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PBP Gameday V 7-00 La Solución de la Llave Celeste (mesa 24)

Para el DM

Cargando editor
27/08/2016, 03:41
Sólo para el director

Hello everyone, and thank you for volunteering to run a game off 7-00. This event would not be possible without each and every one of you.

For those of you who do not have 7-00 already, I submitted the scenario request form today. You should have it soon.

For everyone, you should take a look at our pbp conversion document. ( This details the changes to the scenario for PbP. There's not that many changes - basically all that needs to be changed is converting the time line of the scenario. (Certainly much simpler than 2-00 was.)

We'll be using Google Forms to report successes. The link to the form is here: Feel free to submit dummy successes before the scenario starts.

Some other notes about the scenario in general:

 - This scenario is known for being a bit flat during the first half for two different reasons. The first is that while this scenario is supposed to be discovering information about serpentfolk, there's not much actual information about serpentfolk. Feel free to use resources like the PathfinderWiki article about serpentfolk ( to help provide actual information about what's going on. If you happen to have AP #37 (Serpent's Skull Part 1), there's an article that talks all about Serpentfolk there.

 - The second reason for it being a bit flat is that the PCs have no goal. They have nothing to do but explore randomly. To help encourage a sense of urgency and purpose, feel free to drop hints that the sacrifice is going on. By providing the PCs some clues that a major Azlanti general will be sacrificed, suddenly there's a reason to get to the Rectory as quickly as possible.

 - If you are running a 7-8 or 10-11 table, encourage them to try to fly/air walk up to the Temple Plaza. Higher tier tables generally have trouble with getting a ton of encounters done during these specials, and by encouraging them to get to the Temple Plaza, they'll have a better chance of getting to the last encounter in part 2.

 - Make sure in Part 2 you know what gives you a success! Combat encounters only give a success if they succeed at the skill check afterwards. (I've been counting the Common encounters as successes if you get to them, but they're actually fairly rare unless your PCs are going really fast.)

 - Make sure that you know how the three different types of successes work in Part 3. There are Anchor, Discovery and Vault successes. Anchor successes are created by dealing with the Fate's Anchors encounter. Discovery successes are created by dealing with the Finding the Vault encounter. The Vault isn't accessible until there are enough Discovery successes, and then some encounters in the Vault generate Vault successes. In particular, note that the Time Storm encounters don't actually generate successes. The Time Storm encounters are only used as part of other encounters - you never run them on their own. Whenever an encounter calls for a Time Storm, pick one that you feel is cool. Or you could roll I guess, but picking one that you feel is cool is a more fun method.

 - If you have a higher tier table, encourage them to attempt the Discovery encounter first. Higher tier tables generally have abilities and spells that will generate successes easily, making it easier to unlock.

 - Lastly, check out pfsprep. While you can look up monsters per encounter if you want to, you don't have to. I've done that for you already. (

If I have any other notes for you, I'll email you and let you know. There will be a thread for overseer announcements and other news when I finalize how I'm doing them. (I have a thing I want to try, but I have to make sure it's feasible first.)

If you have any questions, please feel free to send them my way. Or go post in the forums. I hear that a particular undine will be starting a thread soon.

Notas de juego

7-00 Sky Key Solution PbP Conversion


Use the following timeline, edited to fit within 45 days:

[Day 1] Begin Part 1

[Day 2] Begin Part 2

[Day 7] Slave Pits accessible, Zoological Guardians claimed

[Day 9] Temple Interior accessible, Temple Plaza claimed

[Day 14] Slave Pits controlled

[Day 18] Ophidian Rectory accessible, Temple Interior controlled

[Day 26] Begin Part 3

[Day 45] Scenario ends



Cargando editor
29/08/2016, 13:52
Sólo para el director

5 minutos subiendo hasta el tempo (Inicio parte 2)

Notas de juego


Guardián grabado avanzado (Pathfinder Bestiario 3 140)

N constructo Enorme

Inic +0; Sentidos visión en la oscuridad 60 pies, visión en la penumbra; Percepción +1


CA 22, toque 8, desprevenido 22 (+14 natural, -2 tamaño)

pg 105 (6d10+40); curación rápida 2

Fort +3, Ref +3, Vol +4

RD 5/adamantita; Inmune rasgos de constructo; RC 21

Debilidades ligado a la fe


Velocidad 40 pies

Cuerpo a Cuerpo daga +3 afilada +20/+15 (1d8+12/17-20) o golpetazo +12 (2d6+4)

Espacio 15 pies; Alcance 15 pies

Ataques especiales armas malignas, honrado, arma mágica

Aptitudes Sortílegas (NL 9; concentración +0)

   3/día - acelerar (a sí mismo)


Fue 28, Des 11, Con -, Int -, Sab 12, Car 1

Ataque base +9; BMC +21; DMC 30

Habilidades Acrobacias +0 (+4 para saltar)


Armas Malignas (Sb) Las armas y el golpetazo de un guardián grabado se tratan como de alineamiento maligno. Sus armas mágicas infligen +1d6 puntos de daño a objetivos buenos.

Ligado a la Fe (Sb) El guardián grabado no puede atacar a cualquier criatura que abiertamente lleve o muestre el símbolo sagrado o sacrílego de la deidad a la cual el guardián grabado está dedicado a menos que esa criatura ataque primero a guardián grabado.

Honrado (Sb) El guardián grabado obtiene un bonificador +1 a las tiradas de ataque y maniobras de combate.

Arma Mágica (Sb) El guardián grabado que lleve el arma predilecta de su deidad trata ese arma como un arma +3 siempre que la blanda. Si el arma es un arma cuerpo a cuerpo, obtiene la aptitud especial afilada (incluso si el arma es contundente). Si es un arma arrojadiza, obtiene la aptitud especial retornante. Si es un arma a distancia, obtiene la aptitud especial buscadora, y genera nueva munición con cada ataque (esta munición se destruye tanto si impacta como si no).

Cargando editor
30/08/2016, 18:27
Sólo para el director
- Tiradas (2)