Galería Umbriana

Semana temática Rebolucionaria.

Amnaris es Adam Weishaupt

Amnaris es Adam Weishaupt

Subida por Amnaris

Los historiadores no oficiales (lease conspiranoicos) creen que la culpa de la Revolución Francesa, la Americana y la Rusa la tuvo este hombre, casi na.

Ewige Blumenkraft!

21/04/2009, 23:41

Y si alguien no tiene idea de quien fue este tipo, una pista:

21/04/2009, 23:48

Espero que nadie cometa la herejía de nombrar a Dan Brown en los comentarios...

¡Oh, mierda, lo acabo de hacer yo! >.<

21/04/2009, 23:53

Dejemoslo explicarse un poquito:

"And what is this general object? The happiness of the human race. But where are the proper persons, the good, the generous and the accomplished to be found? And how, and by what strong motives, are they to be induced to be engaged, in a task so vast, so incessant, so difficult and so laborious? This association must be gradual. There are some such persons to be found in every society. Such noble minds will be engaged by the heart warming object. The first task of the association must therefore be to form the young members. As these multiply and advance, they become the apostles of beneficence, and the work is now on foot, and advances witha speed increasing every day. The slightest observation shows that nothing will so much contribute to increase the zeal of the members as secret union. We see with what keenness and zeal the frivolous business of Freemasons is conducted, by persons knit together by the secrecy of their union. Let this circumstance of our constitution therefore be directed to this noble purpose, and then all the objections urged against it by jealous tyranny and affrighted superstition will vanish. The order will thus work silently, and sucurely, and though the generous benefactors of the human race are thus deprived of the applause of the world, they have the noble pleasure of seeing their work prosper."