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Character Creation - Jason Taverner (Anatomist)

Cargando editor
26/02/2011, 21:57

For your convenience.

Cargando editor
27/02/2011, 13:21
Jason Taverner

I have send you a private with the character sheet. Tell me if I did something wrong, OK?

Cargando editor
27/02/2011, 14:36

Nah, everything seems alright. Let´s see if we can get this thing moving forward.

Cargando editor
27/02/2011, 18:43

Investigator Name: Jason Taverner
Occupation: Professor in Geology
Colleges, Degrees:
Mental Disorders:
Sex: M Age: 43

STR: 10 DEX: 7 INT: 15 Idea: 75
CON: 9 APP: 7 POW: 13 Luck: 65
SIZ: 15 SAN: 65 EDU: 16 Know: 80
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99 Damage Bonus: +1D4
Accounting 10% Anthropology 1% Archaeology 1%
Astronomy 1% Bargain 5% Biology 66%
Chemistry 1% Climb 40% Computer Use 66%
Conceal 15% Credit Rating 30% Cthulhu Mythos 0%
Dodge 25% Drive Auto 20% Electrical Repair 10%
Electronics 1% Fast Talk 5% First Aid 35%
Geology 86% Handgun 35% Hide 10%
History 20% Jump 35% Law 5%
Library Use 70% Listen 35% Locksmith 1%
Machine Gun 15% Martial Arts 1% Mechanical Repair 24%
Medicine 5% Natural History 10% Navigate 10%
Occult 5% Operate Hvy. Machine 1% Other Language: German 26%
Other Language: Spanish 31% Persuade 25% Pharmacy 1%
Photography 35% Physics 1% Psychoanalysis 1%
Psychology 35% Ride 5% Rifle 25%
Shotgun 30% Sneak 10% Spot Hidden 25%
Submachine Gun 15% Swim 40% Throw 25%
Track 10% Fist/Punch 55% Head Butt 10%
Kick 25% Grapple 25%



Cargando editor
03/09/2011, 18:15

Anatomist, let´s take it from here. This thread is invisible to the other players.

What do you think of playing Jason Taverner?


Cargando editor
04/09/2011, 23:06
Jason Taverner

Seems ok. I would like to add some equipment. I need to read chapter 1 i guess to know a bit more.

Cargando editor
05/09/2011, 07:52

Sounds good. I´m letting everyone get acquainted at Station 10.

Cargando editor
05/09/2011, 23:14

Regarding equipment, you may bring anything you can think of you might need. Bear in mind that you had a scrambling start and had to pick what you needed on the fly. More things can be picked up here at Station 10 though.

No sherpas...

What you need - you haul yourselves.

Cargando editor
07/09/2011, 20:53
Jason Taverner

Rgr, will make a list tomorrow.