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Glosario de palabras en Chino Mandarín para usar en la partida.

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20/03/2018, 14:00

Un glosario de palabas y frases en mandarín para usar en la partida. El idioma usado por la humanidad es una mezcla de inglés y chino mandarín (debido a la fusión de las dos superpotencias que sobrevivieron a la Tierra que fue).

Hànyǔ Pīnyīn Translation Notes
Dǒngma? Entendido?
Nǐ dàodǐ dǒngbùdǒng? Do you get it or not? Can you get it through your skull?  
Wèi! Hey!  
Wǒde mā! Madre mía/Dios mio Similar to "Oh my God!" in usage.
Zhēn dǎoméi! Que perra suerte  
Tiān xiǎode. Solo dios lo sabe  
Zāogāo. Mierda Literally "Spoiled cake." Not nearly as strong as "Shit!"
Wǒde tiān! Dios mio! Not really as strong as "Dear God in Heaven!"
Hùndàn! Capullo Literally "mixed egg" -- Chinese insults are often variants on egg themes.
Gǒushí! Basura/Paparruchas Used like English "bullshit" -- "I don't believe you! What a crock!"
Shuài Atractivo/Mola Also used for "Cool!"/"Well done!" sometimes. I think it can even be used sarcastically -- "Nice job, dumbfuck."
Shénme? ¿Qué? Also sometimes sheme?
Xièxiè. Gracias  
Mǎshàng Inmediatamente Not usually used as a command, but as a declaration -- "Your hamburger will be ready in a second!"
Lìkè Inmediatamente, ya. Used in commands -- "Do it now!" "Stop playing with that dead cat this instant!"
Mèimei Hermana pequeña Used as a somewhat partonizing form of address for any woman younger than the speaker.
Guǎn nǐ zìjǐ de shì! Metete en tus asuntos.  
Bǎobèi Cariño  
Nà méi guānxi. Esto no tiene nada que ver contigo Meaning depends on mood/tonal inflection.
Méi guānxi. No importa Can be used in many of the same ways as the English -- "Would you like some cake?" "No, that's okay." "Where would you like to go?" "It doesn't matter." "Here, try my cockroach sandwich." "No, really, that's okay!"
Pìgu Culo Not really as strong as "ass" -- little kids say "Pigu" without being scolded too much. (This word is also why young Taiwanese kids love to say "Pig" in English.)
Tāmāde hùndàn! J****o Gil****as The literal meaning is completely different from the English, but the usage is the same.
Nǐhǎo. Hola Does not expect a response, much like the English "How are you."
Nǐhǎo ma? ¿Como estás? Actually asks for a response.
Kāimén. Abrid las puertas  
Zhīmá kāimén. Abrete Sésamo Literally means "open sesame."
Bìzuǐ! Cierra el buzón/boca  
Xióngmāo niào Habladurías/insignificante I've never heard anyone say this, but then, pandas aren't native to Taiwan.
Wǒ pìgǔ hěntòng. Me duele el culo  
Gèpì! ¡Y una mierda! Mandarin speakers would never literally say "My ass!" (wode pigu) to express disbelief.
Hěnguài! Extraño  
Cái guài! Sin duda Expressing disbelief.
Liumang Gangster  
Qǐng zàilái yībēi hàge kāfēi. Ponme otra taza de café  
Hěnkù de lǎobán. Un jefe explotador Could also mean "a cool/fashionable boss" -- the same word is used to transliterate "cool" as means "cruel."
Zhēn shì tiāncái. es un genio Mandarin, and Chinese languages in general, do not state subjects unless absolutely necessary.
Zhè shì shénme làn dōngxī? ¿Qué coj**es es esto? Not just for food -- could be used for any physical object that the user is questioning the usefulness of.
Chòu mǎniào. Aquí apesta.  
Fèiwù Chatarra  
Qù nǐde! ¡Qué te j***n! Literally, "Go away!" or "Off with you!" Strangely, it's still just as strong as the English version.
Nǐ qù sǐ! Vete al infierno Literally "You go die!"
Jiùshēng gōngjù gùzhàng. Qǐng jiǎnchá yángqì gōngyìng. Fallo del sistema de soporte vital. Comprueben sus niveles de oxigeno.  
Shénme dōu shìdàng ma? ¿Todo en orden?  
Lǎo péngyǒu, nǐ kànqǐlái hěnyǒu jīngshén. Tienes buen aspecto, colega. Jingshen is literally "spirit" or possibly "health."
Cái búshì! Eso no es todo/Eso es mentira Can only be used to express disagreement.
Dà biànhuà Cambiazo  
Lājī Chatarra  
Fèihuà! Absurdo  
Shǐ niào Mierda I can't think of a situation where a Mandarin speaker would ever actually say this phrase. It sounds very unnatural.
Shì. Y eso es Literally "[it] is."
Qǐngjìn. Entra  
Bàba Papi  
Fùqīn Padre  
Bèndàn! Idiota  
cāo! J**er Would never be used as a single word. If expressing exasperation ("Fuck! This thing just won't work!") the correct thing to say would be "Māde!" or "Gàn!"
Cāo nǐmā! J***te Literally "Fuck your mother!"
Duìbùqǐ. Lo siento  
Bàoqiàn! [I] disculpas  
Zhēn gāoxìng kàndào nǐ! Me alegro de verte!  
Hǎojiǔ bújiàn! Hacía mucho que no nos veíamos. The Mandarin is literally "Long time no see" -- many people say the English phrase came from the Mandarin.