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Stargate. The rise of the Tau`ri

Kicking English grammar and dictionary (Spanglish)

Cargando editor
30/06/2017, 11:09

Keiran, solo puedo agradecerte el tiempo que te has tomado en corregirme :)

El tema del an, a son errores de concentración y que no reviso los posts al enviarlos. Mi objetivo es mejorar mi "inglés instintivo" ya que es evidente que si te lo repiensas, te lo relees tres veces y demás se pulen los errores. Interesante lo de las siglas (F22) y el an y a... no lo sabía. Aplicaba la regla general (a para consonantes, an para vocales).. pero este matíz se me había escapado

According to.... cagada de las gordas. Y ya la he hecho varias veces...a ver si escarmiento XD

People... have been. Si, verdad de la buena. People es una palabra plural (Personas)

hundredfold es sin espacio. Pero era una complicación inútil... hundred times more XXXX y hubiera salido mejor del paso. A veces cuando intentas lucirte es cuando la cagas XD

un fighter es un avión de tipo caza. En este caso se refiero a los cazas de los goauld's. Tal vez con fighters o gliders (que es como se llaman los cazas goa'uld hubiera bastado)

Y creo que ya está. Gracias por lo del post... la verdad es que me llevo lo suyo montarlo con las respectivas adaptaciones para cada uno. Soy consciente que cuanto más escribo más la cago... pero de igual modo cuanto más la cago y me corrigen más aprendo.

De nuevo, gracias por tu tiempo :)


Cargando editor
30/06/2017, 11:20
Teacher Sam

Aquí tenéis el TOP-10 de errores que he ido viendo durante la introducción.

  1. Suponer -> to Suppose. Lo he visto escrito de todas las maneras posibles XD. En pasado supposed.
  2. People has/does -> People (la gente pero también las personas) es una palabra plural así que los verbos que la acompañan no pueden ser de tercera persona. Como curiosidad: 1 person pero 2 people 3 people... peoples no existe
  3. Según/ De acuerdo con -> According to. According no va con nada que no sea el to...
  4. Hablar a -> Talk to. El inglés es un idioma muy puñetero con las preposiciones y normalmente solo hay una que sirve para una expresión.
  5. Note (para referirse a nota académica). Note es una nota manuscrita... las notas son grades, marks y dependiendo del contexto score.
  6. Sonreir a -> Smile at -> Otra de esas cosas que he repetido unas cuantas veces
  7. cuidado al separar palabras. Hay algunas partículas como any, every, with que se usan en palabras separas (with me, every Sunday, any food..) y otras que se usan juntas (anybody, without, everything)..
  8. Frases sin sujeto. Los ingleses son muy puñeteros... y sus frases tienen sujeto. Si no encuentras el sujeto o no sabes que poner probablemente el sujeto sea It.
  9. Mayúsculas. Solo se usan para el pronombre personal I (yo). he, she, we, they... van en minúsculas. Otra curiosidad, los rangos militares también van en mayúsculas cuando van antes de un nombre. Es decir Captain Kirk pero my captain told me...
  10. Sergeant (sargento) no sargent. Como curiosidad. Sarge si que es una forma de decir Sargento y uno de los personajes de Cars.

Otra cosa, a estas alturas ya más o menos he visto el nivel de inglés de cada uno. Hay gente a la que le voy a exigir más, Hola Keyran.. XDD, y a otra que le voy a ir corrigiendo las cosas más gordas para llegar a los detallitos chorras más tarde. No os preocupeis, nos entendemos bien... y ya veis que yo fallo más que una escopeta de caña :)

A seguir por este camino!

Cargando editor
02/07/2017, 22:06
Teacher Sam

Hal wrote: 

Do we suppose then that they didn't come from Abydos? They can come from any planet or whatever around the galaxy. How could we discovered the other "directions" to call to?

 No se muy bien el sentido que quieres darle... creo que es el de "podemos suponer". Si es así, lo correcto es

Can we suppose.....

La otra frase puede tener más de un sentido... 

Si quieres decir como descubrimos -> how we discovered (sin could)

Si quieres decir como podriamos descubrir.. how could we discover 

Cargando editor
02/07/2017, 23:49
Hal Jenkins

Sí. Correcto. Se me ha escapado el discovered.
La primera es una afirmación en forma de pregunta. "¿Suponemos que no venían de Abydos?"

Notas de juego

Cargando editor
03/07/2017, 17:53
Teacher Sam

Por la forma que le quieres dar parece que es una "question tag". Las questión tag se traducen por: Frase, verdad?

Por ejemplo. Suponemos que no vinieron de Abydos, verdad?

En este caso sería algo así como:

We suppose that they didn't come from Abydos, don't we?

Las question tags son un grano en el culo :)

Cargando editor
03/07/2017, 18:01
Hal Jenkins

Ok. Gracias por la correccion

Cargando editor
05/07/2017, 09:23
Teacher Sam

Sam wrote:

Have not we been able to reproduce them?

I believed it was a mistake... but, it's correct. It's old fashioned but it's OK. The most common way to ask this question, at least the more academic one, is: Don't we have been able to reproduce them?

It's controversial. Maybe Keiran can explain it better XD


Cargando editor
05/07/2017, 14:13
Keiran Byrne

I cannot :( but oddly, "Haven't we been able to" sounds better to me. But speaking with natives doesn't make you speak properly. One could be the american Chiquito :D

Cargando editor
05/07/2017, 20:47
Teacher Sam

I have been looking for an answer with some people that I have met during my language interchanges in the UK and all of them are alined with the have structure.

Since I'm not very good learning things without fully understand why things work in one or another way I have found an explanation for that and I think that It makes sense

  • If have is used in a present or past perfect (have been - had been) the particle to construct the question is have or had. You can't use do.
  • If the meaning of have is tener instead of haber, you must use the do + have 

The reason is that in present and past perfect have works as an auxiliary verb. If you use  have and do in the same sentence with this structures you are using two auxiliary verbs to make a question... and that's wrong.

So, Sam is right... and teacher Sam is wrong :)

Cargando editor
06/07/2017, 10:57
Sam Smith

Hahaha, I have to correct you. When I wrote that post, I didn't have so much time... so...

Sam is wrong... and google translate is right XD


And for the record... I'll never get use to use Hahaha like onomatopoeia, I prefer the spanish one, could I use it?

Cargando editor
06/07/2017, 12:25

I'm not going to punish anyone for writing an onomatopeia in Spanish... The spirit of this section is that you can correct my mistakes (and Keiran seems to have fun with that XD). and that I help you with yours, if I can...

I'm old enough to focus on the things that matter instead of the babbling... For me it's not a problem if you need to check your posts with google translator or other tools....

If I arrive to that extreme of being an idiot, please crucify me with negative votes in charisma XD

Cargando editor
07/07/2017, 19:34
Teacher Sam

Hal wrote:

 Go to unknown territory to explore and perhaps find a hostile race or not.

Creo que no se pueden usar verbos en infinitivo como sujeto en ingles. En español decimos "El frotar se va a acabar, hacer ejercicio es bueno..." Pero los ingleses utilizan para esa estructura el gerundio (Verb + ing)

Lo correcto sería Going to an unknown territory to explore....

siempre a mi corto entender :)

Cargando editor
10/07/2017, 11:13
Keiran Byrne

It's grammar time!! :D Again, don't hesitate to correct my corrections, I'm far from a good English speaker.

"in the middle of anywhere" -> I think it's "in the middle of nowhere"

"we can't discard any possibility" -> I'd say possibilities should be plural

"They could exist only two gates" -> I think the subject here are the two gates, and the sentence should begin with "There could exist".

"if the address correspond with our aliens" -> address is singular, correspond is missing an s.

"further attacks to Earth" -> I'm not sure why, but "on Earth" sounds better to me.

"If the gate takes you to other planet" -> This should be "another", because other is used for plural and uncountable (I had to check this one, I wasn't sure why "other" sounded weird).

"I wish you were succesful Major" -> Again, not sure why, but this sentence sounds like if Hammond knew we are not making it. I'd say "I hope you are successful" (and successful is missing an s). Not sure why, but they are not 100% the same.

"I will explain as easy as I can" -> I'll add "them" to the sentence.

"this side effects" -> there "these" or "effect".

"Do you have any question?" -> I'd make "questions" plural.

"the only faces I would see in a long time" -> I think I'd say "for a long time".

"Dining, services, rooms." -> Not sure if services is the word hear, toilets or bathrooms would be better I think.

"Go to unknown territory" -> Besides what Teacher Sam teach us, I'd say "into unknown territory".

"You will have in your designated rooms" -> I'd say "at".

"In the meanwhile" -> I'd say just "Meanwhile" or "In the meantime". The later sounds better I think.

"militar equipment" -> wouldn't it be better "military equipment"?

"a honor" -> I think it's "an honor", because the h here is silent.

"Am I the only one who don't " -> not sure on the ruling, but I'm pretty sure it "doesn't" sounds better. I think "I" is not the real subject.

"meating room" ->  we're facing a slaughter for sure, do you see the signals?? :D

"one big and looking comfortable bed" -> not sure if this is incorrect, but I'd prefer "comfortable-looking bed".

I've rather avoided referencing who wrote what just because I think the important thing here is learning, not blaming. But again, maybe I'm being too picky, and you prefer to just get to the game, and have only the big mistakes pointed out. Or maybe even some grammar explanation behind :D

Cargando editor
10/07/2017, 20:38
Sam Smith

"meating room" ->  we're facing a slaughter for sure, do you see the signals?? :D

That's funny XD... but maybe is a butcher... and I want quarter pound Serrano ham

I've rather avoided referencing who wrote what just because I think the important thing here is learning, not blaming. But again, maybe I'm being too picky, and you prefer to just get to the game, and have only the big mistakes pointed out. Or maybe even some grammar explanation behind :D

I think it's Ok. I have a lot to learn, I only hope that I have enought time to read all the comments you write around here.

Cargando editor
10/07/2017, 23:55

Muchas gracias por tu tiempo Keiran :)

He revisado tus correcciones, y casi todas son para mi... tengo que escribir menos y repasar más, pero hay muchas de ellas que me han ayudado a mejorar , asi que gracias.

"in the middle of anywhere" -> I think it's "in the middle of nowhere"
ambas son correctas -> depende del sentido. En medio de cualquier parte o en medio de ninguna parte.

"we can't discard any possibility" -> I'd say possibilities should be plural
"Do you have any question?" -> I'd make "questions" plural.

"If the gate takes you to other planet" -> This should be "another", because other is used for plural and uncountable (I had to check this one, I wasn't sure why "other" sounded weird).
Other planets o another planet... other planet es incorrecto

Correcto -> despues de any -> plural

"if the address correspond with our aliens" -> address is singular, correspond is missing an s.

"In the meanwhile" -> I'd say just "Meanwhile" or "In the meantime". The later sounds better I think.
es arcaico pero correcto. Lo más común es in the mean time....

"a honor" -> I think it's "an honor", because the h here is silent.

"They could exist only two gates" -> I think the subject here are the two gates, and the sentence should begin with "There could exist".

"further attacks to Earth" -> I'm not sure why, but "on Earth" sounds better to me.

-> Esta tambien es muy buena. La preposicion del phrasal es on... son cosas de los ingleses :)


"I wish you were succesful Major" -> Again, not sure why, but this sentence sounds like if Hammond knew we are not making it. I'd say "I hope you are successful" (and successful is missing an s). Not sure why, but they are not 100% the same.

"I will explain as easy as I can" -> I'll add "them" to the sentence.

"this side effects" -> there "these" or "effect".
Correcto... se me fue... this/that -> these/those

"meating room" ->  we're facing a slaughter for sure, do you see the signals?? :D
-> Tragame tierra XDDD

"the only faces I would see in a long time" -> I think I'd say "for a long time".

Estoy de acuerdo, for a long time :)

"Dining, services, rooms." -> Not sure if services is the word hear, toilets or bathrooms would be better I think.
Y también restrooms or lavatory

"Go to unknown territory" -> Besides what Teacher Sam teach us, I'd say "into unknown territory".
Correcto... Go into.

"You will have in your designated rooms" -> I'd say "at".
En este caso creo que lo correcto es in... "have in your rooms" es  mucho más frecuente en google que "have at your rooms"

"militar equipment" -> wouldn't it be better "military equipment"?
No sería mejor...sería correcto. Creo que este es mio y es un typo :)

"Am I the only one who don't " -> not sure on the ruling, but I'm pretty sure it "doesn't" sounds better. I think "I" is not the real subject.

-> Lo he tenido que buscar y lo correcto es doesn't... aunque no se porque :)

"one big and looking comfortable bed" -> not sure if this is incorrect, but I'd prefer "comfortable-looking bed".

está incompleto.. un one big and nice looking, comfortable bed está bien... pero comfortable-looking creo que es mejor. Muy buena :)

Mañana me pongo con las respuestas de Mount Cheyenne :)

Cargando editor
11/07/2017, 18:42
Teacher Sam

Desgraciadamente no le he podido pillar ningún error a Keiran de nuevo, pero seguiré al acecho XDD

un par de cositas:

I wear my new clothes and looked at the mirror how it fits me -> no concuerda clothes (plural) con it.. wear tendría que ser pasado y es irregular wear/wore/worn

 I'll leave the Earth -> los ingleses al referirse a la tierra (el planeta) no usan artículo... son asi de raros

  I went to the corridor and I wait for Keiran. -> Esto es un despiste.. si usas went (pasado).. waited (pasado)

I hope our friendly Doctor know to move in hostile terrain. -> para decir como moverse se usa la expresión "how to". how to move, how to cook... 


Cargando editor
14/07/2017, 11:13
Sam Smith

I hope our friendly Doctor know to move in hostile terrain. -> para decir como moverse se usa la expresión "how to". how to move, how to cook... 

Uuuuu /facepalm será que no lo he escrito veces en google para buscar manuales y mierdas... perdón por los despistes XD.

Cargando editor
14/07/2017, 11:23

estas son las que mas rabia dan.... XDD

A mi me pasa un montón. En el B1 nos hacen escribir como mucho 150 palabras...y hay veces que no me doy cuenta y ya he escrito como 600 XD

A mayor volumen más errores... Si por cada 10 errores que cometemos aprendemos uno de ellos ya es una gran mejora :)


Cargando editor
17/07/2017, 14:32
Teacher Sam

Until that moment everything had hapenned very fast that I hadn't have many time to think but now

I believe the right structure is "so fast"... I'm not sure :)

Cargando editor
18/07/2017, 17:19
Mallory Davis


I believe the right structure is "so fast"... I'm not sure :)

La verdad es que yo tampoco... Dudé bastante al ponerlo xD siempre me lío con "so" y "very"