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Off-Topic - Nacimiento de un Héroe

Cargando editor
13/01/2012, 01:08

Comienza la cuenta atrás.

Bueno, pues a falta de decidir el último jugador, el resto del equipo ya está al completo. Vamos a aprovechar esta escena para dar vida a los personajes creando la ficha. Por ello he puesto los mensajes por defecto solo para el director, pero se pueden mandar generales para todos seleccionándolos. Así la ficha siempre queda en algo más personal.

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 00:15

Buenas, muy buena historia la tuya. Me ha impresionado tanto la ortografía como la historia. No tengo ningún "pero", así tal cual es magnífica. Así que vamos a ir creando la ficha.

Para empezar tienes que elegir clase y raza, aunque me parece que es humana y guerrera, verdad? Por cierto, tienes experiencia en D&D? No es importante tenerla, pero haciéndome una idea de lo que sabes nos entenderemos mejor.

Si no es así, dímelo y te comento el resto de razas y clases que hay.

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 00:19

Hola, bienvenidos a ambos. Gracias por haber querido participar en la partida, me ha gustado la interacción entre los dos personajes y creo que va a ser un grupo interesante.

Supongo que ambos tenéis ya experiencia en 4ª, por lo que dejo en vuestras manos la creación de la ficha. Por ahora creo que tengo claras las razas y clases. El sistema de puntuación de características no será al azar. Asignáis 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10 a las que más os convengan. Aunque si preferís el azar comentadmelo.

Por lo demás, si tenéis alguna duda que pudiera surgir la solucionamos debatiendo.

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 00:39
Niké, la Roja
Sólo para el director

¡Hola! Pues muchas gracias, me alegra que te haya gustado. :)

Sí, tengo experiencia en D&D, aunque apenas he "jugado" partidas en 4ª edición, jaja. Siempre me ha tocado dirigirlas.

En principio, este personaje está enfocado para llevar un rol caballeresco, pero sin ser paladín. Y efectivamente, sería una humana guerrera.


Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 00:50
Niké, la Roja
Sólo para el director

Acabo de revisar lo que te mandé y he visto un fallo, jajaja... Hay un momento en el que me refiero a mi personaje como "Carolina". Quería llamarla así, pero al final lo cambié por Niké. :P

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 00:55

jajajaja Sí, me quedé con el detalle pero pensé que ese era realmente su nombre, el que le pusieron sus padres, pero creí que la pequeña lo obvió y se llamó a sí misma Niké. Muy bueno.

Pues si sabes manejarte bien te dejo que la hagas tú y me consultes cualquier duda. En cuanto a la puntuación de características, suelo dejar las puntuaciones establecidas para que repartas como quieras, 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10. Pero si prefieres el azar comentamelo.

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 00:56
Titiana de Monteraso


De momento he estado dándole un vistazo a los Bardos(o varaiantes), pero sin llegar a una elección definitiva. Durante este fin de semana seguiré ojeando combinaciones. A ver si doy con alguna que se ajuste mas o menos a la idea que tengo en mente.

Para resumirlo en pocas palabras, de momento todo apunta que ***(aun sin nombre)*** va a tener el rol de Lider.

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 01:00
Niké, la Roja
Sólo para el director

Oye, pues eso también podría valer... Me gusta como suena, sí. Tendría sentido para este personaje. Qué demonios, lo dejo tal cual.

De acuerdo; la iré perfilando. Tan sólo una duda: ¿haremos las fichas por el formato de Essentials o sólo por el manual básico (sin Poderes Marciales de por medio, por ejemplo)? Te digo porque yo nunca he tocado Essentials, sólo el Manual del Jugador.

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 01:16

Te confieso que yo tampoco he mirado más libros que los básicos. Ahora mismo lo de los Poderes Marciales ni me suena, pero si tú quieres añadir algo como eso, u otras cosas, dimelo y lo vamos viendo. No tenemos prisa en hacer la ficha, así que adelante.

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 01:19

Ok, una multiclase te refieres. Por ahora hay un Mago y una Guerrera, y el tercero no sé si será Brujo o también Mago.

En cuanto al mago. Creo que me comentaste algo de incluir la plantilla de una clase especial de mago. Si quieres ponme esas características a ver que les eche una ojeada y vemos si es factible.

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 01:28
Niké, la Roja
Sólo para el director

Ah, entonces perfecto. Me ciño al básico... Para mi es más sencillo y así te ahorro tener que "admitir" material que no controlas.

No me llevará mucho la ficha; seguramente mañana te la dejaré hecha ya.

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 09:21
Knoss "El Vizir" de Monteraso

En el ultimo libro salia el Witch que era una variable del mago, ¿sabes ingles? Bueno si estas traduciendo lo de Mystara supongo que si XD

Te vuelco aquí la información del compendium:

Wizard (Witch)
Role: Controller. You practice the first, most ancient form of arcane magic, which allows you to charm, transform, and curse your enemies.
Power Source: Arcane.
Key Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom

Armor Proficiencies: Cloth.
Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, quarterstaff.
Implement: Orbs, staffs, wands
Bonus to Defense: +2 Will.

Hit Points at 1st Level: 10+ Constitution Score.
Hit Points per Level Gained: 4
Healing Surges per Day: 6+ Constitution Modifier.

Trained Skills: Arcana. From the class skills list below, choose 3 more trained skills at 1st level.
Class Skills: Arcana (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Dungeoneering (Wis), History (Int), Insight (Wis), Nature (Wis), Religion (Int).

Class features: Augury, Moon Coven, Witch Cantrips, Witch’s Familiar.

Part religion, part ritual, and all mystery, witchcraft is an ancient practice that came about in an age before arcane magic was studied, institutionalized, and etched in writing, when monstrous titans ruled over creation and the secret of making fire was yet undiscovered. In this chaotic dark age, the gods had little influence on the titans’ world. Instead of seeking their aid, the primitive peoples called out to the night for protection and power, and a voice from the darkness answered. Those who accepted its arcane gifts became the first witches, and they wielded such power as only immortals had known—seen by some jealous gods as an affront that they have never forgiven.
Witches gain their power from a patron who instructs them by way of a mystical familiar that comes and goes as it pleases, unbound by the strictures of the material world. The most prevalent patron among witches—the original voice from the darkness—is the moon goddess Sehanine, referred to by witches as simply the Goddess. Other entities have since seen the advantage of imbuing mortals with power, and so your patron might be an archfey, a god, an angel, a primordial, a demon lord, a devil, or another legendary being that believes it can benefit by imbuing you with a gift of arcane prowess. It might prefer to remain anonymous.
The circumstances by which you obtained your gift can vary widely. Some witches seek out the gift in order to fulfill a personal desire or vendetta, while others were brought up in a coven. Some receive their power after making a pact with a devil, as a warlock might do, and others have it bestowed upon them by a fairy godparent or a witch queen.
Though witches are common among the fey races in the Feywild, as a witch in the natural world you must be mindful of whom you trust. In the world, common folk fear your kind. Envious wizards refuse to acknowledge you as a peer and would see your wondrous powers vanish from the world, while clerics of jealous gods decree you an unholy menace, sending witch hunters to track you down and destroy you.


Level 1:
You gain the augury power.

Wizard Utility Augury
You read the mystic signs and glean a notion of the future.
Daily - Arcane
Standard Action - Personal
Requirement: You must use this power during an extended rest.
Effect: You ask a question and receive a vague notion of the future. You might receive a clue as to whether a specific course of action is likely to have positive or negative results. This notion can take the form of a single image, a hint about a danger that might be faced, or just a positive or negative feeling about the current course of destiny.

Choose a coven, and gain its benefits.

Dark Moon Coven
You gain the dread presence power.
In addition, you gain training in the Intimidate skill. At level 5, you gain a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks and Stealth checks.
Wizard Attack 1 - Dread Presence
Your shadow lengthens and grows, looming over your enemies and overcoming them with dread.
Encounter - Arcane, Fear, Implement, Necrotic, Nethermancy, Zone
Standard Action - Close blast 5
Target: Each creature in the blast
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that ends its turn in the zone takes necrotic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Special: All damage from this attack and its effect ignores 5 points of necrotic resistance.

Full Moon Coven
You gain the glorious presence power.
In addition, you gain training in the Heal skill. At 5th level, you gain a +2 bonus to Heal checks and Diplomacy checks.
Wizard Attack 1 - Glorious Presence
Radiant moonlight streams from you in all directions, and those who behold you are stricken with awe.
Encounter - Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action - Close burst 2
Target: Each enemy in the burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage, and you push the target up to a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Effect: You and each ally in the burst gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.

You gain three cantrips of your choice.

You gain the Arcane Familiar feat as a bonus feat.
At the end of each extended rest, when you confer with your familiar you can replace one of your wizard daily attack powers or wizard utility powers with another wizard power of the same type. The new power must have a level, and its level must be the same as the old power’s level.
When you reach level 24, your familiar enables you to spend an action point on your turn to regain the use of one of your expended wizard encounter attack powers, instead of taking an extra action. If you do so, you gain combat advantage against every target of that power the next time you use it during the current encounter.

Notas de juego

La gracia de la clase es que los poderes son mas disimulados (que no encajaría mucho ir lanzando rayos de escarcha) y las características de clase encajan bastante, el Augurio o el Familiar por ejemplo.

PD: La imagen del avatar es temporal mientras busco algo que encaje mejor.

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 10:44
Niké, la Roja
Sólo para el director

Vale, ya he hecho la ficha con el Character Builder. Está escrita en albionés, pero esta tarde me pongo con el manual y la traduzco. :)

Me he hecho una guerrera humana guardiana. Sólo he cogido cosas del Manual del Jugador.

Me falta ponerle el inventario, pero no sé con cuanto dinero contamos.

Notas de juego

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Niké, la Roja, level 1
Human, Fighter
Build: Guardian Fighter
Fighter: Combat Superiority
Fighter Talents: One-handed Weapon Talent
Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power

Str 18, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 12.

Str 16, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 12.

AC: 10 Fort: 17 Reflex: 11 Will: 12
HP: 29 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 7

Streetwise +6, Intimidate +6, Athletics +9, Endurance +7

Acrobatics, Arcana, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +1, Heal +1, History, Insight +1, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion, Stealth, Thievery

Human: Human Perseverance
Level 1: Shield Push

Bonus At-Will Power: Tide of Iron
Fighter at-will 1: Sure Strike
Fighter at-will 1: Cleave
Fighter encounter 1: Covering Attack
Fighter daily 1: Villain's Menace

====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 11:41
Titiana de Monteraso

Yo de momento me estoy decantando por un Bardo(Skald).

La gracia de la clase es que en esencia es muy parecido a un bardo común, pero algo mas "inculto". Su transfondo se basa mas en la superstición, historias, leyendas, cuentos, espíritus, etc ... : Los que viven al margen de la civilización, que se apoyan en cronistas e historiadores que mantienen sus leyendas como una tradición oral.

Es una variante del bardo original que me gusta mas por encajar mejor en el concepto supersticioso y semi-analfabeto del personaje. A efectos prácticos sus estadísticas son muy parecidas a las de un bardo común. Te pongo los datos de la clase pos si quieres darle el visto bueno o no.

Bard (Skald)
Role: Leader.

Power Source: Arcane and Martial. You combine a strong tradition of martial training and expertise with arcane tricks that you pick up along the way.
Key Abilities: Charisma, Intelligence

Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail; light shields.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple ranged, military ranged, longsword, scimitar, short sword.
Implement: Wands
Bonus to Defense: +1 Reflex, +1 Will.

Hit Points at 1st Level: 12+ Constitution Score.
Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges per Day: 7+ Constitution Modifier.

Trained Skills: Arcana. From the class skills list below, choose 4 more trained skills at 1st level.
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Arcana (Int), Athletics (Str), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Dungeoneering (Wis), Heal (Wis), History (Int), Insight (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Nature (Wis), Perception (Wis), Religion (Int), Streetwise (Cha).

Class features: Deceptive Duelist, Master of Story and Song, Skald’s Aura, Skill Versatility, Song of Rest, Words of Friendship.

Those who live on the fringes of civilization, or who come from places where civilization is nothing like what the mortal races understand, rely on chroniclers and historians who maintain their history as oral tradition. These individuals, respected for their knowledge and insights, serve as the keepers of the heritage of their people. It is their responsibility to make sure that none forget the past. They are both observers and storytellers; what they see becomes the legends and tales passed on from one generation to the next. These historians are known as skalds.
A skald is no mere entertainer. Skalds are responsible for witnessing firsthand the great events of their time, committing those events to memory, and then passing on those tales. They learned all the tales of the previous generation as well, and theirs is a line of storytellers who pass on the entire history of their people. Skalds travel from one place to the next, acting as witnesses to the events of their time. Along the way they pick up new stories and bits of magic and other tricks that add to their mystique.
Among the people of the world and other realms who know of this bardic tradition, skalds are nearly sacred. They can move freely through enemy territory and are considered untouchable even during the most bitter of tribal feuds. In many ways, skalds are like holy leaders: All but the most honorless thugs hesitate to attack them, and they are revered and respected for their role as masters of history. When a culture’s entire history is contained within the tales told by a single person, that person is more than just a storyteller; he or she is the sum total of that history, and that of all its ancestors, given flesh.
In the Feywild, a skald is treated as a visiting dignitary, no matter where he or she comes from. From Cendriane to Mithrendain, even the most unmannered and barbaric skalds can find food, shelter, and respect throughout the lands of the eladrin. The Summer Queen herself would not refuse an audience with a skald, though most skalds know better than to bother powerful fey lords and ladies with trifling matters in such sessions. The status of a skald is perhaps even more elevated in the Feywild than it is in the mortal world, so that few in the fey realm would risk being savaged in the stories of a skald, their names blackened for the rest of history because of an offense they committed against a storyteller.

Level 1:

When you make a melee basic attack with a one-handed weapon, you can use Charisma instead of Strength for the attack roll and the damage roll.

You gain two 1st-level bard daily attack powers of your choice, but each day you can use only one bard daily attack power.
When you gain a bard daily attack power at 5th level, you can use two bard daily attack powers per day, but no more than one of a particular level. Similarly, after you gain a bard daily attack power at 9th level, you can use three bard daily attack powers per day, but still no more than one of a particular level.
At level 15, 19, 25, and 29, you gain a bard daily attack power of your level or lower without having to replace a power, but the number that you can use per day remains at three.

You gain the skald’s aura power.

Bard Utility Skald’s Aura

You chant, sing, or otherwise inspire your allies with your words, allowing them to draw the strength to battle on from your encouragement.

Encounter Aura, Healing, Martial
Minor Action Personal

Effect: You activate an aura 5 that lasts until the end of the encounter. If the aura ends prematurely for any reason, you can reactivate it during the encounter as a minor action.
Twice per encounter but only once per turn, you or any ally in the aura can use a minor action to spend a healing surge and regain 1d6 additional hit points. Alternatively, you or any ally can use a minor action to allow an adjacent ally to spend a healing surge and regain the additional hit
Level 6: 2d6 additional hit points.
Level 11: 3d6 additional hit points.
Level 16: 4d6 additional hit points, and the healing can be used three times per encounter.
Level 21: 5d6 additional hit points, and the healing can be used three times per encounter.
Level 26: 6d6 additional hit points, and the healing can be used three times per encounter.

You gain a +1 bonus to untrained skill checks.

When you play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier with each healing surge. A character can be affected by only one Song of Rest at a time.

You gain the words of friendship power.

Bard Feature Words of Friendship

You infuse your words with arcane power, turning even the simplest speech into a compelling oration.

Encounter Arcane, Charm
Minor Action Personal

Effect: You gain a +5 power bonus to the next Diplomacy check you make before the end of your next turn.

Notas de juego

Que conste que de momento solo es una tentativa, una idea. Si no te parece bien, no pasa nada ;). Pero te lo pregunto ya por si sigo "indagando" en las posibilidades de esta clase o cambio el rumbo hacia otras cosas.

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 15:11
Niké, la Roja

Bueno, aprovecho para saludar a todos, que se me pasó. ¡Nos aguardan grandes aventuras! :)

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 16:12
Knoss "El Vizir" de Monteraso
Sólo para el director

El manual de jugador 2, ¿lo tienes?

Es por si puedo usar los trasfondos.

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 16:13

Genial! Ya he visto que sumas +2 a la FUE por ser Humana. Lo veo todo bien menos los PG, pone 29 pero en el libro pone que un Guerrero comienza con 15+ mod. CON. Seguro que me dejo algo pero no caigo, o quizás ese constructor utiliza reglas más avanzadas?

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 16:16
Niké, la Roja
Sólo para el director

Tengo entendido que los PG iniciales se calculan al primer nivel sumando la Constitución con lo que dé la clase (en este caso 15). Saldría entonces 29 (15+14=29). Creo que es una errata de la traducción.

Había traducido la ficha ya, pero he hecho una cosa rara y el ordenador me perdió todo el texto. Mea culpa por no escribirla primero en Word :( . La tendré que hacer otra vez.

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 16:21

He visto la clase de tu Pj y me parece buena, es una especie de mago hechicero no? Cuando quieras puedes ir haciendo la ficha.
En cuanto al avatar como prefieras, a mi no me parece feo :-P Pero elige el que má te guste.

El manual solo tengo el 1 del jugador. Pero como trasfondo elige lo que quieras, no veo problema con esto.

Por cierto ya tenemos al 4º jugador, que al parecer va a ser un mago clásico.

Cargando editor
14/01/2012, 16:22

Puedes usar el translate de google, es muy efectivo.

Tienes razón, lo vi mal yo. Creí que era la mod CON (acostumbrado de otros juegos) pero me he fijado bien e indica Puntuación de CON. Gracias por la aclaración.

En cuanto a la ficha, yo es que uso el BBCode, que es muy simple pero se pueden hacer buenas plantillas.

Por cierto ya tenemos al 4º jugador. Al parecer se va a hacer un mago.