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Street Fighter Torneo I

Creación del personaje

Cargando editor
30/12/2009, 14:04
Hugo Hartman "León"

Mirando por arriba, esos son.

Para entender:

* Los prerequisitos se refieren a niveles en las técnicas (Punck, Kick, Block, Grab, Atheltics, Focus) que también hay que comprarlas, y a otras maniobras también. Las maniobras no tienen "niveles", se compran y ya. 

* "Power Points" se refiere al costo de adquirir las técnicas. Any es el costo de cualquier estilo, para otros estilos hay costos distintos (que creo se entienden de las siglas de la pagina); algunas maniobras están restringidas por estilo.

* Los Animal Hybrid tienen que poner el background "Animal Hybrid" por lo que entendí y ciertas maniobras como Bite (Morder), Tail  Slash (Golpe con la Cola) y Claw (Garras) dependen del nivel que tengas en ese background, y lo usan como base para atacar.

*También se pueden comprar "Combos", que son encadenamientos de Maniobras. Por lo que entendí las maniobras después de la primera ganan "Speed" (avanzan en el orden de iniciativa?) y el daño total de todo el combo se suma para tener en cuenta knockdowns y esas cosas.

Agregar una maniobra al combo cuesta 1 punto de poder:

Golpe + Golpe Poderoso (Fierce Punch) como combo cuesta 1 PP

Golpe + Golpe Poderoso (Fierce Punch) + Power Uppercut como combo cuesta 2 PP.


En esas listas hay cosas que no son ni del básico ni del Player Handbook, así que tendría que validarla el Master (veo maniobras que no habia tenido en cuenta :( )

Cargando editor
30/12/2009, 14:25
Hugo Hartman "León"

Honor / Gloria: hay 3 puntos para distribuir entre los dos.


Los 15 puntos gratuitos pueden gastarse:

* 5 por 1 nivel en atributos.

* 2 por nivel en habilidades.

* 1 por nivel en backgrounds (aunque si el Animal Hybrid es un background, lo veo un desbalance, no lo sé bien...)

* 5 por nivel en técnicas (ven?)

* 4 por punto de poder extra.

* 1 por punto extra de Chi ó Willpower

* 3 por punto extra de salud (todos comienzan con 10 en salud / health).


Espero haber ayudado :)

Y no puedo esperar a verlos en la Arena!


Cargando editor
30/12/2009, 14:44

 Ya escribí la historia en privado aunque supongo que la ampliaré algo más. La ficha solamente me quedan las técnicas y maniobras especiales que espero poner en casa cuando las lea todas bien. Que en el trabajo me es casi imposible fijarme xD!

Cargando editor
30/12/2009, 16:25
Jhon Dhoe

Socorro....despues una horrible chapuza con la ficha..

Master por caridad  ante un jugador desastre como yo, hazme el favor de copiar la ficha en notas,...esta noche la relleno y completo pero es que ahora que lo he intentado casi me da un soponcio del horror que me estaba saliendo...XD

Cargando editor
30/12/2009, 16:35

 John Doe eso suele pasar xD!Yo desistí de copiarla e hice dos tablas y lo demas a golpe de teclado :P

Cargando editor
31/12/2009, 01:46
Jhon Dhoe final y lo siento por el curro del master pero es que soy un patan que tras multiples y horripilantes intentos se rinde y a golpe de teclado todo...

Solo faltan tecnicas y maniobras especiales.


Cargando editor
31/12/2009, 02:06

Sorry, ya os he copiado la ficha a todos ^^

Gracias por poner los estilos :P

Hoy he currado hasta tarde y no he podido subir para hacer las fichas.

"Leon" tienes permiso para ayudar a los compis mientras no esté, muchas gracias por tu colaboración. El jamón dónde lo mando? xDDDDDD

Cargando editor
31/12/2009, 02:09

Jhon, justificame en la historia que tienes el estilo de Bison, quizás un desertor de Shandaloo o algo asi :P

Cargando editor
31/12/2009, 02:29
Jhon Dhoe
Sólo para el director

Un desertor no...mucho peor...un hijo probeta de BisonXD

En la historia te dejaba caer que Jhon es un niño probeta de genes supuestamente perfectos, un arkangel parala iglesia pero que algun genio de los genetistas metio genes de Bison en la mezcla.

La genetica tira y al despertar psiquicamente, Jhon fue intentado reclutar por Shadowloo, al falar miserablemente en controlar sus brutales e incontrolabes poderes psi pero aprendiendo todo lo posible del arte marcial psiquico; Jhon se largo por el mundo como un psiquico rabioso, incontrolado y completamente chiflado que honestamente, no tie puta idea que narices hacer con su vida...


Cargando editor
31/12/2009, 16:20
Hawk Fury

Notas de juego

A mi me da que voy a tardar mas de lo que creia en acabar la ficha.

Hola a la nueva guerrera. Aunque parece que es un hombreton, jejeje.

Cargando editor
31/12/2009, 16:30
Hugo Hartman "León"

Es un hombretón con muchos "pecados" ;)

Al final pensé que iba a estar ausente pero, aunque capaz no toooodo el día, sigo aquí. Si alguien necesita ayuda, me traje los libros en el pendrive... y descubrí que en la notebook tengo el Stree Fighter 4 !!!! XD


Que pasen una linda noche. 

Notas de juego


Cargando editor
31/12/2009, 16:34
Hawk Fury

Notas de juego

Yo acabo de llegar de trabajar como quien dice, y tube una mañana movidita, y eso en mi curro, es...bueno, que no es agradable. Voy a ver si descanso algo.

Cargando editor
01/01/2010, 22:59
Irina Svetlana

¿Algun hombreton que me eche una manita?.....

No conozco el sistema de juego...y la ficha se me complica.......^^U

Cargando editor
02/01/2010, 10:14

En los enlaces que pusisteis aqui no viene el animal hybrid, ¿hay algun sitio donde pueda mirarlo?

Cargando editor
02/01/2010, 16:10
Jhon Dhoe

Sistema MDt por lo que he comprendido..igual que una de vampiro en los atributos, habilidades y trasfondos.

Cambia en:


Puño. patada, presa, bloqueo, foco ( creo que son las 5 que hay)

Maniobras especiales:

Dependen del estilo ( Hadoken por ejemplo es shotokan 5 creo focus 4 o algo asi..) que requieren de Tantos puntos en determinadas tecnicas para poder comprarlas.

CHI,salud y fuerza voluntad dependen del estilo que has escogido:

Kabbadi por ejemplo ( dhalsim) da Chi 5, voluntad 3..

Todos empiezan con salud 10

Todo es alterable mediante los puntos gratuitos como Leon puso amablemente unos post antes.


Creo que no me dejo nada en el tintero...Master ya he puesto la cabeza en la pìcota y afilado el hacha si he metido la pata y mas que ayudar la he liado mas...XD


Cargando editor
02/01/2010, 16:23
Jhon Dhoe

X-23, el animal hybrid es un estilo que sale en el players guide..espera a ver si lo tengo...


Claw [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Punch *
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 2
Description: A hybrid with claws can put them to work slashing their foe.
System: Use the modifiers below.
Cost: None Speed: +1 Damage: +1 Move: -1
Source: Player’s Guide
Claw Rush [hybrid maneuver]
Requirements: Punch ****, Athletics *, Dashing Punch, Claw or Weapon: Claw ***
Power Points: Animal Hybrid, Dirty Fighting 2, Spanish Ninjitsu 4
Description: This is a dashing strike using the hybrid’s claws. Like a normal Dashing Punch this maneuver is quite fast and hard-hitting.
System: Use the modifiers below. These numbers already include claw damage and potential weapon bonuses.
Cost: 1 Willpower Speed: +1 Damage: +5 Move: +2
Source: editor
Leaping Rake [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Punch **, Athletics *, Jump, Claw
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 2
Description: The fighter leaps at their opponent raking him with their claws as they pass.
System: This is an aerial maneuver and it only works if the attacker has enough Move to go past his opponent. The hybrid adds damage from their claws to the modifier listed below. The attacker moves, rolls for damage, then continues moving unless interrupted.
Cost: 1 Willpower Speed: +1 Damage: +1 (add claw damage) Move: +1
Source: Warrior’s World


Claw Catch [hybrid maneuver]
Requirements: Kick **, Grab *
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 2
Description: The hybrid must have claws on their feet or otherwise be able to grip things with their feet. By grabbing onto the opponent with one foot the hybrid gives themselves enough leverage to jump up and kick with their other leg.
System: This maneuver requires one success on a Grab check to get into position. The victim is knocked down.
Cost: none Speed: -1 Damage: +3 Move: +0
Source: editor
Thunder Wheel [hybrid maneuver]
Requirements: Kick ***, Athletics **
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 3
Description: The hybrid kicks into their opponent with one leg into a backflip. As they spin they strike with their tail before landing on their feet. The hybrid must have a strong tail to use this trick.
System: The first damage test uses Kick and the second Athletics.
Cost: none Speed: -1 Damage: +1/-1 Move: +0
Source: editor


Wing Defense [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Block ***, Athletics ***
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 3
Description: A hybrid with wings can use them to disorient, distract, and throw off balance an attacking foe. This is not a block and the hybrid does not try to intercept the force of a blow with their wings – which are generally rather fragile limbs. Rather the wings become part of an elaborate dance that misdirects enemies.
System: Wing Defense may be used as an abort maneuver and can be combined with the Block basic maneuver for the purposes of total soak for that combat turn – using this maneuver’s speed and not Block’s. While active all attempts to hit the evasive hybrid are at +1 difficulty. If struck one success on the damage roll is automatically negated as the defensive form dissipates some of the energy therein. This is considered a Block for the purposes of speed bonuses.
Cost: none Speed: +3 Damage: none Move: none
Source: editor


Bear Hug
Prerequisites: Grab **
Power Points: Native American Wrestling, Pankration, Sanbo, Sumo Wrestling, Wrestling 1, Animal Hybrid, Bando, Dirty Fighting 2, Any 3
Description: Grab that irritatingly quick little fighter and crush them into your chest until their bones rattle. The Bear Hug is an old standby for many wrestlers and a few other stylists have decided to adopt it as well.
System: The Bear Hug is a sustained hold.
Cost: None Speed: -1 Damage: +3 Move: One
Source: Core Rulebook
Bite Hold [hybrid maneuver]
Requirements: Grab ***, Athletics **, Ripping Bite
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 3
School System Power Points: Inhuman 3
Description: This maneuver, which most street fighters consider little more then pure bestial instinct, is common in the animal kingdom. The hybrid grabs ahold of their foe and bites into them. Unlike Ripping Bite the objective isn't to tear the opponent apart but to keep holding and inflict injury through constriction and blood loss. These bites are always excruciatingly painful - as anyone who has been bitten by a snapping turtle can attest.
System: This is a sustained hold with a maximum duration of twice the attacker's Grab technique. The attacker must specify the location of their bite. The head and neck are small targets and are thus difficulty 8 but the resulting penalties accumulate every other round. Otherwise, at the end of every third round the hold is maintained the defender temporarily loses a point of either Dexterity or Stamina - starting with Dexterity and alternating each time. These penalties last until the defender is healed through Regeneration or at a rate of one per day of rest.
Cost: 1 Willpower Speed: -1 Damage: +1 Move: one
Source: editor
Bite [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Grab **, Athletics *
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 2
Description: The hybrid uses their ripping jaws to bite into their opponent.
System: The hybrid must enter their opponent’s hex to inflict damage. Use the modifiers below. This inflicts aggravated damage.
Cost: none Speed: -1 Damage: +1 Move: 1
Source: Player’s Guide
Death Roll [hybrid maneuver]
Requirements: Grab ***, Athletics ***, Bite Hold
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 4
School System Power Points: Inhuman 4
Description: The Death Roll is the death blow used by crocodiles and alligators the world over. They grab their prey in a vise grip and drag them underwater. Once there they roll over and over until their victim expires.
System: This is a sustained hold and requires a body of water. On the first round the attacker grabs their intended target in the bite lock using the +2 damage modifier below. In the following round, provided the hold is maintained, the attacker then makes a contested strength roll against the defender (difficulty 7 for the defender if they are knocked down). No damage is inflicted at this time. If the strength roll succeeds the attacker drags the defender up to two hexes backwards. Repeat this process until the attacker reaches the intended body of water.

Once underwater the rolling begins and the hold inflicts damage using the second damage modifier below. The defender automatically begins drowing - suffering aggravated damage each round - if any damage from the hold goes unsoaked.

Cost: 2 Willpower Speed: -2 Damage: +2/+9 Move: see above
Source: editor
Eye Rake
Prerequisites: Grab *, Punch *
Power Points: Animal Hybrid, Lua, Ninjitsu, Bando, Dirty Fighting 1, Any 2
Description: In a truly desperate move the fighter clenches their fingers into a claw and rakes them across their opponent's eyes. The pain caused by this is incredible but usually does not result in any permanent damage.

Few Street Fighters use this attack as it is considered extremely poor form. Nonetheless, it has often meant the difference between winning and losing a match.
System: Very little damage results from this attack but for the next turn the opponent must fight blind. If their Blind Fighting skill is zero they are effectively dizzied.

A fighter forced to resort to this desperate move loses one temporary Honor point. If an Eye Rake is used in a tournament they will also lose one temporary Glory point.

Cost: None Speed: +2 Damage: -3 Move: +0
Source: Player’s Guide
Head Bite
Prerequisites: Grab **
Power Points: Animal Hybrid, Boxing, Dirty Fighting 1, Capoeira, Lua, Pankration, Sanbo, Bando 2, Any 3
Description: Some Street Fighters either have a little vampirism in them or, like Blanka, are just downright savage. It's a nasty move but some fighters have been known to leap onto their opponents and bite right into their necks.
System: This is a sustained hold and inflicts damage each turn the hold is maintained.
Cost: None Speed: +1 Damage: +3 Move: One
Source: Core Rulebook
Jaw Spin [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Grab ****, Athletics ***, Tearing Bite
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 3
Description: This is truly a terrifying tactic to witness. The fighter assumes a crouching stance and waits for their opponent's attack. When the attack is launched the hybrid jumps, grips their assailant's limb in their jaws, and clamps down while still moving.
System: To be successful the hybrid must be faster than their opponent. Both fighters are knocked down in the same hex.
Cost: 1 Willpower Speed: +1 Damage: +5 Move: None
Source: Player’s Guide
Ripping Bite [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Grab ***, Bite
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 2
Description: Animal hybrid Street Fighters often use their jaws as weapons. The fighter chomps down on the limb he wishes to weaken and then tries to tear the muscles and ligaments from their connecting tissue. It is because of this maneuver (and others like it) that animal hybrids are looked down upon in and out of tournaments.
System: The fighter leaps forward and indicates which limb they wish to strike. A successful roll inflicts damage and causes the target to suffer a -1 penalty on both Strength and Dexterity when using maneuvers requiring that limb for the remainder of combat. This maneuver can be performed multiple times on the same opponent but only one bite per limb is effective.
Cost: 1 Willpower Speed: -1 Damage: +1 Move: One
Source: Player’s Guide
Tail Trip [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Grab **, Athletics *
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 2
Description: The hybrid must have a tail to perform this maneuver. Using it as a prehensile extension they take an opponent off their feet.
System: Use the modifiers below. An opponent hit by this is knocked down.
Cost: noneSpeed: -1 Damage: +2 Move: 2
Source: editor
Tearing Bite [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Grab **, Athletics **, Head Bite
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 2
Description: This special maneuver is similar to the Head Bite except that as the fighter's teeth bear down on his opponent's neck he also applies leverage to the victim and throws him over his back.
System: After applying damage the attacker then throws their opponent in the opposite direction from the one they are facing. The victim travels a number of hexes equal to the fighter's Strength -1.
Cost: 1 Willpower Speed: +1 Damage: +4 Move: One
Source: Player’s Guide

Burning Tail [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Athletics ***, Focus ***, Tail Slash
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 3, Any 5
Description: The hybrid whips an enemy with their tail after igniting it with their chi. The result is explosive.
System: Use the modifiers below for two damage tests. The first uses Athletics and the second Focus. This maneuver can be used by non-hybrids by substituting an article of clothing for the tail. However, learning this form of the maneuver is difficult.
Cost: 1 Chi Speed: -1 Damage: +2/+0 Move: -1
Source: editor
Burning Wings
Prerequisites: Athletics ****, Focus ****
Power Points: Mystic, Elemental: Air, Elemental: Fire, Animal Hybrid 3
Description: This graceful, yet strange, maneuver mimics birds in a way only those kamikaze enough to use their full bodies as weapons would think to try. It has since caught on with animal hybrids blessed with natural wings. The fighter closes with their opponent and tumbles into them wrapped in a blazing coat of chi that looks like a pair of translucent wings rising from their back.
System: The fighter must enter their opponent’s hex to deal damage. There are two damage tests. The first uses Athletics and the +2 modifier below. The second uses Intelligence + Focus with the +1 modifier. After damaging their opponent the fighter then rolls into an adjacent hex.
Cost: 1 Chi Speed: +0 Damage: +2/+1 Move: -2
Source: editor
Dragon's Tail [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Athletics ****, Upper Tail Strike
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 3
Description: This special maneuver is similar to the Upper Tail Strike but is more difficult to control and requires greater strength and coordination to perform. The fighter leans forward as if winding up for a powerful uppercut. He then shifts his weight in the other direction while twisting his lower body to snap the tail forward. Using sheer brute strength and momentum the fighter crashes his tail across the upper body of the target.
System: The target suffers a knockdown if airborne otherwise a grounded target damaged by the Dragon's Tail will be pushed one hex directly away from the fighter.
Cost: 1 Willpower Speed: -1 Damage: +5 Move: -2
Source: Player’s Guide
Drunken Monkey Roll
Prerequisites: Athletics **
Power Points: Jeet Kune Do, Kung Fu 1, Animal Hybrid, Aikido, Capoeira, Majestic Crow Kung Fu, Ninjitsu, Silat, Wu Shu, Chin Na 2
Description: It is said that the unjustly imprisoned founder of Monkey Kung Fu invented this evasive maneuver after watching a group of monkeys through the bars of his jail cell. The monkeys got inebriated on wine thrown out by prison guards and began staggering and rolling around on the ground. Copying the monkeys' drunken antics the master developed a series of evasive tumbles which became the Drunken Monkey Roll.
System: The Drunken Monkey Roll is a good all-purpose evasive technique. It counts as a crouching maneuver because it stays low to the ground. It can also be used to interrupt and evade projectile attacks using the same rules given under Jump. It can be used as an abort maneuver.
Cost: None Speed: +3 Damage: None Move: +2
Source: Core Rulebook
Gore [hybrid maneuver]
Requirements: Athletics *
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 1
School System Power Points: Inhuman 1
Description: An animal hybrid who sports horns can do some serious damage with them if they are large enough. Like an angry bull, the hybrid strikes with deadly intent.
System: In order to inflict damage the hybrid must enter the defender's hex and attack. One point of damage inflicted by this maneuver is always aggravated while the rest is bashing, as normal. If the Animal Hybrid also defeats the defender in a contested Strength roll the defender is lifted off their feet and thrown one hex in any direction.
Cost: none Speed: +0 Damage: +1 Move: +0
Source: editor
Pounce [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Athletics ***, Jump
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 2
Description: The fighter drops into a crouch and explodes into a mighty leap at her prey. The ferocity of this maneuver often takes opponents by surprise. Experienced fighters may be tipped off by the low growl emanating from the fighter as she concentrates on the upcoming leap.
System: The hybrid hurls herself at her opponent. This is considered an aerial maneuver and can be used to avoid projectiles. The fighter lands on top of her opponent so both end the round in the same hex. If any damage is scored the opponent also suffers a knockdown.
Cost: 1 Willpower Speed: -1 Damage: +2 Move: +4
Source: Player’s Guide
Rocket Wheel [hybrid maneuver]
Requirements: Athletics ***, Grab **, Pounce, Back Roll
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 3
School System Power Points: Inhuman 3
Description: Some hybrids seem to enjoy full body fighting that takes advantage of their size and weight. In this maneuver the hybrid combines a Pounce and a Back Roll. After the initial leap, using their momentum to help them, the hybrid grabs his foe, and throws himself onto the opponent's back. The force of this fall knocks their opponent to the ground. System: Both fighters are knocked down in the same hex. There are two damage tests.
Cost: 1 Willpower Speed: +3 Damage: +0/+5 Move: 2
Source: editor
Tail Slash [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Athletics ***
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 2
Description: The hybrid whips an opponent with their tail (which is required).
System: Use the modifiers below.
Cost: none Speed: -1 Damage: +2 Move: -1
Source: Player’s Guide
Tail Spin [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Athletics **
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 1
Description: The hybrid must have a tail to perform this maneuver. They quickly spin in place damaging anyone adjacent to them with their lashing tail.
System: Use the modifiers below.
Cost: none Speed: -1 Damage: +2 Move: 0 (cannot move)
Source: editor
Tail Sweep [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Athletics ***, Upper Tail Strike
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 2
Description: By crouching low to the ground and spinning around the fighter may strike with her tail. Of course the fighter must possess a tail. It sweeps out in a circle smashing into the feet of all opponents in the hexes surrounding the fighter. All targets will suffer damage and a knockdown. Because this is a crouching maneuver jumping or airborne targets will not be hit.
System: Anyone in the six hexes surrounding the attacker will be struck and (if damage is done) suffer a knockdown. This includes allies of the fighter who stray too close when the Tail Sweep is used. This is a crouching maneuver.
Cost: None Speed: -1 Damage: +1 Move: None
Source: Player’s Guide
Requirements: Athletics *
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 1
School System Power Points: Inhuman 1
Description: Trampling is something rarely endured by humans. It is the simple act of being run over by others while knocked down. Although it may seem innocuous enough it can quickly prove fatal as the victim is crushed underfoot.
System: The defender must be knocked down and the attacker must enter and pass through their hex in order to inflict damage. If the attacker botches the damage roll they too are knocked down and both suffer impact damage via Stamina rolls.
Cost: none Speed: -1 Damage: +4 Move: -2
Source: editor
Typhoon Tail [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Athletics ***, Tail Sweep, Jump
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 3
Description: The Typhoon Tail seems to have been inspired by the Hurricane Kick taught in Shotokan Karate. The fighter uses her leg muscles to propel herself high into the air. As she descends she pirouettes - tucking her legs beneath her body and allowing the tail to extend in a circle around her angling her descent to strike her target's head.
System: The fighter begins the Typhoon Tail by moving up to her designated move in hexes. During this time the fighter is airborne. Any opponent in the final hex of movement will be hit by the attacker's knees and takes damage at a +5 modifier. This opponent is also knocked back one hex along the attacking fighter's trajectory. At this point all fighters in adjacent hexes, including the one just hit, are struck by the spinning tail and are knocked back one hex away from the attacker. The Damage modifier for the second attack is +2.
Cost: 1 Chi, 1 Willpower Speed: -2 Damage: +5/+2 Move: +1
Source: Player’s Guide
Upper Tail Strike [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Athletics ***
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 3
Description: By twisting her hips the fighter may use her tail to strike at the head of an opponent directly in front of her. The ferocity of such an attack often takes fighters by surprise, especially ones trained to watch only the hands, feet and eyes of an opponent.
System: This attack uses the modifiers below. Airborne or jumping opponents will suffer a knockdown if any damage is inflicted.
Cost: None Speed: +1 Damage: +2 Move: 1
Source: Player’s Guide
Requirements: Athletics ****, Strength ***, Jump
Power Points: Ninjitsu, Spanish Ninjitsu, Animal Hybrid 3 , Any 5
Description: The ability to rapidly scale walls and come crashing back to earth when least expected has earned fighters like Vega a well-deserved reputation.
System: Wallclimbing is not an attack. The fighter using this maneuver makes a Dexterity roll while standing adjacent to a wall to begin climbing. The number of successes indicates the maximum height that can be achieved by that turn of climbing (scoring no successes indicates that the attempt to scale the wall has failed) at a rate of 3’ per success. The ninja can begin wallclimbing immediately off of any aerial maneuver that puts them within grabbing distance of a wall.

While climbing the fighter cannot block or use attacks other than basic punches or kicks and these are at –2 damage. They can leap from the wall and perform any aerial maneuver at –2 speed except High Claw Dive, which suffers no speed penalty. If the climbing fighter suffers damage they must score more successes on a Dexterity + Athletics roll than damage or be knocked off and suffer an additional die of damage rolled per hex they are off the ground. This damage can be negated with Breakfall unless the fighter is unconscious. In a tournament every round after the second spent Wallclimbing costs the fighter 1 Glory. This is an aerial maneuver.

Cost: 1 Willpower/10 rounds Speed: -3 Damage: N/A Move: +3 (3’=One Hex) up
Requirements: Athletics ****, Wall Spring, Wallclimbing, Backflip
Power Points: Ninjitsu, Spanish Ninjitsu, Animal Hybrid 2, Any 3
Description: Running, jumping, and just grabbing onto walls gets boring after awhile. Eventually a ninja starts pushing their ability to reach the wall in creative new ways.
System: This is not an attack but a backflip maneuver that moves in a straight line to the desired wall. On the last tumble the fighter pushes up hard from the ground and springs onto the wall up to a maximum hex height equal to Athletics divided in half.

This move can also be used to dodge projectiles. The attacker rolls their Focus and compares successes to the back flipping fighter’s Dexterity + Athletics roll. If the attacker does not get more successes their projectile attack simply misses.

Cost: 1 Willpower Speed: +0 Damage: N/A Move: +0


Acid Breath
Prerequisites: Focus ***
Power Points: Dirty Fighting, Animal Hybrid 3, Any 4
Description: Acid Breath is a foul power that only a few loathsome Street Fighters have developed. Fighters using it are able to churn their gastric acid into a highly toxic mixture which they then vomit forth in a projectile spray at any nearby opponent. The acid burns the opponent causing ugly injuries that take a long time to heal. The worst part about being hit with Acid Breath is that it continues to burn the fighter after the initial impact inflicting more damage and eating away fabric and any other dissolvable materials it hits.

Some believe the Acid Breath is a mutant power that only a few unique individuals possess. Others believe that fighters who have mastered Acid Breath use their Chi to alter their stomachs' natural acid into a highly potent chemical weapon.
System: The spray has a range equal to the fighter's Stamina rating and the fighter must have line-of-sight to hit his intended victim. Once the acid spray hits it immediately inflicts damage using the +3 modifier. The following combat turn, unless the victim of the Acid Breath has been immersed in water or some other purgative method has been employed, the acid continues to burn the victim's body. At the very end of the combat turn, after all actions have been completed, the acid damages again at the +0 modifier. Finally, on the third turn the acid damages for the last time using the -3 damage modifier.

Characters hit with more than one dose of Acid Breath in quick succession could suffer several different damage rolls against them at the end of each turn.

Acid Breath can be dodged like any other projectile attack.

Cost: 1 Chi Speed: -2 Damage: +3, +0, -3 Move: -1
Source: Core Rulebook
Camouflage [hybrid maneuver]
Requirements: Focus ***
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 3
Description: The hybrid with this ability can emulate a chameleon and alter their skin color to better match their environment.
System: The effect of Camouflage lasts for as long as the hybrid wishes although a change of environment will necessitate using this ability again to continue blending. While active all efforts to spot the hybrid at a distance greater than 10’ are difficulty 9 if they are still and difficulty 8 if they are moving. This does not stack with other maneuvers that hide a fighter.
Cost: 1 Chi Speed: as attack Damage: as attack Move: as attack
Source: editor
Force Shout
Prerequisites: Focus ***, Stunning Shout
Power Points: Shotokan Karate, Sumo Wrestling, Animal Hybrid, Elemental: Sonic 2, Ler Drit, Majestic Crow Kung Fu 3, Any 4
Description: This is an advanced form of the Stunning Shout which enables the character to yell with such power that they can actually physically knock over opponents.
System: A Force Shout must be directed at one opponent. The victim must make a Stamina roll against a difficulty equal to the attacker's permanent Chi. If they do not roll at least two successes they will suffer a knockdown.
Cost: 1 Chi Speed: +2 Damage: None Move: -2
Source: Warrior’s World
Poison Cloud [hybrid maneuver]
Requirements: Focus ***
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 4
Description: The hybrid releases a cloud of noxious, toxic chemicals from their body. This cloud is heavier then air and gradually sinks but not before inflicting those who come into contact with it with all manner of ailments. The most common form of this cloud is not life-threatening but severely irritates the eyes, noses, and throats of it’s victims. Some hybrids effect the nervous system which can lead to paralysis.
System: The cloud fills the hybrid’s hex and all six adjacent hexes. Gradually it disperses outward as the cloud breaks up. The cloud will travel with a strong breeze.

When purchased the hybrid must specify what the cloud does. If it irritates the eyes then all who enter the cloud will be effectively blinded for a number of rounds equal to the hybrid’s Intelligence + Focus or until they take the time to wash the poison away. Combatants who wish to fight must do so using Blind Fighting.

A paralytic causes a temporary loss of 1 Dexterity to all whom are affected. Multiple rounds spent in this cloud are cumulative as more and more poison is inhaled. Anyone who drops to 0 Dexterity or is affected a number of times exceeding their Stamina becomes paralyzed and unable to move or act. This effect recedes at a rate of 1 point per hour of rest.

Cost: 1 Chi Speed: +0 Damage: see above Move: 1
Source: editor
Poisonous Strike [hybrid maneuver]
Requirements: Focus **
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 4
Description: Hybrids who have been mixed with poisonous animals like snakes and scorpions can inject their feral side’s toxic brew with their teeth or claws. Poisonous Strike is not an attack played on it’s own. It must be combined with a bite or claw strike.
System: The hybrid must specify whether this modifier applies to bites or claw strikes. Anyone effected by the poison suffers a –1 penalty to Speed and Strength for one hour. Multiple strikes are cumulative with penalties which cannot exceed the hybrid’s Focus.
Cost: 1 Chi Speed: as attack Damage: as attack Move: as attack
Source: editor
Sonic Sight
Requirements: Focus ***
Power Points: Mystic, Animal Hybrid, Elemental: Sonic 3
Description: Being able to see purely by sound has it’s advantages for the blind. Although most come to navigate proficiently based on sound one who has mastered this ability can visualize the world around them based on sound waves bouncing around.
System: Sonic Sight is not an attack. It is activated by paying 1 Chi and from then on is always considered to be active unless the fighter consciously wishes for it not to be. Sonic Sight takes the place of any normal eyesight the fighter has. The fighter can only be surprised by things that are insubstantial or which can disrupt sound vibrations. Extremely loud noises (foghorns, Ear Pop, Stunning Shout, etc.) will confuse the fighter to the point where they are effectively blind. This does not stack with other sight-modifying abilities.
Cost: 1 Chi Speed: N/A Damage: N/A Move: N/A
Source: editor
Stunning Shout
Prerequisites: Focus **
Power Points: Shotokan Karate, Sumo Wrestling, Animal Hybrid, Elemental: Sonic 2, Ler Drit, Majestic Crow Kung Fu 3, Any 4
Description: Some martial arts styles emphasize using the voice as a weapon in its own right. Ancient masters could focus their Chi through their voices creating shouts so loud and powerful that they could knock opponents over and unnerve them in battle.
System: A fighter must direct her Shout at one opponent (at the Storyteller's discretion, a whole group of minor thug opponents could be simultaneously affected). The victim of the Shout must make a resisted roll between the victim's permanent Willpower rating and the fighter's permanent Willpower rating. If the victim scores more successes the Stunning Shout has no effect.

If the fighter scores more successes one of two things happens to the victim depending on whether or not he has acted in the current combat turn. If the victim has not yet acted they lose all remaining Move and attacks for that turn. Completely unnerved and stunned by the force of the yell they must spend the remainder of the turn recovering.

If the victim has already finished their action that turn each extra success the fighter rolled on the Willpower test subtracts one Speed point from the victim's next maneuver. For example, a fighter using Stunning Shout bests her opponent's successes by four. Her opponent will have -4 Speed to his maneuver next turn.

Cost: 1 Chi Speed: +2 Damage: None Move: -2
Source: Core Rulebook
Thermal Vision
Requirements: Focus **
Power Points: Ninjitsu, Mystic, Animal Hybrid 2
Description: The eyes of some hybrids are attuned to detect heat instead of reflected light. The hybrid sees the world around them as forms of hot and cool masses. The hotter an object is the brighter it becomes.
System: This is not an attack. Once activated Thermal Vision takes the place of other forms of vision (with which it does not stack). This does not grant X-Ray vision as some movies would like to claim. Heat obstructed by objects such as trees and walls renders their sources just as invisible as one would expect with normal sight.

The effectiveness of Thermal Vision will vary depending on the environment. For example, seeing a hot car in the desert during the day would be difficult because of heat radiating from the desert floor. At night when the desert cools such a vehicle could be easily spotted from a great distance. For this reason most animal hybrids who see exclusively via this method are nocturnal.

Cost: 1 Chi Speed: N/A Damage: N/A Move: N/A
Source: editor
Venom [hybrid maneuver]
Prerequisites: Focus **, Athletics **, Grab **, Bite
Power Points: Animal Hybrid 2
Description: The fighter has fangs which allow him to inject a mild poison into his target. The poison will paralyze small animals but only serves to slow, burn, and irritate tougher Street Fighters.
System: On a successful attack the target suffers damage according to the modifiers below. For the next turn (10 rounds = 1 turn) plus a number of rounds equal to the hybrid’s Focus the victim will act at -1 speed and lose one additional Health Level per 3 rounds of the poison's effect. Although this damage is not aggravated it can only be healed through complete rest at a rate of 1 Health per day. Venom may not be used in conjunction with other biting attacks - although it may be worked into an effective combination with other biting attacks. Multiple bites do not stack. This poison does not work in conjunction with Poisonous Strike.
Cost: 1 Chi Speed: +1 Damage: +2 (See above.) Move: -2
Source: Player’s Guide

Creo que esta todo....


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Cargando editor
03/01/2010, 17:33
Hugo Hartman "León"

Notas de juego

Creo que el Master debería revisar esas maniobars / qué está disponible para el Animal Hybrid. Tiene además limitaciones con respecto a como distribuye los puntos en los atributos, etc... 

Si tengo un rato hoy a la noche (hora ARG) te transcribe lo que dice el Players Manual.

Cargando editor
04/01/2010, 03:40

El tema del Animal hybrid... Sacalo de aqui:

De momento te pongo esto, si necesitas que te traduzca algo, solo dimelo... ^^

Cargando editor
04/01/2010, 16:07

A ver si he entendido bien esto.

  • En los atributos tengo 9 para los fisicos, 4 para mentales y 2 para sociales.
  • Por ser Animal Hybrid dice que tengo 2 puntos en compañero animal y un punto en la tecnica Atletico
  • Las tecnicas creo que son estas: Punck, Kick, Block, Grab, Atheltics, Focus, pero tengo un par de dudas con ellas. ¿Se usan solo para poder coger movimientos o se tiran para el combate?
  • ¿Cuanto puntos de poder tenemos?

Me he puesto algunas cosas en la ficha, pero todavia me falta...

Mi correo es por si alguien me puede mandar el manual y le hecho un vistazo a la cosas que no acabe de entender.

Cargando editor
04/01/2010, 16:42

Define puntos de poder? a qué te referieres?

éstas son las artes marciales, mejores para un hybrid animal...

Tendría que revisarlo, pero casi seguro que se usan en combate... :P