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Scales of War

Encuentros y Tesoro

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26/09/2010, 14:03

PX (Inicio = 765 PX)

Cap 01 Rescue at Rivenroar

Acojonar al trasgo 40 PX
Encontrar el camino 60 PX
Trasgos variados 110 PX
Más trasgos 60 PX
Babaza+Espectros 130 PX
Bichos de magma y gnomos 125 PX
Ettercaps cabrones 110 PX
Ratitas y draco 85 PX
Dracos, Hexer y trasgos 110 PX
Ghouls y zombies 130 PX
Sinruth 125 PX
Dracos 100 PX
Quest(rescatar prisioneros) 100 PX
Emboscada Kruthik 120 PX
Asesinar crías de Kruthik 25 PX
Wight, gnoma y amiguetes 140 px

==== LEVEL UP ====

Demonio y hombres rata 170 px + Botín común hasta ahora 2280 gp
Quest(reliquias) 20 PX + 100 gp

Cap 02 Siege of Bordrins Watch

Cap 02.01 Monastery of the Sundered Chain

1. Exploradores orcos 134 px + 20 gp + poción curación
* Interrogatorio 20 px

==== DORMIR ====

* Quest(1.000 gp): avisar al monasterio, han pagado por adelantado.
* SKC(llegar al monasterio enano) 20 px
1. Orcos a la entrada del monasterio 104 px
2. Orcos en el salón de Moradín 148 px +1 PA
3. Orcos en el salón de los heroes 178 px + 3 pociones de curación, dos gemas valoradas en 100 monedas de oro cada una, una estatuilla de Moradín valorada en 250 monedas de oro, 80 monedas de oro y 400 monedas de plata.
4. Orcos en las profundidades 150 px + 10 monedas de oro y 45 de plata. Objeto nivel 7(Armadura enana) +1 PA
5. Orcos en la sala de trabajo 211 px + 50 gp + 400 sp. Objeto nivel 4(Gauntlets of Blood: Guanteletes de sangre).

==== DORMIR ====

Cap 02.02 The Vents

* SKC Travesía hasta la entrada de los tuneles enanos 25 px
1. Entering the Vents 83 px
2. The Gauntlet 129 px 300 gp (gemas) + 97 sp +1 PA
3+4. Boiler Room + Shrine to Moradin 310 px + llave + Objeto de nivel 4(Vengeful Dagger +1: Daga Vengadora) +1 PA
Repartidas: 4 pociones de curación.

TOTAL(19 Mar 2011): 4037 px, 4020 gp + 45 sp.

5. Combate Final + Quest 390 px 1.000 gp recompensa enana >> Armadura Enana +2 (obj nivel 7) puede ser cota de mallas, escamas o full-plate.

Cap 03 The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge

* De compras: -995 gp: 600 gp para la armadura de Mialee, dos rituales 150 gp + 175 gp, y componentes 70 gp
1. Street Skirmish 163 px + 110 gp
2. Skill Challenge(buscar a Modra) 117 px
3. Murcielagos 125 px sin tesoro
4. Bruja Shadar-kai + dark creepers + shadow hounds 263 px + 1.000 gp
Paladines 3 pociones de agua bendita 150 gp
*. De compras: -3.047 gp, regalo de 6 pociones de curación a cambio de patrocinio. Repartidas 3 de holy water
5. Training Session 167 px
6. SKC: Sharshans Secrets 167 px
7. Dark Foundry 309 px, 100 gp + ARMS: Iron Armbands of Power

==== DUERMEN ===

1. Library 267 px + Scroll of Comrades Succor + Ritual Comrades Succor + 60 gp en componentes arcanos para rituales
2. Great Hall 200 px +1 PA
3. Guest Quarters 192 px + 2.000 gp + 1x pocion resistencia necrotico + 5x pociones de curación +1x pocion vitalidad
4. Garden of Shadows (Huyen) 100 px
5. Thannu 350 px + esbirros Rubí (valorado en 100 gp) y unas pocas monedas de oro y plata (60 gp) + 200 gp (Thannu) + ARMOUR(Cloth): Robe of Contingency+2 + FEET: Boots of the Fencing Master
6. Skill Challenge (Portal) 60 px
7. Minor Quest—Modra’s Threat Reward: 200 XP.

In parts one and two of the adventure, the PCs must determine Modra’s connection to the orc raid and eliminate his continued threat. However, by the time they face off against the dark creeper in the Shadowfell, they realize that he is only a small part of a larger operation.

8. Major Quest—The Opportunist Reward: 250 XP

In parts two and three of the adventure, the PCs discover that Modra’s threat is insignificant compared to that of his former master, the shadar-kai arms dealer Sarshan. The PCs must infiltrate Sarshan’s domain in the Shadowfell, discover the extent of the shadar-kai’s weapons-running operations, and learn that war is coming to the world.

9. Compran los Iron Armbands of Power a Roerkas -900 gp

Cargando editor
03/02/2012, 18:22

Cap 04 The Lost Mines of Karak

*. Recompensa de Bram Ironfell +10 pp (al cambio 1.000 gp)
*. Compra de rituales: Endure Elements, Create Campsite, Phantom Steed (redondeando 500 gp)
1. Skill Challenge: atravesar el desierto x2 solventado via ritual endure elements 300 px
2. The Warden: 410 px + 300 gp
3. Desert Patrol: +1 PA 240 px + Two 100 gp gems + 400 gp

TOTAL(19 Mayo 2015): 8307 px (Nivel 7: 10.000 px), 10 pp + 3.848 gp + 2045 sp.

4. Clan Rivals: 250 px + 1 poción curación + 100 gp + 1 esmeralda (100 gp)
* Minor Quest—Saving Dunesend: Reward: 250 XP

=== DUERMEN ===

1. Gate House: 290 px trogloditas sin tesoro

TOTAL(14 Mayo 2016): 9097 px (Nivel 7: 10.000 px), 10 pp + 4.048 gp + 2045 sp. +1 p curacion(Morgran)

Cargando editor
14/01/2014, 16:42
Sólo para el director

* Usadas
*Parcel 0: Magic item, level 9 (Extra por ser 6 jugadores) >> HOLY SYMBOL: Holy Symbol of the Nimbus+2
*Parcel 1: Magic item, level 9 >> ARMOUR(Cloth): Robe of Contingency+2
*Parcel 2: Magic item, level 8 >> IMPLEMENT: Staff of Ruin+2
*Parcel 3: Magic item, level 8 >> 3400 gp >> 3300 gp
*Parcel 4: Magic item, level 7 >> FEET: Boots of the Fencing Master
*Parcel 5: Magic item, level 6 >> ARMS: Iron Armbands of Power
*Parcel 6: Magic item, level 6 >> BELT: Ironskin Belt (Lvl 5) + WONDROUS ITEM: Everlasting Provisions
*Parcel 7: 550 gp, or two 250-gp art objects + 50 gp, or one 500-gp gem + 50 gp
*Parcel 8: 500 gp, or one 250-gp art object + 250 gp, or five 100-gp gems
*Parcel 9: 340 gp, or three 100-gp gems + 40 gp, or one 250-gp art object + one potion of healing + 40 gp
*Parcel 10: 340 gp, or one 250-gp art object + 90 gp, or 300 gp + 400 sp
*Parcel 11: 360 gp, >> Ritual of Comrades\' Succor + Scroll of Comrade\'s Succor + 60 gp en componentes arcanos (polvo de diamante).
*Parcel 12: 280 gp, or two 100-gp gems + 80 gp, or one 100-gp gem + 2 potions of healing + 80 gp
+Parcel 13: 260 gp, or one 250-gp art object + 10 gp, or two potions of healing + 100 gp gem + 60 gp
*Parcel 14: 160 gp, or one 100-gp gem + 60 gp, or one potion of healing + 110 gp
*Parcel 15: 110 gp, or one 100-gp gem + 10 gp, or one potion of healing + 60 gp

Minor Quest—Modra’s Threat Reward: 200 XP.
In parts one and two of the adventure, the PCs must determine Modra’s connection to the orc raid and eliminate his continued threat. However, by the time they face off against the dark creeper in the Shadowfell, they realize that he is only a small part of a larger operation.

Major Quest—The Opportunist Reward: 250 XP per character.
In parts two and three of the adventure, the PCs discover that Modra’s threat is insignificant compared to that of his former master, the shadar-kai arms dealer Sarshan. The PCs must infiltrate Sarshan’s domain in the Shadowfell, discover the extent of the shadar-kai’s weapons-running operations, and learn that war is coming to the world.



Guests Quarters:
Garden of Shadows:
Last Stand:

Cargando editor
02/09/2014, 16:43
Sólo para el director


A. Clan Rivals: One potion of healing + two 100 gp gems + 50 gp
B. The Warden: Magic item, level 8 > Choker of Eloquence +2 [Level 8]
C. The Warden: Three 100 gp gems > ok
D. Desert Patrol: Two 100 gp gems + 400 gp
E. Courtyard: Magic item, level 7
F. Area 10: Two potions of healing + 100 gp
G. Guard Hall: Magic item, level 7
H. Great Hall: Magic item, level 9
I. Great Hall: One 250 gp art object + two potions of healing + 250 gp
J. Crypts: 900 gp
K. Mine Entrance: Two 250 gp art objects + 300 gp
L. Chaos Mines: 600 gp
M. Queens Retinue: Magic item, level 10 + 200 gp + 2x 100 gp gems
N. Queens Retinue: Magic item, level 9


Major Quest—Lost Karak: Reward: 1,250 XP.
The PCs undertake an arduous journey across wasteland and desert in an attempt to locate the lost mines of the Karak Lode. They complete this quest upon their successful return to Overlook, having secured the mines against the depredations of Queen Shephatiah and her followers.

Minor Quest—Saving Dunesend: Reward: 250 XP
The folk of the tiny village of Dunesend have become unwitting vassals of the Queen of the Drylands. By overcoming the immediate threat of Shepha-tiahs lieutenant (the Warden) and routing her in Karak, the PCs free the village from further threats and earn the gratitude of its people.


Clan Rivals:
The Warden:
Desert Patrol:
Gate House (1/2):
Gate House (2/2):

Guard Hall (1/2):
Guard Hall (2/2):
Guard Hall (Redone):

Objetos Magicos:

Choker of Eloquence +2 [Level 8 3,400 gp]
This damask neck wrap quickens the tongue and finds favor with diplomats and aristocrats.
Item Slot: Neck
Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Property: Gain an item bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks equal to the items enhancement bonus.
Power (Daily): Free Action. Use this power after you roll a Bluff or Diplomacy check. Reroll that check, using the
second result even if its lower.

Healer’s Brooch +2 [Level 9 4.200 gp]
This innocuous adornment boosts your healing powers.
Item Slot: Neck
Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Property: When you use a power that enables you or an ally to regain hit points, add the broochs enhancement bonus to the hit points gained.

Gloves of Storing [Level 9 4.200 gp]
Though these ornate chamois gloves fit snuggly, your fingertips always seem just short of touching something within them.
Item Slot: Hands
Property: As a minor action, you can store one unattended item in one of the gloves. Each glove can hold one item, and each item must weigh no more than 10 pounds. As a minor action, you can cause an item stored within one glove to materialize in your hand. Weapons so produced are ready to wield, but items that require an additional action to equip (such as shields) must still be readied. Items have no weight while within the gloves.

Belt of Fitness [Level 7 2.600 gp]
This well-made champions belt lets you use your endurance to resist bodily harm.
Item Slot: Waist
Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Use this power when you would be hit by an attack against Fortitude defense. Make an Endurance check and use that result in place of your Fortitude defense.

Frost Gauntlets [Level 7 2.600 gp]
When you pick up your weapon, the ice crystal patterns etched into these gauntlets flare, coating the weapon in a thin sheet of frost.
Item Slot: Hands
Power (Daily - Cold): Free Action. Use this power when you make a melee attack. Change the damage type dealt by that attack to cold. On a hit, the target is also slowed until the end of your next turn. Also, you deal an extra 1 cold damage on successful melee attacks until the end of the encounter.
If you have reached at least one milestone today, instead gain an extra 2 cold damage on successful melee attacks until the end of the encounter.

Healers Shield [Level 10 5.000 gp]
This shield shores healing powers as well as blocks enemy blows.
Item Slot: Arms
Shield: Any
Power (Daily - Healing): Free Action. Use this power when you or an ally within line of sight regains hit points. You or the ally regains hit points equal to the maximum possible result of the healing effect and also regains hit points equal to your Wisdom or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher.

Notas de juego

Level Easy Moderate Hard Level Easy Moderate Hard
1 8 12 19 16 16 22 31
2 9 13 20 17 16 23 31
3 9 13 21 18 17 23 32
4 10 14 21 19 17 24 33
5 10 15 22 20 18 25 34
6 11 15 23 21 19 26 35
7 11 16 23 22 20 27 36
8 12 16 24 23 20 27 37
9 12 17 25 24 21 28 37
10 13 18 26 25 21 29 38
11 13 19 27 26 22 29 39
12 14 20 28 27 22 30 39
13 14 20 29 28 23 30 40
14 15 21 29 29 23 31 41
15 15 22 30 30 24 32 42

Cargando editor
02/09/2014, 22:35

Objetos mágicos por PJ (para ir equilibrando el reparto):


- WONDROUS ITEM: Everlasting Provisions


- IMPLEMENT: Baston de la ruina +2 (nivel 8)
- IMPLEMENT: Bastón de la guerra +1 (nivel 3)
- ARMOR: Armadura +1 de resistencia 5 necrótico
- ARMOR: Armadura +2 de contingencia (ropas) [Nivel 9]


- ARMOR: Armadura Dadora de Vida [Plate Armor +1] [Level 3]
- WEAPON: Mangual Frost [Mangual +1] [Level 3]
- WEAPON: Sunblade+1 [Espada larga +1] (Level 4+ Uncommon) [840 gp]
- NECK: Amuleto de Salud: +1 [Level 3]
- ARMS: Iron Armbands of Power [Lvl 6 1.800 gp]


- ARMOR: Armor of Sudden Recovery (Level 8+ Uncommon) Leather +2 [3400 gp]
- WEAPON: Sunblade (Level 4+ Uncommon) [840 gp]
- WEAPON: Espada mágica platino +2 (Level 6 "especial")


- WEAPON: Thundering Waraxe Level 3
- ARMOR: Dwarven armor +2 (Chain mail)
- IMPLEMENT: Symbol of the Holy Nimbus+2


- NECK: Choker of Eloquence +2 [Level 8 3,400 gp]
- WEAPON: Lifedrinker shortsword [Level 5]
- ARMOR: Leather armor of resistance [Level 2]
- HANDS: Gauntlets of Blood [Level 4]
- WEAPON: Vengeful dagger [Level 5]
- FEET: Boots of the Fencing Master [Lvl 7]


- WEAPON: Flaming Maul Level 5
- ARMS: Iron Armbands of Power > Madmartigan vendidos por 900 gp (1.800 gp / 2)
- ARMOR: Dwarven Armour

Notas de juego

Creo que a falta de lo que encontréis, esto es lo que tenéis ahora. De cara al próximo módulo id pensando en los objetos que os gustaría que aparecieran y proponedmelos en la escena de Creación de PJs. Saldrán 2x nivel 7, nivel 8, 2x nivel 9 y nivel 10.

Además la próxima la empezaremos a nivel 6, por lo que no corre prisa, pero id pensando la subida de nivel que supongo que tocará de aquí a un par de meses o así.