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Cargando editor
26/03/2014, 16:06
Sir Galath

Jajajjajajja me encantan los nicks de los pjs que has puesto LLL

Notas de juego

Cargando editor
26/03/2014, 16:26

jajaja!! Soy vidente...  ;-PP

Cargando editor
26/03/2014, 23:13

No se que hacerme... quiero un enano pero me gustan todos. (Sí, voy a sudar del arquero semi-elfo que me he hecho antes)

El enano mago, es genial con su libro de conjuros y su capucha fumando LLLLLL

El nan aventurer cronista de pathfinder LLLLL

Enano trinchas 1

Enano trinchas 2

Enano explorador con vendetta ancestral contra los goblins y orcos

Enano chungueras que tiene muchos números porque hay muchas fotos para umbría.

Sabéis que tenemos que hacernos compañía enana desde que vimos el hobbit... mirad esta imagen, es el grupo planeando la misión!

Notas de juego

I aquest és el nan pistoler per shadowrun que estarà a la meva furgo

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 06:54
Sir Evan

javi......... COCHE!!!!!!!!

Notas de juego

David cariño una pregunta la partida de que va?

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 06:56
Sir Evan
Sólo para el director

Notas de juego

En privado david. Vale la pena que me haga un pj con cara y ojos o me hago un trinchas?

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 08:42

Notas de juego

Dani!! Intentaré que sea algo con trasfondo. habrá tortas, no lo dudes, pero ya sabes como hago las cosas... Miraré que haya más cosas que tortas. Luego pondré cosicas, que aún estoy montando todo el tema, joder! Que no tengo nada hecho y se dijo ayer lo de pathfinder!!


Supongo que como todos van tan cachondos con el tema no me van a trolear como acostumbran... O sí, a saber... Tengo algunas ideas, pero he de darle cuerpo a todo...

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 09:05

Mi primera opción es un guía de cuevas y mazmorras pero no se si tienes pensado sacar muchas o será una campaña más de ir viajando por ahí (la superficie) y de ambientes urbanos.

Si este fuera el caso entonces me haré otra cosa, probablemente mago o el arquero que me había hecho.

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 09:27

A ver... Alguna habrá, claro que sí... también dependerá de lo que queráis hacer... Puede ir bien... Esperad a que ponga cosas del mundo, trasfondo y tal y decidís...

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 09:28

Por cierto... Muy grandes los enanos!! Aunque como puedes suponer, el de la foto gana puntos a mis ojos por ser foto... Intentaré no sacar ni un puto dibujo en pnjs!! LLL

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 09:41



Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 09:55
Sir Galath

Yo estoy esperando a que me respondas de que ira la partida o que pongas aqui el trasfondo para hacerme bien la ficha. Yo tengo esta mañana que cuidar a mi padre y mi abuela y podria hacerme la ficha ahi.

Notas de juego

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 09:59

Ya tengo pj, decidido. LLLLL!!!!

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 12:02
Sir Evan

Primera opcion enano barbaro!!!!!!

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 12:03

Os acordáis que una vez hablamos de un enano dinamitero que lanzara bombas en dungeons? Pues aquí lo tenéis, como arquetipo de mago:

Arcane Bomber (Archetype)

To many wizards, the experimentation of the alchemist seems quaint, if not dangerous or frightening. A few wizards take up the secrets of the bomb, however, fusing alchemy with their already considerable magical power.

Bomb (Su): At 1st level, the arcane bomber gains an ability nearly identical to the alchemist's bomb ability. Unlike the alchemist, at 1st level, the arcane bomber chooses one type of energy from the following list: acid, cold, fire, and electricity. He can throw bombs of that type, but cannot modify them with discoveries. This ability stacks with the alchemist bomb ability to determine the level of bomb damage, but an arcane bomber that becomes an alchemist does not gain that class's bomb ability, nor does an alchemist that becomes an arcane bomber gain this bomb ability. This ability replaces arcane bond.

Spellblast Bombs (Su): At 1st level, as a swift action, an arcane bomber can sacrifice one of his spells to empower the next bomb he throws during his turn. When he does, he gains a bonus to hit with the next bomb he throws before the end of his turn equal to the level of the spell he sacrificed, and a bonus to damage equal to twice the level of the spell. This ability replaces cantrips, but the arcana bomber gains the detect magic and read magic cantrips and places them in his spellbook. He can cast either of these as 1st-level spells.

School of the Bomb: The creation and use of bombs is often so engrossing or intellectually taxing that an arcane bomber forsakes four schools of magic. These opposition schools are chosen at 1st level and cannot be changed later. An arcane bomber who prepares spells from his opposition school must use two spell slots of that level to prepare the spell. In addition, the arcane bomber takes a –4 penalty on any skill checks made when crafting a magic item that has a spell from one of his opposition schools. This ability replaces arcane school.

Y luego hay otro arquetipo de mago que es la POLLA. Eliges una pipa o mosquete a dos manos y puedes lanzar conjuros a través del trabuco. Una pasada.

Spellslinger (Archetype)

While few contest the seductive allure of commanding arcane and occult powers, there are those wizards who become obsessed with the natural mysteries of black powder. Combining this emerging technology with their considerable arcane skills, they transform firearms into a powerful focus.

Arcane Gun (Su): The spellslinger gains the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms) feat, and one or two of his firearms can be arcane guns. Arcane guns are normal one-handed or two-handed firearms in the hands of others, as they were normal firearms before the spellslinger imbued them with magic. In a spellslinger's hands, they both fire projectiles (bullets and pellets) and cast magic. At 1st level, the spellslinger decides whether he wants to have one or two arcane guns at a time. If the spellslinger chooses to have only one arcane gun at a time, spells fired through the arcane gun that require an attack roll have a ×3 critical hit multiplier.

A spellslinger can cast any ranged touch attack, cone, line, or ray spells through his arcane gun. When he casts through the arcane gun, the gun's enhancement bonus (if any) is a bonus to the spell's attack rolls or to the spell's saving throw DCs. Yet there are dangers inherent to this method. If any of the spells' attack rolls result in a natural 1 (a misfire), or a natural 20 is rolled on any saving throw made against the spell by a target (an overload), the arcane gun gains the broken condition. If the arcane gun already has the broken condition, the gun explodes. When a gun explodes, it lets loose a blast of force, or if the spell has the acid, cold, electricity, or sonic descriptor, it deals that type of energy damage instead. In the case of spells with multiple descriptors, roll randomly among the descriptors to determine the type of damage dealt by the blast. The blast is centered on a single intersection within the spellslinger's space (spellslinger's choice) and deals 1d6 points of the appropriate energy damage or force damage per level of the spell cast. Any creature within the blast other than the spellslinger can make a Reflex saving throw to halve the damage. The Reflex save DC is calculated using the spell level of the spell being sacrificed.

A spellslinger can attune his arcane guns at the start of each day. That attunement lasts until the spellslinger attunes to a new gun, even if a formally attuned gun is destroyed. This ability replaces arcane bond.

Gunsmith: The spellslinger gains the Gunsmithing feat and a battered gun that is identical to the gun a gunslinger gains at first level. If the spellslinger chooses the ability to attune two arcane guns, he still only starts out with one gun. Like a gunslinger, a spellslinger can use the Gunsmithing feat to restore his battered gun. This ability replaces scribe scroll.

Mage Bullets (Su): A spellslinger is adept at transferring spell energy into his arcane gun attacks. As a swift action, he can sacrifice a spell and transform that energy into a weapon bonus equal to the level of the spell sacrificed on a single barrel of his firearm. With that weapon bonus the spellslinger can apply any of the following to his arcane bond: enhancement bonuses (up to +5) and dancing, defending, distance, flaming, flaming burst, frost, ghost touch, icy burst, merciful, seeking, shock, shocking burst, spell storing, thundering,vicious, and wounding. An arcane gun gains no benefit from having two of the same weapon special abilities on the same barrel. The effect of the mage bullets ability lasts for a number of minutes equal to the level of the spell sacrificed, or until this ability is used again to assign the barrel different enhancements. This ability replaces cantrips, but the spellslinger gains the detect magic and read magic cantrips and places them in his spellbook. He can cast either of these as 1st-level spells.

School of the Gun: The rigor and care required by arcane guns is so great that a spellslinger forsakes four schools of magic. These opposition schools are chosen at 1st level and cannot be changed later. A spellslinger who prepares a spell from his opposition school must use two spell slots of that level to prepare the spell. In addition, the spellslinger takes a –4 penalty on any skill checks made when crafting a magic item that has a spell from one of his opposition schools as a prerequisite. This ability replaces arcane school.


Notas de juego

Ostia dani que feo el enano ese, bárbaro de chiquetete

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 17:29

El guía de las profundidades, el explorador de cuevas y montañas...

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 19:58
Sir Evan

yo siguiendo el estilo de DAvid ya tengo foto

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 20:07
Sir Galath

Me estais desmotivando tanto con las fotos de los frikis disfrazados de enanos..... cabrones xD


Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 20:43
Sir Evan

jajaajaj no te desmotives Carlos q es coña.

Esta imagen para enano mercenario me gusta mucho

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 20:46
Sir Evan

Carlos para tu paladin enano

Cargando editor
27/03/2014, 20:47
Sir Evan

Mira David puedes encontrar fotos de frikis vestidos de enano q son "normales"