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Final Fantasy RPW edition

Reglas y Otras fantasías

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 00:43

Ok... empecemos de a poco.
El Final Fantasy Tactics se maneja de forma simple, pero es importante saberse las cosas de memoria.

Las características principales del personaje son:

Statuto (clerigo, comun, noble)
Familia (inventense una, es el apellido)
Coraje (del 30 al 80)
Fe (del 30 al 80)
Estos dos últimos afectan su desempeño con armas o con magia.
Los que tengan más fé, tendrán menos coraje.
La fe es un porcentaje (del 0 al 100) que dice cuan fuertes son con respecto a la magia y cuanto los afecta. Cuanto más fe tienen más fuertes son y más los afecta la magia.
El coraje afecta la respuesta y el manejo físico. Esta aparte de los atributos.
Se distribuyen 100 puntos entre los dos (ej 60/40), luego crecerán con el tiempo.

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 00:51


Hp: es res*10
MP: es int*10
Fza: (un dado de 10): El daño del golpe.
Dex: " La capacidad de dar un golpe.
Int: " La fuerza de tu magia.
Res: " La resistencia a los golpes.
SPD: " Velocidad del turno. (iniciativa)

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 00:53

Jobs o trabajos:
Los trabajos con los que se empieza son dos.
Squire o Chemist.
El squire maneja hachas, dagas y algunas espadas.
El chemist, dagas y luego pistolas.
La hablidad del chemist son los items, y poder arojarlos con facilidad.
El Squire tiene support básico.

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 00:58

Time Mage

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 01:00

3.01 Squire

ABILITY: Basic Skill
WEAPONS: Sword, Dagger, Hammer, Axe
ARMOR: Clothes, Hats

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The squire is the bottom of the barrel. At the beginning of the game, it's
useful for the simple style of using it. Just go up and attack someone.
Later on, it's obsolete. The basic class for warriors. It's an all around

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Accumulate -
This is actually a very good move. It's main use is in those JP
gaining schemes. If not, it doesn't serve that much purpose as
it's not needed, but it still is decent. Raises PA by one.

- Gained JP Up - {support skill}
One of the most used support skills in the game. Shortcut to new

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.02 Chemist

WEAPONS: Dagger, Gun
ARMOR: Clothes, Hats

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The chemist is the first character that can heal your party, and in
actuality, the most useful and reliable until you can get a good
calculator which is after you're already strong enough to beat the game.
As a character, the chemist isn't too good, but the Item is a fast and
efficient way to heal. Magic takes too long to charge. Punch Art relys
too heavily on terrain and Draw Out doesn't include reviving.

Don't get me wrong, the Chemist isn't that good a class, it's just the
Items are quite useful.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Potion, Hi-Potion, X-Potion -
Simplist way to heal.

- Phoenix Down -
Simplist way to revive and most reliable.

- Auto Potion - {Reaction}
Auto Potion. Automatically healing yourself if hit without wasting
a turn. How can this be bad?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.03 Knight

REQUIREMENTS: Squire lvl. 2
ABILITY: Battle Skill
WEAPONS: Sword, Knight Sword
ARMOR: Shield, Helmet, Armor, Robe

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The Knight is one of the earliest class you get (aside from Squire and
Chemist) and still is useful at the end of the game. It is good defense
wise and is extremely strong. The Knight is a medieval tank.

Offensive wise, Knights have amazing PA. All you basically need to know
about a Knight is the "attack" command, and you'll be fine. Also, Knights
are the ONLY normal class that can equip a Knight Sword. *evil grin*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Speed Break -
If you can hit this, it's a great advantage. It's needed to steal
some of the best items.

- Weapon Break -
Cripples the enemy. Simple.

- Equip Sword - {Support}
Swords are about the best weapon for a good part of the game. Also
this helps people like Agrias and Orlandu they when switch classes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.04 Archer

REQUIREMENTS: Squire lvl. 2
WEAPONS: Bow, Crossbow
ARMOR: Shield, Hat, Clothes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


This character really isn't good at all. They are generally really weak,
die easy, and ineffective. Their abilities aren't at all useful, and they
don't really have too good of attributes.

Archers are nice for the fact that they are a ranged fighter and can do
decent enough damage. They're no Knight, but they are effective. When
they put their Concentrate support skill to good use they are an excellent
way to pick off damaged foes. They are, however, extremely limited in
effectiveness when they don't have the proper terrain.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Speed Save - {Reaction}
This reaction goes really nicely with the Chantage and Ribbon.
Don't use it otherwise though, as if you get knocked out, the
counter goes out real fast and you might have a crystal as an

- Concentrate - {Support}
Ignores evade rates. Helps when using attacks, Break Skill, Steal
and anything else you don't want to miss.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.05 Priest

REQUIREMENTS: Chemist lvl. 2
ABILITY: White Magic
ARMOR: Robe, Hat, Clothes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


White Magic isn't too good. They offer the first multi-healing spell in
the game, as well as the ability to bestow positive statii to your team,
but they always fall short. Healing is easier to provide through potions
and spells like Protect and Shell aren't worth the charge time. Raise
isn't always accurate and it can be the breaking point in a battle when
you miss one Raise.

On the positive side, though, is that Priest's are a very fast unit for
a mage. Not only that, Holy is one of the best offensive spells in the
game. White Magic really shines when used in Math Skill, though.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Raise 2 -
With Math Skill, this one spell can completely tip the tide of a
battle to your favor.

- Esuna -
This spell can cure some conditions even Remedy can't.

- Holy -
Powerful. Normally it's still pretty good when you have to Charge,
but when you have Math Skill, there's nothing that can match the
ease in wiping out an entire enemy force.

- Magic Defense Up - {Support}
Cuts down on damage done by magic attacks. Works with Shell to
create a magic resistant character.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.06 Wizard

REQUIREMENTS: Chemist lvl. 2
ABILITY: Black Magic
ARMOR: Robe, Hat, Clothes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Wizard's are great. Unlike Priests they serve well in any situation.
Black Magic is pretty useful since it provides long range attacks that do
a substantial amount of damage.

Wizard's have great MA. It's got the strongest base in the game for normal
characters. This is very potent with the Math Skill and Draw Out

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Flare -
Not particularly the best move, but it's just fun to fry people
with extremely strong attacks.

- Frog -
One thing to say: Calculate this.

- Magic Attack Up - {support}
Pump up magic power. Extremely useful.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.07 Monk

REQUIREMENTS: Knight lvl. 2
ABILITY: Punch Art
WEAPONS: Bare Hands
ARMOR: Clothes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Monks are among the best class in the game. Very good Speed and HP. There
biggest selling point stat-wise, though is their huge PA. This is one of
best classes in the game.

Not only are their stats great, they have the single most versatile skill
set in the game (Math Skill depends entirely on other skill sets to be
effective, while Punch Art does not). They have a medium range attack that
is quite powerful and doesn't cause a counter-attack (Wave Fist), a multi
hitting long range attack (Earth Slash), a HP and MP healing attack
(Chakra), a statii removal attack (Stigma Magic), and a reviving attack
(Revive). All of which are instant, and require no MP at all.

They do have negative aspects though. Firstly, they cannot equip any
headgear or shields. The armor they can wear is restricted to Clothes
(though not neccessarily a bad thing). Also, their abilities are very
dependent on the terrain.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Wave Fist -
Decent attack that can be used to damage the enemy without them
counter-attacking you.

- Earth Slash -
Good to hit multiple enemies or at a long range.

- Chakra -
One of the best healing spells in the game, as it is the only one
that can recover both HP and MP at the same time. Also, among the
few abilities in the game that can even heal MP.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.08 Thief

REQUIREMENTS: Archer lvl. 2
ARMOR: Clothes, Hats

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Thieves are great. They have great attributes and their abilities allow
you to get some of the best equipment in the game.

As an attacker, they suck. Seriously, they reak of a terrible odor.
But they make some of the better support characters in the game, and
support characters are always great.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Steal Heart -
Charming enemies can completely turn around a fight.

- Steal Weapon -
Basically like Weapon Break, but infinitely more useful. There
are some very good equipment to get from this skill.

- Catch - {Reaction}
As a reaction, it's crap. Pure and utter crap. But... it is the
only way to get duplicates of one-of-a-kind weapons legitimately.

- Secret Hunt - {Support}
Poaching yeilds some of the best equipment in the game, especially
female items.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.09 Time Mage

REQUIREMENTS: Wizard lvl. 2
ABILITY: Time Magic
ARMOR: Robe, Clothes, Hats

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I personally see no use for this class. As a class, they are terrible.
They can't match the speed of the Priest, or the MA of a Wizard. Also,
Time Magic is useful, but hardly practical. It misses quite often, has a
charge time, and small radius. Haste and Slow are good, but miss often.
Stop and Don't Move don't last long enough for the amount of time and
effort in getting them to work. Meteor takes a long time to charge and
you'd expect it to do a little more damage for the time.

The nice thing about this class is that they have among the best Reaction,
Support, and Movement abilities in the game. They are generally useful
for a lot of purposes as well.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- MP Switch - {Reaction}
If you've read a couple of previous movesets, you'll recognize
this. I love the MP Switch and Move MP Up combo simply because it
let's anybody have the privilage of longevity.

- Short Charge - {Support}
Cutting down the charge time by half is very good. This works
especially well when using Cloud's Limit or a Summoner's Summon

- Teleport - {Movement}
Very useful when it doesn't fail. Doesn't every Ignore Height
Fly can do, but also has the possibity to extend your movement
range infinitely (if you're lucky).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.10 Oracle

REQUIREMENTS: Priest lvl. 2
ABILITY: Yin Yang Magic
WEAPONS: Staff, Dictionary, Rod, Stick
ARMOR: Robe, Clothes, Hats

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Oracles are a very good class indeed. They possess the ability to inflict
a large amount of negative status effects on the enemy that will almost
always completely remove their threat to you party.

The problem, though, lies in the fact that they are not very practical at
all. Statii attacks are very useful, true, but you don't need too many
characters to inflict them upon enemies, and other characters are better
at it (namely Mustadio, Beowulf, Byblos or someone who has Yin Yang Magic
in Math Skill).

They are useful in the fact that they are Zodiac Beast killers, though.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Life Drain -
Takes away 25% of a target's max HP. Four of these attacks can
kill anyone, including Zodiac Beasts.

- Defense Up - {Support}
Cuts down damage received by physical attacks. Works with Protect
to create a physical resistant powerhouse.

- Move MP Up - {Movement}
If you've read a couple of previous movesets, you'll recognize
this. I love the MP Switch and Move MP Up combo simply because it
let's anybody have the privilage of longevity.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.11 Lancer

REQUIREMENTS: Thief lvl. 2
ARMOR: Shield, Helmet, Armor, Robe

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Lancers are one of the best normal classes you can get. Hell, it's one of
the best classes, period. They are basically a variation of the Knight.

Jump is one of the best abilities there are. Great range, temporary
invunerability, and a powerful attack. Those add up to something that
should be feared.

As far as stats go, Lancers have great stability, as they are a knight
type class. Their speed isn't something to shout about, nor is their
range, but their power is quite a force. They always have weapons that
are top of the line and can access the Ultimate Javelin, which is second
in power only to the Chaos Blade.

Keeping one on your team at all times can never hurt.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Level Jump 8 -
Very nice range.

- Vertical Jump 8 -
YeVery nice range.

- Dragon Spirit - {Reaction}
Reraise is always good. This triggers easily and has some nice irony
to it. Getting hit will actually make you last longer in battle.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.12 Geomancer

ABILITY: Elemental
WEAPONS: Sword, Axe
ARMOR: Shield, Hat, Clothes, Robe

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Geomancers are very good. The class is one of the best generic classes
there is. Very well-rounded and can equip a good set of equipment.

The only problem is that, though, the class is good, their abilities are
only mediocre. They all have a 20% chance of causing a status effect and
have a very good range. The damage is terrible.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Attack Up - {Support}
Very potent on a strong character.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.13 Summoner

REQUIREMENTS: Time Mage lvl. 2
ABILITY: Summon Magic
WEAPONS: Rod, Staff
ARMOR: Hat, Clothes, Robe

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


This is where powerful spells lie. Summon Magic packs in power, variety,
support and healing spells. Not only that, it targets a large area and it
can distinguish between ally and enemy so you don't have to worry about
harming friendly units.

Summoners themselves aren't too great. Like most mages, they tend to be
defensively crappy. Still, since Summons have range it's not a problem.
Also, Summoners tend to have a large MP pool to help (somewhat) with their
MP problems.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Ramuh -
Nice to pick off groups of enemies.

- Shiva -
See above.

- Ifrit -
Again, see above.

- Golem -
This move almost always works, and it rules. It makes it so that
no physical attacks get to your allies for as much HP as the
caster has.

- Fairy -
Great healing spell. Substantial healing with good area range.

- Zodiac -
Obscenely powerful. Can completely crush any unit within its
enormous area of effect.

- Half of MP - {Support}
This ability is commonly overlooked. People don't realize how
costly magic can really be. This is a nice alternative.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.14 Mediator

REQUIREMENTS: Oracle lvl. 2
ABILITY: Talk Skill
WEAPONS: Knife, Gun
ARMOR: Hat, Clothes, Robe

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Mediators are another set of support characters. Their skill set has the
abiltiy to alter elements of the battle. They aren't particularly needed,
but their skills are quite helpful. They have the ability to invite, lower
and raise both faith and brave, as well as the skill of using a gun, which
can be brought over to another class.

All and all, they are quite useful in their own right. The only problem is
that they aren't practical. You really don't need them, and if you do use
them, they aren't going to exactly shine.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Invitation -
Nice for getting equipment, poaching, ect. It's a great ability.

- Praise -
Raising your brave will not only improve the effectiveness of
Reaction skills, but it will also be useful for weapons like
Knight Sword, Katanas and Bare Hands.

- Threaten -
Turning enemies into Chickens will make them harmless.

- Preach -
Good to use on magic characters, or if you plan to heal by way
of magic.

- Solution -
If you utterly hate using magic, use this on your characters.

- Mimic Daravon -
Put them to sleep with a good range and no charge time.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.15 Samurai

REQUIREMENTS: Knight lvl. 3, Monk lvl. 4, Lancer lvl. 2
ARMOR: Armor, Helmet, Robe

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The Samurai is my favortie normal class. They have arguably the best magic
skills in the game. Their class has nice bonuses, and great reaction and
support skills.

Draw Out covers a large area and distinguishes between ally and enemy.
They also come in a nice variety as the provide healing, attacking and
support. They don't require charging and always hit. The only downside
is that they can break (though this is really not that much of a problem).

As far as attributes go, Samurais own. They have above average power and
magic, great stability and moderate speed. They can also evade nicely, not
as well as Ninjas, but you can't win them all.

Commonly overshadowed by Ninjas, but in actuality, they serve better. They
can last much longer than most Ninjas, and their skills are much better.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Murasame -
Definitely a good skill. One of the better means to heal.

- Kiyomori -
Fast way to get protection.

- Kikuichimoji -
Great range and moderate power. Similar to Earth Slash, but
infinitely more effective.

- Muramasa -
Powerful attack that can cause negative statii.

- Masamune -
The best Draw Out skill in my opinion. Too bad to get them legit,
you have to go through the trouble of catching.

- Chirijiraden -
Powerful attack that hits plenty of enemies. Again, too bad to
get them legit, you have to go through the trouble of catching.

- Blade Grasp - {Reaction}
This is one of the best reaction skill. If you have high Brave,
you will block nearly all physical attacks. Pair it with an
Aegis Shield and you most likely won't die at all.

- Two Hands - {Support}
You give up your other hand, but in most cases it's not a big
loss. This will double your power.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.16 Ninja

REQUIREMENTS: Archer lvl. 3, Thief lvl. 4, Geomancer lvl. 2
WEAPONS: Dagger, Ninja Sword, Hammer
ARMOR: Clothes, Hat

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Ninja's are quite good. They have superior speed, Evasion, and the innate
Two Swords. Also, Ninja's have great range in movement and jumping. Their
ability isn't all that great, but it can be powerful if you can throw Chaos
Blades. But it's annoying to get too many to spare legitimately.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Abandon - {Reaction}
Useful when you equip mantles.

- Two Swords - {Support}
One of the best support abilities there are. Great for Knights
and Monks.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.17 Calculator

REQUIREMENTS: Priest lvl. 4, Wizard lvl. 4, Time Mage lvl. 3, Oracle lvl. 3
ABILITY: Math Skill
WEAPONS: Dictionary, Stick
ARMOR: Clothes, Hat, Robe

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I have mixed feelings for the Calculator. It's skills are one of the best
sets in the game, and this makes using the Calculator very important. The
problems, though, are too enormous.

First, to use them well, you need to have quite a lot of White Magic, Black
Magic, Time Magic and Yin Yang Magic priorly learned. Also, the class is
extremely slow. So slow it's mind boggling. As for other stats, they are
terrible as well.

Calculators really suck. I say this with the most positive tone possible.
However, if you get enough skills of the other magics learned, and master
this class, bring Math Skill into another class will make your character
extremely powerful.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Damage Spilt -
Cuts damage in half and returns the same damage to enemy. This is
what Auto Potion should have been.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3.18 Bard

REQUIREMENTS: (Male) Summoner lvl. 4, Mediator lvl. 4
ARMOR: Clothes, Hat

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Bard's really great as support. They are like an infinite power supply for
your characters. Their skills are very useful for the sole purpose of

The Bard as a character, though, is terrible. They have terrible stats and
can't equip much.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Angel Song -
If you have a lot of characters with MP Switch, this is very useful.

- Cheer Song -
Perhaps their best ability. This usually hits the majority of
your party and is very useful.

- Battle Song -
If you like Powerhouses, this is the way to go.

- Magic Song -
If you like Math Skill or Draw Out, go for it.

- Move + 3 - {Movement}
Great Range modifier.

3.19 Dancer

REQUIREMENTS: (Female) Lancer lvl. 4, Geomancer lvl. 4
WEAPONS: Dagger, Cloth, Bag
ARMOR: Clothes, Hat, Ribbon

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Dancers are the exact opposite of Bards. They use their skills against
opponents. It's still basically the same principle, but women have better

Their skills are very useful in crippling the enemies, thus making your
party more effective against them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Slow Dance -
Perhaps their best ability. This usually hits the majority of
the enemy and it is very useful.

- Nameless Dance -
Can cast a lot of abnormalities on opponents.

- Last Dance -
If you're lucky, it can be quite useful.

- A Save - {Reaction}
Great in some occasions.

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 17:53

Por ahi no lo entendieron asi que lo aclaro.
El job con el que se empieza es Squire O Chemist.
El squire es para el que dps va a ser más físico, y el chemist para los que quieran hacer magia.
Para los status, tienen que hacer las tiradas.
Ponganle el titulo de la característica y háganlo.

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 17:58

Haber, no tengo muy claro que hay que tirar y para qué, por ahora solo sé que se tira 1d10 para fuerza.

En cuanto a las profesiones y descripciones estaría bien una traducción al castellano, no hay más que copiar el post e ir al traductor del google.

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 18:31

¿Qué uso se le dará a la fe y al coraje? Dices que serán parámetros que aumentarán según vayamos avanzando en el juego... ¿Podrán estos subir de 100?

¿Son para todos los atributos tiradas 1d10?¿Los lanzamos y luego seleccionamos para que queremos atribuir cada una de las tiradas o tenemos que identificar los atributos antes de lanzar los dados?

¿Aprenderemos las habilidades como en FF Tactics, es decir, a través del equipo que llevemos (armas, sombreros, armaduras...)?

¿Jugaremos con tablero?

Muchas gracias.

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 18:46

Newbell, este juego no está basado en el FFT de gameboy, sino en el de PS1, no hay razas, los trabajos son distintos y las habilidades se aprenden komprándolas kon JP (Job Points), no usando objetos =3... espero ke sirva de algo esta respuesta xD

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 19:36

Como dice AIIM, las hablidades se aprenden con JP.
La idea es que tiren un dados de 10 por atributo.
El coraje y la fe aumentan a medida que el juego avanza, pero en inicio tienen que distribuir 100 pts (ej 60/40)
Tengan en cuenta que esto es lo único que pueden elegir, y sirve para complementar o ayudar al pj que les tocó, por ejémplo, si salieron más mágicos que otra cosa, seguramente querrán tener más fé, pero si quieren que su físico no sea patético querrán algo de coraje.
Los más mágicos querrán empezar con chemist, y los fuertes con squire.
Esos son los dos trabajos que se pueden elegir al principio.
Luego se verán las hablidades.
Hay trabajos en el juego, como los Holy Knight, o Master Swordsman o SOLDIER, que revelaré a medida que el juego avance.
Es importante que se dediquen a descubrir el juego como tal y que no usen demasiadas referencias al juego de video, porque es probable que cambie algunas cosas a mi favor.
No voy a traducir el documento, si alguien quiere hacerlo por mi, esta autorizado.

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 19:37

Ah! me olvidaba, tienen que identificar la tirada ANTES de tirarla.
O sea que ponen el nombre y luego tiran, igual si ven que estan en gran desventaja, veremos que hacemos...

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 19:50

Ahí esta la tirada

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 20:33

Muchas gracias por las respuestas, ahora me dispondré a hacer las tiradas en privado.

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 20:34

Si las tiradas están bien realizadas, proseguiré con la construcción de la ficha. ¿Están bien?

Notas de juego

¡Soy lentísimo!... XD

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 20:45

si pudiera postear una ficha estaría bien para ver como lo ponemos nosotros y no tenga que ir igualando ficha por ficha

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 22:52

Ok, voy a hacer un ejémplo:

Nombre: Ramza
Familia: Belouve
Edad: 18
Coraje: 40


Probablemente me elija un chemist, por la int que tengo. Y tambien pongo más fe que coraje.

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 22:57

Los que tiraron sigan con la creación de su pj.
Anotenla en su ficha (que esta en su pj).

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 22:58

Los que saquen un resultado menor o igual a 2, su resultado final es 3.

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 23:02

Bueno, hemos empezado mal, pero luego ha mejorado mucho.

Cargando editor
27/01/2008, 23:30

Nombre: Radagan
Familia: Lambard
Edad: 23
Coraje: 60
Fe: 40

Hp: 30
MP: 40

Fuerza = 5
Resistencia = 3
Inteligencia = 4
Velocidad = 3
Destreza = 7
Estatuto: comun.
Job: Squire

Notas de juego

que mal me salieron las tiradas la re mil "~€@#€@|€|¬%"$"$ que lo re pario.