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NeuroSpasta Beta

Creación de personajes y Off-topic

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19/04/2010, 09:55
Svetkana Strzechowski

No, no era una broma. Pero vista la ilusión que ha generado, pues me replanteo dejarlo al margen para otra posible partida :Þ.

De momento seguiré con Svetkana, pero solo manteniendo el aspecto, el nombre y quizás ese caracter ligeramente arrogante y soberbio de una nugénic pija que siempre ha tenido caviar en la mesa. Por ahora es solo un borrador, pero estoy hurgando en la posibilidad de seguir con una "Nugenic". Solo que ahora es una "Veteran" y "Combat Authority". Sus atributos fuertes serian Wisdom y Charisma.

Principalmente sus dotes le permiten dar bonificadores a los amigos, ofrecer ataques gratuitos, movimientos extras, a los enemigos les "quita" las coberturas y les fuerzas a mover o a pararse. Si no lo he entendido mal, se trata de un rol que en combate no inflinge mucho daño, pero tienes bastante control sobre la zona de combate. Citando las propias reglas dice ... :
Tus habilidades están enfocadas en controlar el escenario de batalla. Posicionando aliados para que puedan maximizar sus talentos, eres algo mas que "otra arma en el combate". Ganas la prespectiva de la batalla como si fueses un pájaro sobrevolando el cielo. Las habilidades de tu clase reflejan esta capacidada. No te sientes inutil usando poderes que permiten a otros aliados atacar mientras tu no lo haces. Esta es tu fuerza, que no se calcula por la municion que gastas. Tambien es tu especialidad evitar que el enemigo pueda flanquear a tu unidad. Tienes habilidades de combate, pero estas no son muy buenas, pero puedes colaborar igualmente en la batalla, solo que lo haces de forma diferente.

A ver que tal va.

Cargando editor
19/04/2010, 15:38
Svetkana Strzechowski

Me he estado mirando los pasos para hacer un personaje y ... no pillo ni torta. En los PDF's que me mandaste no queda precisamente claro.

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19/04/2010, 19:25

La creación de personajes se explica en el libro de jugador de 4ed, solo que cambian las razas y clases, las dotes se pueden utilizar (dentro de su lógica y teniendo en cuenta que todas las razas de NS se consideran humanos) y ademas, se debe seleccionar la ladder (que es en lo único que se diferencia la creación de PJ).

En este link está el PDF del manual, por supuesto lo mejor seria que fuerais buenos niños y os comprarais el manual pero yo no soy la madre de nadie y cada uno que haga lo que quiera.

Si no me confundo, que ahora tengo prisa y tengo que ir a cenar fuera, es simplemente atributos (por puntos, esta en el manual de D&D), raza, clase, ladder, 1 dote, 2 poderes at-will, 1 poder de encuentro, 1 poder diario. Las habilidades (según clase) que se eligen a dedo (no se reparten rangos, se tiene o no se tiene) ... y ... ya, creo.

Javier y Jorg no tienen los PDF de Neurospasta, pero bueno, que me comenten que clase les interesa y pondré las normas aquí (las razas ya están puestas), quería ponerlas todas hoy ... pero va a ser que no.

La idea del Virtuante que comenta Javier me está perfecta, solo te falta clase y ladder.

Tu Jorg si quieres elegir una raza que no tenga nadie, entonces solo queda el prostetico.

Me tengo que ir, que me reclaman, chau.

Cargando editor
19/04/2010, 19:49
Pavel Kadeev

OK. Pavel será un prosthetic.

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19/04/2010, 22:24
Ryan Pearce

Yo voy a continuar con el personaje que me hice. No estoy seguro de la foto, pero es solo un detalle. Me falta escrivir la historia y listo.

Notas de juego

Director, la ficha aún está en la página de notas.

Cargando editor
19/04/2010, 22:39
Ryan Pearce

Bueno, foto cambiada.

Cargando editor
19/04/2010, 22:42
Pavel Kadeev

Tengo que escribir la historia del personaje aún, y tengo pendiente lo de D&D4,

Pero, a rasgos generales, Pavel Kadeev sería:




- MAN-AT-ARMS (Class)


Me queda elegir el Enhanced Model de mejora (no lo tengo claro)


El abuelo de Kadeev puede haber participado en la 2ª guerra de Ossetia del Sur. (2030-31), que le hubiera obligado a marcharse de la zona, hacia el continente africano

Su padre podría haber participado en otro país con conflictos (p.ej. la guerra Ethiopia-Eritrea) (2065)

Y allí, Pavel hubiera sufrido un accidente que le hubiera obligado a adquirir la condición de prosthetic, en el conflicto Suráfrica-Lesotho.

Notas de juego

Por cierto, es Christian Bale en Equilibrium, no?

Cargando editor
19/04/2010, 22:40
Svetkana Strzechowski

Por mi parte creo que ya tengo rehecho el personaje. He intentado evitar a medida de lo posible los parecidos con Angie/Lydia. Ya se sabe que a la larga todos los personajes de un mismo jugador tienen tendencia a parecerse, pero si ademas son casi iguales en cuando a aptitudes ... mal.

Aqui dejo una pequeña introducción del personaje.

Svetkana Strahovski es lo que se conoce como nugenic. Un humano de primera clase. Es el próximo paso en la evolución humana ... hoy.

¿ Porque esperar un lento proceso de miles y miles de años ... si basta un complicado y costoso procedimiento, que no esta al alcance de cualquier Don Nadie ?. Un proedimiento en el que su ADN fue refinado, reestructurado y rediseñado para eliminar todas esas "pequeñas y molestas imperfecciones" que poseen los humanos vulgares. No solo eso, los nugenic, como es evidente, son mas listos, mas astutos y mas guapos. En definitiva, son mejores.

A parte de su particular nacimiento, la vida de Svetkana fue de lo mas normal. Como cualquier chica creció entre lujos y mansiones con jardines de varias hectáreas. Disfrutó de fiestas de alta gamma con importantes hombres de negocios, dirigentes y personas de poder. Hizo viajes alrededor del mundo con los jets privados de su padre. Pasando sus vacaciones en los mejores paraísos terrenales. Todo ello gracias al cariño que el dinero pueda permitir comprar (y sus padres tenían mucho "cariño" para gastar).
Su educación se forjó en las mejores y mas prestigiosas escuelas privadas. Donde recibía clases particulares de los eminentes profesores del momento. Pero a decir verdad, Svetkana nunca destacó por su inteligencia, que era mas bien mediocre. Sus notas tristemente oscilaban entre Notables y Excelentes. Por vergüenza de su propia familia, nunca logró sacar mas de una matricula de honor en un mismo curso.

Vamos, lo que se podría decir que ...  es una muchacha normal. ¿ Que se podria esperar si no de la hija de los Strahovski ?

Pero el punto fuerte de Svetkana es su sexto sentido. Ya de pequeña dio muestras de su potencial, pero no fue hasta los 16 años que sus padres se empezaron a interesar por ello. La llevaron las mejores clínicas para realizar intensos estudios y exámenes psíquicos. Con conclusiones de lo mas variopintas, en algunos de ellos llegaron a diagnosticarle inequívocas "capacidades precognitivas".
Aunque los resultados nunca fueron concluyentes, poca gente se atreve a negar hoy en día que "hay algo raro en Svetkana". Su capacidad para ver o percibir su entorno va mas allá de lo que se podría considerar normal o cientificamente posible. A menudo parece como si pocas cosas pudieran escapar a su mirada escudriñadora, y lo que no ve tampoco importa, porque lo intuye ... y acierta.


El carácter de Svetkana, tiende a ser arrogante, soberbio y pretencioso, pero no mal intencionado. Sus hirientes comentarios, juicios y opiniones raramente tienen la intención de faltar o insultar, aunque faltan e insultan. Es tan solo una fea costumbre que no puede ni cree que necesite evitar. No es su culpa que la gente se moleste cuando le recuerdan sus defectos.

A parte de eso, el resto de su personalidad ya se "irá viendo" a medida que se juegue el personaje. Que a veces ya pasa que planeas una cosa y después sale otra muy distinta :P.

Notas de juego

Que es Christian Bale seguro. Lo que no veo tan claro es que sea una imagen de la película que comentas. Parece mas a una foto de estudio que a una captura de pantalla.

Cargando editor
20/04/2010, 00:45

Bueno, hoy no he tenido mucho tiempo, mañana te pongo la información de esa ladder y clase Jorg, aparte te pondré información sobre áfrica para que sepas de donde vienes. Si estuviste en ese continente no se si preferirás un lifepath mas concreto de allí.

Creo que África es un bullidero de guerras (bueno, eso ya lo es hoy en día XD)

A ver si mañana no me salen cenas imprevistas -_-


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20/04/2010, 00:53
Pavel Kadeev

Me he basado en la cronología para que la historia del personaje tuviera relación con todo lo acontecido en el pasado.

He supuesto que estaremos en el 2090, y he inventado una serie de hechos sobre su familia, que le relacionan con la cronología.

El tema de África, allí nace, allí le pasa lo que le pasa, su conversión a prosthetic, pero no se queda allí. Si un caso, el lifepath sería para su padre. Él heredaría el caracter puramente físico de su familia, pero no sería un experto en África (en los años 2070, sería un niño de apenas 6 años).

Incluso me atrevo a sugerirte un posible plot que relacione a Svetkana y Pavel, si ella es un VIP, él podría formar parte de su seguridad. Bueno, es sólo una posibilidad.

Cargando editor
20/04/2010, 00:48
Svetkana Strzechowski

-------------------------------------------------- PROSTHETIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Average Height:
5’ - 6’2”
Average Weight: 150-190 lb.
Average Starting Age: 20 years.
Estimated Life Expectancy: Unknown

Ability Scores: Gain four points to spread to any physical ability (Constitution, Dexterity, or Strength), maximum 20.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal

Languages: Two languages
Skill Bonuses: None
Fully Body Prosthesis: As having a complete artificial body, you are able to purchase and upgrade FBP cyberware.
Progressive Individual: You gain a "FullPlay" Seed as a free cybernetic.
Resistances: Resist 5 cold, fire, and poison.
No Strain: Your speed is not reduced with armor or by carrying a heavy load.
Artificial Affinity: You do not lose your 4 point ability pool to physical scores at character creation if you acquire another prosthetic body later. You can reapply your bonuses, but you cannot alter where those bonuses were disseminated originally
Enhanced Model: You may choose one of the following upgrades to you prosthetic body:
Fedor Alpha One-You gain the Fedor Alpha One racial power; Panther Mark II-You gain the Panther Mark II racial power; Titan Ironshell-You gain Titan Ironshell as a racial power.

Fedor Alpha One -- Prosthetic Racial Power
A backup set of synthetic fibers firm up muscles.
Encounter * Martial
No Action - Personal
Gain a +2 bonus to all melee damage rolls until the end of your turn.

Panther Mark II -- Prosthetic Racial Power
A power surge pulse all your muscles and you move in a sudden burst.
Encounter * Martial
Minor Action - Personal
If you are in an adjacent square with a medium or smaller sized enemy, you can shift to any other unoccupied adjacent square with that enemy. At 11th level, you can use Panther Mark II against large targets. At 21st level, you can use Panther Mark II against huge targets. This ability does not work on gargantuan targets.

Titan Ironshell -- Prosthetic Racial Power
You will not fall without one last strike.
Encounter * Martial
No Action - Personal
Double the healing value of a healing surge you just spent.

As a prosthetic, you were born as an organic human. At some point during your life, you were forced or chose to swap out your organic body with a complete artificial one. This was not done lightly. You could have been a child when the incident occurred, resizing your body as you grew, or swapped it out later as part of an accident or from entering a vocation that made such a choice advantageous. This could include the obvious military application but police, counterintelligence, and security can all benefit. As a less dramatic option, you could have swapped out because of a desire to extend your own life or because the definition of being is no longer characterized by the shell your soul chose to embody. You can look young or old, change your gender, your race, anything. Beyond external applications, purely selfish reasons may very well be the most deciding.

Regardless of the origin, you account for little more than a partially organic brain in an entirely synthetic body forged from advanced ceramics, carbon composites, organic simulations, and millions and millions of nanomachines. Since you are most likely not independently wealthy, you require significant income to maintain the various systems of your prosthetic body. Other than the prosthetic food you eat to resupply your brain with nutrients and your body with power, everything else must be supplied by outside maintenance. Medical bills are much higher and most countries won’t allow full body prosthetic coverage with socialized Medicare. Therefore, you would have to be employed in a career that pays enough to cover these costs or you are employed in a profession where being a prosthetic is beneficial enough for the company to cover the costs of maintenance. Any career involving physical strain that can exceed a human’s capacity can be considered a possibility. Of these, military roles are still the most popular, but the wage isn’t high--it only offers the coverage, preventing you from ever being able to leave unless another job is found. The challenges are severe but the end result may be worth it.

The advances of synthetic flesh have made artificial bodies indistinguishable from the real thing. The only hurdles holding purely artificial life from meeting those same levels are legal restrictions ensuring that artificial people to be identifiable in a way that cannot be concealed. Though these laws are changing and have been removed in certain countries, most people can still tell an android apart from a prosthetic. Prosthetics carry similar physical characteristics as a Nugenic--perfect representations of a human body. The big deviation occurs where prosthetics can push themselves beyond the limited human form. Unlike cyberpunk fiction of the 20th century, nearly all cybernetics are made to look human, but you can be made to be taller or thinner or fatter and not have that greatly affect your physical abilities. You are not bound by any gender or ethnicity. Whatever you were in birth can be adjusted. The only thing that can identify you as immutable is your brain signature.

Prosthetics have normal human brains with normal limitations. You can adjust nearly everything else. This has placed a greater need on personal identity. What defines you as you? It is no longer your eye-color, your hairline, or your voice. Anything you are can be modified except your soul. You may have cast away your heritage and ethnicity, changing for another or swapping it several times through your life. Perhaps your body looks different than your organic would or it could be exactly the same, as you cling on to those last shreds of humanity. Unlike organics, you have the capacity to improve upon your body in ways they could only dream. This includes concealed weapons, super speed, and great strength. More advanced models can jump across blocks while the most expensive military models have been known to change their identity, concealing themselves into their surroundings, or even fly. Anything is possible.

Corporate Protection

Trained Bodyguard: As a free action, you can select one friendly target in an adjacent square as being under your care. As long as your target activates no attack powers, you both share your AC and Reflex defense (unless your target's AC or Reflex defense is higher). Any damage from successful attacks on your target are taken from your hit points. The only way for the target to take direct damage is for them or you to move out of an adjacent square or if the attack roll is 5 or higher than your AC or Reflex defense. Fortitude, Firewall, and Will defenses are not protected. Your defense against AC and Reflex includes area attacks.

Until recently (or still currently), you have been under contract as a bodyguard for an established corporation. Even the most respected company has enemies, from corporate insurgents and competing firms to ordinary anarchists. It has been your duty to protect VIPs and division heads from those threats. Your past may include stints with the military, mercenary companies, and special forces. You may have also had time in the inner circle of several governments, running security for state officials. A background in law enforcement is also common. Your wards have praised your self-sacrifice and your cool demeanor under extreme duress.

The juggernaut, born from biblical literature, is a beast of an individual. Blessed with amazing stamina and brutal strength, you cut your reputation upon the build you were gifted with and train daily to maintain. You may have worked in a gym, a farm, or a military base. You were self-trained, trained by coach for sports, or beaten down by a drill instructor. You might have earned a name in a ring on in the combat field. You could be an imposing behemoth or a gentle giant, known only to raise his hand when actions cannot be avoided. Even the simplest of actions carry the weight of your frame, imposing the responsibility of being careful with everything you do. If you have thrown away the confines of your flesh, then regardless of what kind of pitiful body you were born with, you have upgraded to nothing less than the physique of Greek legends. In your spare time, regardless of how your body was made, you’re working to maintain your physical perfection.
Key Abilities: Constitution, Strength

As a juggernaut, you gain all the following ladder features at character generation.
Death & Taxes (Feature): If you select or gain the Unarmed Combat feat, you gain the Improved Unarmed Combat feat automatically.
Full Torque (Feature): You may use Strength for all attack and damage rolls with weapons with the light thrown and heavy thrown properties and with weapons from the sling and bow weapon group. You cannot use this ability with any power with the explosive keyword.
Good Cardio (Feature): Your speed is not slowed when wearing heavy armor
Iron Roots (Feature): You have a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense when resisting a bull rush.
Meat Shack (Feature): When wielding two-handed small arms or heavy weapons, you can use Constitution for all attack and damage rolls instead of Dexterity. You cannot use this feature with one-handed weapons or if employing a power with the Sniper keyword.
Unstoppable Stamina (Feature): Gain a +2 bonus to all Endurance checks.


Ground & Pound Juggernaut Attack 1
You hit the target so hard, they fall back. You move for a downward lunge.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage and the target is pushed back 1square.
Increase damage to 2[W] + Strength modifier damage at 21st level.
Effect: If you score a critical hit or if the target cannot be pushed back, the target is knocked prone and the target takes additional damage equal to your Constitution modifier.

Inconsequential Injury Juggernaut Attack 1
Nothing clears the head like hurting something else.
Daily * Martial
Free Action Personal
Requirement: You must be suffering from any condition requiring a save or from ongoing damage.
Effect: Make a saving throw for the condition or ongoing effect you suffer from. If you pass, make a basic attack.

------------------------------------ MAN-AT-ARMS ------------------------------------------------
Role: Defender. As a front-line combat specialist, you are the rugged, reliable soldier, trained to kill but disciplined enough to show restraint.
Key Abilities: Dexterity, Intelligence

Armor Proficiencies: All armor
Weapon Proficiencies: All one-handed small arms, two-handed small-arms, and heavy weapons. Pick two specialty weapons.
Bonus to Defense: +2 Reflex, +2 Fortitude, +1 Will, +2 AC
Hit Points at 1st Level: 15 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 3
Healing Surges per Day: 8 + Constitution modifier.
Trained Skills: From the class skills list below, choose three trained skills at 1st level
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Endurance (Con), History (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis)
Class Features: Brotherhood, Meat Shield, Recoil Absorption, Target Denial.
You are the front line attacker, the one the opponent is most likely to see. You are the one that carries the flag and takes the ground. You are the first to drop and the last to leave. Whether you consider yourself another ground pounder or an elite member of a special team, your general talents at warfare have made you a reliable ally in combat. When deployed, you are among the largest population on the battlefield but this, in no way, detracts upon your individual talents. When on your own, you are a multi-talented, general purpose soldier, able to pick up and master nearly every gun you could find. Your skills with firearms have few equals.

Unlike the heavy, you are a mobile ranged attacker. You do not lay down the large number of area affects like the other class; where you are most utilized is in one-on-one direct combat. You find a specific enemy, most likely the biggest threat, and deliver vicious attacks against that single target. You move with purpose while keeping your opponent down and combat ineffective.

Brotherhood (Feature): If an ally in an adjacent square it hit by an attack, you gain a +1 power bonus to attack the enemy that initiated that attack until the end of your next turn.
Meat Shield (Feature): If an enemy equal in size to you is killed and you are in an adjacent square to it by the end of your turn, it provides cover. Only you can gain the effects of the shield. The meat shield cannot move but you can move around it. You can use a one-handed small arm while holding onto the shield without penalty (as you are holding the body up). If using a two-handed small-arm, you suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls while holding the shield. If you let go, the meat shield drops. You can’t use a heavy weapon with a meat shield.
Special: If employing hardness for cover, the body supplies 5 hardness (plus any if the cover has additional hardness).
Recoil Absorption (Feature): When wielding a two-handed small-arm, you can move any distance without suffering the -2 attack penalty of firing two-handed small arms.
Target Denial (Power): You gain the Target Denial power as a class feature.

Target Denial Man-At-Arms Class Power
You cover an ally and attack anything that gets too close.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Move Action Range 20
Target: Select one ally anywhere in line of sight and in range.
Effect: You may initiate a single ranged basic attack against any single enemy that attacks your target or gains an opportunity attack against your target. This is an immediate interrupt. This does not stop the enemy attack. You may only use Target Denial against one enemy per activation of this power. This power ends at the beginning of your next turn.

Level 1 At-Will Exploits
Action Shot Man-At-Arms Attack 1
You lay down fire in an attempt to stave off enemy attacks.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Move Action Ranged weapon
Target: One enemy
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: No damage but the target treats all opponents (you and all allies) as being in cover. If already in cover, the penalty to attack rolls increase by an additional -1. This effect last until the beginning of your next turn.

Full-bore Attack Man-At-Arms Attack 1
You concentrate on a single target and focus all your attention in bringing down your foe with a single pull of the trigger.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One enemy
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + 2 + Dexterity modifier damage.
At 21st level, the damage increases to 2[W] + 4 + Dexterity modifier damage.

From The Knee Man-At-Arms Attack 1
You crouch quickly and brace your elbow against your knee for a secured firing position.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Move & Standard Action Ranged weapon
Requirement: The weapon being used with the power must be a two-handed small arm or a heavy weapon.
Target: One enemy
Attack: Dexterity +2 vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
At 21st level, the damage increases to 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
Special: If you do not move (by your action or someone else’s), you retain the +2 bonus to attack rolls until the beginning of your next turn.

Holding Fire Man-At-Arms Attack 1
You prevent your enemy from approaching you or any allies.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One enemy
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1 point of damage and the target is immobilized until the beginning of your next turn. This only affects medium or smaller targets and cannot affect vehicles.
At 21st level, you can affect large and huge targets.

Too Close Man-At-Arms Attack 1
Firearms are much more civilized.
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One enemy
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage and the target is pushed back as many squares equal to your Intelligence modifier. Target is also slowed until the end of your next turn.

Reactive Fire Man-At-Arms Attack 1
Your instinct is to fire back when fired upon.
Encounter * Martial, Reliable, Weapon
Immediate Reaction Ranged weapon
Trigger: One enemy makes a ranged attack against you.
Target: Triggered enemy
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.

Got Their Back Man-At-Arms Attack 1
An ally is hurt. You yank them back and step forward to prevent a break in the line.
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Immediate Reaction Melee touch
Trigger: An ally in an adjacent square is hit with an attack.
Effect: You automatically swap places with the ally.
Target: Enemy that activated the trigger
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.

Trailing Blood Man-At-Arms Attack 1
The pain distracts your enemy enough for others to train their weapons.
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One enemy
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage and the target is slowed and suffers 5 ongoing damage (save ends both).
Effect: Until the target makes the save, you and all allies gain a +1 power bonus to attack that target.
Miss: Half damage and no ongoing effects.

Notas de juego

Ale, toma tostón de reglas.

Cargando editor
20/04/2010, 12:51
Pavel Kadeev

Una duda más (sé que soy pesado, sorry!):

Me podéis decir una class, que tenga como key abilities STR or CON

Es que en el post de Reglamento de Neurospasta no venían recogidas, y ahora al ver el post de Svetkana, con las key abilities de Man-At-Arms, creo que no acaba de encajar. Gracias!

Cargando editor
20/04/2010, 13:09
Svetkana Strzechowski

Te miro algunas, pero antes tambien te recuerdo que una de las "features" del Juggernaut es :

Meat Shack (Feature): When wielding two-handed small arms or heavy weapons, you can use Constitution for all attack and damage rolls instead of Dexterity. You cannot use this feature with one-handed weapons or if employing a power with the Sniper keyword.

Vamos, que muchos de los ataques y poderes los puedes solventar usando Constitución en lugar de Destreza. Lo único es que tienes que hacerlo usando armas de dos manos (rifles, subfusiles, ametralladoras, escopetas, etc ...).

Por ejemplo mi personaje tiene una "feature" que me permite atacar usando Sabiduria en lugar de Destreza. Y es una suerte porque casi todos mis poderes requieren destreza.

Cargando editor
20/04/2010, 13:16
Svetkana Strzechowski


Role: Defender. You have been trained from an early age to take punishment and to inflict it upon an enemy. Your aggressive movement towards the enemy draws their attention.
Key Abilities: Strength/Dexterity, Constitution

Armor Proficiencies: All light armor (except advanced). Select two pieces of heavy armor (except advanced)
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, military melee, one superior melee, unarmed combat, two one-handed small arms.
Bonus to Defense: +2 Fortitude, +2 Reflex, +2 AC
Hit Points at 1st Level: 15 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 3
Healing Surges per Day: 9 + Constitution modifier.

Trained Skills: From the class skills list below, choose three trained skills at 1st level
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis) History (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex)
Class Features: Anticipating Evasion, Fighting Form, In Your Face, One on One, Opponent Priority
You are specialized in the application of a craft that some people still consider primitive. Despite any ranged combat skills you may have, you prefer it personal. You have practiced day and night to the perfection of the craft. Whether you have circumvented the failings of the body with ceramics, plastics, and carbon composites, or stuck with the traditional flesh, there is no secret switch to learn these disciplines. It still requires years and years of repetitious exercises and sparring with superior opponents until you have achieved some measure of respect. There may be many reasons as to why you would prefer close combat over firearms. Regardless of your origin, you strengths rely on your lethality in every situation. You require no augmentation, no steel or explosives to articulate your skill. Your weapons cannot be removed. There is no scanner or sensor to identify you as a threat. You often lead a group--the first through the door. You can suppress opponents without causing harm; remove a threat without making a sound. Firearms are a final, violent solution and most times, a guided, restrained hand is needed. There are those in this world that claim close combat is a dying art. You disagree because as laws restraining weapons increase, your potential shows no signs of fading.

Your ladder can radically alter your powers, more so than most classes, and how you apply them. But it is the application of feats which are the most critical. With the selection of martial feats, you can specialize in a variety of different regional variations of melee and unarmed combat. This will also radically alter how you apply the powers of the class. Though there is only a single melee combat class, there is a huge variety of options depending on feats, ladders, and powers chosen. You can be a direct fist and kick fighter or a wrestler. You can specialize in flips, locks, or direct blunt force trauma.

Anticipating Evasion (Feature): If you select total defense, the bonus to AC and Reflex defense increase to +3.
Fighting Form (Feature): You gain the Unarmed Combat feat. You may also wield a one-handed weapon in your off-hand as if it were an off-hand. Although you may have a preference, you can fight with either hand.
In Your Face (Feature): You mark any target you strike in melee combat. This mark changes if you strike another target with a melee attack.
One on One (Feature): Select one enemy in an adjacent square at the beginning of your turn. You gain a +1 power bonus to attack that target until the beginning of your next turn.
Opponent Priority (move action; at-will): Select one medium-sized enemy in an adjacent square. As an immediate reaction, if the target moves, you can remain in an adjacent square at the end of the move. You cannot make opportunity attacks with this action.


Level 1 At-Will Exploits
Bone Breaker Vanguard Attack 1
You reach out and snatch a limb or neck of a foe and squeeze real hard. You continue to add pressure until you hear a pop.
At-Will * Martial
Standard Action Melee touch
Target: One enemy your size or smaller.
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex. This is a grab attack. Add your proficiency bonus for an unarmed attack.
Hit: 1d6 + Strength modifier damage and you grab the target. The target suffers a -2 penalty to escape from the grab. This does not compound with repeated attacks.
Increase damage to 2d6 + Strength modifier damage at 21st level.
Special: You may employ this attack if you already have your opponent in a grab.
Note: You cannot swap Strength for any other attribute for this power, regardless of class or ladder features.

Throttle Strike Vanguard Attack 1
You lean in and give it all you've got.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One enemy
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage and the target is pushed back one square. If the target cannot be pushed back a square because of an obstruction, the target takes additional damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
Increase damage to 2[W] + Strength modifier at 21st level.
Special: You inflict twice your Strength modifier damage on the target on a successful strike if the target is prone.

Unbalancing Strike Vanguard Attack 1
A quick jab is better than a heavier thrust which can throw you off balance.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One enemy
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1[W] damage and you gain combat advantage against the target for your next melee-based attack roll.
Increase damage to 2[W] damage at 21st level.

Level 1 Encounter Exploits
Full Sweep
Vanguard Attack 1
You spin around, attacking all targets around you.
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy in burst you can see.
Attack: Strength vs. AC or Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: If you attacked AC, you inflict 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. If your attacked Reflex defense, you inflict no damage but the target is knocked prone.
Special: You may determine the type of attack for each separate target.

Sudden Leap Vanguard Attack 1
You vault in the air and deliver a crippling blow from up high.
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One enemy
Effect: Shift at least 2 squares but no more than 3 squares in a straight line to the target.
Attack: Strength vs. AC.
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage and the target is pushed back one square. You move into the square the target previously occupied. If the target cannot be pushed back, the target is knocked prone instead of pushed back and you land in the occupied square.

Level 1 Daily Exploits
C-C-Combo Breaker
Vanguard Attack 1
You strike when the enemy least suspects it, through an assumed impenetrable defense
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Immediate Interrupt Melee weapon
Trigger: An enemy targets you with a melee attack
Target: Triggered enemy.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage and you gain a +4 power bonus to AC to the triggered attack and all following melee attacks from the target until the beginning of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage and no AC bonus

Insult to Injury Vanguard Attack 1
A noble warrior doesn't kick a man when he's down. You are not that noble.
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Immediate Reaction / Minor Action Melee weapon
Trigger: An enemy in reach is knocked prone.
Special: You can use this ability as an immediate reaction on someone else’s turn or as a minor action on your turn.
Target: One prone enemy
Attack: Strength vs. AC (remember bonuses against prone opponents)
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage and the target is pushed back two squares. If the target cannot move two squares because of an obstruction, both the obstruction and the target take additional damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
Miss: Half damage and the target is not moved.

Cargando editor
20/04/2010, 16:22
Svetkana Strzechowski

Parece que el Vanguard es un "mete-piñas" especializado en el combate cuerpo a cuerpo. Por contra el Juggernaut era un defensor.

Cargando editor
20/04/2010, 20:00

Como ha comentado Quel, es importante notar que las Ladders modifican los poderes de las clases para adaptarse a tus características. Con lo que podrías ser un tipo listo que sabe calcular bien los ángulos y disparar justo cuando toca pero que carece de agilidad per se.

Detalles como estos sirven para dar flexibilidad al escenario, haciendo que dos man-at-armas pueden ser distintos entre si, solo por su elección de la Ladder.

Aunque Quel ha puesto aquí el par de clases que has comentado, ahora voy a poner esa información en la sección de reglas.

Cargando editor
20/04/2010, 23:11
Pavel Kadeev

Estoy escribiendo la historia de Pavel. Me gustaría saber entre el 2070-2075, qué países tienen la tecnología médica para poder operar a un chaval que haya sufrido un grave accidente y convertirlo en prostético.

Cargando editor
20/04/2010, 23:47

Lo he intentado mirar pero la verdad es que no tengo ni idea. Supongo que cualquier superpotencia tendrás esas capacidades ... incluso en países tercer mundistas, las corporaciones o agencias especiales pueden hacerse con ese tipo de material.

Cargando editor
20/04/2010, 23:55
Pavel Kadeev

OK. Al final, optaré por el carril del medio, ó Qatar ó Bahrain.

Cargando editor
21/04/2010, 00:51
Pavel Kadeev

Ya he dejado el esbozo de la historia del personaje en la página de Pavel.

Creo que voy a cambiar la CLASS, por VANGUARD.

He estado leyendo la generación de PJ para 4th Edition. Uff, sí que cambian cosas de estar acostumbrado a 3.5. A ver si me ayudáis en la transición. ;)