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Juego de tronos: Free Cities


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05/08/2010, 23:34


Desembarco del rey


En aquellos momentos la gran ciudad cubria la playa hasta donde alcanzaba la vista de Catelyn. Haba mansiones, glorietas, graneros, almacenes de ladrillo, posadas de madera, tenderetes callejeros, tabernas, cementeros y burdeles; cada edificacion apoyada en las contiguas. Hasta sus oidos, pese a la distancia, llegaba el griterio del mercado del epscado. Entre los edificios habia calles anchas bordeadas de arboles, callejuelas seprenteantes y callejones tan estrechos que dos hombres no los pidian recorrer hombro con hombro.



Desembarco del Rey se situa en la orilla norte del rio Aguasnegras, justo donde desemboca en la bahia de Aguas negras. Esta construido sobre tres colinas con los nombres de Aegon y sus dos hermanas:  Thaenys y Vysenya. La Alta colina de Aegon, que se eleva sobre las aguas de Aguasnegras, es la sede de la fortaleza Roja con sus siete torres circulares, dentro de la cual esta el Trono de HIerro. Bajo esta hay un laberinto de tuneles secretos que se extienden mas alla de la ciudad.

En la esquina suroeste de la ciudad esta la colina de Vysenya, en cuya cima esta el Gran sep de Baelor. Desde lejos se pueden ver claramente sus siete torres con techo en forma de campana de cristal. La colina de Rhaenys esta en la parte mas nororiental de la ciudad y cubierta por las ruinas del pozo Dragon. En la base de la colina a la seccion de callejas y cruces retorcidos se la conoce como lecho de Pulgas. ES una  de las zonas mas pobres, sino la mas pobre, en las cercanias de Desembarco del rey. Sus calles no estna empedradas y los edificios estan tan juntos unos de otros que parecen que se tocan. La zona entera huele a pocilga, tenerias y pellejos de vino.

Siete puertas tiene la ciudad. Al sur, entre las paredes del castillo y el rio, hay una coleccion de ruinosos edificios que forma el mercado del pescado, asi como cientos de muelles alineados con el rio para que los mercaderes desembarquen sus mercancias. Al suroeste, mas alla de la puerta del Rey, estan los terrenos de los torneos. En medio del muro norte esta la puerta Vieja, cerca de la cual estan los vecinos mas adinerados de Desembarco del rey. Curiosamente, la alta sociedad de Desembarco vive al otro lado de la colina Rhaenys, al lado opuesto del lecho de Pulgas.

Siguiendo el rio por el sur se llega al Bosque Real. Aunque nominalmente es una reserva de caza privada del rey, hay muchos lugares donde los bandidos pueden esconderse bajo su techumbre. Algunos ciudadanos viven dentro del bosque. Al oeste de la ciudad se  inicia el camino Dorado que une Desembarco con Roca Casterly. El Camino Real se prolonga al norte y al sur de la ciudad. Al sur, desviandose hacia un lateral, el camion de las Rosas que conduce a Altojardin, mientras que el camino Real continua, a traves de las tierras de las Tormentas hasta Bastion. El camino del NOrte se prolonga pasando Invernalia hasta alcanzar el Muro.
Al este, sin embargo, la bahia de Aguasnegras se abre al Mar Angosto, donde puede encontrase la isal de Rocadragon. Se alza en el mar Angosto cerca de la punta Aguda, coronada por un poderoso castillo de basalto negro y tallado con figuras de dragones, gargolas e innumerables bestias de leyenda.



  Como la mayor ciudad de Poniente y sede del poder dentro de los Siete reinos, tiene influencia de todas las partes del reino. La mayoria de los nobles de Poniente, vienena Desembarco en algun momento de sus vidas. Muchos tienen una presencia regular en la ciudad para permanecer en contacto con los sucesos de la Corte. Con el Septon Supremo gormenando la Fe desde el Gran Sept de Baelor, muchos septones tambien vienen a Desembarco de forma eventual par presentar sus respetos. Los visitantes y comerciantes que cruzan el Mar Angosto, a menudo residen en el mayor puerto de Poniente. Algunos tienen la suficiente habilidad para hacerse propietarios de una casa, otros simplemente para sobrevivir..

Gran Casa

Baratheon, anteriormente Targaryen

Casas menores

Blount, Brune, Chelsted, Farring, Hayford, Kellteblack, Rosby, Rykker, Stauton, Stokework

Casas juramentadas a Rocadragon:

Bar Emmon, Celtigar, Massey, Sunglass y Velaryon

Beneficios regionales                                                        

Todos los personajes del Desembarco del rey obtienen los siguientes benficios:

  • Habilidad favorecida: Saber [callejero]
  • Bonificacion: +2 a las pruebas de averiguar intenciones y reunir informacion. Las gentes de desembarco son cautas y conocedoras del mundo, a menudo de una forma mas sofisticada que la gente de fuera de la ciudad
  • Bonificacion: +2 a la salvacion de Fortaleza contra enfermedad
  • Dote de transfondo: Criador de Oro o pico de oro.



Cargando editor
05/08/2010, 23:35








 The southernmost - and hottest - kingdom of Westeros, Dorne is a desert land of red mountains and warm winds. It stretches from the high mountains of the Dornish marches to the southern coast of the continent. Its princes rule from the mountains, the desert, and the sea, following 1,000 years of Rhoynish tradition and rule. Until Princess Nymeria and the Rhoynar crossed the sea, it was populated by the descendants of the Andals and First Men, who fought bloody wars all across its lands. Nymeria married into the Dornish nobility, and their family attained supremacy over the rest of Dorne.





 The people of Dorne are fiercely independent, but loyal to their rulers; it was the only land to escape the wrath of Aegon the Conqueror and his dragons. Daeron I, the Young Dragon, eventually conquered Dorne, but was unable to hold it as the treachery of its lords soon led to rebellion and independence. Dorne ultimately won peace with the Targaryen kings through marriage and treaty rather than war. It was the last of the Seven Kingdoms to fall under Targaryen rule, over a century after the Targaryen invasion. This accomplishment has allowed Dorne to retain a small measure of independence to this day.

The Dornish are a fierce people with skin burned dark by the sun. They differ both culturally and ethnically from other Westerosi. Their food, appearance, and architecture resemble those of Mediterranean cultures. Bastards born in Dorne are given the surname Sand. Rhoynish blood still flows strong in this region, a result of the historical mass immigration of Rhoynish people. They have adopted many Rhoynish customs as well, including equal primogeniture. Lords of the ruling House Martell still style themselves "Prince" and "Princess" in the Rhoynish fashion.

In Dorne of old before we married Daeron, it was said that all flowers bow before the sun. Should the roses seek to hinder me I’ll gladly trample them underfoot.

— Oberyn Martell


Gran Casa


Casas menores

Allyrion, Blackmont, Dalt, Dayne, Fowler, Gargalen, Manwoody, Qorgyle, Santagar, Toland, Uller, Wyl, Yronwood

Beneficios regionales                                                        

Todos los personajes del Dorne obtienen los siguientes beneficios:

  • Habilidad favorecida: +2 de superviviencia a las tiradas de Montar
  • Bonificacion:  +1 a los ataques realizados a los lomos de un caballo. Los guerreros dornienses se sienten comodos usando la lanza y el arco desde sus corceles de arena
  • Bonificacion:  +2 a las ts de fortaleza para resistir los efectos de climas adversos
  • Dote de transfondo: Cuerpo capaz, Sangre rhoynar, criador de oro o terco.

Notas de juego

 Casas de Dorne:


Gran Casa:


Casa Martell de Lanza del Sol. Príncipe Doran Nymeros Martell.


Casas Menores:


Casa Allyrion de Bondadivina. Lady Delonne Allyrion.

Casa Blackmont de Montenegro. Lady Larra Blackmont.

Casa Dalt de Limonar. Lord Deziel Dalt.

Casa Dayne de Campoestrella. Edric Dayne (escudero por ahora).

Casa Drinkwater.

Casa Fowler de Dominio del Cielo. Lord Franklyn Fowler, El Viejo Halcón, Guardián del Paso del Príncipe.

Casa Gargalen de Costa Salada. Lord Tremond Gargalen.

Casa Jordayne de Tor. Lord Trebor Jordayne.

Casa Ladybright.

Casa Manwoody de Sepulcro del Rey. Lord Dagos Manwoody.

Casa Qorgyle de Asperón. Lord Quentyn Qorgyle.

Casa Santagar de Bosquepinto. Lord Symon Santagar.

Casa Toland de Colina Fantasma. Lady Nymella Toland.

Casa Uller de Sotoinfierno. Lord Harmen Uller.

Casa Vaith de Dunas Rojas. Lord Daeron Vaith.

Casa Wells.

Casa Wyl de Caminohueso.

Casa Yronwood de Palosanto. Lord Anders Yronwood. Señor del Camino de Piedra. El Sangre Regia.

Cargando editor
05/08/2010, 23:35


El Dominio



Los Tyrell no fueron más que senescales hasta que Aegon el Dragón apareció y asó al legítimo rey del Dominio en el campo de Fuego. 

- Lady Olenna Tyrell, Tormenta de Espadas

El Dominio es una hermosa región de fértiles campos y vibrantes jardines en flor. Va desde el Aguasnegras en el norte a Antigua en el sur y desde la marca de Dorne en el este a las orillas del mar del Ocaso. Estas tierras son el corazón de la tradición de la caballería en los Siete Reinos y muchos de los más renombrados caballeros proceden de la casa Tyrell o sus abanderados. Sin embargo, los campos de rosas doradas cerca de Altojardín y sus elaboradas tradiciones esconden a gentes orgullosas y vanas  y la casa Tyrell es una de las más crueles y confabuladoras de todas las que juegan el juego de tronos.

No siempre han sido así. Los Tyrell fueron una vez senescales de la casa real del Dominio: los Gardener. Cuando fueron destruidos en el campo de Fuego, Aegon elevó a los Tyrell al puesto que ocupan...pero algunos dicen que los Florent o los Hightower hubieran sido una mejor elección.


El Dominio es uno de los paisajes más bonitos de los Siete Reinos. Los campos de flores y de hermosa hierba cubren las llanuras desde el norte siguiendo el Camino de las Rosas hacia el suroeste hacia los viñedos y los campos cercanos a Colmenar y el Torreón de Aguasclaras. El Camino de las Rosas serpentea a través de las tierras, cruza en varios puntos el río Mander y el viento cruza la región entera.

En el oeste, el río Aguamiel crea un terreno de tierras bajas templado, muy diferente de las montañas y desiertos al este de Campoestrella. La zona es la capital agrícola del Dominio y crece cualquier cosa desde rododendros a mielo o a uvas. El Rejo, una isla más allá del Cabo de los Susurros, produce algunos de los vinos más finos de los Siete Reinos. La ciudad de Antigua se asienta en el extremo sur del Camino de las Rosas y es el principal puerto del Dominio, así como el hogar de la Ciudadela, en la que los jóvenes son adiestrados en las artes de los maestres.

Aunque las aguas superiores del Mander están llenas de barro y son difíciles, se vuelven cristalinas y calmas cerca de Altojardín. los grandes sauces y las plantas verdes crecen a lo largo de la orilla y hacen agradable cualquier viaje río abajo. Los señores de Altojardín tienen barcazas de placer que rutinariamente viajan río arriba y abajo mientras sus nobles pasajeros celebran fiestas con los melones y los dulces vinos del Rejo. No es raro que los Señores de Altojardín celebren sus bodas en las barcazas de mayor tamaño, con el río lleno de pétalos de rosa y el ambiente lleno del aroma de la menta y el limón.

Las llanuras al norte y al oeste limitan con el Camino Dorado y el Camino del Mar. Son casi tan fértiles o hermosas como las del este y el sur. Estas llanuras empiezan a mostrar los primeros síntomas de las rocosas planicies de las Tierras de Occidente. Una zona de esta región es especialmente relevante: el Campo de Fuego; aquí fue donde Aegon Targaryen acabó con la mayor amenaza a su gobierno sobre Poniente.


Los Tyrell de Altojardín son una casa orgullosa que exige respeto a todos los que le deben obediencia. Se creen que son la definición misma de la caballería. Sus casas juramentadas cogen las costumbres de Altojardín, actúan sólo de la forma más galante y refinada y mantienen una estricta relación con sus ciudadanos y los nobles seguidores de la región. Todos los muchachos de los Dominios sueñan con ser algún día el escudero de un gran caballero Tyrell o Florent y quizá, llegar a ser caballeros por sus propios méritos. Las muchachas sueñan con casarse con un hermoso caballero que se echará a sus pies y que llevará con gran maestría los colores de alguna gran casa.

Aunque el código de la caballería seguido por los señores del Dominio asegura que los ciudadanos saben cuál es su lugar en la sociedad y ellos lo conocen bien, muchos aún sienten una sensación de orgullo al ser gobernados por señores tan hermosos y valientes (o eso es lo que sus señores creen). Los ciudadanos del Dominio no son diferentes a los del Norte o alos de Dorne, rindiendo tributo y pagan impuestos cuando así se lo mandan. Las celebraciones y las fiestas son comunes y los caballeros de viaje a un torneo hacen, a menudo, muchas paradas en el camino para presumir de sus caballos y sirvientes elegantemente vestidos para recibir la atención de los ciudadano. Muchos bastardos son fruto de esas paradas técnicas en el viaje, aunque la mayor parte de las madres de esos niños se sienten bendecidas más que olvidadas.

Las personas de la Colina Cuerno y otras localizaciones cercanas a la marca de Dorne están menos interesadas en el honor de sus señores y les importa más saber cuántas espadas pueden enviar contra las incursiones de los duros dornienses de las cercanas montañas. Tienden a ser personas más rudas que los granjeros y comerciantes de otras partes del Dominio, aunque no tanto como los dornienses contra los que luchan o los robustos norteños.

Las gentes del Dominio tienen un mayor acceso a los tintes que los demás debido a la gran existencia de flores. Gracias a esto, los ciudadanos visten de forma más rica y extravagante que en otras partes y más incluso que algunos nobles. Los verdes y el oro de Altojardín son colores populares, así como los rojos y los púrpuras hechos en el suroeste de las uvas que no se usan para hacer vino. El Dominio se ha vuelto un lugar de ensueño fijo en el tiempo desde que Aegon el Dragón inmoló a sus señores en el campo de Fuego.

Gran Casa


Casas menores

Ashford, Beesbury, Caswell, Costayne, Crane, Florent, Fossoway, Hewett, Hightower, Inchfield, Mullendore, oakheart, peake, Redwyne, Rowan, Serry, Tarly, Wythers.

Beneficios regionales                                                        

Todos los personajes del Dominio obtienen los siguientes benficios:

  • Habilidad favorecida: Montar
  • Bonificación +2 a Saber (nobleza) y Saber (guerra). Los del Dominio crecen rodeados de nobles y de la tradición de la caballería.
  • Bonificación +2 a las salvaciones de Reflejos hechas mientras están cabalgando. La mayoría de los hombres y mujeres están familiarizados con los caballos y mantienen la tranquilidad incluso cuando una montura se sobresalta o encabrita.
  • Los personajes del Dominio tienen la opción de elegir una de las siguientes dotes como dote de trasfondo: Cuerpo capaz, Sangre de los ándalos, Criador de oro, mente perspicaz, Piadoso o Pico de oro.
Cargando editor
05/08/2010, 23:36


El Norte


 Stretching from Moat Cailin in the south to the Wall and beyond, the North is nearly as large as the other six kingdoms of Westeros combined. It is a harsh land filled with bogs, forests, and large stretches of open plain dotted by the various castles and holdfasts of the people who inhabit the frozen region. The Starks of Winterfell Castle are the most prominent of these people, having ruled from their seat in Winterfell for thousands of years first as Kings of the North and later as Wardens of the North under Aegon, although many houses hold claim to territory within the North. Also found within the region’s icy grasp is the Night’s Watch, outcasts from the Seven Kingdoms and eternal guardians against terrors beyond the North


 The Northerners are a tough and hardy people who are used to the cruelty of winter. The blood of the First Men runs strong in the North; its people maintain the ancient ways, worshipping the old gods and their weirwoods, but some, mainly around the area of White Harbor near the southern boundary, have taken the faith of the Seven. Bastards born in the North are given the surname Snow.


They say it grows so cold up here in winter that a man’s laughter freezes in his throat and chokes him to death.

— Lord Eddard Stark



Gran Casa


Casas menores

Bolton, Cerwyn, Flint, Glover, Hornwood, Karstark, Manderly, Mormont, Reed, Tallhart, Umber

Clanes de las montañas.

Knott, Liddle, Norrey, Wull


Beneficios regionales                                                        

Todos los personajes del Norte obtienen los siguientes beneficios:

  • Habilidad favorecida:  Supervivencia.
  • Bonificacion: +2 a las pruebas de trato con animales e intimidad
  • Bonificacion: +2 a la salvacion de Fortaleza para resistir el daño por frio.
  • Dote de transfondo:  Sangre de los primeros hombres, sueños, sangre de gigante, Espiritu noble, Mercader


Cargando editor
05/08/2010, 23:36


El valle de Arryn






A hidden paradise nestled among the sheer peaks of the Mountains of the Moon, the Vale of Arryn is one of the oldest of the Seven Kingdoms as well as one of the most remote. Accessible only by long, treacherous mountain roads or by sea, the Vale has stood apart from the turmoil and intrigues of Westeros since the Kings of Mountain and Vale took the lands from the First Men. The Vale’s isolation — and the depredations of the mountain clansmen — have given rise to both pragmatism and caution among the folk who live there.

Situated to the north of the Crownlands and east of the Riverlands, the Vale of Arryn encompasses all the lands encircled by the Mountains of the Moon, from the twin watchtowers known as the Bloody Gate in the west, to Gulltown and the barren lands of the Fingers in the east. Near the Bloody Gate, the Vale is only a few leagues across, while the broken coasts to the east are a seemingly endless labyrinth of bays and cliffs.


The Vale is ruled by House Arryn, one of the oldest lines of Andal nobility in Westeros, and before Aegon's War of Conquest, Kings of Mountain and Vale. Their seat, the Eyrie, is a castle high in the mountains, small but unassailable. The people of the Vale have developed a high respect for peace, hospitality, and courtesy, yet are also famed for their honour and skill at arms. Bastards born in the Vale are given the surname Stone




Gran Casa


Casas menores


Baelish, Belmore, Borrell, Corbray, Egen, Grafton, Hardyng, Hunter, Moores, Redfort*, Royce (of Runestone), Royce (of the Games of the Moon), Templeton, Waynwood



Beneficios regionales                                                        

Todos los personajes del Valle obtienen los siguientes beneficios:

  • Habilidad favorecida: Trepar
  • Bonificacion: +2 a las pruebas de Equilibrio y Diplomacia
  • Bonificacion: +2 a la salvacion de reflejos, a las pruebas de trepar, equilibrio y supervivencia en un terreno montañoso
  • Dote de transfondo: Cuerpo capaz, Sangre de los andalos, Sangre de gigante, criador de oro, Espiritu noble, Piadoso, pico de oro


Cargando editor
05/08/2010, 23:36


Las tierras de las Tormentas



 Legends say the Stormlands were born in a struggle against the gods themselves. Thousands of years of conquest, conflict with the elements, and war with the people of Dorne have given rise to a folk as stern and strong as the tempests that give these lands their name. The coastlands of the narrow sea are not renowned for their wealth or prosperity, but as a breeding ground of kings. Three lines of great kings have called the Stormlands home: the Storm Kings who arose in the Age of Heroes, the Targaryens who invaded Westeros from Dragonstone Isle, and the Baratheons who currently hold the Iron Throne.






 The Stormlands stretch from the waters of Blackwater Bay in the north to the Sea of Dorne in the south. They include the lands surrounding Shipbreaker Bay, and the far southern region of the Dornish Marches, ruled by House Caron and lesser marcher lords, which forms a troubled border with Dorne. The marches were common battlegrounds between the Stormlands, the Reach, and Dorne until the last century, when Dorne joined the Seven Kingdoms. Most of the inland regions of the Stormlands are covered in two great forests, the Kingswood and the Rainwood, while the coastlines consist of ragged snarls of rocks or sheer cliffs. Bastards born in the Stormlands are given the surname Storm.



Gran Casa


Casas menores[juramentadas a bastion de las Tormentas]

Buckler, Cafferen, Caron, Connington, Dondarrion, Errol, Estermont, Grandison, Hasty, Horpe, Lonmouth, Morrigen, Penrose, Seaworth, Selmy, Swann, Tarth, Trant, Wensington, Wylde

Beneficios regionales                                                        

Todos los personajes de las Tierras obtienen los siguientes beneficios:

  • Habilidad favorecida: Saber [Guerra]
  • Bonificacion: +2 a las pruebas de averiguar intenciones
  • Bonificacion: +1 a la salvacion de Fortaleza
  • Dote de transfondo: Sangre de los andalos, sangre de gigante, Espiritu noble, piadoso o terco.


Cargando editor
05/08/2010, 23:36


Las tierras de los Rios





 The Riverlands are the heart of the Seven Kingdoms lying amid the three forks of the river Trident. Within its borders are some of the most storied and significant castles in Westeros. House Tully flies its red and blue banners above the castle at Riverrun, while their bannermen, the Freys, guard the river crossing where the Green Fork flows from the swamps of the Neck. The people of the Trident and Gods Eye bridge the Seven Kingdoms, both with their waterways and their political alliances to both the North and the South. Bastards born in the Riverlands are given the surname Rivers.


The Riverlands have had a turbulent history after the fall of the old Riverkings at the hands of the other southern kingdoms and were ruled by each of them at one time or another. Presently, the Riverlands are ruled by House Tully of Riverrun. At the time of Aegon's War of Conquest, the Riverlands were ruled by House Hoare of the Iron Islands; the Tullys were never kings of the Riverlands, but were rebel riverlords who left Harren the Black in favor of Aegon the Conqueror.

We’re all just songs in the end. If we are lucky.

— Catelyn Stark




Gran Casa


Casas menores

Blackwood*, Bracken, Darry, Frey, Haigh, Mallister, Paege, Piper, Ryger, Smallwood, Vance, Whent

Beneficios regionales                                                        

Todos los personajes de las tierras de los Rios obtienen los siguientes beneficios:

  • Habilidad favorecida: Nadar
  • Bonificacion: +2 a una habilidad de artesania y a oficio [marinero]
  • Bonificacion: +2 a la salvacion de Fortaleza para resistir el daño del agua fria  y para ahogarse
  • Dote de transfondo: Sangre de los andalos, Mente perspicaz, Pico de oro, Piadoso, terco, Mercader


Cargando editor
05/08/2010, 23:37


Las islas del Hierro


 “Windy and cold and damp. A miserable hard place, in truth ... but my lord father once told me that hard places breed hard men, and hard men rule the world.”


— Theon Greyjoy

The Iron Islands are an unwelcoming cluster of islands due west of the Neck, rising from the stormy seas in the midst of Ironman’s Bay. This desolate archipelago consists of the isles of Pyke, Old Wyk, Great Wyk, Harlaw, Orkmont, Saltcliffe, Blacktyde, and dozens of smaller crags and islets, some so tiny that they can barely host a
single village. Life on the Iron Islands is hard, but its people endure and remember a proud past. These inhabitants are known as Ironmen throughout Westeros, “The Ironborn” amongst themselves. Once a feared raiding culture, ironborn reavers would raid, pillage, rape, and burn. Ironmen in longboats brought fear and suffering to the coast of Westeros and beyond. Their more recent history has been bleaker, however, but even still the men of the Iron Islands remember their former glorious traditions.




The island chain of the Iron Islands lies off the western coast of the Seven Kingdoms, in Ironman’s Bay. It is west of the Trident river and the Neck, and just northwest of the Westerlands. There are several islands of notable size: PykeOld WykHarlawGreat WykSaltcliffeBlacktyde, and Orkmont. The sea storms often wreck havoc on the islands with their considerable force: Pyke once extended a spur of land like a sword out of the sea, but that outcropping has long since shattered, and it is now in essence three separate isles.

The seas are rocky and stormy, and offer few safe harbours. From the islands, however, one can easily sail down the Westerlands and along the borders of the Reach, reaching even the Arbor. Or one could sail North along the Neck, or around Cape Kraken and into the Blazewater Bay and the Saltspear river. From Blazewater Bay, the ironmen can menace the Stony Shore, the shore of the wolfswood, and theoretically reach as far as the Wall.

Trade & Resources

The Iron Islands are a harsh place to live, let alone prosper. The islands are not good for farming, but some meagre crops can still be harvested and a few flocks of sheep and goats are kept. The ground is rocky, though, and farmers often have to do without the animals that might make their lot easier: oxen or horses.

The ocean offers the other source of food for the islands. The islands are rocky, and so is the ocean that surrounds them making boating perilous, especially in light of the frequent storms that blast the islands. Still, fishing provides the islands with cod and other seafood that make the islands survivable.

However miserable the gathering of food may be, it is mining that is often considered the hardest life on the islands, backbreaking labour far from the fresh sea air and sun. It is difficult work for little reward, for there are only base metals to be found: iron, lead, and tin. That these poor rewards provide the chief export of the islands is perhaps a sign of how cheerless life is on the islands.

Military Might

The Iron Islands can call upon an estimated 20,000 swords. The island fleet is the largest in Westeros, greater than the royal fleet and far larger than nearly every other navy. The islands can probably float about 500 longships or more — many of these might dip no more than 20 oars, while a handful dip more than 100. The Iron Fleet is a specific elite fleet of these larger ships. It should be noted that a longship does not compare well to a galley or carrack, despite being faster and more manoeuvrable, as those ships have much higher decks with room to mount scorpions and other such instruments of war.

The ironmen have an advantage over other regions for their martial culture encompasses everyone, high and low, men and even some women, all of whom learn to fight and reave. The only exception are the thralls, who are not taught to fight but instead do heavy labor.

The Old Way

With so little wealth on the islands themselves, it is not difficult to understand why the ironmen of old turned to raiding. The main continent of Westeros would have appeared a very rich land in comparison. Even today, the main land is called the “green lands” by the ironmen. To strike out and take the riches from their better off neighbours must have tempted the ancient ironmen terribly, so they took what their own lands would not provide.

Ancient cultural traditions, or the “old way,” are still highly regarded on the Iron Islands. The Old Way embodies the remembered values of a culture based on a raiding. A man’s worth was judged primarily on his skill as a raider, as evidenced in the surviving practice regarding jewellery. Men on the Iron Islands wear no tokens unless they have “paid the iron price,” only wearing jewellery that has been taken from fallen foes.

In addition to the actual goods acquired during raids, the ironborn also took people. Many of their captives would work as thralls, slaving away on the farms and mines of the isles since the true sons of the Iron Islands are meant for more than such drudgery. Women were also taken captive to act as bed warmers; a man could have several of these “salt wives” in addition to his one true ironborn wife, his “rock wife.”

Ironborn women, however, may fight as well as a man, and may crew a longship or even captain their own ships. It is said that the sea gives them the appetites of a man. Despite this freedom, no woman has ever led the ironborn as queen.

Traits, Attitudes & Characteristics

Cleverness, skill at arms, and persistence are all treasured traits to the Ironmen. They live in contempt of the weaklings of the “green lands” (their name for the mainland of Westeros), their gods, and their laws. Ship captains and warriors are revered among them; it is said that every captain is a king on his or her deck, and every king must be a captain. Captains are expected to raid, gaining wealth for their crews through plunder and pillage. Indeed, true Ironmen only value things “bought with iron” (won by force of arms in combat), and have only scorn for those who clothe themselves in finery bought with gold.

Life is short on the Iron Islands, and the harsh clime has bred a harsh outlook in the Ironmen. Even their sports are brutal: most feasts see at least one “finger dance,” a game where one or more drunken warriors hurl short-hafted axes at each other. Players must either catch the axes or leap over them. The game draws its name from the fact that most dances end when one player loses some of his or her fingers. Death and pain are the expected results of a life spent reaving, and dying well in battle is seen as far better than a life of comfort.

Style of the Ironmen

Most of the ironborn lords do not style themselves “Lord Farwynd” or “Lord Goodbrother,” instead using an older form, such as “the Farwynd” or “the Goodbrother,” much as the clan leaders of the North do. A few houses have taken on the mainland styles of lord, mostly through contact with the green lands.

Drowned God

True ironmen who cling to the Old Way reject the Seven of the Andals and the old gods of the First Men. They have their own deity. A hard people in a harsh land, the ironborn cling to their true faith, that of the Drowned God. The islands still have clergy who braid seaweed through their hair and dress in robes coloured to resemble the sea: mottled greens, blues, and greys. The priests perform blessings, and ask for human sacrifice by drowning when the ironmen are victorious in battle.

The rest of the ironmen revere the Drowned God much as they revere their own history. To die gloriously in his cause, following the Old Way, earns a warrior a place at the feast in his watery halls. The Drowned God is locked in struggle with the Storm God, his enemy and the enemy of all true ironborn.

“What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger.”

— Aeron Greyjoy

Greyjoy's of Pyke

Reportedly descended from the legendary Grey King of the Age of Heroes, the Greyjoy family has ruled the Iron Islands since Lord Vickon Greyjoy was chosen after the fall of Harren the Black during the War of Conquest. Prior to the arrival of Aegon the Conqueror, the Ironmen ruled over the Riverlands and much of the western coast of Westeros. Today, the Greyjoys rule the Iron Islands from the kraken-shaped Seastone Chair in Pyke, and command one of the strongest navies in the Seven Kingdoms. Bastards born in the Iron Islands are given the surname Pyke.

Men fish the sea, dig in the earth, and die. Women birth children in blood and pain, and die. Night follows day. The wind and tides remain. The islands are as our god made them.

— Aeron Damphair Greyjoy

Great House


Minor Houses (By Isle)

Blacktyde: Blacktyde
Great Wyk: Farwynd, Goodbrother*, Merlyn,
Harlaw: Harlaw, Myre, Stonetree, Volmark
Old Wyk: Goodbrother*
Orkmont: Goodbrother*, Orkwood
Pyke: Botley, Wynch
Saltcliffe: Saltcliffe


* NOTE: There are Goodbrothers on the isles of Great Wyk, Old Wyk, and Orkmont. Other houses may also have splinter branches spread across the isle

Beneficios regionales                                                         

Todos los personajes de las islas obtienen los siguientes beneficios:

  • Habilidad favorecida: Nadar
  • Bonificacion: +2 a las pruebas de intimidar y oficio [marinero]
  • Dote de transfondo: Cuerpo capaz, Sangre de hierro, TErco, Mercader.


Cargando editor
05/08/2010, 23:37


Las tierras de Occidente





 West of the Trident and north of the Reach is a region known as the Westerlands, a rocky land of miners and fishermen. The Westerlands are rich in coin, thanks to the many gold mines that dot the surrounding hills and mountains. Additionally, the coastal fisheries and large tracts of grazing land keep the region well fed. The Lannisters of Casterly Rock are the unrivaled rulers of this precious hill country. Through their ruthless actions and the devotion of their enforcers, such as House Clegane, House Lannister has seen every family in the region bend the knee to their lord, Tywin Lannister.


The Westermen are descended from Andal adventurers, who built a kingdom upon the goldmines of Casterly Rock. Lannisport, lying hard by Casterly Rock, is the chief town of the region and one of the great ports and cities of Westeros. Bastards born in the Westerlands are given the surname Hill.




Gran Casa


Casas menores


Brax, Broom, Clegane, Crakehall, Lefford, Lorch, Lydden, Marbrand, Payne, Prester, Serrett, Swyft, Westerling



Beneficios regionales                                                        

Todos los personajes de las tierras de Occidente obtienen los siguientes beneficios:

  • Habilidad favorecida: Oficio [cualquiera]
  • Bonificacion: +2 a las pruebas de Tasacion y diplomacia
  • Modificador: +4 pruebas de engañar y averiguar intenciones si hay dinero de por medio
  • Dote de transfondo: Criador de Oro, pico de oro, Sangre de los andalos, Sangre de gigante, Piadoso