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La Brigada de San Jorge

Gabinete de curiosidades

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05/07/2014, 13:50

Uno de los PNjs que he creadolleva como avatar la fotografía de una actriz real que se hizo famosa a principios del XX , aunque trabajó como actriz durante buena parte del siglo.

OS pongo un artículo sobre ella, porque las fotografías me parecen preciosas, ella era bellísima y con una gran presencia y me parece una pena que no las veais.

Cargando editor
05/07/2014, 14:28

No sabeis las cosas que se pueden encontrar buscando imágenes para la partida

3. A duel with tarantulas

In Las Vegas in 1892 when a Mexican and an American fell in love with the same woman, they promptly fell out with each other.

Adding fuel to the fire, the Mexican taunted his rival by saying he was from a nation of cowards. A duel was declared to put an end to their growing animosity once and for all, and to decide who got the girl.

It was no ordinary shootout, though. The American challenged the Mexican to join him in a darkened room where a dozen tarantulas would be turned loose, along with a couple of scorpions, as an extra test of mettle.

"The Mexican was disposed to refuse," reported the Western Mail, "but the fear of being looked upon as a coward caused him to accept".

And so the battle of wills began. "The doors had been closed but a short time when the Mexican was heard to scream out that he was bitten and was dying," continued the Mail. "The doors were opened and he staggered out and fell to the floor."

His opponent walked out unhurt and triumphant, to find the Mexican hadn't actually been bitten, but had merely scratched his hand on a nail in the wall. 

10. Killed by a bet

It must have seemed like a good idea at the time. In the Spanish region of Navarre in 1879, two Frenchmen struck a bet to see which was the hardiest. The terms were these. After fasting for a day, they'd drink 17 glasses of wine each, then walk from Pamplona to a village six miles away. It was the height of summer, just to make it that extra bit more interesting.

As one was far younger than the other, they hit on a handicap system - for every year's advantage the twenty-something had over his middle-aged rival, he'd carry a pound of dirt. So off they went. Both lurching towards their goal - one staggering under the extra burden of 16lbs of earth.

They hadn't gone far, needless to say, when the wager took a dark turn. The elder man collapsed and died. The younger, reported the Manchester Evening News at the time, "escaped death only by the skin of his teeth". 

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Cargando editor
26/07/2014, 16:11

Por si os da ideas, múltiples herramientas en un clip para pelo:

Cargando editor
04/08/2014, 00:11

Mujeres ocultistas. A los que hayais mirados las sociedades mágicas en el mundo de Falkenstein, os sonarán algunos nombre.

Cargando editor
07/08/2014, 22:32

La historia del uso de pantalones por las mujeres (sólo una pequeña parte trata del XIX):

Cargando editor
24/08/2014, 00:25

Uniformes rusos de los últimos cuatro siglos. Incluye los trajes de las mujeres (que son de mujeres de la casa real, no de combatientes). Ninguno os habeis hecho un soldado ruso, pero aún así es interesante verlos.

Cargando editor
25/08/2014, 20:54

Ciclismo, vestuario de ciclismo y los cambios en la sociedad. Una lectura fascinante, al menos para mí:

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Cargando editor
02/09/2014, 22:28

La escritura de cartas

Normas de etiqueta

Recordad que lo pongo sólo como curiosidad. No es necesario que las que las leais si no os interesan, mucho menos que las memoriceis. Tened en cuenta que son guías, y al igual que las guías de etiqueta modernas, dudo que los victorianos realmente las siguiesen siempre de forma estricta, e incluso a veces eran activamente ignoradas por uno u otro motivo (conveniencia, creencias políticas, pensar que eran demasiado restrictivas o anticuadas...). Usad vuestro sentido común.

Cargando editor
04/09/2014, 14:00

Fotos de cuando las ciudades estaban cubiertas de cables

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11/10/2014, 16:03

Fotos coloreadas de Japón de finales del XIX y principios del XX