
IA que compone textos a partir de frases iniciales

Otros lugares, otras opciones :: Sin clasificar :: IA que compone textos a partir de frases iniciales

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24/05/2019, 12:17

dumb ai> you're a stupid idiot and you deserve to be kicked out you're stupid stupid idiot and you deserve to be kicked out you're dumb dumb stupid idiot and you deserve to be kicked out you're dumb dumb dumb idiot and you deserve to be kicked out youre dumb dumb dumb idiot and you deserve to be kicked out youre dumb stupid dumb idiot and you deserve to be kicked out<br /><br />

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Que curioso si. xD 

24/05/2019, 12:27
Editado: 24/05/2019, 12:29

Acojonado estoy, atención a lo que me puso O_O , lo de negrita es la frase que puse, y esto solo se ha armado una historia conspiranoica O_O

In the dawn of time Rutger_Hauer writes: (2017-08-12T21:21:56.947000+00:00)

I will give it 1 week I will give it 1 week ??????? writes: (2017-08-12T21:26:29.582000+00:00)

The problem there is the whole idea from the start is that a small group would not be a major problem.

Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-12T21:34:29.371000+00:00)

its too late for a group like that i guess, but for all people here in the USA "all" is "some"

Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-12T21:34:35.661000+00:0)

there has been this trend of being conservative against radicalization from Europe

Official Kebab Remover writes: (2017-08-12T21:34:40.491000+00:00)

but most of these liberal extremists want to stop it and will have people die


La siguiente por lo menos no parece tan "extremista" O_O


In the dawn of time Rutger_Hauer wrote that he was a writer and photographer, working primarily from home, and having traveled the country and met with hundreds of people from all walks of life. His blog is called Rutger_Hauer, along with a wide range of photographic related content, all posted on his Flickr page which you can find under his username "Rutger Hauer". Rutger is also a regular guest on his radio show and regularly provides commentary on The Young Stuff (NYYT).

24/05/2019, 23:10

Lo del Oficial Eliminador de Kebabs (Official Kebab Remover) me ha llegado al alma. Tengo que hacer un PNJ con ese nombre para alguna partida. O un PJ. Da igual. Semejante perla no puede caer en el olvido XDDDD

Un saludo


08/08/2019, 03:01

¡AAAAAH! ¡Es el origen de las máquinas redactoras! ¡Destruidla insensatos!

08/08/2019, 03:14
Editado: 08/08/2019, 03:14

Jjajajaja está muy bueno

The Vampyre girl smiles to the boy ~~~ This will be the most important lesson for her that she'll ever have to learn, she'll be more then ready to face the world alone, that's why I just wanted to teach her this lesson with such ease. She'll be able to stand on her own, or stand at the back of her troop, but it's not so easy for her. In addition to that she'll now have her own friends.  ~~~ This kid had never thought of that in front of everyone before, but he was glad to see what it means to be together with her. ~~~ It will be something you'll never forget, that smile was the best happiness he will ever have. ~~~ I'll think it's even better when she gets into the fight and they don't get hurt. ~~~ She'll be strong without the burden. ~~~ Her life is hers to keep on holding onto, if I give up control over her, she's just going to run. She wanted to leave it on her own for once, but there must be limits! At least I can at least try not to let her become a slave! 
Aaaaaah… So now they're saying that these girls are actually just human beings and will never really die! I thought they were humans, but to be honest this girl is


08/08/2019, 10:02

¿Por qué no lo he visto antes?

A red dawn, a lot of blood, a million zombies aorund the world. A world without anyone, the world without anyone, an end for all of us. I want to see them come to me, I want to hear them, I want to make them feel as if there are no other world than mine. I will destroy them, I will create a world entirely free of fear. A place where there is fear but no one can stop me. And I will be the father of this world. I want you to understand that.

"It's going to take us a long time, this world is getting bigger, I don't mean it's going to be an entire dimension, but I would like to get the whole world and it would take years to get the power we need to get to another dimension. How long do you think that will be? And if it's over a little more time, I won't be so lucky, I know many people in our society that are dying. I think we also need help, we need it now and once it's here we'll see them all get stronger so that we can finish this world. I want to go far and far away from all that, my goal would be to change this world for the better. I know I am different, but it's the truth.

"The world is so dark"

08/08/2019, 17:57

¿Recordáis lo escrito por Chemo sobre no ir más al doctor? Pues...

Chemo in a nutshell

why it's better than other doctors'? By Michael D'Antonio Read more

But he admitted there is a need for better evidence before doctors start prescribing it, and said it was not a good idea "to throw too much money at something when it is not going to help".

He said that the risks were well understood but the benefits were rarely recognized. "I'm interested in these cases, but I'm not going to prescribe the medicine," he said. Patients would have to prove they did not get it in order to be eligible, he added.

In July 2013, the UK's government issued recommendations on what it called "evidence-based" treatments for bowel disorders, including cancer, depression and epilepsy.

The recommendations recommended a trial of a "strong, well-controlled intervention" which he said was "far superior" than the current options.

He argued that "the real benefit comes of taking our minds off cancer but putting cancer back into a doctor's office with just one pill".

He was accused of being out of touch by critics, who called him out for having told his patients that the medicine was good for cancer patients.

A review of his case in the Medical Journal of Australia concluded: "The evidence base of the suggestion remains limited. The authors note that the evidence is weak regarding potential harms

Que según San Google...

¿Por qué es mejor que otros médicos? Por Michael D'Antonio Leer más Pero admitió que existe la necesidad de una mejor evidencia antes de que los médicos comiencen a recetarla, y dijo que no era una buena idea "arrojar demasiado dinero a algo cuando no va a ayudar". Dijo que los riesgos se entendían bien pero que rara vez se reconocían los beneficios. "Estoy interesado en estos casos, pero no voy a recetar el medicamento", dijo. Los pacientes tendrían que demostrar que no lo obtuvieron para ser elegibles, agregó. En julio de 2013, el gobierno del Reino Unido emitió recomendaciones sobre lo que llamó tratamientos "basados ??en evidencia" para los trastornos intestinales, incluidos el cáncer, la depresión y la epilepsia. Las recomendaciones recomendaban un ensayo de una "intervención fuerte y bien controlada" que, según él, era "muy superior" que las opciones actuales. Argumentó que "el beneficio real proviene de sacar nuestras mentes del cáncer pero volver a colocar el cáncer en el consultorio de un médico con una sola píldora". Los críticos lo acusaron de estar fuera de contacto y lo llamaron por haberles dicho a sus pacientes que la medicina era buena para los pacientes con cáncer. Una revisión de su caso en el Medical Journal of Australia concluyó: "La base de evidencia de la sugerencia sigue siendo limitada. Los autores señalan que la evidencia es débil con respecto a posibles daños

Simplemente maravilloso. Habrá que probar su eficiencia para generar post automáticamente; estamos a un paso más de llegar a la granja de frikipuntos, 100 posts por Hora. 

08/08/2019, 18:30

Oh cielos!

Debo darme prisa en sacar mis obras antes de que los robots nos suplanten.

La triste realidad es que ya me supera en todo.

09/08/2019, 22:18

Madre mía qué va a pasar con nosotros, los escritores creativos.

¡Sustituidos por máquinas! ¡¡MÁQUINAS!!

¿Os imaginais lo mismo aplicado al rol? Autorol versión 6.0: donde no necesitas otra persona para jugar, te basta con dirigir (o jugar) tú solo.


15/08/2019, 12:22

Ya escribe mejor que el 14% de la gente

17/08/2019, 06:49

Disculpen que sea medio lelo xd. ¿me pasan el link por favor?

17/08/2019, 08:45
Editado: 18/08/2019, 01:47

The gost of a pirate ship to your face in The Pirate World and there will be a reward. All prizes on board are provided free of charge. You can enter the contest once, even if you've won it already. Prizes - 1st - 5,000 gold 2nd - 4,000 gold 3rd-4th - 2,500 gold 5th-7th - 1,250 gold

18/08/2019, 01:49

Esta esta mejor

She use the tarot card to bring back the one she needs. She then begins to tell some of these stories." [pg 76]
The following is a description that has been put together from notes and research she has undertaken from the many articles relating to Tarot. The description is of her own interpretations rather than a formal study.
"When Tarot is taken as a religious text, the story, characters, and themes are more important than the card itself. The stories are the heart of Tarot. It is about the soul in action—the people and events that make up the journey of the tarot. In a secular context, a particular card could refer to a person, project, or movement; but in Tarot, the card says "this person, my spirit, my soul, etc." It could also describe an idealistic event—for instance, a wedding and a family, or an individual at cross-purposes that needs intervention. These stories become central to understanding who you are and what you want—and sometimes what is going on in the room—as well as what you know or don't know. And while it is also true that the personal life of a person may seem to play into a particular card, these stories are more important in understanding that person's individual, social, or interpersonal relationships. I am particularly interested in stories related to sexuality and marriage…

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