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Carrion Crown 2: Trial of the Beast

[Dirección] GM Notes

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25/03/2022, 13:29
Game Master
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  • Corruption: Describes how open officials are to bribes, and how likely citizens are to report a crime they witness. The modifier affects Bluff checks against officials and Stealth checks out on the street.

  • Crime: Describes how much lawlesness is in a city. It is applied on Sense Motive checks to avoid being bluffed and to Slight of Hand checks to pick pockets

  • Economy: Indicates health of trade, and the general income level of the city. It applies to all Craft, Perfom, and Profession checks to generate income.

  • Law: Measures how strict and enforced the laws are. The modifier applies to Intimidate checks against officials, or Diplomacy checks to call on the city guards.

  • Lore: Measures how willing people are to chat and how accessible sages and libraries are. It applies to Diplomacy checks to gather information and Knowledge checks to research.

  • Society: Measures how open-minded and civilized a settlement is. Low means people are suspicious or overly prejudiced to out-of-towners, whereas settlements with a high Society score are cosmopolitan and used to diversity. The modifier applies to all Disguise checks as well as Diplomacy checks to alter the attitude of non-governmental persons.

  • Settlement Qualities and Disadvantages: These are special attributes that change the basic reactions PCs get within a city. They include things like Magically Attuned, Prosperous, Tourist Attraction, Plagued, et al.

  • Danger: Describes how dangerous it is to live in the city. It adjusts random encounters had within a city.

    Corruption Corruption measures how open a settlement’s officials are to bribes, how honest its citizens are, and how likely anyone in town is to report a crime. Low corruption indicates a high level of civic honesty. A settlement’s corruption modifies all Bluff checks made against city officials or guards and all Stealth checks made outside (but not inside buildings or underground).
    Crime Crime is a measure of a settlement’s lawlessness. A settlement with a low crime modifier is relatively safe, with violent crimes being rare or even unknown, while a settlement with a high crime modifier is likely to have A powerful thieves’ guild and a significant problem with violence. The atmosphere generated by a settlement’s crime level applies as a modifier on Sense Motive checks to avoid being bluffed and to Sleight of Hand checks made to pick pockets.
    Economy A settlement’s economy modifier indicates the health of its trade and the wealth of its successful citizens. A low economy modifier doesn’t automatically mean the town is beset with poverty—it could merely indicate A town with little trade or one that is relatively self-sufficient. Towns with high economy modifiers always have large markets and many shops. A settlement’s economy helps its citizens make money, and thus it applies as a modifier on all Craft, Perform, and Profession checks made to generate income.
    Law Law measures how strict a settlement’s laws and edicts are. A settlement with a low law modifier isn’t necessarily crime-ridden—in fact, A low law modifier usually indicates that the town simply has little need for protection since crime is so rare. A high law modifier means the settlement’s guards are particularly alert, vigilant, and well-organized. The more lawful A town is, the more timidly its citizens tend to respond to shows of force. A settlement’s law modifier applies on Intimidate checks made to force an opponent to act friendly, Diplomacy checks against government officials, or Diplomacy checks made to call on the city guard (see sidebar).
    Lore A settlement’s lore modifier measures not only how willing the citizens are to chat and talk with visitors, but also how available and accessible its libraries and sages are. A low lore modifier doesn’t mean the settlement’s citizens are idiots, just that they’re close-mouthed or simply lack knowledge resources. A settlement’s lore modifier applies on Diplomacy checks made to gather information and Knowledge checks made using the city’s resources to do research when using a library.
    Society Society measures how open-minded and civilized A settlement’s citizens are. A low society modifier might mean many of the citizens harbor prejudices or are overly suspicious of out-of-towners. A high society modifier means that citizens are used to diversity and unusual visitors and that they respond better to well-spoken attempts at conversation. A settlement’s society modifier applies on all Disguise checks, as well as on Diplomacy checks made to alter the attitude of any non-government official.