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Shattered Star

SS 1.0 - Misiones

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19/10/2012, 21:53
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Misiones de PNJs clave

Natalia Vancaskerkin

If the PCs rescue Natalya and befriend her, she asks them to defeat her ex-boss, Ayala Javeski, the current leader of the Tower Girls. Ayala is located somewhere in the Crow - by defeating her, the PCs throw the Tower Girls into chaos. The Sczarni gang might or might not recover, but even if they do regroup, they don't seek revenge against Natalya for her acts without Ayala leading them.

Reward: 8oo XP. Natalya gives the party her cat burglar's boots in thanks.


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19/10/2012, 21:56
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Sheila Heidmarch

Sheila asks the PCs to provide a relatively accurate map of the interior of the Crow and the chambers below. The players don't need to physically create this map, nor does the map need to be particularly artistic. Once the PCs have explored the Crow, taking a few days to organize their notes is enough to earn them a reward from Sheila.

Reward: 1,200 XP. Sheila gives each PC a wayfinder (or soo gp to a PC who already owns a wayfinder), an item detailed on page 299 of The Inner Sea World Guide. If you're using the Pathfinder Society faction from the Shattered Star Player's Guide, completing this mission also earns each PC 1 point of Fame and 1 Prestige Point.

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19/10/2012, 21:58
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Misiones en Magnimar

Missing persons

People go missing in a big city lihe Magnimar all the time, but lately, they1e been doing so more often. The majority of these folh who go missing do so from the waterfronts and under the l1·espan-neighborhoods without a strong city watch presence. Oespite the fact that the majority of missing people eventually turn up (although living as vagrants with no memories of their time spent away from Magnimar-if indeed they ever left), rumors are spreading that the city has no interest in solving the mystery and preventing future disappearances. Lord-Mayor Haldmeer Grobaras has grown frustrated with these rumors and with the city's apparent inability to explain the mystery, and has approached a few hey organizations with offers of rewards if the problem can be solved; one such group is the Pathfinders of Heidmarch Manor.

Reward: 1,200 XP for solving the mystery and finding out what' s been happening to the missing people. Anyone rescued earns a reward of soo gp per victim returned to Magnimar.

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19/10/2012, 21:58
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The entrances to the lrespan's internal chambers are well hidden-they almost seem to prefer to be found by accident rather than by design. So when the PCs stumble across a way into the Crow (one of the lrespan' s pilings), Sir Canayven Heidmarch becomes excited. Alas, other responsibilities prevent him from joining the PCs or mounting his own expedition, and so he settles for the next best thing-he'll reward the PCs for every significant new piece of information they can learn about the ancient empire of Thassilon while they're exploring the Crow.

Reward: The following discoveries each earn a 400 XP award and a payment of 500 gp once theyre reported in writing (with illustrations if possible) to Sir Canayven Heidmarch:

Area B19: lmage of Alaznist and Thybidos HECHO

Area C1: Alaznist statue that can serve as a remote observer

Area C18: lmage of Alaznist and Yamasoth

Area C2o: Map of the Rift Siphon; samples of runes on walls

Area D15: The Sihedron Shrine.

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19/10/2012, 22:27
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Misiones secundarias

Nazir Kalmeralm:

If the PCs find the pendant if the souk in area B23b, a character who succeeds at a DC 14 Knowledge (local) check realizes that this pendant was once owned by Nazir Kalmeralm, the first Prince of the Market in Magnimar's Bazaar of Sails. If the PCs don't make this realization, you can have an NPC notice the pendant (perhaps when the PCs try to sell it) and reveal this information. Nazir vanished nearly 28 years ago. Informing his daughter Sabriyya, the current Princess of the Market, of their discovery may earn the PCs a reward-or more.

Reward: 1,200 XP. Sabriyya is depressed but grateful to learn of her father's fate. She allows the PCs to keep the pendant, and rewards them with 1,ooo gp. Furthermore, she becomes a strong supporter of the PCs, providing aid that may well bring greater riches and benefits in future adventures.


Cargando editor
19/10/2012, 22:33
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Seeking Sinspawn:

At some point, an NPC who finds out the PCs are exploring new chambers in the Irespan contacts them with an offer: If they encounter any of the ancient Thassilonian monsters known as "sinspawn," the NPC will pay a bounty for every sinspawn head that they recover. What this NPC wants with sins pawn heads is left to you to devise, but if the PCs can deliver at least three heads, the NPC is satisfied and pays them a bounty.

Reward: 8oo XP upon delivering three sinspawn heads. The NPC pays 300 gp total for the first three heads delivered, and 100 gp per head thereafter.