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A tale of tales: When legends are born.

The Palace of the White Jade - Beta squad

Cargando editor
03/02/2015, 19:33

I tried to put a very solemn and serious face when Sionnain talked, while nodding with my head, but it was a very hard thing to do. However, when short after we discovered the body of Eril, my face didn't need extra effort to turn cold as stone. 

She was in trouble, unconcious, and needed our help. But... there was something odd about it. Why would she run into a dangerous room in her own house? And why would he left us behind? And how could she be so pale in just a matter of couple of minutes?

No. Something was wrong. Sionnain was already running towards her, so instead, I inspecteed the room, looking for anything dangerours. Maybe there was some poisonous plant?

Notas de juego

I hate spiders, not the spiders :)

Cargando editor
08/02/2015, 09:10
Grimmel the Turncloak

—Well, this is disturbing.

Grimmel was not very fond of spiders himself.

—Yes, me must.

But he would not leave alone Sionnain in the rescue. The poet walks towards the elf woman, stepping lightly and looking around like a man who distrust everything.

—Our deeds today will be sung by bards tomorrow.

...So let us not be killed by tiny bugs...

Cargando editor
10/02/2015, 15:36
Dungeon master

It begun with a distant hiss. Or rather a sound like rubbing grass against wood. Suddenly, the midst that seemed to dissipate moments ago, starts to thicken around you. Something moves. No, is not moving, is raising!

Out of the darkest corner few feet from where the woman lays unconscious, between a dense foliage of a thousand plants, something emerges from the very soil.

It is a huge monster. Something taken from some bizarre nightmare. It resembles a mushroom, but its tendrils extend towards the floor in a grotesque humanoid figure. As it grows and grows toward the ceiling, you have to bend back your head to confront the towering monstrosity as it reaches its final size: twice as tall as Grimmel, and massive as a cave bear.

To your dismay, it seems to be staring at you through unexisting eyeballs in its mushroom cap. No longer than a breath away, he starts moving towards you, producing its hyphas to reach and embrace you in what will most certainly be a certain grip.

Notas de juego

A description of the monster can be found in the Bestiary.

It's combat time again (unless you decide to run away and leave poor Eril to the monster's will).

Sionnain, due to the crowds of spiders that crawl all on you, you have a -1 to all your To Hit rolls

Cargando editor
27/02/2015, 14:59
Dungeon master

As you move towards the end of the greenhouse, good news await for your eyeballs: the beta squad is there! Grimmel, Sionnain and Elaria stand fast close to an exit. There, laying unconscious on the floor, remains the step sister Eril. But before you can even say anything...

It begun with a distant hiss. Or rather a sound like rubbing grass against wood. Suddenly, the midst that seemed to dissipate moments ago, starts to thicken around you. Something moves. No, is not moving, is raising!

Out of the darkest corner few feet from where the woman lays unconscious, between a dense foliage of a thousand plants, something emerges from the very soil.

It is a huge monster. Something taken from some bizarre nightmare. It resembles a mushroom, but its tendrils extend towards the floor in a grotesque humanoid figure. As it grows and grows toward the ceiling, you have to bend back your head to confront the towering monstrosity as it reaches its final size: twice as tall as a human, and massive as a cave bear.

To your dismay, it seems to be staring at you through unexisting eyeballs in its mushroom cap. No longer than a breath away, he starts moving towards you, producing its hyphas to reach and embrace you in what will most certainly be a certain grip.

Notas de juego

A description of the monster can be found in the Bestiary.

It's combat time, and due to the crowds of spiders that crawl all on you, you have a -1 to all your To Hit rolls.

You are with the others now together, so include them in your posts.

Cargando editor
27/02/2015, 15:02
Dungeon master

But something else also comes out from the midst, although this time from the same path you came into: it is the mage of your group, Kholer, together with one of the brothers, Hamond!

Notas de juego

Estais ya los cuatro juntos :)

Cargando editor
27/02/2015, 15:54
Kholer Flamefinger
Sólo para el director
- Tiradas (1)

Motivo: ¿Cual es mi hechizo aleatorio?

Tirada: 1d6

Resultado: 2

Notas de juego

Ok, I have one useless spell in the present situation. And the fireball, useless because it would burn us as much as the monster. :(

I hate my bad luck. I wish I could speak to her for a moment.

Cargando editor
27/02/2015, 16:02
Kholer Flamefinger

What the hell? Hammond, take care!

When Kholer cames in he is followed by a strange Fungus Monster.

Kholer was almost as surprised as anybody else and tried to fly from the vicinity of the Hyphas the monster was approaching towards him.

He is too near for a fireball. Damn, maybe I can make one of your weapons to burn in flames. I think this monster doesn't like flames.

- Tiradas (1)

Motivo: Initiative

Tirada: 1d6

Resultado: 5

Cargando editor
27/02/2015, 20:15
Grimmel the Turncloak

Grimmel looked at the monster in aw. The fact that, when all was said and done, they were facing a mushroom did not seem to make the situation any more funny or enjoyable. 

—This battle will be told by the bards of tomorrow!

Just let us hope that this bard can be one of them thought Grimmel, too scared to remember that he had just said the same thing two little moments ago.

- Tiradas (1)

Motivo: Initiative

Tirada: 1d6

Resultado: 1

Cargando editor
02/03/2015, 03:43

The face of Sionnain shows his surprise when the monster starts to grow, and grow, and grow a little more. 

- Fuck. - He whispers to himself while he draws his daggers and prepares to combat the monster. 

The little boy saws the mage by the corner of his eye and smile. It will be good have his help. But when he hears the Grimmel's cheer, Sionnain raises his hand and exclaim. - Yeah! - It's combat time.

- Tiradas (3)

Motivo: Ini

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 9-

Resultado: 6 (Exito)

Motivo: Hit

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 4+

Resultado: 3(-1)=2, 3(-1)=2 (Suma: 4)

Motivo: Wound

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 5+

Resultado: 2, 2 (Suma: 4)

Cargando editor
03/03/2015, 13:40

I look at the creature with a mix of disgust and curiosity. In all my years through forest I had never seen anything like it. It seemed to me an insult for mushrooms, actually.

With my swords already drawn since we started this incurssion, I looked at the monster with half a smile.

I'm gonna make soup out of you.

Suddenly, something else appeared beind the monster and after probably half a second that felt like 5 minutes, I saw it was actually one of our companions.

ANd he can create fire around my swords?

- HEI YOU!  - I shouted towards the creature. - Ever smelled delicious grilled mushrooms?

I nodded to the pyromancer hoping he understood my acceptance of his plan and draw my swords high, hoping he could make them burst into flames before bringing them down to the monster with (hopefuly) lethal consequences.


- Tiradas (2)

Motivo: In

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 5+

Resultado: 6 (Exito)

Motivo: attack!

Tirada: 2d6

Resultado: 5, 6 (Suma: 11)

Notas de juego

Edit: I'll add my attack already then.

Cargando editor
17/03/2015, 16:03
Dungeon master
Sólo para el director
- Tiradas (4)

Tirada oculta

Motivo: Elaria's to Wound rolls

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 5+

Resultado: 7 (Exito)

Tirada oculta

Motivo: Elaria's to Wound rolls

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 5+

Resultado: 6, 1 (Suma: 7)

Exitos: 1

Tirada oculta

Motivo: Grimmel's to Hit

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 4+

Resultado: 6, 4 (Suma: 10)

Exitos: 2

Tirada oculta

Motivo: Grimmel's to Wound

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 5+

Resultado: 6, 1 (Suma: 7)

Exitos: 1

Cargando editor
17/03/2015, 16:08
Sólo para el director
- Tiradas (5)

Motivo: Elaria's to Wound rolls

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 5+

Resultado: 1, 6 (Suma: 7)

Exitos: 1

Motivo: Grimmel's to Hit rolls

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 4+

Resultado: 5, 2 (Suma: 7)

Exitos: 1

Motivo: Grimmel's to Wound rolls

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 5+

Resultado: 2 (Fracaso)

Motivo: Kholer's spell roll

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 8+

Resultado: 8(+2)=10 (Exito)

Motivo: Kholer's spell roll

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 8+

Resultado: 1(+2)=3, 2(+2)=4 (Suma: 7)

Cargando editor
17/03/2015, 16:10
Dungeon master

Within the greenish midst hanging thick in the air surrounding the Fungal Monster, the fight begins:

Sneaking like a ferret, Sionnain quickly finds his way to the monster's back while slicing quickly with his wicked dagger. However, the thick bark of the monster proves more than a mach for the delicate blades, and none of them manage to penetrate the protective layer of the abomination.

Images of legendary heroes and their deeds run through Grimmel's mind as he charges to battle with the green creature. The Bard's blade reaches target near what would have been a chest in a normal creature. But fate seems to negate the priced sap you hope the monster has instead of blood, as the bark deflects once again the steel.

Then is the turn for Hammond. The brother produces his blade and to your awe, charges towards the monster with quick ease. He clearly seems to be quite a knowledgeable warrior, as his parries quickly hit his target, and even get through the thick external layer. A thin stream of whitish sap starts pouring from where his blade pierced the thick bark.

At that moment, funneling the winds of magic through his body, Kholer chants the words of a spell. But something doesn't seem completely right. The air is filled with an strange smell as the magic powers channeled through the room and the wizard overflow his mind and body. Suddenly, Elaria's sword burst in white flames as the spell concludes successfully. For a moment, it seems the winds of magic might consume Kholer, but in the last instant, he manage to calm the maelstrom of summoned energies and prevents his soul from get drifted away by them.

Still astonished by the flaming torch that has become of her blade, Elaria taints the monster and charges mercilessly. The flaming blade arches high above her head and hits ground on the monster shoulder, which immediately starts burning. Should it have had human mouth, the creature would have screamed in agony as the flames consumed his flank. However, the only audible sound it produces is a low shriek of pain as it tries to extinguish the flames with his other arm.

At the same time, the abomination spins around extending its hypahs and hitting Grimmel in its wicked twist. However, the beast is more focused now in finally finishing the flames than in his parries, and the impact of the green appendix lacks the necessary strength to penetrate the Bard's armor.

- Tiradas (11)

Motivo: Kholer's spell roll

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 8+

Resultado: 6(+2)=8, 6(+2)=8 (Suma: 16)

Exitos: 2

Motivo: Kholer's magic perils

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 4+

Resultado: 3 (Fracaso)

Motivo: Elaria's to Wound rolls

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 5+

Resultado: 1, 4 (Suma: 5)

Motivo: Grimmel's to Hit rolls

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 4+

Resultado: 4, 3 (Suma: 7)

Exitos: 1

Motivo: Grimmel's to Wound rolls

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 5+

Resultado: 1, 1 (Suma: 2)

Motivo: Hammond's to Hit rolls

Tirada: 3d6

Dificultad: 4+

Resultado: 2, 4, 1 (Suma: 7)

Exitos: 1

Motivo: Hammond's to Wound rolls

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 5+

Resultado: 5 (Exito)

Motivo: Fungal monster saving throw

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 6+

Resultado: 4, 5 (Suma: 9)

Motivo: Fungal monster to Hit

Tirada: 4d6

Dificultad: 4+

Resultado: 2, 1, 3, 6 (Suma: 12)

Exitos: 1

Motivo: Fungal monster Impact

Tirada: 1d6

Resultado: 2

Motivo: Fungal monster to Wound

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 3+

Resultado: 1 (Fracaso)

Notas de juego


Sionnain: Inflicted 2xHits, 0xWounds

Grimmel: Inflicted 1xHit, 0xWounds

Hammond: Inflicted 1xHit, 1xWound

Kholer: Cast the spell with irresistible force (warhammer term) but luckily is not wounded by the Winds of Magic. The spell is a Flaming Blade for Elaria (by choosing her, she will be able to inflict one wound)

Elaria: Inflicted 2xHits, 1xWound (thanks to the +1 of Kholer's spell)

Fungal Monster: Attacked Randomly to Grimmel and inflicted 1xHit, 0xWounds.

So far the monster has suffered a total of 2xWounds

Cargando editor
17/03/2015, 19:45

Sionnain looks disappointed how the daggers don't make any damage to the monster. - Fuck! - He swears again in a whisper.

But when the monster gets to hit in Grimmel's body, Sionnain screams. - Don't touch my father, abomination!

And with this shout, the little boy, runs searching the monster's back, trying to hit it again. 


- Tiradas (2)

Motivo: Hit

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 4+

Resultado: 6(-1)=5, 4(-1)=3 (Suma: 8)

Exitos: 1

Motivo: Wound

Tirada: 2d6

Dificultad: 5+

Resultado: 3, 1 (Suma: 4)

Notas de juego

I'm not sure if I have still the penalization by the spiders. At this case, take only the first dice of the second roll.

Anyway, I failed again XD.

Cargando editor
19/03/2015, 14:50

The smell of the burning mushroom-like monster was far from delicious, as I had joked a few seconds before. Without hesitating I tried to hit him again hoping that the burning blade would be still doing a good job against it but it will not burn me. I draw my sword again against the monster while grunting with the effort.

- Tiradas (3)

Motivo: Attack

Tirada: 2d6

Resultado: 7

Motivo: Attack

Tirada: 2d6

Resultado: 6, 4 (Suma: 10)

Motivo: Wound

Tirada: 2d6

Resultado: 5, 2 (Suma: 7)

Notas de juego

Sorry, forgot to click "Sí" on my first roll.

Not sure if my "wound" roll is correct.


Cargando editor
24/03/2015, 18:12
Kholer Flamefinger

Kholer took a step aside.

¡Away from it! he cried suddenly. He wanted to avoid damage to their companions.

His finger pointed the monster


And a Fireball flew from his hand to the monster. It was huge enough to let him attack it, his body will get all the damage from the explosion.

- Tiradas (2)

Motivo: Fireball!!

Tirada: 2d6

Resultado: 2, 5 (Suma: 7)

Motivo: Wounds

Tirada: 2d6

Resultado: 3, 2 (Suma: 5)

Notas de juego

Did i do the attack and damge rolls right?

Cargando editor
28/03/2015, 03:47
Grimmel the Turncloak

—My crossbow is out of tune.

He said, dissapointed by the little effect of the arrow. Grimmel was not used to being attacked by a huge mushroom and yet it had almost dismembered him. The wound could have been serious, but in his mind, the situation was quite the opposite. Bizarre to say the least. Obviously, he had to share his amusing view on the topic.

—Sticks and stones may break my bones, but not huge champignons!

Switching the weapon for the almost identical laud, he started to rhyme to the rhythm of simple notes.

—Take the mushrooms, crush some garlic

Add some onion, cut the parsley

Wash your hands, before and after!

Now you need a pyromancer...

Roast 'em, fry 'em, burn 'em!!!

Reciting the world strangest sauteed mushrooms recipe, the bard inspired courage on his companions and made the monster even angrier.

Cargando editor
21/09/2015, 15:45
Dungeon master

It was just a matter of time until the inevitable happened. The unnatural monstrosity that faces you all is tough, but not immune to fire. Instead, like with any other tree, the cleansing element quickly starts propagating through its herbal body after Kohler's fire spell, and now the heat is consuming every fiber of it in a wide spread inferno.

Now you only have to keep your distance with the agonizing monster.

Soon, the only thing left of it is a pile of ashes in the ground and a gruesome and vivid memory of the abomination in your minds.

But the beast is dead, and the deeds are on. Is time to move on, to continue your journey. You are now reunited in this filthy and humid greenhouse, and without a spoken word, you agree the first thing to do is get out of here as soon as possible, should any other surprise wants to startle you.

With a quick move of skill, Sionnain bursts open the door in front of you where the step sister was laying. Elara and Grimmel grab the numb body of Eril effortless and carry her out.

At the other side, a new small room is revealed.

On it, a set of stairs leading both to the upper and lower levels.

Cargando editor
21/09/2015, 15:55

A faint cough almost startles you again. Almost.

Quickly looking down you all feel relieved at the sight of Eril's eyes opening dimly.

She turns her head slightly to face the stairs.

- We should go down. To the vaults. The scriptures... - she stops and coughs again - The scriptures must be there. -

Then she turns her head again and fixes her gaze on Grimmel who is still gently holding her head and shoulders from carrying her out.

- You made it. - she says dimly with a weak smile in her lips - You saved me. My hero... - she closes her eyes again