed her at an important board meeting, the relationship between the two has become quite chilly. When Thomas Haas was implicated in several crimes, the two came into direct conflict. Forced to chose between two imperatives, Floyd's mind began to rebel.

      During his employment with the New Angeles Police Department, Floyd received repairs from their staff as well as the laboratories of Haas-Bioroid. In particular, Floyd formed a friendship with a technician called Simmons. Floyd's only other friend isFather Michael, a Catholic priest at St Theresa's, who aids Floyd in his philosophical quest. When Father Michael was kidnapped by crazed Humanity First activists (who condemned the priest's work with the Civic Brigade), Floyd was forced to decide if he could take a human life. The fact that he could make this decision certainly suggests Floyd is more sapient than most would like to believe.

16/06/2023, 19:12


Muchas gracias por el post Feng Femto. Siempre viene bien tener a mano una fuente de inspiración para partidas cyberpunk, que uno de mis géneros favoritos en la actualidad.

Un saludo


Este hilo tiene más de 6 meses, lo usuarios novatos no pueden reabrir hilos antiguos.