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Cargando editor
18/08/2011, 15:24
Henry A. Bellamy

    Quel compañero, somos hijos de un dios menor... snif.

Cargando editor
18/08/2011, 22:02

No pensaras llevar la cara de Jack Sparrow, verdad? XDDDDDDDD

Al menos disimulalo un poco ...

(Si no lo sabíais, soy muy tocapelotas con los avatares)

Cargando editor
18/08/2011, 22:06
Assisi Auditore

Hola a todos, estoy mirando clases y tal, pero bueno aquí no tengo muchos recursos. Para hacerme un explorador, ademas de la clase explorador xD, que mas cosas hay por ahí, mi concepto es algo en plan el explorador de todas la vida, que va en vanguardia obteniendo información, poner trampas... . Ya se que D&D es... bueno ya sabéis como es, así que me dejo aconsejar un poco.

Cargando editor
18/08/2011, 22:48
Rodrigo de Guzmán y Salazar

Bueno chicos, necesito algo de ayuda con la generación de mi personaje. La verdad es que el material existente es extenso y casi completamente desconocido para mí y tampoco es que tenga ni tiempo ni muchas ganas de empezar a buscar como un loco. Os cuento cual es mi concepto de personaje y agradeceré vuestra ayuda y sugerencias.

Mi idea era un personaje que estuviera de alguna manera ligado con la religión. Sí, ya sé que en este mundo no hay poder divino (o al menos disponible para los jugadores), pero en el mundo y la historia real tampoco lo ha habido y no por ello ha dejado de existir la obsesión de los humanos por el más allá.

Estaba pensando en un evangelizador de las nuevas tierras o cazador de brujas en busca de lo que él pueda considerar como demoníaco. Evidentemente tiene que tener habilidades de combate (aunque su rol metajueguil en él puede ser casi cualquiera) y me iría bien que supiera usar espada y pistola (más que nada por el posible avatar que voy a elegir de entre los que ya he encontrado).

Más detalles en cuando se empiece a perfilar lo básico.

¡Ah, y gracias de antemano!

Notas de juego

Por cierto, yo también estaba pensando lo mismo que el Dire con lo del avatar de Jack Sparrow...

Cargando editor
18/08/2011, 23:04

Somos igual de malos. Casi hasta me da "asco" ese 18. Desentona tanto con el resto de mis tiradas -_-.

De momento he mirado que tal un artificiero, pero le falta mucho fuelle. Necesito 3 caracteristicas "buenas" y solo puedo tener 2. En fin, un chorrazo. Ya veremos como sale.
Lo que si queda claro es quien se acaba de convertir en voluntario perpétuo para encabezar todas las acciones suicidas. Mr. Tengo_dos_dieciochos

PD: Insisto en lo dicho por Dimuscul. Por favor, cámbiate a Jack Sparrow. Es un jeto demasiado reconocible.

Cargando editor
18/08/2011, 23:15


Estaba pensando en un evangelizador de las nuevas tierras o cazador de brujas en busca de lo que él pueda considerar como demoníaco. Evidentemente tiene que tener habilidades de combate (aunque su rol metajueguil en él puede ser casi cualquiera) y me iría bien que supiera usar espada y pistola (más que nada por el posible avatar que voy a elegir de entre los que ya he encontrado).

Te diría un warlord o un guerrero dependiendo de lo combativo que lo quieras realizar, aunque el warlord creo que encajaría mejor. Como Tema le pondría Ordained Priest que le daría un toque divino adicional.

Si te interesa eso, se puede mirar que poderes encajarían mas ...


Hola a todos, estoy mirando clases y tal, pero bueno aquí no tengo muchos recursos. Para hacerme un explorador, ademas de la clase explorador xD, que mas cosas hay por ahí, mi concepto es algo en plan el explorador de todas la vida, que va en vanguardia obteniendo información, poner trampas... . Ya se que D&D es... bueno ya sabéis como es, así que me dejo aconsejar un poco.

No se, eso es muy genérico ... no tienes mas detalles o características? Quizá algún dibujo?

Cargando editor
19/08/2011, 01:43
Henry A. Bellamy

     Sois terriblemente crueles... ¿sabéis las vueltas que di buscando imágenes apropiadas de piratas? Al final puse esa por puro aburrimiento. Aparte que no se si será cosa de ésta partida o que, que no me acepta la mayoría de fotos para el avatar. Y eso que las he puesto en los formatos apropiados y me he fijado bien que tuviesen el tamaño permitido.

     Mira a ver si me puedes poner esa misma foto que me has puesto en el avatar Dimuscul, que ya estoy desesperado.

     PD. Los actores interpretan películas distintas y no pasa nada... a ver si no van a poder interpretar personajes de rol... :p

Cargando editor
19/08/2011, 10:02
Shoak, el Cambiapieles

mmmm... que desequilibrado veo el grupo =___=U Y veo que en Aeria es mas facil morir xD

Cargando editor
19/08/2011, 14:13


Y veo que en Aeria es mas facil morir xD

Teniendo en cuenta que si alguien cae por la borda, va a caer al vacío ... no te digo XD

Cargando editor
19/08/2011, 16:28
Assisi Auditore

El concepto es mezclar a Cristobal Colon con un explorador de campo. Vamos una combinación rara. El armamento no se si "arco" o dos armas de mano, algo ágil, rápido que vaya dando botes de lado a lado, piruetas y demás. Que se base en Dex. Un cambio drástico con Kuori.

Cargando editor
19/08/2011, 16:32

Me he quedado igual :D

Básicamente no me dices nada que no sea un explorador básico. Supongo que buscaras un explorador básico al fin y al cabo XDDDD

Cargando editor
19/08/2011, 16:59
Assisi Auditore

Si esq al final creo que eso es lo que quiero xD. jajaja.
Así que creo que eso va a ser lo que me voy ha hacer xD.
Que tal clase es, no he jugado con nadie que lo lleve y va a ser con rifle raro de esos xD.

Cargando editor
19/08/2011, 17:34

A nivel personal, siempre he encontrado que los exploradores son un poco flojos para ser strikers. Tienen el potencial de matar a mas de un minion a la vez ... pero ya me dirás ... eso un controlador lo hace con los ojos cerrados.

Un pícaro, o un matador le superan ...

Imagina, un matador basado en destreza (y arco), puede hacer tranquilamente +10 al ataque y 1d10+10 de daño. Con los ataques básicos. Si se pone tontorron (postura de combate) puede ponerse en +14 de daño a flechazo limpio.

Y el pícaro ... no te digo, es mas acrobático y mas mortal :P

Cargando editor
19/08/2011, 17:56

Fíjate en que Ot, siendo un picaro "simplón" y sin haber sido muckinizado al máximo, suelta ataques básicos +9 y creo que son unos ... 3d6+9 de daño. Eso es una media de casi 20 puntos de daño por un ataque básico.


Yo sigo mirando el artificiero, pero de momento no me convence. No le acabo de ver un rol claro. Vale, que puede dopar armas y equipo ajeno pero ... ¿ un poder que da +1 a la CA de un aliado ?. ¿ No es muy cutre ?. ¿ o un +1 al ataque y +3 al daño durante 1 turno ?. Para ser una clase que no pega mucho ni hace gran cosa, lo veo poquilla cosa.

Seguiré peleándo con números.

Cargando editor
19/08/2011, 18:53

Si, el +1 a CA, etc es lo común ... los roles de soporte se basan en solo eso. Si pega poco o mucho, es cosa tuya. Al fin y al cabo todas las clases suelen hace el 1[w]+Atributo ... lo unico diferente es que el ranger le suma 1d6 al daño, el pícaro 2d6, el warlock 1d6 ... el guerrero marca, el controlador mueve una casilla o dos, o pone un estado de slowed (por decir algo) y los lideres dan un bono de +1 o +2 al ataque o defensa, o permiten a un aliado hacer un shift, etc.

No digo que a mi me mole mucho, pero es como van :P

Claro que habiendo visto unas cuantas partidas, esos bonos suelen salvar el pellejo mas a menudo de lo que parece. A diferencia de tercera edición, donde las defensas quedaban rápidamente obsoletas o te encontrabas enemigos totalmente descompensado ... en 4ed el equilibrio de números suele ser mas duradero ... un +1 a nivel 1, tiene casi el mismo peso a nivel 10 ... y eso mola.

Aunque ... como siempre ... si solo te fijas en los números, acabas eligiendo las 4 opciones/clase de siempre.

A nota personal, de los lideres que yo he llevado, los que mas me molan son los que proporcionan ataques a aliados o hacen que un enemigo ataque a uno de los suyos. Son lo que creo que manipulan el campo de batalla de una forma mas tangible ... el artificiero no es muy bueno en eso, el warlord si.

También llevé una vez un clérigo que molaba mazo, pero ... claro, era enano e iba con un mordenkrad que hacia porrón de daño. El bardo que he llevado no me molo mucho ... al menos tenia poderes que permitían atacar a algún aliado, pero aparte de eso era muy flojo, una clase sin identidad.

Una cosa que he percibido llevando lideres, es que si no haces bastante metajuego y los demás no están dispuestos a escucharte ... la mitad de tus poderes se convierten en basura.

Por que no veas como mola lanzar un poder diario que da puntos de golpe si tus aliados golpean al enemigo, solo para ver como todos tus aliados pasan de ti y el poder se pierde sin mas. Te sientes la mar de útil.

Cargando editor
20/08/2011, 01:56
Rodrigo de Guzmán y Salazar

Bueno, por ahora, lo más seguro es que me haga un humano warlord centrado en dar ataques al resto (o sea que ya podéis buscar ataques básicos que hagan pupa) y hacer empujoncillos a los enemigos (por si fuera fácil echar a la gente por la borda).

A raíz de esto último, tengo una preguntilla a falta de más información del escenario. La habilidad "Acrobatics", ¿puede ser aquí más importante que en otros escenarios? Es que me no sé por dónde pillarla si no es con una dote y me raca.

Cargando editor
20/08/2011, 10:05

Desde luego es un escenario con mas verticalidad, con lo que atletismo y acrobacias toman mas relevancia. Puede ser mas importante, o no ... todo depende de lo que haga tu personaje. 

Y siempre puedes tener esa habilidad a través de un trasfondo. Si lo que te faltan son el numero de habilidades que puedes tener entrenadas, en lugar de transformar acrobacias como una habilidad de clase, pilla el beneficio de +2 a la habilidad.

Cargando editor
20/08/2011, 20:34
Assisi Auditore

No tengo muy claro que hacerme pero voy a tirar, igual tiro de asesino, que el nombre siempre suena bien xD.

Hay dos de las razas que en mi Character builder no estan, Thri-kreen y Shifters, un poquito de información :)

- Tiradas (5)

Motivo: Característica 1

Tirada: 2d6

Resultado: 6

Motivo: Característica 1

Tirada: 3d6

Resultado: 13

Motivo: Característica 2

Tirada: 3d6

Resultado: 9

Motivo: Característica 3

Tirada: 3d6

Resultado: 11

Motivo: Característica 4

Tirada: 3d6

Resultado: 9

Notas de juego

Tiradas : 18, 16, 13, 11, 9, 9

Cargando editor
20/08/2011, 22:45

Os pongo los datos de esas dos razas ... primero el "mantis" :P

Alien to most people of Athas, these desert-dwelling creatures live for the thrill of the hunt
Average Height: 5' 4" - 6' 6"
Average Weight: 180 - 240

Ability scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Strength or +2 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 7 squares.
Vision: Low-light

Languages: Common, Thri-kreen
Skill Bonuses: +2 Athletics, +2 Nature.
Multiple Arms: Once per turn, you can draw or sheathe a weapon (or retrieve or stow an item stored on your person) as a free action instead of a minor action.
Natural Jumper: A thri-kreen is always considered to have a running start when jumping.
Thri-kreen Claws: You have the thri-kreen claws power.
Torpor: Rather than sleep, thri-kreen enter a torpid state. In this state, you remain aware of your surroundings, and you require only 4 hours of torpor (rather than 6 hours of sleep) to gain the benefit of an extended rest.


Thri-Kreen Racial Power - Thri-kreen Claws
You quickly lash out with all your claws, tearing at nearby enemies.
Minor Action      Melee
Target: One, two, or three enemies
Attack: Strength + 3 vs. AC, Dexterity + 3 vs. AC, or Wisdom + 3 vs. AC
Level 11: Strength + 6 vs. AC, Dexterity + 6 vs. AC, or Wisdom + 6 vs. AC
Level 21: Strength + 9 vs. AC, Dexterity + 9 vs. AC, or Wisdom + 9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + Strength modifier, Dexterity modifier, or Wisdom modifier damage. You gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to the number of targets.
Level 11: 2d8 + Strength modifier, Dexterity modifier, or Wisdom modifier damage
Level 21: 3d8 + Strength modifier, Dexterity modifier, or Wisdom modifier damage.

Thri-kreen are mantislike humanoids that hunt in packs throughout the wastes of Athas. They have adapted to the harsh climate and are experts at surviving with only scarce resources. Thri-kreen are physically nimble, and many also have psionic abilities.

Play a Thri-Kreen if you want...
• to be a pragmatic hunter who knows how to survive in a harsh world.
• to roleplay a race with beliefs and practices far different from those of humans.
• to be a member of a race that favors the monk, druid, and ranger classes.

The insectoid thri-kreen have six limbs and are covered in tough, sandy-colored chitinous plates. Their lowest pair of limbs is used as legs, and their upper pair of limbs serves as arms. The middle set of limbs is small but nimble, and the kreen use them for fine manipulation, leaving heavy work to the stronger upper arms. Both middle and upper hands have three clawed fingers and one opposable thumb. In combat, thri-kreen hold weapons or shields in their upper limbs, since the middle pair lacks the strength and using both sets of limbs would be awkward and unwieldy.

Swift and athletic, thri-kreen are natural climbers and jumpers. Their wedge-shaped heads have large compound eyes, two (mostly vestigial) antennae, and powerful mandibles. They can speak an oddly accented form of Common but prefer their own language, which is easier to pronounce with their mouth parts.

Thri-kreen have short life spans and rarely reach 30 years of age.

Thri-kreen minds, behavior, and physiology often seem bizarre to members of other races. Most Athasians don’t understand the kreen and find them more than a little threatening. However, despite their fierce appearance, the insectlike humanoids can be loyal and courageous companions. Thri-kreen have most of the same needs and morals as do other races; they simply prioritize those needs and morals differently. Most important, thri-kreen judge others solely on physical and mental ability. The lazy and weak deserve contempt, regardless of race; likewise, strength and cleverness merit respect no matter who demonstrates these qualities.

Thri-kreen view everything through the lens of the hunt and the predator-prey relationship. Their basic social units are the clutch and the pack. A clutch is a small group (of no more than six) to which an individual kreen has a close bond. The concept of the clutch combines “team,” “friends,” and “family.” Every thri-kreen has a birth clutch that consists of all surviving members of the group of eggs from which it hatched. Later in life, each kreen forms one or more other clutches, perhaps centered around adventuring groups or specialized hunting parties. A pack is a larger social unit that consists of any number of clutches. If deprived of a clutch, a thri-kreen is biologically compelled to seek out a new group to join.

Obeying their pack instincts, thri-kreen try to find their place in any group. They use a series of challenges to determine the pecking order, assessing their possible clutchmates in secret or, when necessary, demanding trial by combat. Thri-kreen seize leadership of groups in which they’re the strongest members, but they are willing to accept subordinate roles in the presence of powerful allies. They take orders from the pack or clutch leader without hesitation, eager to fulfill the duties of their position in the hierarchy. Despite the apparent autocracy of a kreen group, any member is free to voice its opinion and offer advice. Indeed, each thri-kreen is expected to have expertise in matters the others do not. All can and must contribute to the good of the clutch and the success of the hunt.

In thri-kreen culture, the hunt is pervasive and crucial, and combat is just another kind of hunt. Thri-kreen rarely fight out of malice and see no need for aggression unless it is the best means of obtaining the resources they need to survive. Self-defense is another matter—a thri-kreen who has been attacked can’t fathom any response other than a violent counterattack. After a victorious battle, a kreen’s first instinct is to collect any useful possessions that belonged to the attacker or (in the case of beasts) to harvest the body for food.

Many thri-kreen develop psionic abilities. Those who fully pursue these gifts often become monks or battleminds, taking advantage of their physical talents. Some attribute this natural ability to the thri-kreen’s racial memory. Each member of the race is born with the clutch mentality and an innate knowledge of the thri-kreen language. When a thri-kreen encounters a place or item that played an important part in kreen history, it might see flashes of the past—an upwelling of racial memories long suppressed but present in all kreen.

Thri-Kreen Characteristics: Distinctive, dutiful, inscrutable, observant, predatory, single-minded, tough

Thri-Kreen Names: Cha'ka, Chuka-tet, Drik-chkit, Hakka, Ka'cha, Ka'tho, Kacht-ta, Kat'chka, Lakta-cho, Pak'cha, Pik-ik-cha, Sa'Relka, T'Chai, Tak-tha.

Notas de juego

Es importante recalcar que esta raza es de Dark Sun, con que todas las referencias harán mención de su origen desértico ... en nuestro casi son mas bien de la jungla o bosques, son de un color mas verdoso ... como una mantis.

Cargando editor
20/08/2011, 22:49

Hay dos tipos de shifter ... aquí van:

Razorclaw Shifter
Ferocious heirs of the wild, the perfect fusion of civilized race and wild beast
Average Height: 5'7" - 6'0"
Average Weight: 130 - 180

Ability scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Vision: Low-light

Languages: Common, choice of one other
Skill Bonuses: +2 Acrobatics, +2 Stealth.
Razorclaw Shifting: You have the razorclaw shifting power.


Razorclaw Shifter Racial Power - Razorclaw Shifting
You unleash the beast within and take on a savage countenance.
Minor Action  ·    Personal

Requirement: You must be bloodied.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your speed increases by 2, and you gain a +1 bonus to AC and Reflex.

Shifters are fierce hunters strongly influenced by their animal nature. Though they can’t fully change shape as their lycanthrope ancestors can, shifters do become more bestial during the heat of battle, calling on the primal power of the beast within.

Play a Razorclaw Shifter if you want...
    to tap into bestial strength or speed in battle.
    to be a character in tune with your primal savage nature.
    to be a member of a race that favors the druid, fighter, ranger, and warden classes.

In broad strokes, shifters resemble humans with animalistic features. Their bodies are lithe and strong, and they often move in a crouched posture, springing and leaping along the ground. Their faces have a bestial cast, with wide, flat noses, large eyes and heavy eyebrows, pointed ears, and long sideburns. The hair of their heads is thick and worn long. Shifter skin and hair are usually some shade of brown.
Longtooth shifters claim werewolves as ancestors and have a vaguely canine cast to their features that becomes much more pronounced when they use their longtooth shifting power. Razorclaw shifters are descended from weretigers and are more catlike, particularly when using razorclaw shifting.
Shifters live about as long as humans.

Shifters are strongly influenced by their animal natures. They think and act like predators, conceiving of most activities in terms of hunting and prey. Longtooth shifters are drawn to a pack of companions, whether that’s a family group or an adventuring party. They work well as part of a team in combat, coordinating their attacks with their allies and coming to the aid of beleaguered friends. They’re drawn to the leader and defender roles, and they make excellent clerics, fighters, paladins, and wardens.
Razorclaw shifters are more independent, self-reliant, and adaptable. They’re no less devoted to their adventuring companions, but they trust their allies to take care of themselves, and they strive to carry their own weight in the group. They’re more inclined to be strikers or controllers, and they favor classes such as avenger, druid, ranger, and rogue.
Historically, most shifters dwelled in nomadic bands in plains and forests far removed from cities and towns. Since the fall of Nerath, however, the increasing dangers of the wilds have driven many shifters into closer proximity to human and elf communities. Some shifters have adapted smoothly to this change, carving niches for themselves as trappers, hunters, fishers, trackers, guides, or military scouts. Others have a much harder time fitting in. Shifters who feel alienated from the plains and forests they love sometimes take up the adventuring life as a way of escaping the confines of city walls and returning to nature. Some shifters, though, turn to a life of crime, preying on the residents of their new homes like the hunters they are.

Razorclaw Shifter Characteristics: Active, alert, fierce, freespirited, intuitive, perceptive, predatory, self-reliant, unrestrained, wild

Male Names: Ash, Brook, Claw, Cliff, Flint, Frost, River, Rock, Storm, Thorn, Tor.

Female Names: Aurora, Autumn, Dawn, Hazel, Iris, Lily, Rain, Rose, Summer.


Longtooth Shifter
Ferocious heirs of the wild, the perfect fusion of civilized race and wild beast
Average Height: 5'7" - 6'0"
Average Weight: 130 - 180

Ability scores: +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Vision: Low-light

Languages: Common, choice of one other
Skill Bonuses: +2 Athletics, +2 Endurance.
Longtooth Shifting: You have the longtooth shifting power.


Longtooth Shifter Racial Power - Longtooth Shifting
You unleash the beast within and take on a savage countenance.
Encounter   ·   Healing
Minor Action   ·   Personal

Requirement: You must be bloodied.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls. In addition, while you are bloodied, you gain regeneration 2.
Level 11: Regeneration 4.
Level 21: Regeneration 6.

Shifters are fierce hunters strongly influenced by their animal nature. Though they can’t fully change shape as their lycanthrope ancestors can, shifters do become more bestial during the heat of battle, calling on the primal power of the beast within.

Play a Longtooth Shifter if you want...
    to tap into bestial strength or speed in battle.
    to be a character in tune with your primal savage nature.
    to be a member of a race that favors the druid, fighter, ranger, and warden classes.

In broad strokes, shifters resemble humans with animalistic features. Their bodies are lithe and strong, and they often move in a crouched posture, springing and leaping along the ground. Their faces have a bestial cast, with wide, flat noses, large eyes and heavy eyebrows, pointed ears, and long sideburns. The hair of their heads is thick and worn long. Shifter skin and hair are usually some shade of brown.
Longtooth shifters claim werewolves as ancestors and have a vaguely canine cast to their features that becomes much more pronounced when they use their longtooth shifting power. Razorclaw shifters are descended from weretigers and are more catlike, particularly when using razorclaw shifting.
Shifters live about as long as humans.

Shifters are strongly influenced by their animal natures. They think and act like predators, conceiving of most activities in terms of hunting and prey. Longtooth shifters are drawn to a pack of companions, whether that’s a family group or an adventuring party. They work well as part of a team in combat, coordinating their attacks with their allies and coming to the aid of beleaguered friends. They’re drawn to the leader and defender roles, and they make excellent clerics, fighters, paladins, and wardens.
Razorclaw shifters are more independent, self-reliant, and adaptable. They’re no less devoted to their adventuring companions, but they trust their allies to take care of themselves, and they strive to carry their own weight in the group. They’re more inclined to be strikers or controllers, and they favor classes such as avenger, druid, ranger, and rogue.
Historically, most shifters dwelled in nomadic bands in plains and forests far removed from cities and towns. Since the fall of Nerath, however, the increasing dangers of the wilds have driven many shifters into closer proximity to human and elf communities. Some shifters have adapted smoothly to this change, carving niches for themselves as trappers, hunters, fishers, trackers, guides, or military scouts. Others have a much harder time fitting in. Shifters who feel alienated from the plains and forests they love sometimes take up the adventuring life as a way of escaping the confines of city walls and returning to nature. Some shifters, though, turn to a life of crime, preying on the residents of their new homes like the hunters they are.

Longtooth Shifter Characteristics: Active, alert, fierce, freespirited, intuitive, perceptive, predatory, self-reliant, unrestrained, wild

Male Names: Ash, Brook, Claw, Cliff, Flint, Frost, River, Rock, Storm, Thorn, Tor.

Female Names: Aurora, Autumn, Dawn, Hazel, Iris, Lily, Rain, Rose, Summer.