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Cargando editor
24/02/2009, 09:23

All characters have nine Characteristics. They are: Weapon Skill (WS), Ballistic Skill (BS), Strength (S), Toughness (T), Agility (Ag),
Intelligence (Int), Perception (Per), Will Power (WP), and Fellowship (Fel). Characteristics tell you something about the character, giving
you an idea about his or her capabilities, personality, smarts, and even what they might look like—in a broad and general sense of

Todos los personajes poseen nueve Características, que son las siguientes: Weapon Skill (WS), Ballistic Skill (BS), Strength (S), Toughness (T), Agility (Ag), Intelligence (Int), Perception (Per), Will Power (WP), and Fellowship (Fel). Las características definen el personaje y te dan una idea aproximada de sus capacidades, personalidad, inteligencia, e incluso de su aspecto.

Whenever you need to take a test in the game, you compare the dice roll to the Characteristic most likely to be involved in the test. Say you’re trying to shoot a Mutant, you’d roll against Ballistic Skill. Likewise, if you’re trying to avoid a falling column, you’d roll against Agility.

Cuando hayas de superar una prueba, has de realizar una tirada tomando como referencia la Característica que mayor relación tenga con aquella. Por ejemplo, si pretendes disparar a un mutante, tirarás tu Habilidad de armas (Ballistic Skill). Si tratas de evitar que una columna que se derrumba te aplaste, tirarás Agilidad (Agility).

Opposed Skill Tests
Sometimes you have to test your skill against that of an opponent which is known as an Opposed Skill Test. This works by both parties
making Skill Tests as normal, whoever succeeds wins. If both participants succeed, then the one with the higher Characteristic bonus wins out.

A veces las pruebas son opuestas. En caso de enfrentamiento, se realiza la tirada como hemos indicado anteriormente. No obstante, y en caso de que ambos tengan éxito, ganará aquel con una puntuación mayor en la Característica relevante.

Skills are a lot like Characteristics, but offer special things you can do during play. Every skill is associated with a Characteristic so when you want to use a skill, just test the Characteristic that’s tied to the skill.

Las habilidades son muy parecidas a las Características, pero aportan elementos especiales. Cada habilidad se asocia con una Característica. Así que cuando desees una habilidad concreta, deberás realizar la prueba con respecto a la Característica que la rija.

Talents offer slight advantages, reflecting special training and expanding on your options in the game for using skills and so on.
Talents can also grant access to different parts of the game, such as psychic powers, Tech Priest augmentations, and so on.

Los talentos suponen determinadas ventajas que reflejan entrenamiento especial. También sirven para acceder a capacidades especiales, como los poderes psíquicos o las habilidades propias de los tecnosacerdotes.


Cargando editor
24/02/2009, 12:28


A traducir se ha dicho jaja.

Cargando editor
24/02/2009, 12:57

Traducido :P

Cargando editor
24/04/2009, 10:42

Reglas de combate

Combat breaks down into rounds. During a round, each combatant gets a turn to act, which could be anything from running away,
blasting a Mutant, or hacking apart a hateful xeno with a sword. Once everyone has acted, a new round begins.

Who Goes First
At the beginning of the combat, all participants roll 1d10 and add their Agility Bonus to the die roll. The combatant with the highest
result goes first and play proceeds to the next highest character and so on until everyone has acted. This is called rolling for initiative.

The Turn
As mentioned, each character gets a turn to act in the round. During a turn a character can do two things: attack and move. Other
actions are very much possible, but they either count as an attack, a move, or both!

A New Round
Once everyone has acted, the character who started the previous round gets to take another turn. This continues until all the combat ends— usually when one side is slain by the other. Reactions In addition to the attacks and moves a character can take during their turn, all characters can react to threats even when it’s not their turn. Each character gets one reaction per round. For the purposes of this scenario, a reaction should be spent to get out of the way of an attack, such as by making a Dodge Test (if the character has
the skill; otherwise it’s an Agility Test at half the Characteristic). We’ll talk more about this later.

Whenever a character wants to attack his opponent, he can use a melee attack (such as with a sword, knife, or axe) or a ranged
attack (laspistol, crossbow, bolter, etc.). To make a melee attack, the character has to be adjacent to his opponent and if so, he makes
a Weapon Skill Test. To make a ranged attack, the character needs to be in range of his target (listed under the weapon’s entry) and
have a clear shot—the target’s not blocked by another character or not standing behind a door for example. The character then tests
Ballistic Skill. As with any other test, a roll that results in a number equal to or lower than the Characteristic hits. A roll that results in a
number greater than the Characteristic misses.

Movement is broken down into four types; half , full, charge and run. Half equals a short move, allowing you to also fight in the round.
Full is a characters normal movement distance. Charge is when somebody rushes an opponent, gaining +10% bonus to your Weapon Skill Test made at the end of the charge. Run is running at full speed, which makes you harder to hit with missile weapons (-20% Ballistics Skill Tests made against you), but easier to hit in melee (opponents gain +20% bonus to Weapon Skill Tests). The values of each movement type can be found on most character or creature profiles and each value is separated by a slash. The numbers
given for each of these types is equivalent to the distance in metres or squares if you are using miniatures on a combat grid.
Movement in Combat.
A character can move a number of metres equal to his Agility Bonus. He can give up his attack to move twice this amount.

Avoiding Attacks
Once per round, whenever a target is successfully hit, he may make a Dodge Test (or an Agility Test at one-half his Characteristic) to negate the attack. If he succeeds, he ducks out of the way. If he fails, the attack hits squarely.

Inflicting Damage
Whenever you hit an opponent with a weapon, and your opponent fails to get out of the way, you inflict damage. Each weapon includes a Damage value, usually 1d10 plus a number. Roll the die and add the modifier. This is the damage total. Then, you subtract the target’s Toughness Bonus (again, this is the ‘tens’ number that’s shaded next to the Toughness score) from the damage total. If
you’re wearing armour, also subtract the armour points. Whatever is left is damage that’s applied to the target. Record this number somewhere, since damage is cumulative. So long as the accumulated damage is less than the character’s Wounds, the character is fine. But if the damage exceeds the target’s Wounds by 4 or less, the target falls unconscious and doesn’t awaken until the end
of the combat. If the damage exceeds the target’s Wounds by 5 or more, the character dies.

Righteous Fury
Normally, when a character hits with an attack, the resulting Damage Total equals 1d10 plus the weapon’s damage. However, when you roll a 10 on the die, it may indicate the eye of the Emperor is upon the character. This calls for a second test—Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill— as if the character were making another attack. If this second test is successful, the spirit of the Emperor is with him, aiding his attack and guiding his aim. The player can roll for damage again and add the result to the Damage Total.

Cargando editor
27/04/2009, 10:07

Tabla de localizaciones

Hay que "dar la vuelta" a la tirada de ataque para saber dónde impactas. Es decir, si saco un 32, impacto en la localización 23.

1-10     Cabeza

11-20   Brazo derecho

21-30   Brazo izquierdo

31-70   Torso

71-85   Pierna derecha

86-00   Pierna izquierda

Cargando editor
28/04/2009, 12:18

Pongo esto aquí para no ensuciar aún mas la escena del combate xD Espero que no moleste.

En un turno se pueden hacer las siguientes acciones: 1 acción completa o 2 acciones parciales. Adicionalmente todo el mundo tiene derecho a una acción especial CUANDO NO ES SU TURNO, llamada reacción, que se usa para esquivar(habilidad dodge) ataques a distancia o melee y parada (parry) sólo para melee y si se porta un arma a melee.

A ver, resumiendo al menos para el nivel básico e inicial donde estamos, hay los siguientes ataques/acciones para combate:


Apuntar: Si apuntas y disparas en el mismo turno, ganas +10. Si apuntas todo un turno y al siguiente disparas, ganas +20.
Semi-automático y automático: El primer modo de fuego te da +10 HP el segundo +20HP. Ambos dan la posibilidad de hacer blancos secundarios según la tirada.


Carga: +10 HA y hay que moverse un mínimo de 4 metros.
Asalto completo: +20 HA pero NO puedes parar/esquivar ese turno.
Ataques dirigidos: Si eliges atacar/apuntar una zona determinada tienes -20 al ataque.
Ataques múltiples: Se necesitan talentos para ellos.

Luego hay muchos mas modificadores al combate, como por ejemplo la superioridad numérica (2:1 da +10 HA y 3:1 da +20 HA), si el objetivo está en melee hay un penalizador de -20 y muchos mas.

Notas de juego

Nota del dj: ningún problema, solo te he cambiado las denominaciones de acción completa/acción parcial, para no liar al personal, ya que son las traducciones que he utilizado en las explicaciones pertinentes.