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Sombras de rebelión

Creación y subidas de personajes.

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04/01/2019, 12:54

Ragnar tiene 3 puntos de habilidad extra que coger antes de las tres subidas. Intimidar a d6 y Atletismo a d8 posiblemente le pegarian. 

Le quedarían 2 puntos para fighting d12 lo que permite cogerse otro edge

De un mensaje anterior:

Ragnar, tres subidas podrían ser: 

Fuerza d10 (para hacer más daño)

Ataque a dos manos (la que te falta para quitar penalizadores)

Fighting d12 (mejor parry)

Veo que en la ficha tienes armadura, así que toughness 8 es bastante normal, no creo que necesites mas. Subirte el parry a 9 y el daño a d10+d6 te viene mejor. 

Llevas armadura o no? En la ficha pone solo Toughness 5. 

Creo que este edge te viene guay, especialmente si se apila con Kalinata (que no veo porque no deberia)

REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Strength d8+,
Vigor d8+
His fists hit like hammers or his talons cut like scythes. His body feels like it’s made of stone. Brawlers increase their Toughness by 1 and roll Strength +d4 when hitting with their fists or feet (or claws if they have them). If they
already have a damage die from Claws (page 18), the Martial Artist Edge, etc., increase the damage die type by one instead. The Brawler Edge doesn’t make the character’s fists Natural Weapons (page 103).

Creo que deberia apilar con Kalinata porque asi Ragnar entra en el Valhalla de los PJs molones y porque apila con martial artist y claws.

Necesitas Vig/Fue d8 con lo que modificaría tus subidas a:

-Fighting d12
-Fue d10 Vig d8
-Ataque con dos armas

Te deja con Toughness7 (antes de armadura) y dos ataques con 2d8 de daño (como Bastia), que subiran a d10+d8 en tu quinto avance, que no se si te toca ya o no.

Cargando editor
09/01/2019, 16:28
Abot 'eh Lia

Me parece bien la revisión de la ficha, por si no lo dije.

Dos cuestiones:

(1) Para mi quinta subida (que todavía no he hecho) quería pillarme un Edge nuevo ¿Martial Warrior o Soul Drain? El primero hace que pueda plantearme de verdad el cuerpo a cuerpo (quizá) y no tener la faceta de lucha desarmado de adorno, aunque debería ponerme armadura (¿o hay otras maneras?**) El segundo profundiza en el lado hechicero de Abot y no lo anula en combates largos, pero sigue a la sombra de otros (como buen cobarde). O a los que domináis se os ocurre un avance mejor.

(2) ** Esa es la segunda pregunta, ¿cómo elevo el parry o el thoughness?

Cargando editor
09/01/2019, 21:50
Ragnar Olar sil Mojed "Ragnar"

lo de la tirada del interludio .,... eso comos e hace o en que consiste o como demonios??

Cargando editor
10/01/2019, 10:20
Bastia Caminarena

Por orden alfabético, vamos con mi propuesta para Bastia.

Hoy me ojearé el manual pero en principio me fío de tu valoración.

Con los tres puntos menos queda a 0. Como opción quizá se podría quitar un punto de Atletismo para sumarlo a sigilo.

Prefiero bajar el Atletismo y subir Sigilio aunque luego todos se olvidan que Bastia tiene rangos ahí xDDD


¿Después de esta aventura tocaba subida?

Cargando editor
10/01/2019, 12:28
Abot 'eh Lia

¿Después de esta aventura tocaba subida?

¿Si lo preguntamos más veces acabará colando? XD

Si lo dices por la subida de Abot, la tenía pendiente de antes del capítulo, que soy un cafre.

Cargando editor
10/01/2019, 12:52
Bastia Caminarena

Vale, vale xDDD

No contaba con la subida pero, por tu mensaje, pensé que me había saltado algo...

Cargando editor
12/01/2019, 19:05
Abot 'eh Lia

(1) Para mi quinta subida (que todavía no he hecho) quería pillarme un Edge nuevo ¿Martial Warrior o Soul Drain? El primero hace que pueda plantearme de verdad el cuerpo a cuerpo (quizá) y no tener la faceta de lucha desarmado de adorno, aunque debería ponerme armadura (¿o hay otras maneras?**) El segundo profundiza en el lado hechicero de Abot y no lo anula en combates largos, pero sigue a la sombra de otros (como buen cobarde). O a los que domináis se os ocurre un avance mejor.

(2) ** Esa es la segunda pregunta, ¿cómo elevo el parry o el thoughness?

No he recibido opiniones sobre estas dudas :(

Cargando editor
15/01/2019, 12:22
Bastia Caminarena

Me había saltado tu mensaje, sorry.

Yo optaría por seguir la senda arcana, que sacos de carne para el combate ya estamos varios.


Y subir los valores, quitando algún edge que suele tener requisitos de combatiente, a base de subir los atributos...



Cargando editor
16/01/2019, 20:17

Como tiene poco trafico, pongo aqui las reglas de Mass Battles para que todo el mundo las conozca, por si tenemos que ir a la guerra contra los de la cabra (demoniaca, en este caso)


Many adventures feature heroes traveling about the land, gathering allies to thwart some inevitable foe or loathsome horde. They build coalitions, train armies, discover powerful artifacts, and finally stand against the enemy in desperate and glorious battle.

The rules presented here allow the Game Master to handle everything from a small warband holding a fort against an undead horde to full divisions of troops fighting a massive field battle or a planetary assault from a space-based invasion fleet. It’s abstract, but provides a narrative base for heroes to plan, get involved, and take part in the carnage!

When to Use These Rules: Use the Mass Battle rules when you need to resolve a large conflict that can go either way, and also allow the player characters to have a role in its outcome. The culmination of these tales is not always a foregone conclusion, and failure can be just as interesting as victory!

The Basics: Each side has a number of “Force Tokens” equal to its relative strength and size. Commanders roll their Battle skill each turn. The winner reduces his rival’s force until one side or the other breaks.


To start, give the larger or more powerful army 10 Force Tokens. Give the opposing army a proportional number of tokens. If one army has 10,000 warriors, for example, and the other has 7,000, give the smaller army seven tokens. These represent the troops, vehicles, ships, etc., in each side’s army. Adjust the ratio as makes sense to account for special or elite troops, better equipment, and so on. If one army is half as powerful as another, for example, give one side 10 Force Tokens and the other five. Get close enough to give a reasonable approximation of relative strength. The dice and the players’ actions will handle the rest.


At the start of each round, the player characters discuss and decide on their plan. Next comes opposed Battle rolls by the rival commanders. Add the modifiers below as appropriate to each roll.

Force Bonus: The side with the most Force Tokens adds +1 for each point of difference. If the larger army has 10 tokens and the smaller one has 7, for example, the commander of the more powerful army adds +3.
Tactical Advantage: Grant a +1 to +4 bonus for any special circumstances that might help that army, such as air superiority, fortifications, or other conditions not otherwise factored into the army’s strength.
Battle Plan: Add +1 to +4 if one side has a particularly effective or clever plan over the other.

(NdMcH: En este caso nosotros tenemos +2 de tactical advantage si estamos defendiendo (como explica el DM en la partida) pero ellos tienen un +6 de force bonus porque tienen 6 tokens mas. Cada turno podemos inventarnos un Battle Plan y que Javi nos de bonos adicionales por pensar algo guay. Lo veo dificil :-D)


The winner of the opposed roll consults the Battle Results. Any casualties are generally distributed evenly throughout the army or however the GM feels is most appropriate. Time: A standard battle round is two hours of hard fighting. The Game Master should change this as suits her needs or the story. A more reserved fight might have four- or even eight-hour rounds, while a siege might be a battle round per day. 

- Draw: Both sides lose one Force Token.
- Success: Marginal Victory: The victor loses one Force Token, the defeated loses two.
- Raise: The defeated army loses two Force Tokens.

(NdMcH: O les ganamos con raise cada turno o estamos muy jodidos dada la diferencia de fuerzas. No por fallar moral, que tenemos +4 de base, si no porque no tenemos muchos tokens que perder.)


After an army loses one or more Force Tokens, its leader rolls his Spirit modified by these circumstances:

−1 Each Force Token lost so far.
+2 The army is made up mostly of undead or other fearless troops.
+2 The army is within fortifications or prepared positions.
+2 The army cannot retreat or will be killed if it does

(NdMcH: Yo entiendo que nosotros tendriamos +4 de base, asi que siempre sera facil pasar el spirit roll. No se yo si no deberia ser un PJ (Norm o Varag) el que lidere la batalla, para poder usar bennies. Dependera de como de bueno es Cavar y si es WC)

Success means he cajoles the army to fight on. The battle continues another round (or as the attacker sees fit). Failure means the commander loses control of his force. The army is defeated but conducts an orderly retreat. Critical Failure means they flee the field in a reckless rout. They may be scattered temporarily or permanently, ridden down by the enemy, or captured as the GM decides.


When one side routs, retreats, or runs out of Force Tokens, the battle ends. If it’s important to determine the fate of named Extras or other nonplayer characters, use the Aftermath & Extras rules on page 96.

Characters in Mass Battles

Player characters can dramatically affect the results of the battle. Before their commander makes his Battle roll, each player who wants to enter the fray describes what she’s doing and makes a Support roll with whatever skill she feels is most appropriate. (Don’t forget that enemy champions can add to the rival commander’s Battle roll as well!)

Success grants the commander +1 to his Battle roll but the hero takes Fatigue from Bumps & Bruises for her efforts. With a raise, she emerges unharmed and rolls on the Battle Effects Table below. She may choose to use the result rolled or give her commander the usual +2 bonus instead.

Failure means the warrior fought bravely. She takes a Wound but doesn’t add to the commander’s Battle roll. A Critical Failure means the hero rolls on the Battle Effects Table but also suffers d4 + 1 Wounds! The Game Master and players should work together to describe each character’s glorious scenes of bravery and carnage once the results are determined.


Inspire: The warrior battles valiantly, inspiring the troops and urging them to fight on despite their injuries. Her side immediately recovers one Force Token.
Terrorize: The fighter’s fury terrorizes her foes. The enemy commander subtracts 2 from his Spirit roll if forced to test morale this round.
Valor: The warrior’s Support adds +2 to the commander’s Battle roll as usual.
Slaughter: The foe reels at the champion’s onslaught. Subtract 2 from the enemy commander’s Battle total.
An Army of One: Tales will be told and songs sung of the warrior’s epic feats this day. The enemy army loses a Force Token immediately (this doesn’t subtract from his Battle roll but does cause a morale check even if he wins).

(NdMcH: No entiendo la diferencia entre Valor y Slaughter en terminos de reglas. Son tiradas enfrentadas :-? El 2 y el 12 son guays pero ocurren poco. Usar Terrorise es circunstancial. Al final, es sencillo. Todos a usar la habilidad que tengamos mas petada (fighting, shooting o magia para Abot mientras le dure e intimidar despues de eso). Supongo que, si un PJ dirige la batalla, Varag es la mejor opcion ya que solo tiene d12 fighting y Norm tiene d12+2 en shooting. )

Ammo & Power Points

If it’s important to track, each round a hero enters the fray and uses his Shooting or an arcane skill he expends some of his ammunition or Power Points.

Arcane types use 3d6 Power Points each round of battle. Characters with ranged weapons fire at their weapon’s standard Rate of Fire, 2d6 times.

The GM should alter these numbers based on tactics, the length of each battle round, weapon types, or how long she thinks the hero has to recover or rearm between rounds.

Example: Gabe is in a mass battle against a horde of xenos. His minigun’s RoF is 5 so it fires 40 bullets per shot (see page 93). He rolls 7 on 2d6, so Gabe uses 7 × 40 bullets, or 280 rounds!