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A tale of tales: When legends are born.

The Palace of the White Jade - Beta squad

Cargando editor
24/09/2014, 13:43
Dungeon master

Cargando editor
30/09/2014, 15:18

When we finally could se the palace in front of us, I turned to the only girl not completely human of the family that we had decided to help.

So, you know better than any the best place to get into the palace. What's the plan? I suggest I would cover you three while you get in, and once you're in and safe, I'll join you. - I was not sure about the weapons the child and the bard used, but I was pretty confident in their ability in being sneeky and silent. Didn't know either what the woman could do, but I was sure what I could do and the option I had offered seemed to me the most logical. I was a hunter, hide and seek was my game, but I added a gruesome end to it: kill.

Notas de juego

No description of what we see?

Cargando editor
01/10/2014, 10:16

Eril shows a faint, confident smile before addressing Elaria's question.

- After trespassing the outer fence, which won't be so hard since there is no wall surrounding the area, just a simple fence and some outposts, we will approach the Palace from the North, sneaking towards its back entrance - the half-elf unfolds a map of the place and drops her finger to the North façade, opposite to the wings. 

- There we should wait for the distraction at the South gate by the others, and then we will sneak inside. -

Notas de juego

No description of what we see?

Yes, is coming. Sorry about that.

Cargando editor
01/10/2014, 10:39
Dungeon master

Sneaking in through the outer fences surrounding the immense extensions of the palace gardens wasn’t hardly as difficult as you would have imagined. There were only some spare outposts scattered through the perimeter, and none of them seemed to be manned. Not really a surprise though. By the look of it, it is clear the outer fence is not a very smart strategic defense post, so probably the enemy has prepared the defenses and fortifications closer to the palace.

Still, you decide to move quickly and silently through the yards, orchards and gardens that comprise the extension between the fence and the marvelous building that suddenly shows up just in front of you after climbing a slow mound.

The Palace is astonishingly beautiful. Not by its dimensions, since its size is not impressive, but by the polishness of its white walls. Refracting light from the sun makes it shine like a lone star in a moonless night. The walls are made, or covered, with something pretending to be white jade… or perhaps they are made of white jade. In any case, you can’t prevent a drop of jaw of pure awe as you see the beauty in front of you.

But presently you start focusing in your mission. You are approaching the palace from the North. There, patrolling and guarding the façade facing you, seven mercenaries, three swordsmen, three spearmen and one archer, stand vigilant patrolling the entrance.

You know that, as soon as the distraction begins, some of them, if not all, will run towards the South entrance and the main façade.

- Tiradas (3)

Motivo: swordsmen

Tirada: 1d3

Resultado: 3

Motivo: spearmen

Tirada: 1d3

Resultado: 3

Motivo: archers

Tirada: 1d3

Resultado: 2(-1)=1

Cargando editor
05/10/2014, 05:36

Sionnain walks silently and listening carefully the plan to get inside the palace. The little boy is pleased about his group. And when he see the palace, his eyes open. - Wow... - Says to himself softly. - It's... beautiful. 

After a few seconds, he hides behind a bush, looks to Elaria and Grimmel and whispers some words trying the semi-elf doesn't hear them. - You mustn't drink in the inn. Our wine is different than wine's elf. 

Then he waits until the distraction starts in the South of the palace to get in the place.

Cargando editor
09/10/2014, 12:51

I heard the words of the kid and put my hand on his head.

- You're absolutely right. That's why I stopped and went to bed... eventhought I couldn't sleep. - I added when I rememberd the rat-like creatures. - But don't worry. I feel fine. My spears always find their target. - I said to the kid winking. 

I then turned my attention to the palace.

"As soon as the distraction begins, is our turn..."

Cargando editor
12/10/2014, 20:54
Grimmel the Turncloak

—My bolts always find their target, too— says quietly Grimmel, who was carrying that strange-looking crossbow.

—Sadly, their target tends to be a wall, a tree or the sky, instead of the enemy. Stubborn, these modern arrows.

Grimmel was not happy bringing Sionnain to storm a palace, but the kid would be safer in his company. The only thing to do was keeping up the morale and hoping that this would be less dangerous than it seemed.

Cargando editor
13/10/2014, 11:07

Suddenly, the gong of a not so distant bell interrupts your silent conversation behind the bushes near the back entrance of the palace. An alarm bell has been sound. The distraction has begun.

- Look - whispers the half elf step sister, her finger pointing at the moving figures of the guards.

The archer, the swordmen and one of the spearmen are on the move, turning the corner of the Palace and heading towards the front entrance.

Two of the spearmen remain vigilant, guarding this entrance, and alerted now they know someone has decided to attack their stronghold.

All of the sudden, Eril produces two strange daggers out of a hidden place beneath her robes.

- Are we ready - she asks with a cunning, unsettling, smile in her face.

Notas de juego

There are two spearmen remaining at the gate. Since you have sneaked here, you have a free surprise attack turn. You can:

a) charge at your enemy. Since it is a surprise attack, the won't be able to react but holding their position. You will strike first in the upcoming hand to hand combat.

b) shoot at them. Remember that for shooting, it is only your BS that counts. There are no modifiers for this roll. They will be alerted of your presence after shooting and will charge at you in the next turn.

Finally, I copy paste from another place:

NOTA para los que conozcáis Warhammer: Fijaros que os estoy considerando a los cuatro como una Unidad, lo mismo que a vuestros enemigos también. Esto nos permitirá realizar tiradas de Moral y Liderazgo cuándo resolvamos los combates ^^

Bueno decidme si preferís a ó b, y completo el post y las acciones a seguir. Preguntad si tenéis cualquier duda.

Cargando editor
16/10/2014, 10:33

A silent nod is all Eril needs. The plan is set, and now is time to get it in motion.

The boy, the bard and herself start sneaking towards the back entrance while Elaria remains in position at the bushes reading her throwing spears and javelins. She knows she is more than capable enough to take on these two guards, but still, the slight rush of anticipation makes her spine shiver a little.

Is time for the surprise attack.

Meanwhile, closer to the back door, Eril walks to Grimmel and reaches her ear after winking at him warmly.

- I hope you and I, we both get out of this one... - she whispers.

Is she... flirting with the Bard? You wonder. It definitely seems so...

Notas de juego

Turn 0: Surprise attack

- Elaria shoots at the guards. I recommend you use your bow. You have 2x shots with it, and with a BS of 6 you hit with 2+/6+ (so you hit with 2+ but if you roll 1, still can re-roll the dice hitting this second time with 6+). But feel free to use your javelins or throwing spears if you want

- Grimmel, Sionnain and Eril are sneaking and flanking the guards.

Cargando editor
16/10/2014, 11:42

I waited, pacient, staring at the guards with fixation while my hands worked slowly their way into my possessions to prepare the attack. The adrenaline was starting to run through my body, like on one of those endless nights with fellow hunters and rangers on the minute before attacking a menace to our village. 

A tiny smile made it into my face.

My fingers took carefully the needed arrows and my body turned while my bow took the proper position. A little drop of sweat made its way down my cheek. Just one more second...

At the right time, the machinery started working and two arrows flew in a perfectly coordinated movement, right into the targets. 

- Tiradas (2)

Motivo: HIT HIM!

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 2+

Resultado: 3 (Exito)

Motivo: HIT HIM TOO!

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 2+

Resultado: 2 (Exito)

Notas de juego

Taking the advice of the Oh-powerful-master seems to be the smartest move.

I see in my scene taht I can shoot up to 3 arrows per turn. Could I shoot twoo to the same guy, just in case the wound roll won't be successful?

Almost failed. I told you dice hate me...xD

Cargando editor
16/10/2014, 13:58
Dungeon master

Notas de juego

I see in my scene taht I can shoot up to 3 arrows per turn. Could I shoot twoo to the same guy, just in case the wound roll won't be successful?

You're right, you have 3x shoots (quite impressive actually... unbalanced perhaps? we'll see XD )

No need to declare specific target. The two guards are a 'Unit', thus you will cause x wounds to the unit (1,2 or 3). Then I will roll for saving throws and allocate them randomly (in this case doesn't matter which guard suffers which wound since their profiles are identical).

So now, roll to hit a third time. Then, take all your hits and roll To Wound. That will be Xd6 Difficulty 4+ where X = number of hits. Remember to 'desglosar dados' in your roll and you'll be able to do all rolls at once :)

Cargando editor
16/10/2014, 14:03
- Tiradas (2)

Motivo: Hit 3

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 2+

Resultado: 6 (Exito)

Motivo: Wound

Tirada: 3d6

Dificultad: 4+

Resultado: 1, 1, 4

Exitos: 1

Notas de juego

See. Told ya.

Cargando editor
16/10/2014, 14:26
Dungeon master

The plan is in motion.

The trio sneaks behind the enemy lines while Elaria unleashes a maelstrom of arrows towards the unprepared guards. One arrow hits its target, sinking deep within the chest of the poor spearman, who falls fulminated to the ground.

The other guard turns immediately, drill trained, towards the direction of the attack. Without hesitation, he charges to Elaria's position.

- Tiradas (1)

Motivo: Armor saving

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 5+

Resultado: 3 (Fracaso)

Notas de juego

Turn 0: surprise attack summary.

- Elaria shoots at the two guards, killing one of them.

- Grimmel, Sionnain and Eril infiltrate towards the door.

Turn 1:

- Elaria: The guard is charging. You have two options (let me copy paste from another place):

a) Aguantar y disparar. El enemigo corre hacia tí, y tú aguantas la carga disparando. Ahora bien, una vez te alcancen, ellos atacarán primero ya que han cargado.

b) Contracargar. Correr hacia ellos al mismo tiempo vamos. La ventaja de esta acción, es que el combate CaC se resolverá por orden de Iniciativas, en cuyo caso tienes sin ninguna duda el upper hand si no me equivoco :)

- Grimmel y Sionnain: you can get inside the palace unnoticed already and continue the conversation with Eril inside while Elaria gets rid of the guard (and whatever opposition might join at the doors). You can also answer Eril's lascivious insinuation :D

Cargando editor
16/10/2014, 14:55

The arrows where right on place, but only one made it through the armor. Such a shame... or not. The guard, noticing the attack, started running towards me without acknowledging the infiltration tactics. The previos smile widened and while my left hand put the bow on the ground, my right hand drew my sword while I starting to run as well.

"It's on".


- Tiradas (3)

Motivo: Attack!

Tirada: 1d6

Resultado: 1

Motivo: Attackrepito!

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 3+

Resultado: 1, 6

Exitos: 1

Motivo: wound

Tirada: 1d6

Resultado: 2

Notas de juego

So option 2.

Fuck. I'll regret this... Guys, it was a pleasure.


Cargando editor
18/10/2014, 04:29
Grimmel the Turncloak

Looking at Eril, the bard blinked once, twice, three times. Then, with nothing else to do, he blinked again. It did not happen often that Grimmel was without words.

—I hope we... all make it alive— said at last. Elaria had successfully called the attention of the guards and maybe she was in danger. Reading his crossbow, the bard exchanged a worried look with Sionnain.

Cargando editor
18/10/2014, 23:50

Sionnain stares at Eril with the mouth opens with incredulity. The little boy knows his mentor is a very handsome man, but the moment chosen by the middle-elf to flirt cannot worse.

He tilts his head and looks at Grimmel waiting for his answer. And when it arrives, Sionnain nods and take his dagger while turning towards Elaria. - We must help her. She needs us. - He says with his sweet voice, ready to run towards the guards, but waiting for Grimmel's sign.

Cargando editor
24/10/2014, 06:39
Grimmel the Turncloak

—I think she is doing quite well, actually— said Grimmel, sincerely impressed by Elaria.

—But we cannot cross our arms and just watch, can we? Wait now, young fellow.

Grimmel shot his crossbow and draw his sword even before the bolt reached its target.

—Well, now we have their attention.

With a wink, he was ready to charge to the combat, side by side with Sionnain.

- Tiradas (2)

Motivo: Crossbow

Tirada: 1d6

Resultado: 6

Motivo: Wound

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 2+

Resultado: 1 (Fracaso)

Cargando editor
24/10/2014, 13:56
Dungeon master

The guard reaches Elaria's position at the same time Grimmel and Sionnain decide to charge upon him and join the fight. The bard's sturdy bolt flies straight to target but gets lost within the waving fabrics of the guard's cloak.

Meanwhile Elaria's blows, although precise and well parried, are not strong enough to penetrate the thick leather that protects the man's skin.

Wielding his thrusting spear, the guard immediately strikes back at Elaria, hitting her with the staff on her arm, thus failing to cause even a flesh wound.

Now Grimmel and Sionnain have covered the short distance that kept them from the struggle and are ready to assist their companion.

- Tiradas (2)

Motivo: To Hit

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 4+

Resultado: 6 (Exito)

Motivo: To Wound

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 5+

Resultado: 1 (Fracaso)

Notas de juego

Turn 1:

- Sionnain, you can now attack the guard (2d6, to hit 3+, to wound 4+)

- Elaria caused 1 hit but 0 wounds.

- Grimmel, shooting, caused 1 hit and 0 wounds as well (since the action was to choose between ranged and close combat attacks and you chose to shoot, I take you already acted this turn)

Cargando editor
24/10/2014, 14:18

Sionnain smiles to Grimmel and runs beside him towards the struggle. Then he tries hit the first guard with his dagger.

- Tiradas (4)

Motivo: Hit

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 3+

Resultado: 6 (Exito)

Motivo: Wound

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 4+

Resultado: 3 (Fracaso)

Motivo: Hit 2!

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 3+

Resultado: 6 (Exito)

Motivo: Wound 2!

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 4+

Resultado: 5 (Exito)

Notas de juego

I don't know if I rolled well, verify it, please :).

Cargando editor
29/10/2014, 15:22
Dungeon master

Producing a small odd-looking, oozing blade in his hand, the little boy charges boldly towards the guard.

It could be a funny image for such a small one to run towards an armored, strong, grown man, shouldn't it be for the confident look on the child's eyes which doubtless means one single thing: he knows what he's doing.

After a couple of quick swings of the small blade, a flesh wound shows up in the guard's thigh.

The man down's his head to look at it raising an eyebrow with pride as if it was just a scratch... but suddenly his expression changes drastically.

Throwing his spear and shield away, he takes his hands to his neck while his mouth wide opens and starts gasping like he was desperately looking for air.

Few moments later, the guards falls dead to the ground.

Fight over. No more guards standing in the back door of the palace.

However, Eril is nowhere to be seen either. Apparently she has already headed inside alone while you were quickly dispatching the two spearmen.

- Tiradas (1)

Motivo: AS

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 5+

Resultado: 4 (Fracaso)

Notas de juego

The back door to the palace is open if you want to get in. If you decide to do so, make an Ini roll (remember, 1d6 equal or less than your Ini attribute. A 6 is always a failure.)