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El Limite del Imperio

El Imperio Romano

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19/10/2013, 00:02

Jugamos en SW: Weird Rome. Sin embargo, esta primera aventura va a ser muy poco de Weird. Si seguimos adelante, ira escalando.

Mapa del Imperio en 177 AD:

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19/10/2013, 15:34

Legio I Minervia

Pax Romana

Guerras Germanas

Del Manual:


During the mid–160s, Rome warred against her old enemy the Parthians. She pulled her legions from the Danube to support the war effort, which quickly proved to be a big mistake. When the troops returned in the late 160s, they brought a virulent plague that killed roughly 5 million people and severely weakened the Empire. Called the Antonine Plague, it lasted from 165 to 180 AD and decimated Rome’s legions. In 169, the Germanic Marcomanni and Quadi tribes crossed the Danube, raiding towns and overrunning Roman defenses. Co-Emperors Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus fought back fiercely and with little mercy. The war, plague, and famine took terrible tolls on the legions, so Aurelius instituted volntarii — the recruitment of former slaves, gladiators, and even German auxilia into the ranks.Aurelius’ new legions quickly chased  off the scattered Germanic raiders, but stalled with the untimely death of Lucius Verus, reportedly from the plague. 

Further complicating the Germanic Wars, Avidius Cassius, the governor of Syria, claimed the title of Emperor for himself after hearing that Marcus Aurelius had died, rallying seven legions to his side. Marcus marched east but men loyal to the true Emperor killed Cassius when it was clear the true Emperor was very much alive. The Emperor returned with his army to Rome via Macedonia to confirm his son, Commodus, as heir. Affairs in the east and at home settled,  Marcus Aurelius gathered his legions for a final push against the Germans, this time striking across the Danube into their heartland.


En ese momento historico os encontrais vosotros. El Emperador va a la lucha con los germanos en el Danubio y una de las legiones a las que ha ordenado que se una al esfuerzo de batalla es la vuestra. El Legado ha elegido a una centuria para quedarse a defender esta parte de la frontera del Imperio, a priori tranquila, en el Rhin. La centuria ha sido creada especificamente para esta mision, asi que no es el centurion que habeis tenido hasta ahora ni los mismos compañeros. Basicamente, han cogido a los mejores de cada casa y se los han llevado. Vosotros no habeis pasado el corte.

Cargando editor
19/10/2013, 15:48

Cristianismo: En 177 AD los cristianos son aceptados pero estan lejos de ser la religion principal. 

Cargando editor
19/10/2013, 19:59

Del Manual:

After Marius’ reforms in 107 BC, soldiers enlisted for a period of 16 years. Under the Emperors, they could serve for 16 years or opt to extend their tour to 25 years. Recruits had to be male, Italian or Roman citizens (including those from Roman provinces), at least 17 years old, of a minimum height and build, and could not be convicts or slaves

Para la partida: Todos empezais con un legionario de 17-20 años. Como se ha instaurado los Volontarii, no teneis que ser romanos. Si no lo sois (si sois de fuera del imperio o esclavos), tendreis Outsider (como parte de vuestras hindrances), que a parte de -2 a Carisma con romanos, da -2 a Promociones.

Notad que un tipo nacido en la Galia o en la Germania romana, es romano. No hace falta venir de la peninsula.

Organizacion de la Legion Romana

Entre parentesis el numero de soldados

Contubernium (8): The smallest group within the legion was the “tent group,” made up of eight soldiers. The name comes from the fact that each contubernium shared a single tent when on the march. Each unit also shared a millstone and cooking pot, carried by a mule assigned to the unit..

• Century (80):Despite the name, a century was usually formed of 80 actual soldiers and 20 noncombatant cooks and other servants. Led by a centurio (centurions), it was broken down into 8–10 contuberniums. Each century had a signum, a standard which served as a rallying point and carried their battle honors.
• Cohort (480): Six centuries made a cohort, the largest formation within a legion. Each cohort was led by a pilus prior, a senior centurio. The first cohort is double strength (800—960 men depending on period), made up of six 160-man
• Legion (5280—6000): Ten cohorts made a legion. Each legion had a single standard, the aquila. This carried the legion’s battle honors and was highly revered. Loss of the aquila could lead to the legion being disgraced and disbanded.

Para la partida: Vosotros sois un Contubernium

Rangos en la Legion

Miles Gregarius: Literally meaning “common soldier,” this is the term for a legionary without any rank.
Decanus (480): The lowest rank within the legions is the decanus, who led a contubernium.
• Optio (60): Second in command to a centurio, and thus the second highest officer within a century. As well as filling the centurio’s sandals should he be incapable of command, they also relieved him of many mundane duties, such as training and administration.
• Centurio (45): Each century of a legion is commanded by a centurio, though select individuals held special titles (see below). Like modern day sergeants, they were the backbone of the army, handling the day-to-day running
of the legion as well as commanding men in the field. Many were appointed through the ranks, meaning they were excellent soldiers who already had the loyalty of their men, but some were appointed to the post by a higher power, which did not always sit well with the men they commanded.
• Pilus Prior (9): The centurio of the first century within each cohort was the pilus prior. Commands the Cohort
• Praefectus Castrorum (1): Translated as “camp prefect,” this post was usually held by a longserving career soldier, often a primus pilum who had served his time and had been promoted as reward. He was typically in charge of training or given tactical command, and was third in command of the legion itself.
• Legatus Legionis (1): The highest rank within the legion and one appointed by the Emperor or Senate (depending on the era). Not all had military experience, so the camp prefect was often the true military commander. Many legati were provincial governors or consuls, commanding a single legion raised to protect that province.

Para la partida: Vosotros sois un Contubernium asi que uno de vosotros sera un Decanus. Vamos, uno de vosotros es el sargento y el resto sois tropa

Justice in the legions was harsh, ruthless, and dispensed for the most minor infractions. Below are a number of typical punishments. Kind-hearted War Masters may wish to spare characters the worst of these punishments. After all, no one likes to see their character executed because a die roll in a Mass Battle says his unit routs. In practice, various commanders tended to find alternative punishments when they could.

The punishments below inflict physical or spiritual pain on the individual.

• Beating: Disobedience, failure to maintain kit in proper order, or causing trouble was punished by beatings or floggings. This inflicts Fatigue from Bumps and Bruises for 20 lashes and Exhaustion for up to 60 (see Hazards in Savage Worlds). Additional thrashing requires a Vigor roll every 20 lashes or the Legionary is Incapacitated and suffers a wound.
• Extra Duties: Offenders performed extra work tasks, such as pulling a double watch, or grave or latrine digging. A legionary punished with extra duties must make a Vigor roll or suffer Fatigue that cannot lead to Incapacitation. He automatically recovers one step after eight hours of rest.
• Pecunaria Multa: This is a reduction in pay or privileges. The character loses 1d4 Spoils each time the punishment is enacted (see page 31).

• Decimation: Although modern usage usually means “massacred” or “completely destroyed,” the original term referred to the practice of executing one in ten men from a unit which failed in its duty, mutinied, or deserted. Those chosen were beaten to death in front of their shamed comrades, who were then forced to either live outside the protection of the camp for a defined period or renew their military vows of loyalty. One man in the unit’s contubernium, determined randomly, is singled out and brutally executed by pummeling with cudgels or clubs.

• Fustuarium: Unlike decimation, which affects an entire unit, this punishment was reserved for individuals who deserted, fell asleep at their post, or otherwise risked the lives of other legionaries with their neglect. The unfortunate individual was hauled before the legion and beaten to death with cudgels by his fellow soldiers.

• Reduced Rations: Minor infractions of military law could be punished with reduced rations. See the rules for Hunger in Savage Worlds.

Para la partida: El Decanus puede poner varios castigos a su tropa si lo considera adecuado. Reduced rations, Beating, extra duties y multa. Las ejecuciones tienen que ser aprobadas por un centurion. Por supuesto cualquier rango superior puede castigar al grupo. La disciplina es MUY importante para los romanos

Cargando editor
18/12/2013, 12:14

Un legionario con gladio + scuto tiene varias opciones:

DEFAULT OPTION: Ataca con gladio.

Ataque de gladii: Pelear +0 (combinable con maniobras). Parada normal. Muro de Escudos normal.

Ventajas: Quick Draw (te quita el -2 de desenfundar), Trademark Weapon gladius (+1 a pegar),

OPCION I: Atacas con gladio y empujas con el escudo

Ataque de gladii: Pelear -2 (MAP). Empujar con escudo: Fuerza -4 vs Fuerza objetivo. Si ganas dañas y empujas, o derribas (MAP + mano mala, daño Fue+3, no es un ataque y no se puede combinar con maniobras). Parada normal. Muro de Escudos normal.

Ventajas: Ambidiestro (quita mano mala), el nuevo equivalente a Atacar a Dos Armas y que Clint llama "espada + plancha" (quita MAP si atacas y empujas con el escudo).

OPCION II: Atacas con gladio Y con escudo (con el umbo, vaya)

Ataque de gladii: Pelear -2 (MAP). Ataque con escudo (con el umbo, vaya) a -4 (MAP, off hand, daño Fuerza + d4). El ataque con el escudo es un ataque normal, combinable con maniobras, etc. Raise posible. Parada normal. Muro de Escudos normal.

Ventajas: Ambidiestro (quita off hand), Pelear a Dos Armas (quita MAP si atacas con dos manos).

OPCION III: Atacas con el escudo pero sin usar el umbo

Es como la opción dos, pero usas el escudo de una forma rara. Actúa como un arma improvisada grande, así que hace falta tener Fuerza d8, y en todo caso te comes un -1 al ataque y otro -1 a la Parada. A cambio, el daño es Fuerza + d8 por ser un objeto grande (no como el umbo, que es pequeño). Es necesaria la ventaja de Oversized Weapon Mastery salvo que no tengas el gladius en la otra mano y quieras atacar sólo con el escudo.

Ventajas: Oversized Weapon Mastery (necesaria salvo que sólo ataques con el escudo), Improvisational Fighter (sea, sma d6) quita el -1 ataque y parada, Ambidiestro (quita off hand), Pelear a Dos Armas (quita MAP si atacas con dos manos).

Cargando editor
25/02/2014, 23:08

Reglas de batallas


To start, give the larger or more powerful army 10 tokens. Give the opposing army a proportional number of tokens. If one army has 10,000 men, for example, and the other has 7,000, give the smaller army seven tokens. The Game Master will need to adjust for special or elite troops, better equipment, and so on. It’s not important to count every point of armor and damage point—just get close enough to give a reasonable approximation of strength, adjust where needed, and trust in the dice and the player’s actions to handle the rest.

Knowledge (Battle)

Once the odds are determined, both sides make opposed Knowledge (Battle) rolls, modified by any of the circumstances below:

Battle Modifiers

Modifier Circumstance
+1 The side with more tokens adds +1 for every token it has more than the foe each round

Artillery or Air Support
+1 Light
+2 Medium
+3 Heavy

–1 Foe has slight advantage
–2 Foe has minor advantage
–3 Foe has major advantage

Battle Plan (GM’s Call—determined each round)

+/–? The army gains a penalty or a bonus depending on the tactical decisions made by the leader each round. Springing a hidden flank attack, sending reserves to a crucial front, and so on, all add to the Battle roll.

►►Casualties: Each success and raise causes the other side to lose one token. Casualties are generally distributed evenly throughout the force.
►►Morale: Each round in which an army loses a token, its leader must check morale. This is a Spirit roll modified by
the circumstances below. With a success, the army fights on and both sides make another Knowledge (Battle) roll as
described above. Failure means the army is defeated but the troops conduct an orderly retreat. Make one more Battle Roll and then end the fight. (A leader may voluntarily choose this option as well.) On a result of 1 or less, the troops rout and the battle is over immediately.

Morale Modifiers

–1 For each token lost in battle so far
+2 The army is made up predominantly (75% or more) of undead or other fearless drones
+2 The army is within major fortifications, such as a fortress or prepared positions
+2 The army cannot retreat

Characters in Mass Battles
The heroes of your campaign aren’t likely to sit idly by while war rages around them. Fighters may want to charge the gates, wizards unleash fireballs into the masses, and a gallant knight may ride his trusty warhorse directly into the enemy formations. Those who want to get involved can dramatically affect the results of the battle. Have each character make a Fighting, Shooting, or arcane skill roll (their choice) each action and consult the Character Results below.

►►Modifiers: Add or subtract the number of tokens difference between the heroes’ side and their opponent. If the enemy has 8 tokens and the heroes have 5, for example, the heroes must subtract –3 from their attack rolls.
Also add +1 to the roll for each Rank a hero has above Novice to account for his various Edges and abilities that
aren’t reflected in a straight skill roll.

Se permiten las siguientes maniobras de combate en la tirada de Fighting. Las reglas son las siguientes

Defensivo: -2 a la tirada de fighting, reduce el daño en 1d6
Ofensivo: +2 a la tirada de fighting, +1d6 daño
Salvaje: Tres ataques con +0, te comes daño por los 3 (despues de añadir a la tirada de knowledge (battle))

Si un PJ esta tirando por Knowledge(Battle) puede tambien luchar en melee pero se considera MAP

Un PJ con medicus puede usar su turno completo para intentar evitar que su lado pierda tokens. Hace tirada a -2 (como la de medicus). Cada raise es un token salvado. Si, es jodido.

Character Battle Results
• Failure: The hero is stopped by overwhelming numbers, an unfortunate tactical development, or bad fortune. He suffers 4d6 damage.
• Success: The hero fights well and adds +1 to his side’s Battle Roll, though he suffers 3d6 damage.
• Raise: The hero wreaks havoc, slaying enemy leaders and destroying important assets. He suffers 2d6 damage, but adds +2 to his side’s Battle Roll.
• Two Raises: The warrior covers himself in glory! Scores of foes fall before him and his success inspires his allies
to fight like demons. His efforts add +2 to his side’s Battle Roll and he emerges from the fight unscathed.

►►Ammo: If it’s important to track, each round a hero enters the fray and uses his Shooting or an arcane skill (such as Spellcasting), he expends some of his ammunition or Power Points.
Arcane types use 2d6 Power Points per round. Characters with ranged weapons use 3d6 shots for ranged weapons (triple that for weapons that usually fire bursts or full-auto). If the hero winds up without any ammo or Power Points she’ll have to change tactics for the next round. 

Battle Aftermath

When one side routs, retreats, or runs out of tokens, the battle ends and casualties are removed. Some of the troops lost in the battle can be recovered as they regroup or receive first aid. If it’s important to know how things stand after the fight, roll 1d6 for each token lost. The victor recovers a lost token on a roll of 4-6. The loser recovers a lost token on a roll of 5-6. A routed army recovers tokens only on a roll of 6. After the battle and once both sides have figured out how many tokens they lost, remove the actual casualties from their armies. The side that started with the larger force simply multiplies the number of tokens lost by 10%. Losing four tokens, for example, means the entire army suffered 40% casualties. The side with the smaller force must figure out what
percentage of his men are left. If he started with 8 tokens and ends up with only 2, for example, he’s lost 75% of his force. Once you’ve figured the total percentage of casualties to your army, distribute the losses among specific units as evenly as possible.

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20/05/2014, 00:48
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