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The Arthurian Chronicles

Rosetta Stone

Cargando editor
21/03/2014, 11:31

you're OK.

Just some historical add on over the meaning of OK.

While it is not quite clear when did this acronym was used for the first time, it seems quite correct to attribute its invention to the last couple of centuries, thus making it kind of inappropriate in a Middle Age's conversation (which doesn't mean you are not supposed to use it, this is more of an FYI call).

In the US, it is commonly accepted by the experts that the acronym OK was used for the first time during the American Civil War. There, when soldier's scouting patrols returned back to their base, they were obliged to inform the list of casualties, but when there were none, they said "Zero kills", which was written in the corresponding log as "0 Kills". Obviously that quickly turn to be sorted as "0 K.", and finally, the 0 was changed by the letter O and was reported as "O K.". So the returning soldier parties started to say the term "O K." when they were back from their mission without any casualties, which obviously were good news thus the expression "everything is OK" makes sense if you think it that way.

Obviously British literates and philologist probably disagree and have a very different explanation about the source of the OK acronym, one not necessarily linked to those bunch of rebels and revolutionaries from the 13 colonies... but I though the US vision was worth mentioning here.

Cargando editor
22/03/2014, 00:22

¿Cuál es el palabro para decir señores pero no caballeros?


Cargando editor
25/03/2014, 11:00


Perhaps it was on purpose, but if not, the word should be Monotheistics

Cargando editor
25/03/2014, 13:53

It was on purpose, jejeje. You know, a pejorative way. :P

Cargando editor
25/03/2014, 17:26

Notas de juego

¡Believers! ¿Dónde?


Cargando editor
28/03/2014, 20:06

has lain to us




Cuidado si consultais tablas de conjugación en verbos homófonos, el presente es igual en los dos, pero el significado cambia conjugado.

Cargando editor
28/03/2014, 21:51

*Agacha la cabeza con humildad*

Gracias, milady. No volverá a ocurrir.

"En qué andaría pensando yo..."