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Arcane defenders: Pesadillas

Reglas para completar el personaje

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15/08/2014, 21:14


Es necesario especificar la motivación que te lleva a ser un héroe. Las motivaciones que aparecen en el manual son los siguientes (en inglés)

• Acceptance (aceptación): The hero feels different or isolated
(perhaps for being a non-human in human society)
and does good to gain the trust and acceptance of
others and perhaps discover what it means to be human.
Some such heroes see their powers as more of
a curse than a blessing, but try to do some good with
them while hoping and looking for a way to have a
normal life.

• Doing Good (hacer el bien): Some heroes fight the good fight simply
because it’s the right thing to do and they believe
in doing the right thing no matter what. Their strong
moral center may come from a good upbringing (or
a bad one that showed them what not to do) or the
guidance or inspiration of a mentor or idol.

• Greed (avaricia): There are those motivated by nothing more
than the opportunity to make a profit off their heroic
careers. They may be mercenaries for hire or marketing
machines who do good deeds but also rake in
the proceeds from licensing fees and public appearances.
More altruistic heroes tend to look down upon
their profit-mongering peers.

• Justice (Justicia): An overwhelming thirst for justice drives some
heroes, a need to see the innocent protected and the
guilty punished, even if they are beyond the reach of
the law. These heroes walk a thin line. For some justice
becomes a thirst for vengeance for injury done to the
hero in the past, like the death of a loved one.

• Patriotism (Patriotismo): Heroes are often devoted to the ideals
of their home (or adopted) nation, and seek to serve
that nation and its people with their abilities. Patriotic
heroes are often honored as champions of their
homelands, but it is the service, and not necessarily
the recognition, that matters.

• Recognition (Reconocimiento): Some heroes just want recognition or
attention, and dressing up in a bright costume and
fighting crime is one surefire way to get people to
notice you. The hero may be a shy nobody out of costume
or a glory-hog who loves the spotlight.

• Responsibility (Responsabilidad): The responsibility of having great
power can be a heavy burden but some heroes feel it
is their duty to use the powers they’ve been given for
the greater good. Oftentimes these heroes are trying
to live up to an ideal like a mentor or a predecessor
who inspired them.

• Thrills (aventurero): For some the life of a superhero is all about
excitement, thrills, danger, and challenge. These heroes
are in it for the action more than anything else.

Cargando editor
17/08/2014, 16:14


Debéis elegir una fobia para vuestro personaje. Algún miedo infantil, o fobia derivada de una mala experiencia. La fobia puede intervenir habitualmente si Pesadilla está implicado.

Cargando editor
17/08/2014, 21:43


Buscad un dibujo en plan comic americano para el personaje. En principio los personajes no llevan trajes de malla, salvo que lo deseéis explícitamente. Por lo tanto sirve el dibujo de un rostro, o alguien vestido con ropa casual o ropa negra molona...

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