
Changeling: the lost

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03/01/2016, 00:34


Alguien sabe donde encontrar alguna fantraduccion de changeling the lost?


04/01/2016, 00:29

No conozco ninguna la verdad. ¿Problemas con algún termino en particular?

05/01/2016, 15:33

Sobretodo con los linajes de los aspectos, son dificiles de traducir. Tanto la descripcion, el nombre como la bendicion

05/01/2016, 17:52

Si nos pasas algunos te podemos hacer una traducción así semipasable...

05/01/2016, 20:23

Las traducciones así de andar por casa que empleo:

-Changeling: Cambiado, aunque en mis partidas casi nunca hemos empleado el termino traducido. De hecho preferimos usar el "apodo" de Perdidos.
-Seeming: Semblanza. Dado que en 2a edición los Seemings y los Kiths serán totalmente libres y que ya en 1a dos Changelings del mismo Seeming y el mismo Kith pueden ser radicalmente diferentes en aspecto y poderes, creo que estos dos términos solo tienen sentido dentro del sistema de creación. Al menos en mis partidas nunca ha salido la pregunta "¿De que Semblanza eres?" ni se ha descrito a nadie por su Semblanza o su Kith.
-Kith: Estirpe. Kith creía que era un termino céltico arrastrado por el más etnocéntrico y mayoritariamente céltico Changeling el Ensueño, pero me equivocaba. Es "kin" en inglés medieval, por lo tanto una traducción más cercana sería "linaje", pero para ahorrar confusiones con Promethean escojo la primera. Estirpe se emplea en Vampiro también pero en otro sentido. Casta me niego a usarlo ya que tiene otras connotaciones.
-Beast: Bestial
-Darkling: Tenebroso
-Fairest: Dignificados, la más complicada de todas, lo de Fairest viene con un juego de palabras que es intraducible ya que "fair" significa bueno (por eso traducen normalmente Fair Folk que es como llaman a las hadas como Buena Gente), también significa justo o como adjetivo se refiere a alguien pálido o de cabello rubio (se cree que la raíz original de "elfo" es blanco por eso). Sin embargo los Fairest no son ni más ni menos bondadosos y hay kiths "oscuros" en varios suplementos. Lo que distingue a los Fairest del resto de Changelings es que en comparación son los más mimados por sus Custodios, recibiendo un trato diferente.
-Ogres: Ogros, la traslación más fácil de todas y no pierde nada en el proceso
-Wizened: Marchito.
-Keeper: Custodio.
-The Hedge: El Seto. Considerándolo como esa muro de jardín que separa Arcadia del mundo material.
-Pledge: Promesa.
-Token: Regalo, este es complicado pero se puede considerar que los Token son "regalos del Seto" ya que normalmente se crean cuando un objeto se extravía en este.
-Talespinning: Hilar Cuentos, es una capacidad que tienen los Changelings y las Verdaderas Hadas que sale en un suplemento y que los hace potencialmente de los seres más poderosos del nuevo MdT (al nivel de los magos). La capacidad de enhebrar una historia y forzar la narrativa de la partida y por ello el Destino del mundo es bastante bestia y como master me fascina y me horroriza a partes iguales.

05/01/2016, 23:53

Seeming se tradujo en Ensueño como Aspecto y trataba las diferencias entre edades. También lo tradujeron como semblante mortal cuando se referían al human seeming. (No tiene nada que ver, pero yo apunto mi granito).

Kith sería el Linaje según Ensueño.


06/01/2016, 03:12
Editado: 08/01/2016, 15:39

DARKLINGS (Sera algo asi como oscuros)

Blessing: Just as the shadows that infect them, the Darklings are as ephemeral and flighty as the dark itself. A player can spend Glamour to increase dice pools that include Wits, Subterfuge and Stealth — each point of Glamour increases one dice pool by one point. The character also gains the benefit of the 9 again rule on Stealth dice pools.


Curse: Darkness and twilight so define these changelings that their magic falters somewhat when the sun is in the sky (that is, not at night, or at twilight). Darklings suffer a –1 die penalty to all rolls to enact Contracts during daylight hours. The penalty increases to –2 dice if the sun is directly visible to them.


Seeming Contracts: Darkness Concepts: Parapsychologist, nocturnal building superintendent, night-shift call center worker, chimney sweep, professional spelunker, lab assistant, amateur night-time naturalist, night refuge manager.


Antiquarian — Those Darklings who surround themselves with dusty tomes of lore and the artifacts of long-dead lands and peoples. Dusty, quiet and diligent, they hold the Keys to Knowledge: the Antiquarians know where to find lore ancient and modern, and have a near-flawless memory for facts, trivial and not so trivial. Every Antiquarian receives the benefit of the 9 again rule on dice pools including Academics and Investigation. They may also spend a point of Glamour to gain the benefits of the Encyclopedic Knowledge Merit for one question. If the Antiquarian already possesses this Merit, he may spend one Glamour to add three dice to the roll.


Gravewight — Cold-skinned Darklings who draw comfort from consorting with the dead, both restless and in repose. The Gravewight possesses the Charnel Sight: the changeling can see the unquiet dead. For one point of Glamour, the changeling can see ghosts for the rest of the scene. The power doesn’t extend to any other invisible beings that may or may not be present, and doesn’t allow the changeling to touch the ghost or compel it to answer her unless the ghost chooses to allow that.


Leechfinger — The faeries who steal life from humans, grain by grain, drop by drop, with just a touch. Every Leechfinger knows how to Sap the Vital Spark: with a touch, he can steal the health of another to heal his own injuries. The character needs to touch the target (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 157), and the player spends a point of Glamour. The victim takes one point of lethal damage, and the changeling heals one point of lethal or bashing damage, or downgrades one point of aggravated damage to lethal. This blessing can be used once per scene per point of the Darkling’s Wyrd.


Mirrorskin — Darklings who hide in plain sight from the eyes of humankind. Their bones are malleable, their faces like flowing quicksilver. The Mirrorskin’s blessing is The Mercurial Visage: he can change the cast of his features to resemble (if not completely mimic) anyone he has met. The player may do this at will, gaining a +3 dice bonus to Wits + Subterfuge disguise attempts (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 87). This bonus applies to both mien and Mask.


Tunnelgrub — Those of the Darkling faeries who slide and slither through tunnels and sewers and chimneys, the better to do terrible things in the night. The Tunnelgrub has the ability to Slither and Squirm: she slips and slides and wriggles through tight spaces and out of handcuffs and other bonds. The player spends a point of Glamour. The changeling can get through spaces that are only just too narrow for her to get through, spaces that would otherwise leave her completely stuck. The changeling gets to roll Dexterity + Athletics to wriggle out of ropes or handcuffs. If it’s a long distance, such as a chimney or a sewage pipe, the player needs to make an extended roll, earning at least three successes, perhaps more, depending on the length of the tunnel. A dramatic failure means that the character is stuck and can’t escape on her own or try again using this talent (if the changeling is caught in the middle of a tunnel, this could be disastrous, because she can’t get out on her own). 



Blessing: These changelings really are the Fairest of Them All, and their magic only emphasizes this. The player can spend Glamour to improve dice pools that include Presence, Manipulation and Persuasion. Each point spent increases one dice pool by one point. A changeling counted among the Fairest also suffers no untrained penalty for using Social skills in which she has no dots.

Curse: The Fairest, similar to the creatures who stole them, can be callous and unfeeling, vicious and prone to toy with others, even people who love them. Their inner balance suffers for this. One of the Fairest suffers a –1 die penalty on dice pools to avoid losing Clarity (for example, the player of a Fairest with Clarity 5 who kills another changeling rolls two dice to avoid losing Clarity, rather than three).

Seeming Contracts: Vainglory Concepts: Charismatic but incompetent executive, professional athlete, lead singer in a band, amiable politician, catalog model, aging heartthrob, too-glamorous gangbanger, out-ofwork actor waiting tables, high school beauty queen, low-table professional footballer, late night torch singer.


Bright One — Changelings who came from light; willo’-the-wisps, bright elves, White Ladies and other beings of light and fire and ice from all over the world. Their blessing is Goblin Illumination: The player can, at will, illuminate an area the size of a smallish room (about 15’ x 15’ x 10’ high) with a soft, pale light for the rest of the scene. Although the light centers on the changeling’s left hand, it doesn’t have the changeling as its source, seemingly coming from the air itself. The light doesn’t move. If the changeling leaves the radius of the light, he leaves it behind. With the expenditure of a Glamour point, the light becomes painfully intense; anyone trying to target the Bright One treats him as partially concealed and suffers a –2 dice penalty (–1 die if the attacker is wearing sunglasses).

Dancer — Those among the Fairest blessed of particular agility and grace, for whom motion is itself beauty and art. Whether entertainer, courtesan, artist or murderer, the Dancer is happiest when moving to the sound of her inner rhythm. The Dancer’s blessing is Fae Grace: she benefits from the 9 again rule on any Expression or Socialize rolls involving agility (such as juggling or dancing in a performance or social setting), and always adds one to her Dodge total when dodging attacks.

Draconic — Changelings who bear within them the blood of dragons or other Great Beasts of Faerie, including celestial bureaucrats and tithe-payers to Satan alike. Haughty and possessing a robust physicality, the Draconic Fairest have the secret of the Dragon’s Talon: a Draconic changeling gains an extra die on Brawl rolls, striking with the power of a chimera’s claw or manticore’s sting. His player can also spend one point of Glamour to re-take one failed Brawl roll, once per scene.

Flowering — Flowers blossom on bare earth where these changelings have stood (although they take months to appear in the human world rather than seconds, as they did in Faerie). Their skin is soft like the petal of a rose or a chrysanthemum and bright with a bloom of health. The Flowering Fairest has a Seductive Fragrance: her skin, hair and breath carries the aroma of unknown blossoms from places unseen, the promise of pleasures unknown. Her bouquet seduces and lulls in equal measure. She gains the benefit of the 9 again rule on dice pools including Persuasion, Socialize and Subterfuge.

Muse — Their beauty inspires the arts. Whether a Rubenesque beauty, a sedate and delicate daughter of the Heavenly Ministry, a grotesquely beautiful masquer garbed in yellow tatters, or a Dark Lady who drives her beloved to destruction, the Muse inspires the creation of things of beauty and horror and love and hate and fear. The growth of confidence can precipitate a headlong rush to doom, and the Muse knows how to make it happen. The Muse’s talent is The Tyranny of Ideas: the changeling’s presence can give a human the confidence and talent to do things that he otherwise would not be able to do. For every point of Glamour the changeling spends, the human subject (and it must be human; it can’t be another changeling or another supernatural being) gains +2 on one dice pool involving Expression, Persuasion, Socialize or Subterfuge. 


Blessing: Ogres are mostly big, often ugly and always capable of frightening displays of brute force. The player can spend points of Glamour to improve dice pools involving Strength, Brawl and Intimidate. Each point of Glamour spent adds one die to one dice pool.

Curse: Not all Ogres are necessarily stupid, but most are fairly gullible, weak-willed and prone to impulsive, thoughtless actions. An Ogre doesn’t get the benefit of the 10 again rule on dice pools using Composure (with the exception of Perception rolls using Wits + Composure, which suffer no penalty). The character also suffers a –1 die penalty to Composure when using it as a Defense Trait (that is, when subtracting it from another character’s dice pool).

Seeming Contracts: Stone Concepts: Working-class Red Cap hard-man, arrogant giant CEO, shrill political activist, gung-ho Marine grunt, nightclub bouncer, understanding but non-nonsense bar manager, Bigfoot hunter, belligerent redneck, prizefighter, long-distance truck driver, deep sea fisherman.


Cyclopean — The Cyclopeans are like the ancient hunters and herdsmen of legend who sought men for their cooking pots: changelings who resemble Cyclops of Archaic Greece, the one-legged Fachan of Scots legend, the three-eyed oni of Japan, the elephant-eared rakshas of India or the wind-borne footless Wendigo of North America Although many are crippled in some way, they have profound senses to make up for it. The Cyclopeans can Smell the Blood: the character gains the benefit of the 8 again rule on Wits-based Perception rolls. He can smell things that can’t normally be smelled, meaning that even if some of his senses are deficient, his sense of smell makes up for it. Many Cyclopeans have Physical Flaws such as One Eye, Lame, One Arm or Hard of Hearing.

Farwalker — Changelings who resemble the abominable men of mystery, the possibly savage hairy creatures of the wilds whose existence straddles the divide between folklore and cryptozoology: the Sasquatch, the yeti, the Russian Alma, the Australian yowie and dozens of other wild men. Farwalkers have The Elusive Gift: the character gains the benefit of the 9 again rule on Stealth and Survival dice pools. Also, the player can spend a point of Glamour to retake a failed Stealth or Survival roll.

Gargantuan — Captured by giants, these changelings had to grow to a greater stature, perhaps being stretched on racks or forced to drink noxious potions. As humans, they appear less freakish, though many purchase the Giant Merit. Their blessing is Spurious Stature: once a day, the changeling can grow to colossal size. The player spends a point of Glamour, and adds the changeling’s Wyrd score to her size for the rest of the scene. This supplies temporary Health dots (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 175). Returning to normal size is painful, as if the changeling’s skin is unable to contain the character’s stature, and when she regains her normal height, the character takes one point of lethal damage.

Gristlegrinder — Man-eaters and gluttons, taking their cue from the English Black Annis, Scottish Red Caps or the rakshas of India, but also sometimes resembling more modern Ogres, such as the masked unstoppable lunatics of slash-andstalk horror movies. Every Gristlegrinder has Terrible Teeth in his terrible jaws: the character’s bite is a two lethal attack, though it does require him to grapple the opponent first.

Stonebones — Changelings who resemble the rocky giants of folklore, Nordic trolls, Native American mountain spirits and the like. The Stonebones are blessed with Obdurate Skin: once per day as an instant action, the player can spend one point of Glamour to harden the character’s skin, making it like rock. The character uses his Wyrd as his armor rating for the rest of the scene. The character’s rocky carapace does mean, however, that the character isn’t as nimble as he was: the changeling suffers a –1 die penalty to all Dexterity-based dice pools while this power is active. In addition, his Defense is reduced by one for every two points of Wyrd past the first; –1 Defense at 3 Wyrd, –2 Defense at 5 Wyrd and so on. This blessing doesn’t stack with mundane forms of armor.

Water-Dweller — Changelings who resemble the legendary water-demons of many cultures, from life-demanding river spirits through to the trolls of coastal caves and under-bridge shadows. The Water-Dweller can Lie Under the Waves: the character can hold her breath for 30 minutes, as if she had a Stamina of 7 (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 49). She is also accustomed to murk and darkness, and suffers no penalties to sight-based Perception rolls when underwater. 



Blessing: The Wizened are extraordinarily nimble. The player can spend one point of Glamour to gain the benefit of the 9 again rule on all dice pools involving Dexterity for the rest of the scene. This same nimbleness enables the Wizened to avoid harm in ways other beings can’t imagine. The player can also spend one point of Glamour to add the character’s Wyrd dots to his Dodge total (normally calculated as double Defense), for the rest of the scene. This only applies when the character is dodging (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 156).

Curse: Spite infects the Wizened. It comes out in their appearance, and in their manner. Their appearance, which is rarely attractive, and their general tendency not to be approachable means that the Wizened don’t benefit from the 10 again rule on dice pools involving Presence. For the same reason, while Social Skills aren’t completely barred to them, the Wizened suffer a –2 dice untrained penalty when trying to use a Social Skill in which they have no dots, rather than the usual –1.

Seeming Contracts: Artifice Concepts: Creepy backstreet surgeon, paranoid UFO enthusiast, faithful laconic manservant, snooty maître d’, footpad for hire, reclusive artist, socially inept radio technician, antisocial Nethead, pawnbroker.


Artist — The Wizened who create startling works of art and craft: seamsters, sculptors, painters and builders. The Artists’ blessing is Impeccable Craftsmanship: the changeling enjoys the benefit of the 8 again rule on any dice pool using Crafts, and can choose to spend a point of Glamour to re-roll any failed dice on one Crafts roll (so if, for example, an Artist who rolls five dice and gets 1, 4, 6, 8 and 9 can spend a point of Glamour and re-roll the 1, 4 and 6). This blessing can be used only once per roll.

Brewer — Changelings who spent their durance in Faerie learning how to create mind-bendingly potent drinks or peculiar alchemies. Due to long exposure and gradual immunity, a Brewer gains four bonus dice to any Stamina roll made to resist poisons or intoxication. In addition, the Brewers know the recipe for The Inebriating Elixir: once per scene, the changeling can instantly ferment one pint of any drink with Glamour, turning it into a powerfully intoxicating brew. The changeling needs to be able to touch the container holding the drink to do this. The changeling’s player rolls Wits + Crafts. If the roll is successful, the player may spend one Glamour point to invest the drink with a Potency rating equal to the changeling’s Wyrd rating, plus the number of successes the player rolled. If the Potency of the brew is higher than the Health of the person drinking the brew, the person gets very drunk, and in five turns falls unconscious. If the Potency doesn’t exceed the drinker’s Health, the drinker must roll Stamina + Resolve, or suffer the effects of having drunk one more drink than her Stamina (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 177). The brew’s effects last for the rest of the scene.

Chatelaine — Preternaturally skilled manservants, organizers and house-managers. The Chatelaine’s talent is Perfect Protocol: the changeling gains the benefit of the 9 again rule on all Social Skill rolls which depend on manners, etiquette or proper social practice (such as in a formal ball, a business meeting or a changeling Court), even when using Presence. Further, the player can spend a point of Glamour to gain a +2 dice bonus to Manipulation and Presence dice pools for the rest of the scene. 

Chirurgeon — Changelings who master surgery and pharmacy, sometimes from altruism, and sometimes simply because they can, ranging from scary back-street surgeons to strangely alien experimenters. The Chirurgeon’s blessing is The Analeptic Charm: able to perform medical miracles, the changeling gains the benefit of the 9 again rule on Medicine dice pools. The Chirurgeon can also use the humblest tools well, and never suffers from penalties for poor equipment as long as at least something can be jury-rigged as a medical tool. Finally, anyone whom the changeling tends to for any length of time receives the benefit of the Chirurgeon’s skills as if they were in a hospital intensive care unit (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 61).

Oracle — Changelings who, like many imps and goblins, can, in a limited way, see the future. The Oracle’s blessing is Panomancy: the changeling can, once per chapter, tell fortunes using any method she wants — tea-leaves, cards, bones, a crystal ball or anything else. The effect works the same as the Common Sense Merit (although the character can buy the Merit as well, if the player wishes).

Smith — Changelings who were forced to labor under the watchful eye of the most unimpeachable Faerie blacksmiths, tinkers and toolmakers. Their blessing is Steel Mastery: the changeling can use his supernatural skill with metallurgy to alter metal objects, improving them, even if improving them would normally be impossible. The player spends one Glamour and makes an extended roll of Dexterity + Crafts, with each roll representing half an hour of tinkering, polishing and hammering. If the changeling manages to gather four successes, he can alter a tool so that it gives a +1 equipment bonus. The item has to mostly be made of metal. The magic wears off after a day. No object this way can be improved more than three times. If the changeling tries to alter an object a fourth time, he destroys the tool, and it can never be used again.

Soldier — Members of the vast goblin hosts of the Fae, the Soldiers fought strange, inconclusive battles and now find that fighting comes easier to them. The Soldiers’ talent is Blade Lore: living and breathing the lore of the blade, the Soldiers of the goblin hosts find it easy to master any weapon that carries an edge. A Soldier is considered to have a Weaponry specialization with any weapon that carries an edge, no matter what it is. This can’t stack with other specializations the changeling may learn. 


 Woodwalker — The Wizened who, like their captors, live within and protect the wilds, sometimes jealously, sometimes violently. Their talent is Wildcraft: the changeling gets the benefit of the 8 again rule on Survival rolls. Also, the Woodwalker can survive by eating any plant, no matter how poisonous (although poisons that are isolated and distilled from plant sources are still dangerous to him, because they’re not strictly plant matter any more). 





Ya os dije que era mucho por eso de preguntar si alguien lo tenia por ahi ya traducido. Igualmente toda la ayuda que me podais dar os lo agradeceré ^^

06/01/2016, 03:13

Tenia el post medio escrito de esta tarde y no vi entre medio lo anterior. Gracias Amnaris por el aporte ^^

06/01/2016, 10:35
Editado: 06/01/2016, 16:45

Los nombres de los Kith es complicado en muchos casos ya que son nombres compuestos muy descriptivos que quedan un poco ridículos en castellano al traducirlos. En todo caso esto en la practica no suele trascender.

Me he olvidado del atributo de poder de los Changelings que es el Wyrd, yo este no lo traduciría porque es un concepto que está en los pueblos germánicos y nórdicos del destino personal, Destino sería la traducción más cercana creo yo para definir. El Wyrd en los Changelings y las Verdaderas Hadas es el grado a la vez de lo feérico (por tanto lo inhumano que eres) que eres y la relación con el Destino. En un suplemento describen que uno de los posibles finales de un Changeling con alto Wyrd es convertirse básicamente en lo que tanto odian. Así los Changelings en The Lost serían una "forma larvaria" de esos entes alienigenas que moran en Arcadia.

06/01/2016, 14:48

Qué ganas que tengo de que publiquen las CtL Anthology para leer camino al trabajo.

08/01/2016, 15:54

He quitado bestias y elementales que ya las he encontrado ^^

14/01/2016, 23:30
Editado: 14/01/2016, 23:30

Yo tenía una traducción hecha de Semblantes y Kiths en un foro, pero el foro murió y mi traducción con él TT

A los Fairest yo les llamo Agraciados




15/01/2016, 20:29

D: que lastima

16/01/2016, 00:14

He estado leyendo, que interesante¡ Hace tiempo que no leia nada sobre Changeling, ;D

Este hilo tiene más de 6 meses, lo usuarios novatos no pueden reabrir hilos antiguos.