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Character Creation - (airborneXO)

Cargando editor
23/02/2011, 21:44

Nuff said!

Cargando editor
24/02/2011, 18:20
Shane McArthur

Okay I'm going to try and run with the in built dice roller - still can't navigate this site properly yet. Zero knowledge of Spanish!

So that seemed to work to give me my base Stats of:

STR  13

CON  13

POW  14

APP  13

SIZ  10 (Discounting the second +6)

INT  13

EDU 19 (Discounting the second & third +3)

So johnny average then - did I mess up the dice roller?

Cheers, Hal

- Tiradas (8)

Tirada: 3d6
Motivo: Str
Resultados: 6, 4, 3

Tirada: 3d6
Motivo: Con
Resultados: 5, 2, 6

Tirada: 3d6
Motivo: Pow
Resultados: 6, 5, 3

Tirada: 3d6
Motivo: Dex
Resultados: 4, 2, 1

Tirada: 3d6
Motivo: App
Resultados: 6, 3, 4

Tirada: 2d6(+6)
Motivo: Siz
Resultados: 3(+6)=9, 1(+6)=7

Tirada: 2d6(+3)
Motivo: Int
Resultados: 5(+3)=8, 2(+3)=5

Tirada: 3d6(+3)
Motivo: Edu
Resultados: 5(+3)=8, 6(+3)=9, 5(+3)=8

Cargando editor
24/02/2011, 19:31

Notas de juego

Ha, welcome! Click the button in the upper left corner to get a full windowed mode of the thread. That will hide your user bar. That gives the site full width.


I guess we should roll stats and such on the castle instead or via Byakhee for creating characters. The on-board probably will only suit as skill checker at best. I´ll have a stab at it later.


Cheers and hope you don´t mind me adding one of the sec specialists to you. I had to give another player two options to choose from.

Over and out!

Cargando editor
24/02/2011, 19:42
Shane McArthur

I'll have to use the castle I think as my Byakhee won't work on my mac :(

Cheers, Hal

Cargando editor
25/02/2011, 15:08
Shane McArthur
Investigator Name: Shane McArthur
Occupation: Security Specialist
Colleges, Degrees:
Birthplace: Alaska
Mental Disorders:
Sex: Age: 25
STR: 12 DEX: 8 INT: 17 Idea: 85
CON: 14 APP: 11 POW: 11 Luck: 55
SIZ: 14 SAN: 55 EDU: 16 Know: 80
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99 Damage Bonus: +1D4

Accounting 10% Anthropology 1% Archery 20%
Architecture 1% Archæology 1% Astronomy 1%
Bargain 5% Biology 1% Block 16%
Boating 10% Botany 1% Carpentry/Woodcraft 10%
Cartography 1% Chemistry 1% Climb 40%
Computer Use 1% Conceal 15% Credit Rating 15%
Cryptography 1% Cthulhu Mythos 0% Demolitions 31%
Disguise 5% Dodge 16% Dreaming 11%
Drive Auto 20% Electrical Repair 25% Electronics 26%
Fast Talk 5% First Aid 30% Forensics 1%
Forgery 1% Geology 1% Handgun 65%
Hide 10% History 20% Hypnosis 1%
Jump 25% Law 5% Library Use 25%
Listen 48% Locksmith 1% Machine Gun 15%
Martial Arts 46% Mathematics 10% Mechanical Repair 40%
Medicine 5% Natural History 10% Navigation/Land 10%
Navigation/Sea, Air 11% Occult 5% Operate Hvy. Machine 41%
Own Language: English 80% Persuade 15% Pharmacy 1%
Photography 10% Physics 1% Pilot: MiniSub 61%
Pilot: SCUBA 63% Psychoanalysis 1% Psychology 5%
Ride 5% Rifle 70% Shotgun 30%
Sneak 10% Spot Hidden 45% Submachine Gun 15%
Swim 50% Throw 25% Track 35%
Zoology 1% Fist/Punch 50% Head Butt 10%
Kick 25% Grapple 25% Club 25%
Knife* 25%

Used a Navy SEAL as a template hope that is okay.

Cheers, Hal