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Requiem: El Rey ha muerto.

Creación de personajes

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28/05/2017, 00:31

Paso uno; Concepto del personaje

El paso más simple, y el más complicado, aquí tendréis que elegir varias cosas;

-Un concepto para el personaje - Una o un par de palabras que definan a vuestro personaje a grandes rasgos. Poeta callejero podría ser un concepto, igual que podría serlo Empresario paranoico con muchos enemigos o Hippie esquizofrénico. No es más que una guía para vosotros mismos y para el director, no tiene influencia en las reglas

-Mascara y Elegía - Estos dos elementos tienen dos funciones; al igual que el concepto, son un elemento narrativo para ayudarnos a definir al personaje, en este caso su manera de pensar y actuar. Pero en cuanto a mecánicas, sirven para recuperar puntos de fuerza de voluntad.

La mascara es la cara que el vampiro ofrece a la sociedad, es la mentira. La excusa por la que no puede quedarse para el desayuno, la razón que le da al taxista para explicar porque le deja en un almacén abandonado a altas horas de la madrugada. Esta en la sangre de los vampiros el ocultar su verdadero ser, y el mostrarse como son es un signo de vulnerabilidad. Cuando un vampiro supera un pequeño obstáculo en defensa de su mascara, gana un punto de fuerza de voluntad. Cuando comete actos atroces o arriesga su existencia en defensa de su mascara, recupera todos sus puntos de fuerza de voluntad.

La Elegía (traducción chapucera del ingles "Dirge") es el verdadero yo de un vampiro, la verdad tras las mentiras. Lo que es cuando las luces están apagadas y no hay nadie cerca para ser testigo de sus sucios secretos. La elegía da al Vampiro una sensación de identidad. En la sociedad vampírica, la verdad y la honestidad no son más que esperanzas vacías de sentido, que solo existen para con uno mismo. Defender esa honestidad interior ayuda a mantener la perspectiva. Cuando un vampiro deja de mantener las apariencias en defensa de su verdadero yo, gana un punto de fuerza de voluntad. Cuando comete actos atroces o arriesga su existencia en defensa de su identidad personal, recupera todos sus puntos de fuerza de voluntad.

Ejemplos de Mascaras y Elegías; Autoritario, crío, competitivo, conformista, conspirador, cortesano, pervertido, seguidor, guru, idealista, bromista, martír, masoquista, monstruo, nómada, perfeccionista, penitente, rebelde, tímido, superviviente, visionario

Piedra de toque; Una piedra de toque es parte del mundo mortal, normalmente una persona viva. Menos común pero también posible es que sea un lugar, o un objeto. En cualquier caso, es una parte importante de un vampiro, su conexión con el mundo vivo, que mantiene viva una llama de humanidad en el no muerto de manera positiva. Para vampiros jóvenes suele ser una persona que conocieron en vida, alguien que les recuerde el como eran cuando estaban vivos. Para vampiros mas antiguos, suele ser algo relacionado con sus asuntos menos serios y complicados; La hija de uno de sus ghouls, alguien que se parezca a una pareja muerta hace tiempo, o el barrendero con el que se cruzan cada día en su camino a su refugio. Las piedras de toque proveen a cada personaje de una fuente de conflicto; cuando pienses en una piedra de toque, piensa en como tu personaje podría perderla, en como la protege y en como reacciona cuando es amenazada.

Ejemplos de piedras de toque; un ex, un antiguo socio, un amigo con derecho a roce, su tumba, el primer amor, lugar de nacimiento, tu asesino, un huérfano

Paso 2; Seleccionar atributos y habilidades


Tenemos tres categorías de atributos; Mentales, físicos y sociales, que representan lo inteligente, fuerte y carismático que es un vampiro, respectivamente. Entre esas tres categorías, debes elegir la mas importante para tu personaje (los atributos primarios) en los que tendrás que repartir 5 puntos. Tras eso, los atributos secundarios, en los que hay que repartir 4 puntos. Los terciarios solo reciben 3 puntos mas. Cada atributo comienza con un punto gratuito.

Atributos mentales;
Inteligencia - El conocimiento, memoria y capacidad para resolver problemas de tu personaje. Puede proceder de ser un ratón de biblioteca o haberte leído todas las respuestas de las peguntas del trivial.

Ingenio - Representa la capacidad de tu personaje para pensar rápido e improvisar soluciones. Refleja la percepción de tu personaje y su habilidad para quedarse con los detalles.

Determinación - Es la determinación, paciencia y compromiso de tu personaje. Le ayuda a concentrarse en una tarea mientras esta siendo distraído o esta en peligro.

Atributos Físicos
Fuerza - La definición muscular de tu personaje y su capacidad para aplicar fuerza

Destreza - Velocidad, agilidad y coordinación. Proporciona equilibrio, puntería y velocidad de reacción.

Resistencia - Salud general y firmeza. Determina cuanto castigo su cuerpo puede recibir antes de ser derrotado.

Atributos Sociales
Presencia - La auto-afirmación, dignidad y lo atractivo que es, no físicamente necesariamente, pero también lo engloba. Le da a tu personaje unos modales.

Manipulación - Le da al personaje la habilidad para hacer que los demás cooperen con el. Es lo bien que habla, y lo difícil que le resulta a los demás conocer sus verdaderas intenciones.

Compostura - El aplomo y la elegancia de tu personaje cuando esta siendo presionado. Su habilidad para permanecer impasible mientras esta siendo atormentado.

Atributos favorecidos.

Cada clan tiene un par de atributos favorecidos. Debes escoger entre uno de los dos y añadirle un punto más (nunca por encima de 5)

Daeva - Destreza y Manipulación
Gangrel - Compostura y Resistencia
Mekhet - Inteligencia e Ingenio
Nosferatu - Compostura y Fuerza
Ventrue - Presencia y Determinación


Al igual que con los atributos, tenemos tres categorías de habilidades, que son las mismas; Mentales, Físicas y Sociales. También debes elegir una categoría primaria, otra secundaria y otra terciaria, pero aquí los puntos a repartir son 11, 7 y 4, respectivamente.

Habilidades Mentales;








Habilidades físicas;



Armas de fuego




Armas cuerpo a cuerpo

Habilidades sociales;
Carisma animal









Cada personaje tiene tres especializaciones, un refinamiento de una habilidad mas amplia. Por ejemplo, tu personaje podría tener 3 puntos en armas de fuego, pero una especialización en "escopetas". Sabe usar cualquier arma, pero es mucho mas peligroso armado con una escopeta.

En cuanto a reglas, cuando tengas que hacer una tirada que pueda beneficiarse de una especialización, añade un dado.

Paso 3; Disciplinas

Cada clan tiene 3 disciplinas que podríamos considerar naturales, pero los vampiros no se ven limitados a solo estas 3 disciplinas. Cuando creas un vampiro, debes repartir 2 puntos en estas 3 disciplinas. El tercer punto puede gastarse en estas 3 disciplinas, o en una de las comunes.

Disciplinas por clan (en cursiva, las no comunes);
Daeva - Celeridad, Majestad, Vigor
Gangrel - Animalismo, Protean, Resiliencia
Mekhet - Auspex, Celeridad, Ofuscacion
Nosferatu - Ofuscacion, Pesadilla, Vigor
Ventrue - Animalismo, Dominacion, Resiliencia

Durante su no-vida, un vampiro puede aprender de manera normal cualquiera de las disciplinas comunes. Para las no comunes, siempre que no sea la disciplina con afinidad a su clan, un vampiro deberá ser enseñado por otro vampiro que conozca la disciplina, así como beber su sangre

Notas de juego

Copio esto de mi antigua partida de Requiem por hacerlo un poco mas rápido, se que falta alguna cosa como los méritos pero por ahora podéis ir tirando con esto

Cargando editor
29/05/2017, 16:06
Jeremy Tanner


(Parte 1)

Concepto: Antiguo Cazavampiros Terapeuta Vampiro
Clan: Daeva
Máscara: El Mentor
Aplicar lo que sabes y compartirlo con otros es tu identidad de cara al resto, de forma que la has integrado totalmente
Ej:Recuperas 1 FDV cuando tu consejo ayuda a alguien a superar un problema, o pones de tu parte para ayudar a alguien
Ej:Recuperas toda la FDV cuando el libre uso de tus enseñanzas te causa un problema o perjuicio de consideración, o cuando tomas responsabilidad por el error de alguien por la aplicación de esta
Réquiem: El Indulgente
En el fondo de tu corazón, sabes que has hecho muchas cosas en tu vida, pero la mayoría tiene el mismo motivo cuando escarbas todos los barnices: porque lo deseabas.
Ej:Recuperas 1 FDV cuando ignoras un problema, peligro o responsabilidad en pos de la gratificación inmediata de tu preferencia
Ej:Recuperas toda la FDV cuando sacrificas una relación importante o un éxito claro en pos de tu objetivo
Piedra de Toque: El Lugar de tu Muerte
Todos los otros vampiros son tan... tan... mienten tan bien. Y tú mientes bien, supones, pero nunca tanto como para poder mentirte a tí mismo con calidad. Y la penitencia empieza en casa. Encontrarte allí es un pequeño desafío: te recuerda lo que eres, y cómo no debes perderlo de vista en ningún momento. Después de todo, ¿cómo ayudar a nadie si tú te niegas a ver eso? Puede ser vagamente incómodo en ocasiones, pero es catártico. Necesario. Y desde luego pone las cosas en perspectiva.


Fuerza 4
Destreza 4
Resistencia 2

Carisma 2
Manipulación 3
Compostura 2

Inteligencia 2
Astucia 2
Aplomo 2


Atletismo 000
Armas de fuego 000
Armas c.a.c 000
Conducir 00 [Vehículos grandes]

Empatía 00 [Vampiros]
Expresión 00
Persuasión 00
Subterfugio 00

Investigación 0 [De campo]
Pericias 000

Majestad 00
Poderío 0

Notas de juego

Lo hago Daeva porque Nekin quería ser Ventrue con Dominación, y así repartimos un poco

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29/05/2017, 19:54
Jack Morrison
Sólo para el director

Se me coló este post en el Off y creo que realmente viene mejor aquí; lo saco del Off y te lo pego!


He iniciado la creación de Jack Morrison que, si no dispones lo contrario, me ha parecido que encajaba en el Clan Mekhet. De momento he llegado hasta donde nos has posteado a falta que lo revises y des el visto bueno o, en su defecto, me miro las normas y tiro millas yo por mi cuenta... Como me digas!!!

Por cierto, no sé si alguien lo dijo en algún post previo pero cuantos PGs nos costará el asunto del Refugio Común???


Por cierto! Me permití cambiar el avatar, David Morse me parecía demasiado bonachón incluso teniendo en cuenta el concepto escogido... Teniendo en cuenta que pretendo encarnar a un Doctor cuya afición oculta trata en experimentar con humanos para lograr una mayor resistencia al sol (algo bastante macabro) considero que el nuevo avatar le pega más.

Cargando editor
29/05/2017, 21:57

Si, el otro resultaba demasiado majete para Requiem, aunque con esa carita de gatodeshrek no podia pedirte que lo cambiases xDD

Cargando editor
01/06/2017, 23:08

Determina tus ventajas;

Voluntad - La suma de aplomo y compostura.

Humanidad - 7 puntos

Tamaño - 5

Puntos de vida - Tamaño + Resistencia + Resiliencia 

Velocidad - Tamaño + Fuerza + Destreza

Defensa - La menor entre Destreza y Astucia + Atletismo 

Potencia de sangre - 1

Escoge 3 Aspiraciones -  Debes escoger 3 aspiraciones, 2 a corto plazo y una a largo plazo. Estas aspiraciones básicamente son unos objetivos que se marca vuestro personaje, que lucha por conseguir y aprovechara cualquier ocasión que tenga por cumplirlas. En cuestión de reglas, cuando vuestro personaje cumpla una aspiración, ganara un beat. Cada 5 beats, ganara un punto de experiencia. 

Como he dicho, 2 deberían ser a corto y 1 a largo plazo. Algunos ejemplos de aspiraciones a corto plazo serían "Encontrar un refugio", "presentarse al Sheriff de la ciudad", "Visitar a la abuela en el hospital", y alguna a largo plazo podría ser "Ocupar la plaza de Sheriff en Edimburgo" o "Vengarse de su sire por haberle abrazado"

Cargando editor
02/06/2017, 14:57
Jeremy Tanner

(Parte 2)


Tamaño 5
Velocidad 13
Defensa 5
C/balas 0

Voluntad 4
Humanidad 7
Niveles de salud 7
Potencia de sangre 1


Corto plazo
-Visitar su touchstone tranquilamente
-Ayudar a alguien a mantener (o incluso aumentar) su Humanidad

Largo plazo
-Conseguir que jerifaltes de la ciudad te la deban

Cargando editor
02/06/2017, 16:41
Jack Morrison
Sólo para el director

Vamos a ver si lo he hecho bien que hay alguna cosilla que se me escapa:

Voluntad - La suma de aplomo y compostura.

Solo tengo compostura (atributo) el aplomo no me sale en ninguna parte, es eso normal???

Puntos de vida - Tamaño + Resistencia + Resiliencia  

Qué es la Resiliencia??? Tampoco la encuentro :(

Aspiraciones, me puse lo siguiente:

  • Descubrir la manera en que los Vampiros puedan salir a la luz del sol (largo plazo)
  • Reclutar pacientes para estudiarlos (corto plazo)
  • Infringir en los pacientes (o humanos en general) un dolor abismal (corto plazo)

A tales efectos me he puesto (como especialidad en medicina) "Aumentar deliberadamente el dolor" que a mi modo de ver sería tanto como aprovechar mis conocimientos médicos para torturar a la gente, no sé como lo ves...

Teniendo también en cuenta mi... curiosa afición al padecimiento humano, cuando llegue el momento de escoger Ventajas y Defectos había pensado ponerme el de "Presa de Condenación", creo que liga bastante con mi caracterf marcadamente sadomasoquista...

En fin, te revisas lo que te he dicho a ver si te cuadra o no y me vas diciendo!

Saludos!!! ;) 

Cargando editor
02/06/2017, 17:58

Aplomo = Determinación. Es que al fin y al cabo es una traducción un poco chapucera.

Resiliencia es una disciplina, la que viene a suplir Fortaleza

Cargando editor
03/06/2017, 15:26

Teneis 10 puntos para meritos. Los que no gasteis pasan a ser puntos de experiencia por si queréis gastaroslos en otra cosa.

Y aquí os casco una lista de meritos en inglés para vuestro uso y disfrute. Cierta mala persona quería que los tradujese pero mejor confío en vuestro bilingüismo... Son muchos, y eso que he quitado los que están relacionados con un solo clan y los de las otras Alianzas, por los que los pondré agrupados en tandas. Ya sabéis, si tenéis alguna duda, preguntad. 

Meritos vampíricos generales.

Acute Senses (•)

Effect: The vampire can see, smell, and hear at twice the distance and with twice the accuracy of an average, healthy mortal. The vampire’s senses of taste and touch are also twiceas sensitive as those of the same hypothetical person.The vampire can perfectly identify any sensory stimulus she has experienced before; for example, the smell of a lover’s sweat, the texture of a rare fabric, or the sound of an individual’s scream. Add her Blood Potency to any roll to use her senses. Thisincludes any rolls to remember and identify sensory details.

Drawback: Her senses sometimes overwhelm her. Any time you roll an exceptional success on a roll relating to her senses, she gains the Obsession Condition for the stimulus, but instead of being Persistent, it lasts for a number of nights equal to your successes.


Atrocious (•)

Prerequisites: Cannot have the Cutthroat or Enticing Merits

Effect: Your character’s monstrous Beast dominates her personality. Her threats always ring true. Her very gaze inspires anger and fear. Any rolls to invoke the monstrous Beast gain the 8-again quality.

Drawback: Your character does not get the 10-again quality on any rolls to invoke or resist the seductive or competitive Beasts.


Bloodhound (••)

Prerequisites: Wits •••

Effect: Your character can discern the intricacies of blood by smelling it, as if he had tasted it. When using his Kindred senses to detect blood, to track by blood, or to pick out the details of blood, he only needs to smell a blood source.


Cacophony Savvy (• to •••)

Prerequisite: City Status •

Effect: You have your finger on the pulse of the Kindred underground. You’re adept with the codes and cants that allow Kindred culture to flourish despite the Masquerade. Each level of Cacophony Savvy builds on the previous. This Merit assumes the character can read and deliver Cacophony messages.

Drawback: The Cacophony is not a spectator sport. You can’t just consume; you must create. If your character does not regularly contribute news and gossip to the Cacophony, she falls out of touch. To become an active part of the Cacophony again, she must add something of value.

  • Gettin’ Up (•): Your character can read the signs when she sees them. With an Intelligence + Streetwise roll, she cani dentify the intended message. She can identify further details, including the messenger’s clan, covenant, favored herd, and city of origin by taking a –1 die penalty for every detail she wishes to discern. Additional details come at Storyteller discretion. If the area surveyed is part of someone’s Feeding Grounds Merit, you can add their dot rating to your roll, and discern things the owner didn’t mean to communicate. For example, particularly pale junkies in the neighborhood might suggest that the owner feeds from addicts.
  • Backpacker (••): Your character is privy to all the personal ads, magazine codes, tracts, and tagging locations to find the latest Kindred news. Any time new Kindred come to town, your character knows their favored feeding grounds and their common aliases within a week. Using Gettin’ Up, she can discern more personal information about them from the grapevine.
  • Wearing a Hat (•••): Your character embodies honor among thieves. She’s a highly respected part of the Cacophony, and as a result, nothing happens without her knowledge. She’s a hub of local culture, and the first line of defense against vampire hunters by extension. Once per chapter, roll Wits + Politics. For each success, you can ask the Storyteller one of the following questions about the current state of affairs:

• Who is on the way up?

• Who is on the way out?

• Where in the city is the Masquerade thinnest?

• What mortal is closest to uncovering Kindred?

• Where’s the best feeding in town?

When acting on the answer, consider all rolls exceptional successes on three successes instead of five.


Close Family (•)

Effect: Your character feels blood sympathy more keenly than most of her kind. Add +1 to all blood sympathy bonuses, and apply the 8-again quality to all blood sympathy rolls. As well, treat all relations as one step closer for the purposes of sympathy distances.

Drawback: When you feel sympathy, you feel it hard. Any time you succeed on a blood sympathy roll, your character loses the ability to spend Willpower for bonus dice for the remainder of the scene, due to the distraction.


Cutthroat (•)

Prerequisites: Cannot have the Atrocious or Enticing Merits

Effect: Your character’s competitive Beast flows in her every action. Her smug bearing forces a desire to dominate or submit. Any rolls to invoke the competitive Beast gain the 8-again quality.

Drawback: Your character does not get the 10-again quality on any rolls to invoke or resist the monstrous or seductive Beasts.


Distinguished Palate (•)

Effect: Your character can discern the subtle nuances in blood and Vitae. Consider any Taste of Blood roll (see p. 91) an exceptional success with only a single success.

Drawback: When taking this Merit, choose a preferred feature in a vessel that comprises no more than one-tenth of the population. This may be a hair color, a blood type, or even a drug in his system. When feeding from any other mortal source, ignore the first point of Vitae ingested in a given scene, as nothing sates your character like her preferred meal.


Dynasty Membership (• to •••)

Prerequisite: Clan Status •

Effect: Your character claims membership to a long-standing dynasty of Kindred. Her clan and city know her family’s exploits, and they often precede her. Each level of this Merit builds on the earlier abilities.

Drawback: You must make your association known to take advantage of this Merit. Within certain crowds, throwing around a lineage could be more trouble than it’s worth. The dynasty must have at least three members.

  • New Kid (•): You’re recognized within the dynasty, but not in an influential position. Once per chapter, you may add the Clan Status of the dynasty’s most senior member to a Social dice pool instead of your own.
  • Exemplar (••): You’re afforded sway and respect within the dynasty. Against any who would respect or fear your dynasty, you may ignore the first Door in any Social engagement.
  • Patriarch/Matriarch (•••): You’re acknowledged as a head of your dynasty. Once per chapter, you may make a demand of a dynasty member. They gain the Tasked Condition. If they fulfill the demand, gain a Beat. The task must be something that would take a full night’s work, or put the recipient in danger


Enticing (•)

Prerequisites: Cannot have the Atrocious or Cutthroat Merits

Effect: Your character’s seductive Beast oozes with ease and confidence. Her smoky looks tantalize the imagination. Every movement of her hands makes promises. Any rolls to invoke the seductive Beast gain the 8-again quality.

Drawback: Your character does not get the 10-again quality on any rolls to invoke or resist the monstrous or competitive Beasts.


Feeding Grounds (• to •••••)

Effect: Your character has fertile feeding grounds, whether officially granted or not. Dots in this Merit represent the ease of hunting in that territory. Add the dot rating to any hunting rolls, and to starting Vitae rolls (see p. 95). In addition, add the dot rating to any predatory aura conflicts on her territory.

Drawback: Territory doesn’t maintain itself. Trespassers must not go uncontested, or your hold on the area falters.


Haven (• to •••••)

Prerequisite: Safe Place •

Effect: A good haven is not only safe from the sun, but also familiar and comforting. The dot rating reflects your character’s affinity for his home and its defenses against the sun’s intrusion. A low rating might mean an unreliable apartment with boarded windows. A high rating may mean an ancestral home with no windows and an extensive system of vaults. Add your Haven dots to any Humanity rolls to notice danger while sleeping, and any Stamina + Resolve rolls to remain awake. As well, add it to any Kindred senses (see p. 90) rolls within.

Drawback: Losing a Haven is a breaking point at Humanity 8, minus its dot rating. A Haven must be tied to a Safe Place Merit (see p. 123). Like a Safe Place, a coterie may share a Haven Merit. Each member that wishes to benefit must invest Merit dots in both the Safe Place and the Haven.


Herd (• to •••••)

Effect: Your character cultivates cliques of mortals willing and eager for the Kiss. Each week, you can draw on a number of Vitae equal to twice the Merit’s dot rating. This requires no roll, only a quick interlude. Taking more than that amount requires normal hunting rolls.

Drawback: Addicts need their fix. Sometimes, they demand attention. If neglected, they’ll withdraw. Your character must have at least minor interactions with her Herd before they’ll give blood freely.


Honey Trap (•)

Effect: Your character’s blood not only bonds, but it invigorates. When a vampire tastes your character’s Vitae, she regains a point of Willpower. If this results in a new bond, or steps up an existing bond, she also takes a Beat.


Lineage (•)

Prerequisite: Clan Status •

Effect: You come from strong stock. Your sire’s well known, and his influence bleeds onto your interactions. Once per chapter, this Merit can represent a single dot of one of the following Merits: Allies, Contacts, Mentor, Resources, or Status. The Merit must be one your sire may have possessed.

Drawback: Calling on your sire’s reputation taxes his social capital. He may ask for repayment for using his name.


Unnatural Affinity (• to •••••)

Effect: Your character can take nourishment from the blood of some of the stranger creatures of the World of Darkness. Each dot of this Merit allows your character to gain sustenance from one type of supernatural creature. This may mean werewolves, ghosts, mummies, zombies, or stranger things still. This blood counts as Kindred Vitae for the purposes of feeding restrictions.

Drawback: This advantage does not inherently mean the character is (more) able to feed from the chosen subject. For example, ghosts exist in an ethereal state, and don’t have physical blood. Werewolves are notoriously difficult to feed from for more practical reasons that often end in Final Death. If you take this Merit, work with your Storyteller to determine how your character might feed from these monsters.


Touchstone (• to •••••)

Effect: Your character has multiple Touchstones. Each dot in the Touchstone Merit allows for an additional Touchstone. Look to the Touchstone chart for which Humanity dot each new Touchstone is applied to. For more on Touchstones, see p. 87.

Drawback: Losing attachment with Touchstones will speed the loss of Humanity. As well, if your character’s last Touchstone dies or is destroyed, your character will feel the call of torpor.


Undead Menses (••)

Effect: Throughout history, various cultures attributed mystical significance to the menstrual cycle. Many of these myths carried stigmas against menses, due to the unhealthy fears of men in power. With this Merit, your character still produces menstrual blood. Once per night, she can produce a viscous, dark blood. If she uses this blood in casting a Crúac ritual, she benefits from the 8-again quality. If she touches it to a person before affecting them with a Discipline, they suffer her Blood Potency as a penalty to his Resistance.

Drawback: The character must identify as female. If she draws forth her Undead Menses multiple times in an evening, each beyond the first causes her a level of aggravated damage. As well, any attempts to identify her by her menstrual blood gain a +5 die bonus.

Kindred Dueling (Style, • to •••••)

Prerequisites: Fighting Finesse, Composure •••, Weaponry ••

Effect: Your character is not only a competent fighter, but also one trained specifically to take advantage of Kindred variables in a fight. Use of Kindred dueling requires an edged weapon. While humans could theoretically learn some of these tricks, the practical experience required could prove deadly. Note that Kindred Dueling abilities may not be used together. If you’re using Hamstring, you cannot benefit from Carving as well.

  • Hamstring (•): With a well-placed tendon strike, you can briefly cripple a vampire’s ability to augment their physical prowess with Vitae. By targeting a limb (and taking the penalty to do so), your successful strike can deny that limb from the benefits of Physical Intensity (see p. 91) for a turn. The rest of the body may still use those advantages.
  • Taunt (••): You know the way the Beast works, and how to taunt it with short, shallow swipes. Before you roll, remove a number ofdice from your pool no greater than your Weaponry dots. Make your roll. If the attack succeeds, the victim must roll to resist frenzy,with a penalty equal to the number of dice you removed. 
  • Carving (•••): When you strike, you curve the blade hard and strike to pull the flesh apart, making it harder to heal in the heat of the moment. When Carving, your weapon’s damage rating deals lethal damage to Kindred instead of bashing.
  • Pincushion (••••): You hit deep, intending to lodge your weapon in its victim. If you choose to leave your weapon in the victim on a successful strike, the victim cannot heal the wound with Vitae. You may remove the weapon as a reflexive action. If anyone else wishes to remove it, he can attempt a Strength + Stamina roll, minus the damage caused, as an instant action.
  • Spray (•••••): You cut to remove mass from the body, and by extension, blood. Sacrifice your Defense for the turn to use this maneuver. On a successful attack roll, you can choose to remove Vitae from your opponent instead of Health levels. You can divide Health levels of damage and Vitae in any combination after the roll.


Riding the Wave (Style, • to •••••)

Prerequisites: Composure •••, Resolve •••

Effect: Your character runs with her Beast, and knows how to use it to her advantage. She’s turned riding the wave into a raw, primal art. These maneuvers may only be used while riding the wave. They cannot be used in a normal frenzy, or outside of frenzy.

  • Ravage (•): Due to your character’s connection to her Beast, her fangs become horrendous weapons. They look no different, but her Beast knows how to use them with the utmost efficiency. While riding the wave, they become 1L weapons when used in a bite attack.
  • Primal Strength (••): Your character’s Beast blasts outward in short bursts, in order to accomplish quick feats of strength. When lifting, jumping, or destroying objects as an instant action, double the Strength bonus aquired while in frenzy.
  • In the Zone (•••): When attempting to leash the Beast and ride the wave, your character still operates at peak efficiency. She still has to spend Willpower points in order to make rolls to ride the wave, but those Willpower points also give a +3 die bonus to any action taken in the turn. 
  • Unyielding (••••): Your character rides the wave frequently; it ceases to be taxing on her mental reserves. After a scene where she successfully rides the wave, she recovers any Willpower spent to initiate the ride.
  • Animal Grace (•••••): Your character dodges and strikes as fluidly as an animal, with confidence and awareness. When spending Willpower to attack or defend, gain both benefits. Add a +2 die bonus to Defense, and a +3 die bonus to attack rolls
Cargando editor
03/06/2017, 17:13

Meritos Cartianos y Ley Cartiana

Carthian Pull (•)

Prerequisite: Carthian Status •

Effect: Carthians know people. Being the covenant arguably most in touch with humanity, they tend to have the most numerous connections. Membership in the Movement can mean leveraging those connections. Each month, you can access a number of dots of the Allies, Contacts, Haven, and Herd Merits equal to your Carthian Status.

Drawback: These Merits are not yours. They’re very temporary, very superficial. You don’t get a house from Haven dots; you get crash space for a couple days. Each use is a favor, and the Movement expects members to repay their favors.


Night Doctor Surgery (•••)

Prerequisite: Carthian Status ••

Effect: Carthians have adapted a bit of real-world surgery and a little body horror into a series of morbid reconstruction techniques to help injured Kindred heal. Night Doctor Surgery helps bones reset, and speeds the knitting of flesh. With an hour of treatment, roll Intelligence + Medicine. Each success converts one point of lethal damage to bashing. Alternatively, three successes can convert one point of aggravated damage to lethal damage. Failure means the wounds remain; dramatic failure upgrades three points of bashing to lethal, or two lethal to aggravated. With Storyteller discretion, this Merit and Willpower expenditure may be used over time to make changes to facial appearance.

Drawback: Knowledge of Night Doctor Surgery affords a great responsibility. If your identity is known, the Movement will call on your services frequently. For this reason, most Night Doctors use pseudonyms (usually a letter, like Doctor H), performing their services while masked. You cannot perform Night Doctor Surgery on yourself. You may only make one attempt to treat a given injury.


I Know a Guy (•)

Prerequisites: Carthian Status •

Effect: When Carthians make Allies (see p. 118), their covenant acts as a sort of support network that bolsters the efficiency of those allies. Once per story, a Carthian may access temporary Retainer dots equal to their Allies. These Retainers act in the Carthian’s interest, just like any other Retainers. (Since Allies gained with Carthian Pull don’t really belong to the character as a Merit, they don’t count for purposes of I Know A Guy.)

Drawback: These Retainers represent the Allies group in question, and will serve its interests first and foremost. If the Carthian wants them to do something contrary to the group’s interest, she’ll need to manipulate, threaten, or otherwise risk her relationship with her Allies.


Lex Terrae (••)

Prerequisites: Carthian Status ••, Feeding Ground •

Effect: Territory is bond. Feeding ground is sacrosanct. Any blood poached from your character’s Feeding Ground is tainted for Kindred she has not specifically allowed. When next a poacher sleeps, the blood dissolves in his gullet. When he wakes, he violently retches, taking one bashing damage per Vitae lost. As well, his lips and mouth stain with black streaks that paint him as a poacher. These marks last for one week.

Drawback: This Merit requires a clearly-defined and publicly announced feeding ground.


Mandate from the Masses (•••••)

Prerequisites: Carthian Status •••••

Effect: Carthians wield consensus the way a cop wields a baton. With the power of the Movement behind her, a ranking Carthian can call on the will of her people to strike weakness into the Movement’s opposition. With her words and the mandate, she strips a Kindred enemy’s blood down to nothingness. To enact this law, your character must make a clear and direct admonishment against one of the Movement’s enemies. Cross a dot of Willpower off the Carthian’s sheet. She must also garner the support of others of the Movement for a vote — from both Storyteller characters and players’ characters. If the vote favors the admonishment, add the total dots of Carthian Status in support (including the user’s five). For every five dots, reduce the victim’s Blood Potency by one dot. If this reduces him to zero dots, he effectively becomes a revenant (see p. 94 for rules on revenants).

Drawback: The Willpower dot (belonging to the vampire who invoked the mandate) and Blood Potency (belonging to the victim) only come back if the victim flees the city or meets Final Death. If the Carthian meets Final Death, the victim immediately regains his lost Blood Potency. A single vampire may only be victim to one instance of this Merit at a time.


Right of Return (••)

Prerequisites: Carthian Status ••, City Status •

Effect: This somewhat rare Merit allows a Carthian to work within another covenant without fear of her covenant’s ostracism. After all, Carthians aim for human solutions, and nothing is more human than the ability to adapt and socialize. With this Merit, the character’s Carthian Status does not count toward her normal limitations on multiple Covenant Status Merits. She can have as many as five dots of the Covenant Status Merit, not counting her Carthian Status. While individual characters may oppose your character’s cosmopolitan membership practices, she’s adept at defending them. In any Social Maneuvering with members of a covenant she claims Status in, treat her impressions as one step better (see p. 173 for more on Social Actions).

Drawback: Kindred remain ever paranoid, particularly with a Carthian in their midst. Every step she takes receives the utmost scrutiny. Your character loses the 10-again quality on rolls to hide suspicious behavior from members of her other covenants.


Strength of Resolution (•)

Prerequisites: Carthian Status •

Effect: A Carthian stands resolute in the face of that which would force her to violate the law. Add her Carthian Status to any dice pool to contest a Discipline or other supernatural power which would coax her to violate acknowledged city law.


Plausible Deniability (••••)

Prerequisites: Carthian Status •••

Effect: Carthians don’t break laws; they defy laws. Influential Carthians can throw law to the wind, then laugh it off with an argument about the definition of the word “is.” Any attempt to use a Discipline or other supernatural power to prove your character’s guilt in breach of city law or Tradition automatically fails. She cannot be forced to confess by any means, and attempts to detect her honesty through mundane means suffer her Carthian Status as a penalty. She exhibits no stains on her aura from diablerie.

Drawback: It’s one thing to deny the truth. It’s another to deny the truth to witnesses. You lose the ability to use your City Status and Carthian Status dots in any Social rolls against anyone who knows for certain of your character’s guilt, and opposes her.

Notas de juego

Esta noche os casco los que quedan

Cargando editor
04/06/2017, 00:20

Meritos humanos. La gran mayoría (menos los 2 primeros) están en el manual de The God-Machine Chronicle (este es el manual base de la segunda edición de Chronicles of Darkness). Básicamente, son meritos que también podría usar un personaje humano. De ahí el nombre. Allá va el tocho.

Etiquette (• to •••••)

Prerequisites: Composure •••, Socialize ••

Your character knows her way around society, customs, and traditions. More importantly, she can use this talent to make or break reputations. This Merit applies to any social interactionswhere etiquette, style, poise, and reputation carry weight, anduses the Social Maneuvering rules on p. 173.

Bless His Heart (•): Your character’s words are always wellconsidered. No matter how vile, the things she says come off as defensible and respectful. When a character engages yours in a Social interaction, you may opt to use your character’s Socialize score instead of the lower of her Resolve and Composure to determine her starting Doors.

Losing Your Religion (••): When your character lets loose and insults someone, she leaves mouths agape. When tearing down a target verbally, use 8-again, and take a +2 die bonus to the roll. Afterwards, move the interaction one step down on the impressions chart.

In High Cotton (•••): Your character cultivates standing and respect, and carries it like a knight wears armor. You may apply one relevant Status or Fame Merit to rolls to contest Social interactions. Other Merits may apply with Storyteller permission.

Half-Cocked (••••): Your character is always prepared. On the other hand, others are not. In a new Social interaction, if the impression is good, excellent, or perfect, ignore the subject’s Resolve and Composure on the first roll.

Grace Under Fire (•••••): While your character may not always win, she never looks bad. If a character opens all her Doors, and you opt to offer an alternative, his player chooses three Conditions. You choose which one your character receives.


Unseen Sense (••)

Prerequisite: Human character (not Kindred)

Effect: Your character has a “sixth sense” for a type of supernatural creature, chosen when you buy the Merit. For example, you may choose Unseen Sense: Vampires, or Unseen Sense: Fairies. The sense manifests differently for everyone. A character’s hair stands on end, she becomes physically ill, or perhaps she has a cold chill. Regardless, she knows that something isn’t right when she is in the immediate proximity of the appropriate supernatural being. Once per chapter, the player can accept the Spooked Condition (p. 305) in exchange for which the character can pinpoint where the feeling is coming from. If the target is using a power that specifically cloaks its supernatural nature, however, this does not work (though the Condition remains until resolved as usual).


Area of Expertise (•)

Prerequisite: Resolve •• and one Skill Specialty

Effect: Your character is uncommonly specialized in one area. Choose a Specialty to assign to this Merit. Forgo the +1 bonus afforded by a Specialty in exchange for a +2.

Common Sense (•••)

Effect: Your character has an exceptionally sound and rational mind. With a moment’s thought, she can weigh po­tential courses of action and outcomes. Once per chapter as an instant action, you may ask the Storyteller one of the following questions about a task at hand or course of action. Roll Wits + Composure. If you succeed, the Storyteller must answer to the best of her ability. If you fail, you get no answer. With an exceptional success, you can ask an additional question.

• What is the worst choice?

• What do I stand to lose here?

• What’s the safest choice?

• Am I chasing a worthless lead?


Danger Sense (••)

Effect: Your character’s reflexes are honed to the point where nothing’s shocking. You gain a +2 modifier on reflex­ive Wits + Composure rolls for your character to detect an impending ambush.


Direction Sense (•)

Effect: Your character has an innate sense of direction and is always aware of her location in space. She always knows which direction she faces and never suffers penalties to navigate or find her way.


Eidetic Memory (••)

Effect: Your character recalls events and details with pinpoint accuracy. You do not have to make rolls for your character to remember past experiences. When making Intel­ligence + Composure (or relevant Skill) rolls to recall minute facts from swaths of information, take a +2 bonus.


Encyclopedic Knowledge (••)

Effect: Choose a Skill. Due to an immersion in aca­demia, pop culture, or obsession with a hobby, your character has collected limitless factoids about the topic, even if she has no dots in the Skill. You can make an Intelligence + Wits roll at any time your character is dealing with her area of interest. On a successful roll, the Storyteller must give a relevant fact or detail about the issue at hand. Your character knows this fact, but you must explain within the scope of your character’s background why she knows it. For example, for Encyclopedic Knowledge: Medicine: “Do you remember that time on that show, when the doctor said it doesn’t manifest before puberty?”


Eye for the Strange (••)

Prerequisite: Resolve ••, Occult •

Effect: While your character does not necessarily possess a breadth of knowledge about the supernatural, she knows the otherworldly when she sees it. By perusing evidence she can determine whether something comes from natural or supernatural origin. Roll Intelligence + Composure. With a success, the Storyteller must tell you if the scene has a supernatural cause and provide one piece of found informa­tion that confirms the answer. With an exceptional success, she must give you a bit of supernatural folklore that suggests what type of creature caused the problem. If the problem was mundane, an exceptional success gives an ongoing +2 to all rolls to investigate the event, due to her redoubled certainty in its natural causation.


Fast Reflexes (• to •••)

Prerequisite: Wits ••• or Dexterity •••

Effect: Your character’s reflexes impress and astound; she’s always fast to react. +1 Initiative per dot.


Good Time Management (•)

Prerequisite: Academics •• or Science ••

Effect: Your character has vast experience managing complex tasks, keeping schedules, and meeting deadlines. When taking an extended action, halve the time required between rolls.


Holistic Awareness (•)

Effect: Your character is skilled at non-traditional heal­ing methods. While scientific minds might scoff, she can provide basic medical care with natural means. She knows what herbs can stem an infection and what minerals will stave off a minor sickness. Unless your patient suffers wound penalties from lethal or aggravated wounds, you do not need traditional medical equipment to stabilize and treat injuries. With access to woodlands, a greenhouse, or other source of diverse flora, a Wits + Survival roll allows your character to gather all necessary supplies.


Indomitable (••)

Prerequisite: Resolve •••

Your character possesses an iron will. The powers of the supernatural have little bearing on her behavior. She can stand up to a vampire’s mind control, a witch’s charms, or a ghost’s gifts of fright. Any time a supernatural creature uses a power to influence your character’s thoughts or emotions, add two dice to the dice pool to contest it. If the roll is resisted, instead subtract two dice from the monster’s dice pool. Note that this only affects mental influence and manipulation from a supernatural origin. A vampire with a remarkable Manipulation + Persuasion score is just as likely to convince your character to do something using mundane tricks.


Interdisciplinary Specialty (•)

Prerequisite: Skill at ••• or higher with a Specialty

Effect: Choose a Specialty that your character possesses when you purchase this Merit. You can apply the +1 from that Specialty on any Skill with at least one dot, provided it’s justifiable within the scope of the fiction. For example, a doctor with a Medicine Specialty in Anatomy may be able to use it when targeting a specific body part with Weaponry, but could not with a general strike.


Language (•)

Effect: Your character is skilled with an additional language beyond her native tongue. Choose a language each time you buy this Merit. Your character can speak, read, and write in that language.


Library (• to •••)

Effect: Your character has access to a plethora of infor­mation about a given topic. When purchasing this Merit, choose a Mental Skill. The Library covers that purview. On any extended roll involving the Skill in question, add the dots in this Merit. This Merit can be purchased multiple times to reflect different Skills. Its benefits can be shared by various charac­ters with permission.


Meditative Mind (•, ••, or ••••)

Effect: Your character’s meditation is far more fulfilling than for other characters. With the one-dot version of this Merit, the character does not suffer environment penalties to mediation (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 51), even from wound penalties. With the two-dot version, when the character has suc­cessfully meditated, she gains a +3 bonus on any Resolve + Composure rolls during the same day as she’s steeled herself against the things of the world that would shake her foundation. At the four-dot level, she only needs a single success to gain the benefits of meditation for the day, instead of the normal four.


Multilingual (•)

Effect: Your character has a strong affinity for lan­guage acquisition. Each time you purchase this Merit, choose two languages. Your character can speak con­versationally in those languages. With an Intelligence + Academics roll, she may also read enough of the language to understand context. If you purchase the Language Merit for either of these languages, replace the Multilingual language. For example, if you have Multilingual (French, Italian), and purchase Lan­guage: Italian, you may choose to take Multilingual (French, Portuguese).


Patient (•)

Effect: Your character knows how to pace herself and take the time to do the job right the first time. When taking an extended action, you may make two additional rolls above what your Attribute + Skill would allow.


Professional Training (• to •••••)

Effect: Your character has extensive training in a particular profession, which offers distinct advantages in a handful of fields. When choosing this Merit, choose or create a Profession for your character (see the sidebar). Mark the two Asset Skills on your character sheet. The advantages of Professional Training relate directly to those Asset Skills.

• Networking: At the first level of Professional Training, your character builds connections within her chosen field. Take two dots of Contacts relating to that field.

•• Continuing Education: With repeated efforts in her field of choice, your character tends toward greater successes. When making a roll with her Asset Skills, she benefits from the 9-again quality.

••• Breadth of Knowledge: Due to advancement in her field, she’s picked up a number of par­ticular bits of information and skill unique to her work. Choose a third Asset Skill and take two Specialties in your character’s Asset Skills.

•••• On the Job Training: With the resources at her disposal, your character has access to extensive educational tools and mentorship available. Take a Skill dot in an Asset Skill. Whenever you purchase a new Asset Skill dot, take a Beat.

••••• The Routine: With such extensive experience in her field, her Asset Skills have been honed to a fine edge and she’s almost guaranteed at least a marginal success. Before rolling, spend a Willpower point to apply the rote action quality to an Asset Skill. This allows you to reroll all the failed dice on the first roll.


Tolerance for Biology (•)

Prerequisite: Resolve •••

Effect: Most people turn away at the sight of blood, other bodily fluids, or exotic biology. Your character has seen enough that nothing turns her stomach. When other characters must resist shock or physical repulsion from the disgusting and morbid, your character stands her ground. You do not need to make Composure, Stamina, or Resolve rolls to withstand the biologically strange. This doesn’t mean she’s immune to fear; she’s just used to nature in all its nasty forms.


Trained Observer (• or •••)

Prerequisite: Wits ••• or Composure •••

Effect: Your character has spent years in the field, catch­ing tiny details and digging for secrets. She might not have a better chance of finding things, but she has a better chance of finding important things. Any time you make a Perception roll (usually Wits + Composure), you benefit from the 9-again quality. With the three-dot version, you get 8-again.por


Ambidextrous (•••)

Effect: Your character does not suffer the –2 penalty for using his off-hand in combat or to perform other actions. Available only at character creation.


Crack Driver (•• or •••)

Prerequisite: Drive •••

Effect: Your character’s an ace at the wheel and nothing shakes her concentration. So long as she’s not taking any actions other than driving (and keeping the car safe), add her Composure to any rolls to drive. Any rolls to disable her

vehicle suffer a penalty equal to her Composure as well. With the three-dot version, she may take a Drive action reflexively once per turn.


Demolisher (• to •••)

Prerequisite: Strength ••• or Intelligence •••

Effect: Your character has an innate feel for the weak points in objects. When damaging an object, she ignores one point of the object’s Durability per dot in this Merit.


Double Jointed (••)

Prerequisite: Dexterity •••

Effect: Your character might have been a contortionist or spent time practicing yoga. She can dislodge joints when need be. She automatically escapes from any mundane bonds without a roll. When grappled, subtract her Dexterity from any rolls to overpower her as long as she’s not taking any aggressive actions.


Fleet of Foot (• to •••)

Prerequisite: Athletics ••

Effect: Your character is remarkably quick and runs far faster than her frame suggests. She gains +1 Speed per dot; anyone pursuing her suffers a –1 per dot to any foot chase rolls.


Giant (•••)

Effect: Your character is massive. She’s well over six feet tall and crowds part when she approaches. She’s Size 6 and gains +1 Health. Available only at character creation.

Drawback: Buying clothing is a nightmare. Fitting in small spaces is difficult at best.


Hardy (• to •••)

Prerequisite: Stamina •••

Effect: Your character’s body goes further than it right­fully should. Add the dots in this Merit to any rolls to resist disease, poison, deprivation, unconsciousness, or suffocation.


Iron Stamina (• to •••)

Prerequisites: Stamina ••• or Resolve •••

Effect: Each dot eliminates a negative modifier (on a one-for-one basis) when resisting the effects of fatigue or injury. For example: a character with Iron Stamina •• is able to ignore up to a –2 modifier brought on by fatigue. The Merit also counteracts the effects of wound penalties. So, if all of your character’s Health boxes are filled (which normally imposes a –3 penalty to his actions) and he has Iron Stamina •, those penalties are reduced to –2. This Merit cannot be used to gain positive modifiers for actions, only to cancel out negative ones.


Parkour (• to •••••, Style)

Prerequisites: Dexterity •••, Athletics ••

Your character is a trained and proficient free-runner. Free-running is the art of moving fluidly through urban environments with complex leaps, bounds, running tricks, and vaulting. This is the type of sport popularized in modern action films, where characters are unhindered by fences, walls, construction equipment, cars, or anything else the city puts in their ways.

Flow (•): Your character reacts instinctively to any ob­stacles with leaps, jumps, and scaling techniques. When in a foot chase, subtract your Parkour from the successes needed to pursue or evade. Ignore environmental penalties to Athletics rolls equal to your Parkour rating.

Cat Leap (••): Your character falls with outstanding grace. When using a Dexterity + Athletics roll to mitigate damage from falling (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 179), your character gains one automatic success. Addition­ally, add your Parkour rating to the threshold of damage that can be removed through this roll. Parkour will not mitigate damage from a terminal velocity fall.

Wall Run (•••): When climbing, your character can run upward for some distance before having to traditionally climb. Without rolling, your character scaled 10 feet + five feet per dot of Athletics as an instant action, rather than the normal 10 feet.

Expert Traceur (••••): Parkour has become second nature for your character. By spending a Willpower point, you may designate one Athletics roll to run, jump, or climb as a rote action (reroll all failed dice once). On any turn you use this ability, you may not apply your character’s Defense to oncoming attacks.

Freeflow (•••••): Your character’s Parkour is now muscle memory. She can move without thinking in a zen-like state. The character must successfully meditate (see p. 51 of the World of Darkness Rulebook) in order to establish Freeflow. Once established, your character is capable of tak­ing Athletics actions reflexively once per turn. By spending a point of Willpower on an Athletics roll in a foot chase, gain three successes instead of three dice.


Quick Draw (•)

Prerequisites: Wits •••, a Specialty in the weapon or fighting style chosen

Effect: Choose a Specialty in Weaponry or Firearms when you purchase this Merit. Your character has trained enough in that weapon or style that pulling the weapon is her first reflex. Drawing or holstering that weapon is considered a reflexive action, and can be done any time her Defense applies.


Sleight of Hand (••)

Prerequisite: Larceny •••

Effect: Your character can pick locks and pockets with­out even thinking about it. She can take one Larceny-based instant action reflexively in a given turn. As well, her Larceny actions go unnoticed unless someone is trying specifically to catch her.


Small-Framed (••)

Effect: Your character is diminutive. She’s not even five feet tall and it’s easy to walk into her without noticing. She’s Size 4 and thus has one fewer Health box. She gains +2 to any rolls to hide or go unnoticed. This bonus might apply any time being smaller would be an advantage, such as crawling through smaller spaces. Available only at character creation.

Drawback: In addition to the lower Health, your character might be overlooked or not taken seriously by some people.


Allies(• to •••••)

Effect: Allies help your character. They might be friends, employees, associates, or people your character has black­mailed. Each instance of this Merit represents one type of ally. This could be in an organization, a society, a clique, or an individual. Examples include the police, a secret society, crime, unions, local politics, and the academic community. Each purchase has its own rating. Your character might have Allies (Masons) ••, Allies (Carter Crime Family) •••, and Allies (Catholic Church) •.

Each dot represents a layer of influence in the group. One dot would constitute small favors and passing influ­ence. Three could offer considerable influence, such as the overlooking of a misdemeanor charge by the police. Five dots stretch the limits of the organization’s influence, as its leaders put their own influence on the line for the character. This could include things such as massive insider training or fouling up a felony investigation. No matter the request, it has to be something that organization could accomplish.

The Storyteller assigns a rating between one and five to any favor asked. A character can ask for favors that add up to her Allies rating without penalty in one chapter. If she extends her influence beyond that, her player must roll Manipulation + Persuasion + Allies, with a penalty equal to the favor’s rating. If the roll is successful, the group does as requested. Failed or successful, the character loses a dot of Allies. This dot may return at the end of the chapter (see Sanctity of Merits, on p. 158.) On a dramatic failure, the organization resents her and seeks retribution. On an exceptional success, she doesn’t lose the dot.

One additional favor a character can ask of her Allies is to block another character’s Allies, Contacts, Mentor, Retainer, or Status (if she knows the character possesses the relevant Merit). The rating is equal to the Merit dots blocked. As before, no roll is necessary unless the target’s Merit exceeds the character’s Allies. If the block succeeds, the character cannot use the Merit during the same chapter.


Alternate Identity (•,••, or •••)

Effect: Your character has established an alternate identity. The level of this Merit determines the amount of scrutiny it can withstand. At one dot, the identity is superficial and unof­ficial. For example, your character uses an alias with a simple costume and adopts an accent. She hasn’t established the neces­sary paperwork to even approach a bureaucratic background check, let alone pass. At two dots, she’s supported her identity with paperwork and identification. It’s not liable to stand up to extensive research, but it’ll turn away private investigators and internet hobbyists. At three dots, the identity can pass thorough inspection. The identity has been deeply entrenched in relevant databases, with subtle flourishes and details to make it seem real even to trained professionals. Merit also reflects time the character has spent honing the persona. At one or two dots, she gains a +1 to all Subterfuge rolls to defend the identity. At three dots, she gains +2. This Merit can be purchased multiple times. Each time representing an additional identity.


Anonymity (• to •••••)

Prerequisites: Cannot have Fame.

Effect: Your character lives off the grid. This means pur­chases must be made with cash or falsified credit cards. She eschews identification. She avoids any official authoritative influence in her affairs. Any attempts to find her by paper trail suffer a –1 penalty per dot purchased in this Merit.

Drawback: Your character cannot purchase the Fame Merit. This also may limit Status purchases, if the character cannot provide sufficient identification for the roles she wishes to take.


Barfly (••)

Prerequisite: Socialize ••

Effect: Your character is a natural in the bar environ­ment and can procure an open invitation wherever she wishes. Whereas most characters would require rolls to blend into social functions they don’t belong in, she doesn’t; she belongs. Rolls to identify her as an outsider suffer her Social­ize as a penalty.


Contacts (• to •••••)

Effect: Contacts provide your character with informa­tion. Each dot in this Merit represents a sphere or organiza­tion with which the character can garner information. For example, a character with Contacts ••• might have Bloggers, Drug Dealers, and Financial Speculators for connections. Contacts do not provide services, only information. This may be face-to-face, email, by telephone, or even by séance in some strange instances.

Garnering information via Contacts requires a Ma­nipulation + Social Skill roll, depending on the method the character uses. This Merit can either be used generally, in which case only the field is necessary, or it can be personal­ized by identifying an individual within the field whom the character can call. If using the latter method, the Storyteller should give a bonus or penalty, dependent on how relevant the information is to that particular Contact, whether access­ing the information is dangerous, and if the character has maintained good relations or done favors for the Contact. These modifiers should range from –3 to +3 in most cases. If successful, the Contact provides the information.

One use of a Contact is to dig dirt on another character. A Contact can find another character’s Social Merits and any relevant Conditions (Embarrassing Secret is a prime example.)

A character can have more than five Contacts, but the Merit’s rating is limited to five, for the purposes of Allies blocking.


Fame (• to •••)

Effect: Your character is recognized within a certain sphere for a certain skill, or because of some past action, or just a stroke of luck. This can mean favors and attention, but it can also mean negative attention and scrutiny. When choosing the Merit, define what your character is known for. As a rule of thumb, one dot means local recognition or reputation within a confined subculture. Two dots means regional recognition by a wide swath of people. Three dots means worldwide recognition to anyone who might have been exposed to the source of the fame. Each dot adds a die to any Social rolls among those who are impressed by your character’s celebrity.

Drawback: Any rolls to find or identify the character enjoy a +1 bonus per dot of the Merit. If the character has Alternate Identity, she can mitigate this drawback. A character with Fame cannot have the Anonymity Merit.


Fast-Talking (• to •••••, Style)

Prerequisites: Manipulation •••, Subterfuge ••

Your character talks circles around listeners. She speaks a mile a minute and often leaves her targets reeling, but nod­ding in agreement.

Always Be Closing (•): With the right leading phrases, your character can direct a mark to say what she wants, when she wants. This trips the mark into vulnerable positions. When a mark contests or resists your character’s Social inter­actions, apply a –1 to their Resolve or Composure.

Jargon (••): Your character confuses her mark using complex terminology. You may apply one relevant Specialty to any Social roll you make, even if the Specialty isn’t tied to the Skill in use.

Devil’s Advocacy (•••): Your character often poses arguments she doesn’t agree with in order to challenge a mark’s position and keep him from advancing discussion. You can reroll one failed Subterfuge roll per scene.

Salting (••••): Your character can position herself so a mark pursues a non-issue or something unimportant to her. When your character opens a Door using conversation (Persuasion, Subterfuge, Empathy, etc.) you may spend a Willpower point to immediately open another Door.

The Nigerian Scam (•••••): Your character can take advantage of her mark’s greed and zeal. When the mark does particularly well, it’s because your character was there to set him up and to subsequently tear him down. If a target regains Willpower from his Vice while your character is present, you may immediately roll Manipulation + Subterfuge to open a Door, regardless of the interval or impression level.


Fixer (••)

Prerequisite: Contacts ••, Wits •••

Effect: Your character is somebody that knows people. She can not only get in touch with the right people to do a job, but she can get them at the best possible prices. When hiring a service (see p.234), reduce the Availability score of the service by one dot.


Hobbyist Clique (••)

Prerequisite: Membership in a clique. All members must possess this Merit and the chosen Skill at ••+

Effect: Your character is part of a group of hobbyists that specialize in one area, as represented by a Skill. It may be a book club, a coven, a political party, or any other interest. When the group’s support is available, you benefit from the 9-again quality on rolls involving the group’s chosen Skill. As well, the clique offers two additional dice on any extended actions involving that Skill.

Drawback: This Merit requires upkeep. You must attend at least monthly, informal meetings to maintain the benefits of Hobbyist Clique.


Inspiring (•••)

Prerequisite: Presence •••

Effect: Your character’s passion inspires those around her to greatness. With a few words, she can redouble a group’s confidence or move them to action.

Make a Presence + Expression roll. A small clique of listeners levies a –1 penalty, a small crowd a –2, and a large crowd a –3. Listeners gain the Inspired Condition. The character may not use this Merit on herself.


Iron Will (••)

Prerequisite: Resolve ••••

Effect: Your character’s resolve is unwavering. When spending Willpower to contest or resist in a Social interac­tion, you may substitute your character’s Resolve for the usual Willpower bonus. If the roll is contested, roll with 8-again.


Mentor (• to •••••)

Effect: This Merit gives your character a teacher that provides advice and guidance. He acts on your character’s behalf, often in the background and sometimes without your character’s knowledge. While Mentors can be highly compe­tent, they almost always want something in return for their services. The dot rating determines the Mentor’s capabilities, and to what extent he’ll aid your character.

When establishing a Mentor, determine what the Men­tor wants from your character. This should be personally important to him and it should reflect on the dot rating chosen. A one-dot Mentor might be incapable of dealing with modern society and want to live vicariously through your character. This might mean coming to him and telling stories of her exploits. A five-dot Mentor would want some­thing astronomical, such as an oath to procure an ancient, cursed artifact that may or may not exist, in order to prevent a prophesized death.

Choose three Skills the Mentor possesses. You can sub­stitute Resources for one of these Skills. Once per session, the character may ask her Mentor for a favor. The favor must involve one of those Skills or be within the scope of his Re­sources. The Mentor commits to the favor (often asking for a commensurate favor in return); and if a roll is required, the Mentor is automatically considered to have successes equal to

his dot rating. Alternately, the player may ask the Storyteller to have the Mentor act on her character’s behalf, without her character knowing or initiating the request.


Mystery Cult Initiation (• to •••••)

Cults are far more common than the people of the World of Darkness would like to admit. Mystery cult is the catch-all term for a phenomenon ranging from secret societies couched in fraternity houses and scholarly cabals studying the magic of classical symbolism to mystical suicide cults to the God Machine.

Mystery Cult Initiation reflects membership in one of these esoteric groups. The dot rating dictates standing. One dot is an initiate, two a respected member, three a priest or organizer, four a decision-making leader, five is a high priest or founder. If you wish your character to begin play in a cult, work with your Storyteller to develop the details.

Designing a Mystery Cult requires three things, at bare minimum. First is a Purpose. This is the defining reason the cult exists. Usually, it’s tied in with the cult’s history and recent background. Second is a Relic. This is an item that grounds members’ faith. For example, a piece of the God-Machine, an ancient text bound in human flesh, or the mummified flesh of a saint. The last is a Doctrine. Every cult is defined by its rules and traditions.

In addition to standing, a Mystery Cult Initiation Merit offers benefits at each level of influence. Develop these as well. The following are guidelines; use them to craft your own cults:

• A Skill Specialty or one-dot Merit pertaining to the lessons taught to initiates.

•• A one-dot Merit.

••• A Skill dot or a two-dot Merit (often a super­natural Merit).

•••• A three-dot Merit, often supernatural in origin.

••••• A three-dot Merit or a major advantage not reflected in game traits.


Resources (• to •••••)

Effect: This Merit reflects your character’s disposable income. She might live in an upscale condo, but if her income is tied up in the mortgage and child support payments, she might have little money to throw around. Characters are as­sumed to have basic necessities without Resources.

The dot rating determines the relative amount of dispos­able funding the character has available, depending on your particular chronicle’s setting. The same amount of money means completely different things in a game set in Silicon Val­ley compared to one set in the Detroit slums. One dot is a little spending money here and there. Two is a comfortable, middle class wage. Three is a nicer, upper middle class life. Four is moderately wealthy. Five is filthy rich.

Every item has an Availability rating. Once per chapter, your character can procure an item at her Resources level or lower without issue. An item one Availability level above her Resources reduces her effective Resources by one dot for a full month, since she has to rapidly liquidate funds. She can procure items two Avail­ability level below her Resources without limit (within reason). For example, a character with Resources •••• can procure as many Availability •• disposable cellphones as she needs.


Pusher (•)

Prerequisite: Persuasion ••

Effect: Your character tempts and bribes as second nature. Any time a mark in a Social interaction accepts her soft leverage (see p. 193), open a Door as if you’d satisfied his Vice as well as moving the impression up on the chart.


Retainer (• to •••••)

Effect: Your character has an assistant, sycophant, ser­vant, or follower on whom she can rely. Establish who this companion is and how he was acquired. It may be as simple as a paycheck. He might owe your character his life. However it happened, your character has a hold on him.

A Retainer is more reliable than a Mentor and more loyal than an Ally. On the other hand, a Retainer is a lone person, less capable and influential than the broader Merits.

The Merit’s dot rating determines the relative compe­tency of the Retainer. A one-dot Retainer is barely able to do anything of use, such as a pet that knows one useful trick or a homeless old man that does minor errands for food. A three-dot Retainer is a professional in their field, someone capable in his line of work. A five-dot is one of the best in her class. If a Retainer needs to make a roll, if it’s within her field, double the dot rating and use it as a dice pool. For anything else, use the dot rating as a dice pool.

This Merit can be purchased multiple times to represent multiple Retainers.


Safe Place (• to •••••)

Effect: Your character has somewhere she can go where she can feel secure. While she may have enemies that could attack her there, she’s prepared and has the upper hand. The dot rating reflects the security of the place. The actual loca­tion, the luxury, and the size are represented by equipment (see Housing, p. 241.) A one-dot Safe Place might be equipped with basic security systems or a booby trap at the windows and door. A five-dot could have a security crew, infrared scanners at every entrance, or trained dogs. Each place could be an apartment, a mansion or a hidey-hole.

Unlike most Merits, multiple characters can contribute dots to a single Safe Place, combining their points into some­thing greater. A Safe Place gives an Initiative bonus equal to the Merit dots. This only applies to a character with dots invested in the Safe Place.

Any efforts to breach the Safe Place suffer a penalty equal to the Merit dots invested. If the character desires, the Safe Place can include traps that cause intruders lethal damage equal to a maximum of the Merit rating (player’s choice as to how much damage a given trap inflicts). This requires that the character has at least a dot in Crafts. The traps may be avoided with a Dexterity + Larceny roll, penalized by the Safe Place dots.


Small Unit Tactics (••)

Prerequisites: Presence •••

Effect: Your character is a proficient leader on the field. She can organize efforts and bark orders to remarkable ef­fect. Once per scene, when making a coordinated action that was planned in advance, spend a point of Willpower and an instant action. A number of characters equal to your character’s Presence can benefit from the +3 bonus from the Willpower expenditure.


Staff (• to •••••)

Effect: Your character has a crew of workers or assistants at her disposal. They may be housekeepers, designers, research assistants, animators, cheap thugs, or whatever else makes sense. For every dot in this Merit, choose one type of assis­tant, and one Skill. At any reasonable time, her staff can take actions using that Skill. These actions automatically garner a single success. While not useful in contested actions, this guarantees success on minor, mundane activities. Note that you may have employees without requiring the Staff Merit. Staff simply adds a mechanical advantage for those groups.


Status (• to •••••)

Effect: Your character has standing, membership, au­thority, control over, or respect from a group or organization. This may reflect official standing or informal respect. No matter the source, your character enjoys certain privileges within that structure.

Each instance of this Merit reflects standing in a differ­ent group or organization. Your character may have Status (The Luck Gang) •••, Status (Drag Racing Circuit) ••, and Status (Police) •. Each affords its own unique benefits. As you increase dot ratings, your character rises in prominence in the relevant group.

Status only allows advantages within the confines of the group reflected in the Merit. Status (Organized Crime) won’t help if your character wants an official concealed carry firearms permit, for example.

Status provides a number of advantages.

First, your character can apply her Status to any Social roll with those over which she has authority or sway.

Second, she has access to group facilities, resources, and funding. Dependent on the group, this could be limited by red tape and requisitioning processes. It’s also dependent on the resources the particular group has available.

Third, she has pull. If your character knows another character’s Mentor, Resources, Retainer, Contacts, or Allies, she can block their usage. Once per chapter, she can stop a single Merit from being used if it’s of a lower dot rating than her Status and if it makes sense for her organization to ob­struct that type of person’s behavior. In our Organized Crime example, if your character knows that the chief of police has Contacts (Criminal Informant), you may opt to block usage by threatening the informant into silence.

Drawback: Status requires upkeep and often regular duties. If these duties are not upheld, Status may be lost. The dots will not be accessible until the character re-establishes her standing. In our Organized Crime example, your character may be expected to pay protection money, offer tribute to a higher authority, or undertake felonious activities.


Striking Looks (• or ••)

Effect: Your character is stunning, alarming, command­ing, repulsing, threatening, charming, or otherwise worthy of attention. Determine how your character looks and how people react to that. For one dot, your character gets a +1  bonus on any Social rolls that would be influenced by her looks. For two dots, the benefit increases to +2. Depending on the particulars, this might influence Expression, Intimida­tion, Persuasion, Subterfuge, or other rolls.

Drawback: Attention is a double-edged sword. Any rolls to spot, notice, or remember your character gain the same die bo­nus. Sometimes, your character will draw unwanted attention in social situations. This could cause further complications.


Sympathetic (••)

Effect: Your character is very good at letting others get close. This gives him an edge in getting what he wants. At the beginning of a Social maneuvering attempt, you may choose to accept a Condition such as Leveraged, Swooning or Vulnerable in order to immediately eliminate two of the subject’s Doors.


Taste (•)

Prerequisite: Crafts 2 and a Specialty in Crafts or Expression

Effect: Your character has refined tastes and can identify minor details in fashion, food, architecture, and other forms of artistry and craftsmanship. Not only does this give an eye for detail, it makes her a center of attention in critical circles. She can appraise items within her area of expertise. With a Wits + Skill roll, depending on the creation in question (Expression for poetry, Crafts for architecture, for example), your character can pick out obscure details about the item that other, less discerning minds would not. For each success, ask one of the following ques­tions, or take a +1 bonus to any Social rolls pertaining to groups interested in the art assessed for the remainder of the scene.

• What is the hidden meaning in this?

• What was the creator feeling during its creation?

• What’s its weakest point?

• What other witness is most moved by this piece?

• How should one best appreciate this piece?


True Friend (•••)

Effect: Your character has a true friend. While that friend may have specific functions covered by other Merits (Allies, Con­tacts, Retainer, Mentor, et cetera), True Friend represents a deeper, truly trusting relationship that cannot be breached. Unless your character does something egregious to cause it, her True Friend will not betray her. The Storyteller cannot kill a True Friend as part of a plot without your express permission. Any rolls to influence a True Friend against your character suffer a five-die penalty. In addition, once per story your character can regain one spent Will­power by having a meaningful interaction with her True Friend.



Notas de juego

Y eso es (casi) todo en cuanto a Meritos. He dejado fuera los meritos "de combate" del manual de The God-Machine porque sinceramente, no creo que ninguno de vuestros personajes salvo el de Mangel le vaya a dar uso. Mañana os pondré una guía de referencia con las traducciones chapuceras que hice yo en el primer post para que cuando veáis el nombre de los atributos, disciplinas y habilidades en inglés sepáis a lo que se refiere.

Lo próximo sera poner las disciplinas y las devociones. Aunque imagino que antes pondré algo de lore. 

Cargando editor
04/06/2017, 09:55
Jack Morrison
Sólo para el director

Un par de dudas que me han sobrevenido:

1) Solo hay méritos? No hay defectos? (Confieso que todavía no los he leído pero como no los has citado doy por entendido que no están)

2) Si queremos gastar parte de nuestros 10 puntos, en base a qué tabla lo hacemos? Quiero decir, cuanto me cuesta subir una disciplina, atributo, habilidad... Los costes son como en Vampiro o van diferente???

Notas de juego

Cargando editor
04/06/2017, 15:15

1) No hay defectos

2) 4 puntos por atributo, 2 puntos las habilidades, 1 por cada especialidad, 3 puntos cada disciplina de clan, 4 puntos las disciplinas fuera de clan, 2 puntos la humanidad, 5 la potencia de sangre.

Cargando editor
04/06/2017, 15:25

Tabla de referencia para mi traducción chapucera.

Elegía - Dirge
Mascara - Mask
Piedra de toque - Touchstone

Inteligencia - Intelligence
Astucia - Wits
Determinación - Resolve
Fuerza - Strenght
Destreza - Dexterity
Resistencia - Stamina
Presencia - Presence
Manipulación - Manipulation
Compostura - Composure

Academicismo - Academics
Informática - Computer
Manualidades - Crafts 
Investigación - Investigation
Medicina - Medicine
Ocultismo - Occult 
Política - Politics
Ciencias - Science
Atletismo - Athletics 
Pelear - Brawl
Conducir - Drive
Armas de fuego - Firearms
Hurto - Lacerny
Sigilo - Stealth
Supervivencia - Survival
Armas cuerpo a cuerpo - Weaponry
Carisma animal - Animal Ken
Empatía - Empathy 
Expresión - Expression
Intimidación - Intimidation
Persuasión - Persuation
Etiqueta - Socialize
Callejeo - Streetwise
Subterfugio - Subterfuge

Celeridad - Celerity
Majestad - Majesty
Resiliencia - Resilience
Celeridad - Celerity
Ofuscación - Ofuscation
Pesadilla - Nightmare
Animalismo - Animalism
Dominación - Domination 



Cargando editor
04/06/2017, 15:55
Jack Morrison
Sólo para el director

Veamos, a ver si lo he entendido todo que me tengo que ir amoldando a este sistema!

Contamos con 10 ptos:

  • Me he gastado 3 para subir mi Ofuscación al 2º nivel y 2 para subirme Ocultismo a 2.
  • Me quedan 5 ptos para méritos: Creo que es de recibo que me coja el de Night Doctor Surgery (•••, habida cuenta mi nivel en medicina, mi especialidad en cirugía, etc creo que es lo suyo)... Por lo que leo ese mérito permite curar heridas, me parece interesante.
  • Me cojo Safe Place (1 nivel) e Identidad Alternativa (otro nivel) esto último para procurar que no me estén dando mucho la lata para curar a la gente... 

Voy bien así????

Notas de juego

EDITO: Acabo de recordar que había comprometido 2 puntazos a la saca común. Los saco de lo de Ocultismo y me paso uno de Academicismo a Ocultismo y así tengo 1 y 2 respectivamente!

Cargando editor
04/06/2017, 17:03

El punto que gastas en safe place es para otro punto seguro alternativo al refugio común? Porque a priori ya tienes ese.

Por cierto, hay otro merito, solo para Mekhets que no puse en la lista. Mira a ver si te interesa o no se adapta demasiado tu pj.

Dream Visions (•)

Prerequisites: Must be Mekhet

Effect: Your character’s Mekhet blood touches on a level of universal interconnectedness that her mind cannot truly grasp. However, sometimes it gives her fleeting glimpses of insight and intuition. During the day, she dreams of what’s to come in vague symbols. Once per night, when she meets someone new or visits a new place, make a Blood Potency roll. If successful, ask one question to the Storyteller or the character’s player. The question must fit with a yes/no/maybe answer. The answer reflects the last day’s dreams.

Drawback: This Merit may only be used once per person (and only on first meeting), and once per night. So, if she meets multiple new people, you must choose who the dreams were of.

Cargando editor
04/06/2017, 17:22
Jack Morrison
Sólo para el director

Soy un tipo solitario y huraño así que si, me está bien tener el refugio común pero prefiero tener el mío propio.
En cuanto al mérito que me presentas: Está chulo pero prefiero los que ya te comenté: Night Doctor, Safe Place e Identidad alternativa.

Notas de juego

Cargando editor
04/06/2017, 17:08
Jeremy Tanner

(Parte 3)


-Yuri Group OOOO
*Striking Looks O
**Interdisciplinary Specialty (Vampires)
***Professional Training OO
****Meditative Mind OO, adds Presence pool, can affect other people (penalties as inspired), with 4/10 days a week everyone involved treat it like a touchstone
-Striking Looks OO
-Professional Training OOOO
*Contacts OO (Social services, Support groups)
**9 again on Empathy, Persuasion, Expression
***Added Expression to Assets, choose two specialties
-Expression [Artistic], Persuasion [Convincing]
****Add +O to Empathy, take a beat whenever you buy new dots on Asset skills
-Allies (Transports) O

Notas de juego

Dos puntos van para los de grupo

Cargando editor
25/06/2017, 22:02
Thomas Mitchell
Sólo para el director

Nombre: Thomas Mitchell

Concepto: Sepulturero y ratero de poca monta a tiempo parcial.

Máscara: Independiente y pasota. Despreocupado, desconectado de todo y todos.

Elegía: Dócil y seguidor. Atado a su vida y a las costumbres familiares.

Piedra de toque: Su ex mujer Dianne. Su única amiga decente, su confidente y quizás el único verdadero lazo que le ata al barrio y lo conecta a la realidad. Crecieron juntos, se conocen de sobras. Se preocupa por ella a pesar de los errores pasados y siente la necesidad de protegerla.

Clan: Nosferatu.


























Carisma animal
















Armas de fuego






Hurto (Allanamiento)







Sigilo (Movimientos rápidos y silenciosos)








Callejeo (Malas compañías)




Armas cuerpo a cuerpo






Ofuscación: 2

Pesadilla: 1

Thomas exuda humedad, mugre. Arrastra un hedor que parece sacado de lo más profundo de la tierra, a barro, gusanos, carroña y naturaleza muerta. Su aspecto es cetrino, sudoroso, lleva las perneras permanentemente manchadas, pueden observarse restos de arenilla y roña en sus brazos, quizás en su cuello. Lleva las uñas con tierra, constantemente se las hurga para retirar la suciedad.


Voluntad  –  2

Humanidad – 7

Tamaño  –  5

Puntos de vida – 7

Velocidad – 11

Defensa –  4

Potencia de sangre – 1


Utilizar sus habilidades en una misión y ganarse el favor y aprecio de un cartiano.

Mantenerse fiel a su religión y fe. Visitar el cementerio de Seafield y rezar en la capilla.

Reencontrarse con su hermano perdido, Billy. Saber si está vivo o muerto.


Safe Place




Su refugio personal es uno de los viejos apartamentos sin reformar del conjunto de viviendas que forman el Cables Wynd House, anteriormente conocido como Leith Banana Flats o Banana Blocks. Su reputación los precede; los primeros pisos dormitorio fueron ocupados después por camellos y yonquis que trajeron consigo la pandemia de la heroína. El viejo edificio, gris y anodino, es ahora el hogar de numerosos ancianos con una pensión irrisoria gracias a la categoría de piso de protección oficial otorgado por el bendito Parlamento. El número 203, a la izquierda, fue el primer piso que Thomas allanó. Empleando su recién pulida técnica de apertura de cerraduras entró, sin ningún objetivo en concreto, por el simple placer de hacerlo. Anduvo entre las sombras, olisqueando, tocando, empapándose de los recovecos de ese piso abandonado. La experiencia fue tan excitante que tuvo que repetirlo. Y regresó múltiples veces con sus pequeños botines. Ahora está todavía más acondicionado para protegerse de la luz y directamente vivir.



Area of Expertise




Allanamiento: *

Movimientos rápidos y silenciosos: *



Williamson (familia criminal, cuna de mafiosos y mala gente)

Slight of Hand



Cargando editor
29/06/2017, 21:34

Te comento; hoy revisando fichas he visto 2 errores. El primero es en la defensa, que es 3 y debería ser 4 (ya que no es la menor entre destreza / ingenio(astucia) + atletismo, es la menor entre destreza O ingenio, y luego se suma atletismo. Error comprensible, debería haberlo explicado mejor)

El otro es en los méritos. Night Doctor Surgery necesita 2 puntos en estatus cartiano.