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La Franja Jericho 2: Nuevos Frentes, Enemigos Desconocidos

Ideas sucesos y visiones en el interior de la nave.

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24/04/2015, 10:00
Sólo para el director

Muerte tendrá visiones de uno de los úlyimos momentos de su capitulo.

Adenoriel verá una de sus primeras misiones como tecnonarine.

Salaphael verá un momento en el que perdió a su superior y tuvo que terminar dirigiendo esa misión.

Bolverk verá su batalla y muerte para después ser resucitado como aspirante a astartes.

Puede que vean la muerte de Sanguinius, lo que dará un Test de WP a Salaphael a -20 y, si falla, ganará 1d10 Insanity Points por Grado de Fracaso.

Bolverk puede verse a si mismo convertido en Wulfen y debera hacer un test de WP a -20 u obtener 1d10 de Insanity Points por Grado de Fracaso.

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17/04/2016, 19:59
Sólo para el director

Threat Level and Scale:

Minoris y Scale de 4. Tiene que ir en aumento en cada una de las tres partidas dentro del Mortis Thule.

La Escala de 4 significa que habrá un total de 4 eventos entre encuentros y calamidades.


Calamidad + Encuentro



Hacer que los jugadores hagan tiradas de Awareness de forma periodica, pero sin decirles por qué o qué pasa si aciertan o fallan (Ocultas). Describir sonidos del Mortis Thule, movimiento de sombras en el perímetro de su visión. Tiradas de Voluntad para no abrir fuego sin saberlo.

Cuando la tensión esté bien arriba, entonces es cuando pueden empezar los combates. Se recomienda el uso de tiranidos, más que nada, porque otros seres aparecerán más adelante y no hay que avisarles de su presencia.

Standard Ambush:

The Kill-team is caught on the defensive, attacked by a well prepared enemy force. The enemy force consists of a number of Troops equal to twice the number of Battle-Brothers in the Kill-team, plus a number of Elite adversaries equal to half the number of Battle-Brothers, or a number of Elite adversaries equal to the number of Battle-Brothers in the Kill-team The enemy force is considered to have an Offensive Advantage, set by the GM randomly determining or choosing a single effect from Table 4–5: Offensive Advantage.

Minor Clash:

The Kill-team encounters a small force of enemy skirmishers, possibly a scouting force or vanguard. The fight is likely to be short and brutal. The enemy force consists of a number of Troops equal to the number of Battle-Brothers in the Killteam, plus a single Elite adversary as their leader.


Algunas calamidades se pueden combinar con los encuentros. Si una sección del corredor se colapsa por culpa de los astartes, es facil que un grupo de genestealers los asalte por culpa del sonido, así aprenderán a andarse con cuidado.

Minor Hazard:

The Kill-team encounters some persistent, lingering danger—a radiation or chemical leak, an ongoing blaze, an electromagnetic disturbance, or some other threatening circumstance. Similarly impeding to an Obstacle, a Hazard also inflicts continual harm upon those caught within it, and it takes time to bypass and fortitude to endure.

As with an Obstacle, a Hazard can be circumvented after a number of Skill or Characteristic Tests. Each such Test takes several minutes of effort (10 minus the number of Degrees of Success on a successful Test, 11 plus the number of Degrees of Failure on a failed Test). The type of Tests required should be determined by the GM, who should remain open to all manner of creative solutions. The total number of successful Tests required, and the standard difficulty of those Tests, is determined by the severity of the Test.

Where a Hazard differs from an Obstacle is that for every Test attempted—pass or fail—every member of the Kill-team suffers a set amount of Damage determined by the severity of the Hazard. This Damage is reduced by Toughness Bonus and Armour as normal. The type of Damage inflicted varies based on the precise nature of the Hazard, though Rending and Energy Damage are the most commonplace. At the GM’s discretion, some hazards can also apply one or more Weapon Qualities to the Damage inflicted—commonly applicable Qualities are Flame, Haywire, Shocking, and Toxic.

Minor Hazards require three successful Tests to bypass, and the standard difficulty of such Tests is Difficult (–10). Alternatively, the Hazard can require five successful Tests with a standard difficulty of Challenging (+0). Minor Hazards inflict 1d10+5 Damage with a Pen of 5. Minor Hazards are rarely a concern for the well protected and durable Astartes, but can still pose a threat if not overcome quickly

Standard Peril

The Kill-team encounters some impending grave threat—the risk of a collapsing section, a reactor on the verge of breach, a cache of unexploded munitions, or some other immediate danger. A Kill-team must move swiftly and carefully through a perilous area, and while this can impede them, the risk of lingering too long or acting incautiously can prove lethal.

As with an Obstacle, a Peril can be circumvented after a number of Skill or Characteristic Tests. Each such Test takes several minutes of effort (10 minus the number of Degrees of Success on a successful Test, 11 plus the number of Degrees of Failure on a failed Test) to perform. The type of Tests required should be determined by the GM, who should remain open to all manner of creative solutions. The total number of successful Tests required, and the standard difficulty of those Tests, is determined by the severity of the Test.

Where a Peril differs from an Obstacle is that for any Test failed, there is a chance of the Peril taking effect. This requires a number of Degrees of Failure determined by the severity of the Peril, and inflicts Damage to every member of the Kill-team equal to the severity of the Peril. This Damage is reduced by Toughness Bonus and Armour as normal. The type of Damage inflicted varies based on the precise nature of the Hazard. At the GM’s discretion, some hazards can also apply one or more Weapon Qualities to the damage inflicted—commonly applicable Qualities are Flame, Haywire, Shocking, and Toxic.

Standard Perils require either five successful Tests with a standard difficulty of Hard (–20), or seven successful Tests with a standard difficulty of Difficult (–10). Standard Perils are triggered by any Test failed by two or more Degrees of Failure, and inflict 3d10+5 Damage with a Pen of 7. Standard Perils require as much luck as skill to avoid, and pose a threat to life and limb for even the Astartes.

Tipo de Naves:

El trayecto va desde el Atardecer Argenteo hasta el Espada de MacLir, por eso es recomendable que no haya otras naves astartes por el camino. Recomendable usar naves Imperiales, Orkas, Eldar o incluso Tiránidas. Algunas naves son muy antiguas, por lo que pueden ser desconocidas o extrañamente familiares (poner el crucero en el que viajaba Muerte, puede que algún hermano).

Procedencia Desconocida:

There are some vessels and structures encountered aboard Space Hulks that have no clear or known origin. Whether these are relics of the Dark Age of Technology or some era before that, fragments of some dark future, or the work of an unknown xenos breed is a matter of intense debate, and varies with each and every discovery.

So varied are these constructions that nothing definitive can be said of them, save that all are unsettling in their unfamiliar form, disorienting to human sensibilities even beyond the reasoned disgust of setting foot aboard a tainted or xenos vessel.

In most cases, the Adeptus Mechanicus is eager to secure and study these unknown derelicts first-hand—the mysterious tempts the hunger for lore within every Priest of Mars as much as it wards away right-thinking servants of Him-on-Terra. Their desire is easily explained—the work of ancient humanity promises a wealth of archeotechnology, while the creations of unknown xenos could reveal the nature of some previously unseen threat to the Imperium.

Fragata (¿Posible nave de Muerte?):

A mainstay of Imperial Navy battlegroups, frigates are the workhorse of most naval forces, serving as patrol vessels and escort ships in equal measure. Though only a little larger than destroyers, frigates are somewhat more durable and while not as quick, their armament is more versatile. In essence, frigates are almost ideal as a countermeasure to enemy destroyers, hence their common use in patrolling pirate-infested regions.

As with destroyers, frigates are cramped vessels. Due to the close confines and heavy reinforcement of bulkheads and other structural components, access to different areas of the ship is difficult, particularly without the aid of navigation aids such as schematics or detailed auspex readings.

Arquitectura y Tecnología:

Hay que recordar que no todo son masas de acciedentes de naves espaciales. También hay trozos de rocas espaciales, con agujeros como una colmena con basajes naturales de origen artificial.

Si viajan por naves imperiales podrían encontrar munición o algún tipo de objetos que les interesarían.


Voidlocks are massive, heavily warded entry chambers used to allow passage from the harrowing void outside a ship into its more hospitable interior and back again. Commonly used as entry points by boarding parties for simple ease of access, Voidlocks are difficult to bypass without a skilled Tech-Adept of some kind or powerful cutting tools. Due to the sheer mass of vessels that comprise a Space Hulk, a boarding party might encounter numerous Voidlocks as they travel deeper into the derelict. Voidlocks are built with local power supplies to remain operable long after a vessel’s main power dies out, and can easily be fitted to other power supplies in an emergency.

It requires a Difficult (–10) Tech-Use Test to successfully repower and operate a Voidlock. If the Test fails, the Battle-Brothers must find a way to power the Voidlock before trying again. If cutting or blasting through is the only option, each Voidlock door has 42 AP, and attackers must inflict 30 or more points of Damage after reductions for armour to open a hole large enough for a Hulking creature to pass through. Typical Voidlocks have two doors—one external to the void, one leading to the vessel’s interior.

Labyrinth of Wreckage:

While this section might once have contained clear passageways, debris and wreckage have partially filled it, making it difficult to traverse and navigate.

A Labyrinth of Wreckage is Difficult Terrain, imposing a –20 penalty on Agility-based Tests made within the area.

Formas de Vida:

Usarla de forma libre e incluso es ideal para los enemigos al principio de la misión.



Malfunctioning Gravity Plates:

Starships of all kinds employ some form of gravity-manipulation technology to provide starships with their own gravity, allowing the crew to walk around and perform their duties normally rather than acclimating to null-G conditions. The secrets to creating these ancient devices are held solely by the Adeptus Mechanicus. However, with proper tending and ministrations from the Martian priests, these devices can operate for several lifetimes. Indeed, some starships use gravity plates salvaged from even older vessels, where individual plates might be thousands of years old and still in perfect working order.

However, that is not to say that they cannot malfunction. While typically stable, extended periods without maintenance after suffering damage or due to the interference of external forces such as the Warp can cause gravity plates and equivalent technologies to function oddly or not at all.

When generating this environmental condition, roll 1d10.

On a 1-3, the gravity is significantly heavier than usual. On a 4-6, the gravity is significantly lighter than usual. On a 7-9, gravity is entirely absent. On a roll of a 10, some other oddity has occurred, to be determined by the GM—the gravity might operate in a different direction (upwards, or towards one of the walls, for example) or it might fluctuate heavily (roll again every 1d5 Rounds).

Rules for operating in low, high, and zero gravity can be found on page 210 of the DEATHWATCH Core Rulebook. Note that Astartes armour is equipped with magboots by default.

Highly Toxic:

A Highly Toxic area requires a Difficult (–10) Toughness Test and inflicts 1d10 Damage, +1 per Degree of Failure.

Flooded (Chemical):

The area is completely filled with liquid, hindering normal passage. Depending on the result chosen, the liquid might be some form of chemical or it could be water.

If the area is flooded with chemicals, then the GM should have some idea of what sort of chemicals they are—if the GM has already generated the Radioactive, Corrosive, or Toxic environmental conditions, those apply to the chemicals rather than the air. Either way, it is likely that the chemicals are not as transparent as water, restricting vision to a number of metres equal to twice a creature’s Perception Characteristic (though this does not hinder Preysense upgrades or hearing). Needless to say, a character cannot breathe in a chemical flood, and must either walk through it along the floor or swim through.

If the area is flooded with water, the vision restrictions do not apply, and while most creatures cannot breathe water, Space Marines can due to their Multi-Lung. If the Radioactive, Corrosive, or Toxic environmental conditions were generated, those apply to the water, indicating that it has become contaminated.

Efectos de la Disformidad:

Usarlos ligeremante más frecuentes ya que acaba de salir de la disformidad.

Temporal Flux:

Time’s passage has become erratic in this area, with seconds, minutes, and hours all becoming fluid concepts. Even the mightiest warrior can be struck down if time allows his enemies swift motion while he is stuck between moments.

In structured time, at the start of every creature’s Turn, roll 1d10.

On a 1 or 2, that creature is hindered by time and is considered to be Stunned until the end of the Round, unable to take any Actions or Reactions. On a 9 or 10, the creature is bolstered by time and can take a second Turn immediately after completing its normal one. On any other result, time has not slowed or accelerated enough to help or hinder the creature, and it acts normally.

In narrative time, roll 1d10 and subtract the roll of a second 1d10 from it. This value in minutes is added—or subtracted—to the length of time a given extended task (such as a Test when circumventing a Calamity) takes. Roll individually for each action and character, as time does not flow evenly for all within a Temporal Flux.

As a side effect, any character who has been within an area of Temporal Flux finds that his chronometer is no longer synchronised with that of his comrades, as different amounts of time have passed for all of them.

Warp Echo:

Almost as if all sound was bent back upon itself, this place seems to echo abnormally. All sounds, even ones conveyed over vox, echo strangely, often impossibly.

This effect imposes a –10 penalty on all hearing-based Awareness Tests.


No usarlos demasiado para que el Kill-Team no se vea obligado a dejar la misión principal.

Remains of the Past:

The dead are many here. Still clad in their dust-caked warplate, these fallen heroes are a testament to the perils of exploring a Space Hulk. Their corpses are decayed beyond recognition, leaving no geneseed to salvage, but their wargear is still potentially valuable. There are 1d5–2 corpses (to a minimum of 1), all equipped with the standard issue gear for a Tactical Marine. Half of their grenades, ammunition, and repair cement supplies (rounding down) have all been used, but the rest remain in useable condition.

A member of the Kill-team with the Lore: Forbidden (Adeptus Astartes) Skill may choose to perform a brief service to put the spirits of the dead Astartes to rest and commend them to the Emperor. If the Test is successful, every member of the Kill-team regains two lost Cohesion, as they are reminded of the necessity of sacrifice and that only in death does duty end.

Forgotten Relic

Vessels carrying items of spiritual worth are not uncommon in the Imperium—countless acts of devoted heroism and pious self-sacrifice occur across the Emperor’s domain every year, and even though a tiny proportion of them lead to anything of great significance, the trappings of these heroes and martyrs are precious reminders of the costs of faith and duty. Transporting these relics to shrine worlds is a heavy responsibility, and some vessels are lost during the voyage. Beyond that, sacred tools of mighty warriors can be found aboard Space Hulks, lost during prior expeditions.

In either case, these relics are of great worth and are a worthy burden to take up. When discovering a Forgotten Relic, roll 1d10. On a result of 9 or 10, the relic is a functioning and sacred weapon. On any other result, the relic is either damaged beyond immediate repair or is otherwise of no significant or immediate uses save as an object of veneration.

Relics that have no particular use are valuable if safely retrieved, granting 1d5 Renown to all members of the Killteam.

Relics that are functioning weapons can be valuable assets to the Kill-team. A relic weapon is a Master-Crafted weapon of a type determined by the GM, that gains the Sanctified Quality and any two other Qualities from the following list: Concussive, Devastating (1), Felling (1), Razor-Sharp, Tearing, or Volatile, once again chosen by the GM. Alternatively, the GM should feel free to design unique relics.

Retrieving a relic weapon grants 1d5 Renown to all members of the Kill-team, +1 for the Battle-Brother who wielded that weapon if it was used to slay a Master-level enemy.

In either case, retrieval of a relic allows all members of the Kill-team access to the Peer Talent appropriate for the group most closely connected to the relic (GM’s discretion).


No se usa.

- Tiradas (6)
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17/04/2016, 20:31
~ Narrador ~
Sólo para el director

Disposición de eventos, lugares y sucesos según salen de la nave.

Atardecer Argenteo: Punto de Salida.

Roca: Minor Clash (Venomthrope (Mark of Xenos pag 57) y 4 Hormagants), Highly Toxic

Procedencia Desconocida: Minor Hazard, Standard Ambush, Voidlock, Malfunctioning Gravity Plates

Fragata: Standard Peril, Labyrinth of Wreckage, Flooded (Chemical), Remains of the Past, Forgotten Relic

Espada de MacLir: Punto de Llegada.