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Justice in Sabbath

Shooting Range

Cargando editor
05/05/2014, 23:24

To practice the shooting process. First, please read the Tutorial to get the idea of the basic mechanics. Then we can go through a complete example.

Gunfight: John the Horse Thief will fight Lon, the cowboy we created earlier. And Thomas the Saloon Owner is close by and might get involved.

John (Horse Thief): hp22-Speed 5- Accuracy 1 - Str 10/84 - Int 11/73 Wis 11/87 - Dex 12/07 - Con 10/85 - Lks 9/74 - Cha10/19 Rep -6 Fame 1. Quirks: selfish. Riding 22%. Gunfights: 1. Firearms: Remington Revolving Rifle.

Mick "Lon" (PC): hp 22 - Speed 7 - Acc: -1 -Str 8/42 - Int 13/55 - Wis 15/74 - Dex 9/00 - Con 9/96 - Lks 8/31 Cha 3/72 - reputation -2 ; Fame 0. Quirks: Late Sleeper, Sleep Walker. Talents: Kentucky Windage. Forgettable Face. Firearms: Winchester 1863 Rifle .32 and Colt Paterson 9" Barrel.

Thomas (Saloon Owner): hp 23 - Speed 8 - Accuracy -1; Str 13/18, Int 10/50, Wis 9/03, Dex 9/33, Con 12/24, Lks 9/67, Cha 10/40, Rep 42. Fame 6. Gunfights: 1. Firearms: Knuckleduster (and a sawed-off Remington Shotgun hidden somewhere).


Cargando editor
06/05/2014, 12:16

Initial situation: John is on the street about to steal Lon´s horse, but the cowboy sees him through the saloon window and rushes out to stop him. They are 30 feet apart.

Declare actions (from the lowest WIS to the highest, except if someone blurts out what he is going to do). John sees Mick running to the street and moves away from the horse 5 feet (walking, 10 count) to his left maintaining the distance to Mick. Thomas in the saloon kneels down to look for his shotgun (2 count). Mick stops in the middle of the street and yells a warning (halt from running, 10 count).

NOTE: At this point, we also throw 1d10 for the Starting Initiative, the lower the better. This is modified by Speed, and also other factors such as Weapon (they are all using their weapon so +0) and Previous Gunfight Experience (John and Thomas get +2, Mick +4), IN A GUNFIGHT, THE RESULT IS THE COUNT THE CHARACTER STARTS HIS FIRST ACTION!

John: 7+5=12+2 =14

Mick 7+7=14 =4=18

Thomas: 2+10=12+2=14


- Tiradas (4)

Motivo: drawing

Tirada: 1d4

Resultado: 2

Motivo: John initiative

Tirada: 1d10

Resultado: 7(+5)=12

Motivo: Mick initiative

Tirada: 1d10

Resultado: 7(+7)=14

Motivo: Thomas initiative

Tirada: 1d10

Resultado: 2(+8)=10

Notas de juego

Count begins... 1...2Thomas, 3, 4Th,5,6,7, 8, 9... 10

(In bold when something happens)

At 2 Count => Thomas grabs the shotgun, drawing without a holster (1d4=2 count), so he has the shotgun at his hand. He starts walking from behind the bar towards the door (15 feet, 30 count in total but 5 feet at a time, if he hears shooting he can move quicker).

Cargando editor
06/05/2014, 14:45

Mick and John look at each other at precisely the 10 count (in real time, that is 1 second!). John the thief is holding a rifle on his left hand, and he has to declare action first as his wisdom is lower. He goes for bringing the weapon to bear/aim (4 count). When Mick sees that, he draws his Colt Patterson 9" (5 count + weapon modifier 3=8).


Notas de juego


Cargando editor
06/05/2014, 15:06

John will have brought his arm to bear at count 14, and has to decide whether to fire deliberately (8 counts), take careful aim (20 counts)... But he goes for a quick shot hoping for the best (1 count) and to see if he can finish Mick before he gets his weapon out. So at 15 count, he fires at Mick, aiming for the chest.


John misses!

Having missed, he decides to cock and fire again (10 counts).

- Tiradas (1)

Motivo: John fire

Tirada: 1d20

Resultado: 10(+3)=13

Notas de juego

...15SHOT, 16,17...

Accuracy modifiers: +2 Range +0 (1 gunfight experience) = +2

D20 is rolled and Accuracy is added. A modified 25 or higher is needed to hit the exact spot, while 14 or less is a miss. Penetration is possible (20) and mishap (1).

After the miss, John could go for a hurried shot (6 counts) but with an n accuracy penalty of -4. So he goes for a normal 2nd shot.

Cargando editor
06/05/2014, 15:31

At the time of the first shot (15 Count), Thomas would have advanced 5 feet and still has 10 feet to get the door, so he decides to jog (5 count per 5 feet) to get to the door in 10 counts (at 25).

At 18, Mick has his weapon out and bears it to aim (4 counts), and supports the gun hand with his left hand for extra accuracy (2 counts), getting his shot out just before John can fire his second and Thomas gets to the door with the shotgun at his hand.

Notas de juego

...18Mick, 19, 20, 21, 22Mick, 23, 24SHOT! .... (25John)

Cargando editor
06/05/2014, 15:40

Mick takes a shot with his pistol, but he is too far away and the result is a miss. He starts jogging towards John to reduce the distance (5 feet / 5 counts). As he advances, he wants to cock and fire (5 counts) when he gets to 15 feet (15 counts movement + 5 counts cocking and firing = 20 counts total).

At 25, John is ready to fire his rifle again. As he sees Mick advancing towards him, he decides to take Fire Deliberately for extra accuracy (8).

Thomas reaches the saloon door. He is only 10 feet away from John, and brings his shotgun to bear (4) and fires aiming at the chest area (John is facing sideways). As the final result is above 24, he hits exactly where he aimed. With other weapons, we would roll for damage directly. But with the shotgun, the pellets are allocated randomly.

At such a close range, the black pellets are counted. 11 hits! At this range, the shotgun is VERY deadly. (You could argue that pellet nr12 is grazed and deals 1 extra hit point, but I doubt it will make any difference).




- Tiradas (5)

Motivo: Shot Mick

Tirada: 1d20

Resultado: 7(-8)=-1

Motivo: Shot Thomas

Tirada: 1d20

Resultado: 20(+3)=23

Motivo: Shot Thomas extra

Tirada: 1d6

Resultado: 5(-1)=4

Motivo: rotation

Tirada: 1d4

Resultado: 4

Motivo: damage

Tirada: 11d4

Resultado: 2, 2, 4, 4, 3, 4, 1, 4, 1, 1, 3

Notas de juego

...25John, 26, 27, 28, 29Thomas

Accuracy modifiers for Mick: -1 Accuracy, -5 for the range and -2 for previous experience = -8. And +2 for the steady aim so -6, in any case a miss.

He misses (basically he would need to roll 20 to hit the target from that distance).

Shotgun is fired the same as other weapons, but the Shot Clock is different (for random location of the pellets).

Thomas: Accuracy -1, Range +4 = roll of 20!! That is penetration, so another roll of d6-1 is added, total 24+4=28.

Then rotation 1d4 (1 Hearts, 2 Clubs, 3 Spade, 4 Diamonds). Rolled 4 for Diamonds, rotated the shotclock. As the range is 10 feet, the BLACK pellets cause damage.

Each pellet that hits is 1d4 damage, the first nine hit the abdomen and the last two the chest => 2,2,4,4,3,4,1,4,1 and 1,3.

Total 29 HP, John the thief dies instantly. IN FACT THE 4s ARE PENETRATION DAMAGE SO THE FINAL RESULT IS MORE. It would not be necessary to detail the wounds, but in any case each pellet would be dealt as a separate wound, and additional effects from the abdomen are wounds are from 4 HP loss or higher (4 HP would = 4 severity would = 1/2 STR check or fall prone & drop all items, CON check or internal bleeding).

Cargando editor
06/05/2014, 20:00

John´s body flies through the air, and Mick stops his jogging and turns to face the saloon owner (this has no cost as he is not running but jogging). He has advanced 5 feet (Count nr 29), and is standing 15 feet away from Thomas, who just killed John and is now cocking the 2nd shotgun barrel to shoot Mick as well! (14 counts), and then wants to hipshoot (6 Counts) as quickly as possible.

Mick quickly reloads his weapon (5) and tries to take careful aim (10) ...and shoots aiming for the head!

The shot hits Thomas just above the intended target.


- Tiradas (5)

Motivo: Accuracy Mick

Tirada: 1d20

Resultado: 20

Motivo: Accuracy Mick Extra

Tirada: 1d6

Resultado: 4(-1)=3

Motivo: Direction

Tirada: 1d4

Resultado: 3

Motivo: Damage

Tirada: 1d4

Resultado: 3

Motivo: Flinching

Tirada: 1d20

Resultado: 18(-1)=17

Notas de juego

...30,31,32,34Mick gun loaded,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43Shotgunloaded,44SHOT MICK!

Accuracy for Mick´s shot: -1 (acc)+0 (range)-2 previous experience +3 Careful aim = +0. He aims for the head. And rolls 20! And 3 for a total of 23. The result is still below 25 so it did not hit the exact spot => we use the SHOTCLOCK!

We throw 1d4 ((1 Hearts, 2 Clubs, 3 Spade, 4 Diamonds) to determine which direction the shot went from the intended target (the distance is per result of the roll, so the closer it was to 25 the closer it will hit the intended target).

3 => Spade => up from the intended target. However, as seen from the image, 23 is so close to 25 (=bullseye) that it still hits the head. NOTE: I should have rolled also 1d12 for the specif line but it was going to be in the head.

Damage 1d4 => 3 HP of damage, and Dexterity -2.
Immediately, Thomas has to roll for Flinching (Wisdom-nr of gunfights+HP wound). If failed, he gets a Speed penalty (as he has no cover he can duck behind. He fails miserably, and gets a Speed penalty of 11 for his next non-movement action.

He also gets an additional Speed penalty (1) and Accuracy penalty (-1) as he has lost <25% of his HP.

Finally, his Dexterity is reduced as a consequence, and that means another Speed penalty (1) and Accuracy penalty (-1). So the total Speed penalty is 2 and Accuracy -2.

Cargando editor
06/05/2014, 21:31

Mick reloads his pistol (5), he does not need to aim again as it is the same target but he wants to get the bonus for taking careful aim again (10 counts).

Thomas had started to aim his shotgun at Count nr 43, but the shot that hit him in the head gives him a speed penalty of 11, so it would take him 19 counts to fire his second shot plus the speed penalty of 2, so total 21 Counts.

This time Mick aims for the chest.

And hits the target.


- Tiradas (6)

Motivo: Accuracy Mick

Tirada: 1d20

Resultado: 18(+2)=20

Motivo: Direction

Tirada: 1d4

Resultado: 3

Motivo: Direction Specific

Tirada: 1d12

Resultado: 9

Motivo: 9 or 10

Tirada: 1d2

Resultado: 1

Motivo: Damage

Tirada: 1d4

Resultado: 3

Motivo: Flinching

Tirada: 1d20

Resultado: 13

Notas de juego

...45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59Shot #3 Mick.................................... (64 Thomas) ...

Mick Accuracy: +1 for 2nd shot at the same target, +1 Accuracy, +0 range, -2 experience, +3 careful aim, -1 for 2nd shot within 2 seconds = total +2. Roll 20+2=22. Shot Clock. 1d4: Heart-Club-Spades-Diamonds for general Direction and 1d12 for more specific. As a result is 9, repeat 1d2 (1=9, 2=10), final result 9S (9 of Spades).

Damage (1d4): 3HP, no additional injury.

Flinching: (12 target), rolls 13 so he gets a speed penalty of 1 for the next non-movement action (moved to Count 65)

TOTAL HP lost = 6, new Speed and Accuracy penalties: 4 and -3; +2 Counts => moved to Count 67

Cargando editor
06/05/2014, 22:11

Mick considers moving towards Thomas to get a more accurate shot, but as he sees Thomas with a loaded shotgun, he decides to go for a cock and fire (5 Counts).

Thomas continues to struggle trying to aim with his Shotgun, but manages to have it ready a tenth of the second after Mick´s shot is fired. If it hadn´t been for the injuries suffered, Mick would have received a blast from the shotgun.

Unfortunately, Mick misses the target!

Breathing heavily, Thomas fires his shotgun aiming at the belly of the cowboy. A moment of silence, and just as when Mick thought it was all over for him, something unexpected happens. Click. Nothing. The shell was a dud!!

Immediately, Mick cocks his weapon (5 Count) and points at Thomas.

-That was yer second and last shot! I don´t wanna kill ya, but I will if I have to.

Thomas considers his option. He has a Knuckleduster hidden in his sleeve which he could draw very quickly (0 Count) under normal circumstances. But the gunshots he has already suffered hinder him. So he drops his shotgun... And slowly raises his arms.

- Tiradas (3)

Motivo: Accuracy Mick

Tirada: 1d20

Resultado: 7

Motivo: Accuracy Thomas

Tirada: 1d20

Resultado: 1

Motivo: Mishap #1

Tirada: 1d100

Resultado: 23

Notas de juego

...60,61,62,63,64Mick SHOT #4, 67SHOT GUN#2, 68,69Mick ready to shoot

Accuracy Mick: total 0 (no time for careful aim, but 3rd shot against the same target). Result 7. Miss

Accuracy Thomas: Accuracy -4 (penalties), Range +4, total 0. Result 1. Mishap. Incorrect Sizing-Minor (wrong size cartridge, no effect for shotguns other than a missed shot).