
  • En juego
    • Director (0)
    • Jugador (0)
  • En pausa
    • Director (0)
    • Jugador (0)
  • Finalizadas
    • Director (1)
    • Jugador (1)

Partidas como director en juego

Partidas como director en pausa

Partidas como director finalizadas



Users of the forum have begun to realise that the corners of the internet hold some very strange things. Rumours of spirits
possessing abandoned webpages. Cursed gifs which doom those who see them to a violent demise. Chain emails which warp
the fabric of fate. forum.crypt lies at the centre of it all – a record, and perhaps a feeding ground, for all that is eerie…

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Partidas como jugador en juego

Partidas como jugador en pausa

Partidas como jugador finalizadas



Users of the forum have begun to realise that the corners of the internet hold some very strange things. Rumours of spirits
possessing abandoned webpages. Cursed gifs which doom those who see them to a violent demise. Chain emails which warp
the fabric of fate. forum.crypt lies at the centre of it all – a record, and perhaps a feeding ground, for all that is eerie…

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