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Wired Neon Cities

K.O. Sight Headquarters

Cargando editor
10/05/2018, 14:12

Notas de juego

Can I try another dice roll?

Cargando editor
10/05/2018, 14:30

Notas de juego

As long as it's not drone building. That's Drexler's stuff. 

What do you want to do?

Cargando editor
10/05/2018, 15:48
# :D

Reluctatantly (he is quite broke too!), Johnny will lend the money for a second try to the mechanic. Let's hope for the best. 

Cargando editor
10/05/2018, 16:51
- Tiradas (1)

Motivo: Spy drone with help

Tirada: 1d6

Dificultad: 4+

Resultado: 5(+1)=6 (Exito)

Notas de juego

Keep calm ,guys. I have money for a gun drone. I will just change the budget .YES!

Cargando editor
11/05/2018, 12:30
- Tiradas (1)

Motivo: Spy Drone

Tirada: 2d3

Resultado: 5

Notas de juego

Ok, you can make 5 questions regarding the drone's surveillance. Choose carefully.

Cargando editor
11/05/2018, 12:54
# :D

Notas de juego



I suggest

1. layout of the parking lot, general access points and potential cover areas

2. Equipment and other stuff being stored there? Specially weapons or if there is a meth lab of something

3. Number of observed Maidens and their klevel of readiness (are they drunk and sleepy? are they like a SWAT team?)

4. Is our girl among them?

5. Any visitors moven in and out and if they seem to be proividers, dealers or what?

Cargando editor
11/05/2018, 17:26

Notas de juego

It seems ok for Janus.

Cargando editor
12/05/2018, 19:48

Notas de juego

Cool for me too. 

Cargando editor
14/05/2018, 12:21

Notas de juego

1. Layout of the parking lot, general access points and potential cover areas

I will provide you a map.

2. Equipment and other stuff being stored there? Specially weapons or if there is a meth lab of something.

You can count at least six bikes and a van. The Maidens wear pistols, some whips and chains, knifes... but no heavy weapons. There is a closed door in the basement where you haven't been able to enter. 

3. Number of observed Maidens and their klevel of readiness (are they drunk and sleepy? are they like a SWAT team?)

At least, six. They are quite aware of their surroundings. There is always an armed one guarding the main entrance.

4. Is our girl among them?

YES she is.

5. Any visitors moven in and out and if they seem to be proividers, dealers or what?

Kamkar Textrom himself appears in the footage. He brings a box full of who-knows-what and there is exchange in the main entrance for a big handful of money. You can see Tara Bleach, a woman with HUGE white (bleached) hairstyle speaking with him. You can only catch the last words of Textrom: "And with this, we are done. A huge pleasure making business with you. If you need more stuff, you know where to find me".

Cargando editor
22/05/2018, 23:41

> ... Janus is typing.

> It seems that they are equipping for something - maybe they are buying guns?  Are they preparing for a fight?

> ... Janus is typing.

> Janus thinks we should try to negotiate with the Maidens. Perhaps they want something we could give 'em.

Cargando editor
23/05/2018, 09:50
# :D

Textrom would have more info about this. He is a drug dealer, though. Looks lore likely that they are building up a drug lab than developing a massive armoury. 

We can either ask Textrom or go and try to retrieve our girl. Negotiating with the Maidens looks like a very bleak option to me. Taking the compound by assault will be difficult, but there are some approach venues and less noisy knockout options (tasers, cloroform, Blades' combat abilities...) that could help us here.  

Plan C would be to negotiate a "almost-rescue" with Tara. We take the girl, we give him to his father and then they come down and retrieve her. It is a risky proposition though. 



Cargando editor
23/05/2018, 15:25

"Whatever they are up to, better if we rescue our girl sooner than later. If they are going to have big guns, definitely sooner than that!"


Cargando editor
23/05/2018, 17:08

Notas de juego

Now, seriously ,we need to do something. 

  1. Keep gathering information. Personally, I have had enough of this .
  2. Frontal assault. Maybe we can distract them. We can send Jerome in a van shooting everything and ,as they dance together ,another team enters through the back door. 
  3. Speak with them. We send Smiley with my blessings. Good luck with the dices.
Cargando editor
23/05/2018, 17:32
# :D

Given their refusal to continue dealing with the destillers, thar Textrom is implied and that they seem to be building something, I am of the opinion that they are building a drug lab and business, not an arsenal. 


Ok people! Time to suit up and get there! First thing in the morining, like at 6 AM, when they will be less attentive.

The drone will reconaitre the area and ensure that the Maidens are spread and the target near an easy access point.

Jerome will take point. I will act as backup for him.

Meanwhile 2 blades will ener through another door with janus and try to knock the girl out and carry her out of the fight and we will retreat as fast as we can 


Sounds like a plan?



Notas de juego

ok. If we have to trust my dice I will demand that you all pay for my funeral in advance. :d 

Sneak in and get the girl would be my fav plan, with a distraction. 

Cargando editor
27/05/2018, 17:59

> ... Janus is typing.

> It could be an option.

> ... Janus is typing.

> Janus can distract the Maidens while 2Blads extracts the girl.

Cargando editor
30/05/2018, 10:15

Notas de juego

Sounds like a plan!