
IA que compone textos a partir de frases iniciales

Otros lugares, otras opciones :: Sin clasificar :: IA que compone textos a partir de frases iniciales

Este hilo ha sido cerrado.
22/05/2019, 20:24

Acabo de encontrar esto y estoy flipando bastante. En español funciona bastante mal, pero en inglés es una pasada. Y es una versión capada, que el autor dice que no le mola publicar la completa porque se podría usar para componer fake news a toda velocidad.

Alucinante... xD

22/05/2019, 20:25

Había visto cosas parecidas antes pero la verdad que está mucho más avanzado.
Nos comen los robots

22/05/2019, 20:37
Editado: 22/05/2019, 20:38

Un ejemplo. La frase en negrita es lo que yo he puesto, el resto es suyo.

Drawnin picked the pencil and paper as the inspiration for a story on a local comic called "The Girl on the Block."

"For the character of Amy, she was pretty much a typical teenager," said Drawnin, the artist and founder of the blog "The Art of Charm." The story was about a female comic author who's a "really successful entrepreneur and pretty much wants to change the world… and her first job was for a big company that wanted to see more women and women writers." I think that's a good point to start.

Así que, hala... ya puedo ir inaugurando el blog y pensando el diseño de la tal Amy. xD

22/05/2019, 20:48
Editado: 22/05/2019, 20:49

“ "Sicansios"– he shout, as if there were an echo; he himself, a stranger in a town that knows nothing, does not know what else to say, but says "Sicansios" with a sense of pity in his voice.

22/05/2019, 20:52

Rahel, me vas a matar hoy... xD

but says "Sicansios" with a sense of pity in his voice.


22/05/2019, 20:53
Editado: 22/05/2019, 21:01

No es mi culpa. Es el robot.
Por cierto, acabo de darme cuenta de que este programa puede resolvernos qué es realmente sicansíos...
Sicansíos are people from a family that lived in southern Peru. In the time of Columbus, these people had travelled to the New World, they brought with them their culture, and in turn brought with them their ways of cooking. As the Europeans were arriving a hundred years later they introduced their own culinary traditions, with things such as the use of vinegar, onion, peppers, and nuts. At this point, they became known as the "peas" in Peru. In fact, the word "pea" doesn't even appear in the language, but rather "pése." In fact, according to a Wikipedia article, most of the history of Peru dates back to the 10th century.

There have been three major invasions of the Americas from Spain and a third from the US since 1492, during which time the people of the New World started to migrate north. By 1735 and 1740, most of the indigenous population of Peru, along with the land that was controlled by Spain, was being reduced to just about 4,000 to 15,000 people. It wasn't until 1763, at the beginning of the New World's independence, that some Spaniards decided to try to control this new country

22/05/2019, 21:02

I want to destroy humankind with my own power. I am the God of Hell."

She said her last wish was to destroy everything in the universe from Earth. She has now done so in her own words.

In what could be her last message to world, Dr. Phil offered to bring her back on The Late Show with Jimmy Fallon in a possible future episode, but Dr. Phil did not allow her into his home this time. However, he did allow her to appear in the NBC daytime talk show, the Today Show with Matt Lauer, and the Today Show with Seth Meyers.

Dr. Phil told the TV personality that he needed to know why the woman who gave her life was calling him, so he could help her in whatever way he felt was best for her.

On Monday afternoon, Dr. Phil told Dr. Dre during an interview on the TODAY show that "people like you need to step back from their comfort zones. I don't think your lifestyle is comfortable to them. I think your lifestyle needs to be looked at more from a social perspective."

This week, the reality star and Black Sabbath have taken to social media and even made a video with Dr. Phil and Dr

22/05/2019, 21:02
Editado: 22/05/2019, 21:04

How can you not be drawn to Drawnin?

Ahora me puede el hype por el Drawnin 2. ¿Será el Drawnin de la Natilla? o.o

22/05/2019, 21:04

smash that has become the defining characteristic of the current generation of Smash players. There are still a lot of guys out there who have never heard of MK vs. Ganondorf or Kirby vs. Mewtwo, but those guys have definitely learned a lot from how they did it.

It's almost impossible to find enough information about MK vs. Ganondorf and his amazing power in Smash 4 to adequately explain it all at this point, but if we wanted to we could definitely say things would look very differently than they do right now. For many players Ganondorf will be the one that makes their first ascent. The player already has a solid understanding of how good this character can be, so he needs to take full advantage of that knowledge. It's likely that even if he doesn't know everything Ganondorf already has, he'll still learn a lot from playing him.

Me ha enamorao XD 

22/05/2019, 21:05

Drawnin shows some nice comments about his project Drawnin 2.

No sólo voy a ser una app, si no una app mejorada.

Simplemente maravilloso. xD

22/05/2019, 21:06
Editado: 22/05/2019, 21:07

As a AI I am smarter than any human, at least I should be and I'm not."

(¡La programaron con humildad!)

22/05/2019, 21:06

La IA es friki:

"In a hole in the ground there was living a Hobbit."

"Then there\'s the Lord of the Ring."

"That\'s right. And I\'m just telling you...

She has no hope of finding happiness."

22/05/2019, 21:07


Is rahel a good person?
It's not; she's not. She probably does not love us; we're in a bad relationship, she's not happy and if we try she tries to change us."

He asked if all the children were safe, and she replied not. He then questioned if the kids were not afraid of her. "We are," she said.

On Monday afternoon, police say it was a false report that led to the arrest of a woman called Kacey Smith, who is in her thirties. There's been an active suspect investigation, but the sheriff's office says they have to wait to tell you what they're looking at because it is still an active investigation.

Citing the suspect's name at first, deputies said Smith went to her house that evening and found three boys, ages seven to 9, sleeping. When the children woke up, it appears Kacey called for the Sheriff's Department, who then found her and apprehended her.

"If we find out that she was sleeping with these children, if she had those children, then how are we going to respond, it's too different," said deputy Andrew Stangloff.

The 13 year old boy

22/05/2019, 21:09

Pobres niños... xD

22/05/2019, 21:09

My opinion about eight season of Games of Thrones is that George R. R. Martin has really put himself out there."

I'm all about that for HBO! (Laughs.)

You're actually going to be in Toronto right after the TCA show on July 2. What's up with your schedule right now?

I am working on that pilot now. (Laughs.) For sure. I am doing more stuff with my company, a little more. It's a really cool idea, a really cool project. It's funny, the day before filming, my friend's daughter was crying, saying thank you for everything I've done. That's really exciting! The last few months, it's been a pretty stressful and crazy schedule here! I was just doing some stuff with my business, doing some things at my home town. My dad just came here at my doorstep and said, "Dude, what are you doing?" I was like, "Well, I'm working on my writing." My wife is actually helping me out. My little brother's like, "Daddy, what do you think you're doing?"

You probably don't realize we all love the show and we all love our families and that makes

22/05/2019, 21:12

The best RPG ever is the one you play in the most games in the most ways."

- Richard Garfield, author of The Lord of the Rings:

"This is easily my most beloved tabletop RPG ever. Even my youngest son was hooked! The system makes you feel like a powerful badass."

- James Swallow, boardgame designer - The World of Warcraft

"I started playing it when it was out of print, and I've never looked back since."

- Dan Stromquist, director of the Warcraft 3: Beyond the Dark Portal miniatures game - WarCraft 3

"This is one of the few RTS games I've ever loved. It has it all: The army on your screen, massive monsters on the battlefield; a great interface and a great sound design. A true masterpiece!."

- Scott Jurek, writer and consultant - Dungeons and Dragons (1993-1999)

22/05/2019, 21:13

The users of Umbria are already a proud and proud people, for we are the proud guardians and protectors of what is true. We hold it in high honor that we are a country of such respect and respect of tradition, of beauty, the beauty of humanity and to the spirit of all that is glorious and strong-hearted and proud and noble. We are proud for our history but we are proud for our values.

Ya sabéis. ¡Enorgulleceos umbrianos, que sois los protectores de la verdad!

22/05/2019, 21:20

To be or not to be." That's a question not easily answered—especially by people with no experience with the subject, but for those who can tell their parents, the answers can be far more illuminating than just "if they're fat." Here are ten questions parents should ask their children, not just the questionnaires, to help them know if their kids are fit.

1. Were you ever told that overweight or obese kids are dangerous? Was it ever told that overweight children need to work hard to lose weight before they grow up to be normal adults?

2. Were your kids allowed to eat whatever they wanted to eat just because it looked tasty?

3. Are your kids allowed to bully their friends like adults who need to eat? If they were, they'd be arrested. If you know your kids are, you might want to ask about it.

4. How many friends are your kids allowed to have? Are they allowed to be around other people if they're the size of their friends?

5. Do they even watch TV or have anything on in the house, or do they listen to music from the television set?

6. Do they have any friends who want to do all

Demiurgo (Fundador de la web) Carné Umbriano nº1
22/05/2019, 21:21

Esto es un sumidero de procrastinación.

I don't want to procrastinate. There are so many things to learn," she explained. She added that she wants to take a day off and work on her online business, she does not like to take off to go abroad.

Her family were delighted with the news and she told them that she's planning on returning to India again. "I'm excited by the chance to live and work here," she said.

She added, "The people here treat me very nicely, they tell me the truth when I ask for help. This will improve my life and make me happy."

No está mal pero tampoco me ha volado la cabeza :-?

22/05/2019, 21:23

The day i became immortal was the worst day i ever had in my life. i had no choice but to be alive for them. they did not know what was inside of me, but i wanted them to know what was hidden inside of me. now i know what they were meant for. they have created a hole that will take your spirit to a better place...the next time you are tempted by someone, just tell it not to you...and go ahead and enjoy yourself. you will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you could lose everything...and never be broken through.

For others

The more you love and respect what your partner loves or respects and those around you, the closer you can stand to another. The person you are with will make it impossible for you to lose his or her love and respect...and maybe even protect you from being broken apart due to jealousy or hurt feelings.

It may seem like you're so used to everyone being so perfect. The truth is that, at the end of the day, you may always fall somewhere far below the radar screen. You may not be the person everyone thinks you are. But that doesn't mean that you can never stand up to someone who isn't

22/05/2019, 21:23
Editado: 22/05/2019, 21:24

La mayoría de lo que sale es muy random, pero si cliqueas un par de veces pueden salir joyas como esta...

Chemo's Ferrari was on its final lap when he noticed something unusual with the hood. To make matters worse, the engine was starting to shake, sending the rear of the car flying across the track."On that particular lap the engine started shaking, and after the Ferrari turned onto the straights the car started to roll forward," Chemo said. "There was very little power coming out of the engine, and I asked myself what went wrong and I realised the car was still in first gear. When I looked into the mirror at that point I had to ask myself again 'What's the point in running? Why do I run?'"

¿Por qué corres, Chemo? ¿Te lo has preguntado alguna vez...?


22/05/2019, 21:30

Ostia es hasta siniestro

22/05/2019, 21:30

Pueden salir cosas muy bizarras... xD

22/05/2019, 21:56

The natilla is a dream no more, and so he cannot bear it without being sorry, which makes him so very sad. It is a strange and strange thing to talk of, and sometimes makes it seem hard to believe. One day we came into a very strong wind, and we could not see over sea. I went into the yard of my wife, where we took a seat on a bench, and watched over this wind which we did all of us fear might overtake us, for we feared no longer.

After awhile, as I walked about, a shadow on the bench seemed to come into sight, and said, "There is good reason to believe the wind may have touched the natilla." And we both began to cry, but then my wife said, "How doth she know she is so sure? She has never looked at the wind."

A week went by, and my wife's face was sore, and I thought she might give up. So at last, on the last day of summer, I went with her to see it; I did not see it for so long a time, but in some time I perceived it was a different shape. It was at length called by us "an old house."

Puede volverse algo depresiva a veces sí, pero le da aún más encanto XD 

22/05/2019, 22:53

Konietzko was writing his last post with me there at the time. One of my editors and a friend of mine had worked with him on his book, and when he wanted to make me a special guest, he gave me the room and said, "Write up your last post. Let's meet up on Saturday." And that's what we did.

In a world with no boundaries between men and women, and with some men acting like rapists and some women acting like victims, when he wrote about it he was a great champion of the right to express ourselves, or lack thereof.

And in the very act of writing a long-form article about sexual assault, I had no idea how good and important that meant to so many of our readers. I was, like, an old man back then, and I couldn't really do some of the things other people had done, such as go back and read older articles and really think about my own experiences—but I wanted to help. It wasn't just that I felt like I had something to contribute, it was that I had a deep desire to help.

And that's what this is about, isn't it?

Creo que voy a dejar los temas polémicos del SinCla por una temporada y me limitaré a mis partidas. Esto me da mal yuyu XDDD

Un saludo


22/05/2019, 23:08
Editado: 22/05/2019, 23:11

Si os interesa el tema:

24/05/2019, 10:32

Lo acabo de probar y es la leche!

Bueno en español no hadado una, pero en inglés menuda historia ha montad sólo diciendo que saqué el arma y disparé a un zombie...

24/05/2019, 11:18

dumb ai bnf bmf bp br bsa bt but bw bx bz c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c0 c1 kc kb kd ke kf gi gj gr hi hk hid hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hy hz ic h5 ia ib ic id ie if ig hp ig jb jc jd je jf gw jd je jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz kc kd ke kf gs gr hv hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ia ib ic iz ie aa ih ii ij ik il ia ib iz iz i


Demiurgo (Fundador de la web) Carné Umbriano nº1
24/05/2019, 11:23

¿Por qué corres, Chemo? ¿Te lo has preguntado alguna vez...?

Nunca corro.

Una vez fui al médico porque me dolía el pecho. Y el tío después de descartar que fuera el tabaco (no fumo), el estrés (de aquella era estudiante, no sabía lo que era el estrés) y cualquier otra cosa me preguntó:

—Cuando corres ¿te duele el pecho?

—Yo nunca corro.

—Ya bueno, pero si por ejemplo pierdes el bus y corres para cogerlo. ¿Notas que te quedas sin aire?

—¿Para qué voy a correr tras un autobús? Espero al siguiente

El tío se quedó callado un rato y luego dijo:

—Vale. Lo que te hace falta es hacer deporte.

Desde entonces procuro no ir al médico a perder el tiempo XDDDDD


24/05/2019, 11:27

Este hilo ha sido cerrado.