
Intracom: partida de Cthulhu moderno (en inglés)

Comunidad Umbría :: Partidas (reclutamientos, sondeos) :: Intracom: partida de Cthulhu moderno (en inglés)

Como medida de seguridad los nuevos usuarios no pueden reabrir hilos antiguos.
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23/02/2011, 21:28

Como se habló en este hilo, Syrinx ha abierto una partida de Cthulhu moderno para ser jugada en ingles. Os podéis apuntar aquí:

La escena de off-topic está abierta para poder preguntarle dudas que contestará mejor en su idioma.

La partida tiene una pinta estupenda: Una base en la Antártida que ha perdido contacto con una plataforma de extracción de gas tras declararse en ella una enfermedad que ha acabado con la mayor parte de su personal. Los jugadores, miembros de un equipo de fuerzas especiales de la ONU, reciben el encargo de investigar qué ha ocurrido...

Bueno, mejor miradlo vosotros mismos. Sólo añadiré que aplaudo el valor de este umbriano que se atreve a plantear una partida en una página con un idioma que ni siquiera domina.


As we discussed in this thread Syrinx has created a new Cthulhu game to be played in English. You can join it at this URL:

The off-topic is open for everybody to ask him directly in English.

The game looks great! An Arctartic base has lost his contact with a gas refinery ice-rig after a weird sickness has decimated its crew. The PCs, members of UN joint task forces, has been required to investigate...

It would be better if you have a look yourselves. I will just congratulate Syrinx for his courage mastering a game in Comunidad Umbría without speaking Spanish!

25/02/2011, 15:41

[en inglés]


Six slots filled - two to go.

#1 Electronics Specialist

#2 Geology Professor


Application time ends by Februari 27. Over and out!

26/02/2011, 17:25

what system is it? maybe if you give us some more information about, well in fact I don't have so much experience in traditional cthulhu games, but exception cthulhutech.

26/02/2011, 18:40

El sistema es Cthulhu clásico (d100), el de toda la vida.

26/02/2011, 21:41

Yes, sure. As zjordi said: it´s Cthulhu but in the modern era. Think of it as an expedition to Antarctica to find out what made a research station go silent. A research station below the Antarctic ice.

It is a modern setting, but about fifteen years into the future. The world has been shattered by wars and corporate battles. The only thing keeping it together is the armed forces of the UN - UN Strike Force.

The close to Antarctica Base of UNSF has issued a mission call. One spot left now as the Geology Professor just got his passport issued. That leaves an Electronics Specialist up for grabs.


About the system: Skill checks are made against 1d100. Stat challenges are made against 1d20.

So it´s a mix of systems. The only thing differing from classic Call of Cthulhu is that there´s no mythos elements in it. But there´s no need for that:

Below the ice no one can hear you scream...

27/02/2011, 07:21

Can I have a VIP pass? I'm very interested on the game, but I can't handle it 'cause of my lack of time :(

27/02/2011, 08:15

There´s always room for a lady, milady! VIP-pass delivered.


27/02/2011, 10:32

Thanks, Dave! :)

Este hilo tiene más de 6 meses, lo usuarios novatos no pueden reabrir hilos antiguos.