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Sombras en la Cocina del Infierno

Creación de personajes vampiros

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22/07/2020, 18:23
-Maestro de ceremonias-

Fuerte y rápido, de edad eterna y hambre insaciable: un puro y auténtico depredador. El vampiro es un monstruo, un reflejo distorsionado de la persona que una vez fue y que ahora está condenado a caminar por la tierra, alimentando su voracidad. Mantente a distancia.


Elije un nombre.

Aspecto. Elige tantos como correspondan:

• Andrógino, femenino, masculino o transgénero.

• Asiático o sudasiático, blanco, de Oriente Medio, indígena, latinoamericano, negro, __________.

• Ropa de diario, ropa de época, ropa formal, ropa que te oculta.


Características personales iniciales

Súmale 1 a una de ellas:

Sangre 1, Corazón 1, Mente 0, Espíritu –1.

•  La Sangre es el indicador de tu instinto de huir o luchar. Nos dice cómo de duro, peligroso, dispuesto y rápido para actuar es tu personaje en situaciones peligrosas.

•  El Corazón es la suma de tu pasión, encanto y carisma. Nos dice cómo de bien se le da a tu personaje conseguir lo que quiere mediante la negociación y el diálogo.

•  La Mente refleja tu pensamiento crítico, astucia y dotes de observación. Nos dice cómo de perspicaz puede ser tu personaje y lo bien que se le da manipular a los demás con engaños.

•  El Espíritu mide tu conexión con lo «ajeno» y tu fuerza de voluntad. Nos dice cómo de centrado y resuelto se mantiene tu personaje bajo presión y qué tipo de relación tiene con lo sobrenatural.


Facciones iniciales

Súmale 1 a una de ellas:

Mortalidad 1, Noche 1, Poder –1, Velo 0.

Preguntas introductorias • ¿Quién eres? • ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas en la ciudad? • ¿Cómo mantienes tus ansias bajo control? • ¿Quién te convirtió? • ¿A qué intriga estás dedicado ahora mismo?



• Un apartamento aislado, un coche cómodo, un smartphone.

• Un arma elegante a elegir: Espada (3-daño, toque, escabrosa). Dos Glock de 9 mm, una en cada mano (2-daño, cerca, ruidosas). Walther PPK (2-daño, cerca, recarga, ocultable).


La red del Vampiro

Cuando alguien acuda a ti para pedirte consejo, información o un favor, o bien amenace tus intereses, entra en tu red y contrae una Deuda contigo. Cuando alguien esté en tu red, obtienes lo siguiente al tratar con él:

• +1 a todas las tiradas para echarle una mano o fastidiar sus esfuerzos.

• Añades esta pregunta a calar a alguien: «¿Qué ansía realmente tu personaje?».

Al principio de cada sesión, elige a alguien de tu red y descubre un secreto sobre él que preferiría que no saliera a la luz. Solo pueden abandonar tu red quienes ya no estén en Deuda contigo.



• Hay alguien que se asegura de que te alimentes con regularidad. Tienes 2 Deudas con él.

• Hay alguien que depende de ti para obtener su dosis. Puedes exigirle una Deuda.

• Alguien es responsable de que te convirtieras en vampiro. Puedes exigirle una Deuda.


Movimientos del Vampiro

Hambre eterna: Ansías sangre. Cuando te alimentes, tira con Sangre. Con un 10+, elige 3. Con un 7-9, elige 2:

• Te curas 1-daño.

• Descubres un secreto sobre esa persona.

• Obtienes +1 a la siguiente.

• Tu víctima no muere.

Si fallas, algo sale terriblemente mal.


Y elige dos movimientos más:

Irresistible: Cuando convenzas a un personaje no jugador mediante promesas o seducción, trata los resultados de 7-9 como si fueran de 10+. Si fallas la tirada, tus maquinaciones tienen éxito como si hubieras sacado un 7-9, pero atraes la atención de un enemigo o rival.

Refugio: Tienes un lugar seguro, a salvo de peligros externos. Tiene raciones de emergencia, unos cuantos gules y una vía de escape. Cuando alguien venga a tu refugio por voluntad propia, entra en tu red.

Sangre fría: Cuando mantengas la calma bajo presión emocional, tira con Sangre en vez de Espíritu.

Mantener cerca a tus amigos: Cuando cales a alguien satisfaciendo sus vicios, tira con Sangre en vez de Mente.

Que corra la voz: Cuando le cobres una Deuda a alguien de tu red, añade esta opción a la lista: • Haz correr la voz entre su Facción de que quieres algo. Obtienes +3 a la siguiente tirada de echarte a la calle con esa Facción.


Movimientos dramáticos.

Movimiento de corrupción: Cuando te alimentes de una víctima en contra de su voluntad, márcate corrupción.

Movimiento de intimidad: Cuando compartas un momento de intimidad física o emocional con otra persona, cuéntale un secreto sobre ti o contraerás una Deuda con ella. De una forma u otra, esa persona entra en tu red y contrae una Deuda contigo.

Movimiento final: Cuando mueras o retires a tu personaje, nombra a alguien que haya en escena a quien quieras muerto; tus subordinados y aliados lo perseguirán sin tregua.


Movimientos de corrupción

Auténtico cazador: Cuando estés persiguiendo a un personaje no jugador humano por la noche, márcate corrupción. Tu presa no podrá escapar de ti, huya adonde huya, y podrás alimentarte de él o matarlo a voluntad.

Paladar adaptable: Puedes alimentarte de cualquier criatura, no solo de humanos. Alimentarte de algo completamente diferente a un ser humano tendrá efectos secundarios inesperados.

De vuelta al redil: Cuando le cobres la última Deuda a alguien de tu red, márcate corrupción para quedarte con la Deuda y mantenerlo en la red.

Magia de sangre: Elige dos poderes feéricos. Márcate corrupción cada vez que uses uno de ellos.


Notas sobre tus movimientos

Solo puedes alimentarte de seres humanos, a no ser que cojas en el futuro el movimiento de corrupción Paladar adaptable.

Todo aquel que entre en tu refugio por voluntad propia entra en tu red, pero no conviertas tu red en una excusa para evitar actuar en la ficción; quedarte en casa mano sobre mano mientras los demás jugadores van hilando la historia es un peñazo. Y recuerda que todo el que visite tu refugio sabe dónde vives…

Satisfacer los vicios de alguien para Mantener cerca a tus amigos significa ofrecerle algo que quiera, como drogas, sexo, apuestas, etcétera. No hace falta que participes, pero la gente suele sentirse incómoda haciendo ese tipo de cosas mientras otro se queda mirando.

Si, al final, alguien contrae una Deuda contigo a consecuencia de una acción que le hace entrar en tu red, acaba con dos Deudas. Por ejemplo, cuando un personaje venga a ti en busca de información, contrae una Deuda contigo y entra en tu red; si además la información que le proporcionas es valiosa, acabará contrayendo una segunda Deuda.

Cuando asignes Deudas al principio de la partida, plantéate elegir a un personaje no jugador como «responsable de que te convirtieras en vampiro», sobre todo si eres el personaje de más edad del grupo.

Si mueres o te retiras, el objetivo de tu movimiento final puede ser cualquier personaje, jugador o no jugador.


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22/07/2020, 18:50
-Maestro de ceremonias-
Sólo para el director

Disciplinas vampíricas.


Animalism: The Discipline of Animalism allows the Vampire to develop a close, intense connection with his primordial nature. Animals grow distinctly agitated in the presence of a Vampire who lacks this Discipline.

□ Feral Whispers: The Vampire creates an empathic connection with beasts. When you rely on your animal instincts to make sense of a charged situation, roll with Blood. On a 10 up, ask the MC three questions. If you act on one of the MC’s answers, add 1 to your first roll. On a 7-9, ask one: ▪ Where’s my best escape route or way in? ▪ Which enemy is the most vulnerable to me? ▪ What’s their secret weakness? ▪ What poses the biggest threat to me? ▪ Who’s in control here?

□ Drawing Out the Beast: The Vampire has a keen understanding of the Beast Within, and is able to release his feral urges upon another being, when you do, roll with Blood. On a 10+, transfer up to 2 corruption to another being. On a 7-9, you transfer 1 corruption, but unleash it upon a random individual. On a Miss, you are unable to control the beasts, mark +1 Corruption and the MC makes a hard move. ▪ If the transfer is to a PC, they record the transferred Corruption and mark a Debt against you. ▪ If the transfer is to an NPC, the NPC takes 1 harm for 1 corruption or 2 harm  for 2 corruption (ap close)


Auspex: This Discipline bestows uncanny sensory abilities upon the Vampire.

□ Heightened Senses: When you figure someone out, always ask one extra question, even on a Miss.

□ Aura Perception: You sense others’ emotional state, when you do, roll with Mind. On a 10+, you perceive the intensity and dominant type (anger, sorrow, love, confusion, etc.) of others’ emotions as clearly as you can see the color and details of their clothes (or something equivalently obvious if your dominant sense is something other than sight). On a 7-9, you can perceive either intensity or type, but not both. On a Miss, you can perceive either intensity or type, but others nearby also sense your own dominant emotion without consciously knowing why they’re so certain about you.. Aura sensing lasts a few minutes per effort.

□ Telepathy: The Vampire projects a portion of her consciousness into a nearby mortal’s mind, creating a mental link through which she can communicate wordlessly or even read the target’s deepest thoughts. The Kindred “hears” in their own mind the thoughts plucked from a subject as if they were spoken to her. A Vampire focusing on their target can do a deeper scan to uncover thoughts or memories protected by the subconscious, when you do, roll with Mind. If physical contact can be made, add a +1 and an additional question is received, this can be through intimacy or by touching a helpless target. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. Spend your hold to ask the player or MC questions, 1 for 1: ▪ What thoughts have consumed the majority of the character’s time? ▪ What secret pains or regrets does the character harbor? ▪ What plan(s) is the character constructing or initiating in the next few days? ▪ For what does the character seek forgiveness? ▪ In what ways is the character mentally vulnerable? ▪ What is the characters current attitude toward me? ▪ Where has the character recently been that they wish to keep secret? On a Miss, they hold 2 over you, on the exact same terms.

□ Advanced: On a 12+ you can completely recall memories that the target has recently experienced in place of any questions.


Celerity: Not all Vampires are slow, meticulous creatures. When needed, some Vampires can move fast — really fast.

□ Like Lightning: When you need to travel a long distance in an impossibly short amount of time or complete a task in record time, let it out but roll with Blood. On a Hit, you make it there in time or finish your task, but are winded take -1 ongoing until you get a chance to rest.

□ Rapid Response: You use Celerity to move with amazing swiftness in times of stress. Your quick reflexes have been elevated to the ranks of the truly unbelievable. You can reflexively take out or put away an item, pick up an unattended object, or manipulate an item in your possession. When you unleash on any hit, take an additional option. As your speed gives you an advantage when fleeing for safety, when you roll to escape instead of rolling 2d6, roll 3 dice and take the best 2 results,

□ Faster Than Thought: (requires Rapid Response or Like Lightning) The embrace gifted you with startling speed and reflexes. You can literally move so fast that you are almost impossible to see or effect as long as you do not slow down or stop moving. You can run across short gaps, up steep inclines and even over low walls without pause, but there are dangers associated with moving at such a heightened velocity. In addition, you gain +1 Mind (max +3). If you are already at +3 Mind you may stretch to +4 Mind max at the cost of erasing your Mortality Rapport to 0 permanently.


Dominate: This Discipline involves influencing the very thoughts and actions of others through the Vampire’s own force of will. Commands must be issued verbally; direct mind-to-mind contact is the purview of Auspex.

□ Mesmerize: By using your voice to subtly influence a subject, you can verbally implant a hypnotic suggestion in the subject’s subconscious mind, when you do, roll with Mind. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. Spend 1 hold to make the target take one of these actions: ▪ Speak a few words of your choice ▪ Give you something they hold ▪ Make a concerted attack on a target of your choice ▪ Truthfully answer one simple question If you run out of hold the discipline ends. If the target takes damage you lose 1 hold. While the discipline is ongoing, to take any other action you must keep your cool.

□ Ripples of the Heart: Ripples of the Heart allows a Vampire to leave a particular emotion, thought or image within the bloodstream of any mortal from whom he feeds. Any other Vampire who subsequently drinks from that mortal experiences those same thoughts left as if they were his own. This is an additional option added to eternal hunger.

□ The Forgetful Mind: After capturing the subject’s gaze, the Vampire delves into the subject’s memories, stealing or re-creating them at his whim, when you do, roll with Mind. On a 10+, choose 3 of the following. On a 7-9, choose 2. On a Miss, choose 1, but the MC may add complications. ▪ May alter or remove entire scene from subject’s memory ▪ Instead of lasting 1 day, the memory is permanent ▪ Person involved is unaware of your action.


Fortitude: All Vampires possess a preternatural constitution that makes most normal damage inconsequential.

□ Thick Skin: When you activate fortitude, roll with Spirit. On, 10+, choose both. On a 7-9, choose 1 and mark corruption. On a Miss you over exert yourself and take -1 for the scene. Choose from: ▪ Take +1 armour ▪ Once this scene you can reduce harm that you take by one.

□ Demon Hide: (requires Thick Skin) Once per scene, instead of taking harm from being attacked, you can mark corruption equal to the amount of harm you are wishing to negate.

□ Resilience: Your body will mend any injury, given time. Healing from   non-magical sources, such as feeding, is at double the speed of others.


Obfuscate: This uncanny power enables Vampire to conceal themselves from others’ sight. By simply wishing to remain unseen, a Vampire can disappear, even if he stands in full view of a crowd.

□ Cloak the Shadows: The Vampire must rely on nearby shadows and cover to assist in hiding his presence. When you step into an out-ofthe-way, shadowed place and eases himself from normal sigh, roll with Blood. On a 10+, You become invisible and no one can see you. You can move but using any action that interacts with another cancels this effect. On a 7-9, choose 1: ▪ Movement gives you away ▪ You are only hidden when in shadows ▪ Your own view is heavily clouded

□ Advanced: Cloak the Gathering: Using Cloak the Shadows, you can extend your coverage for up to 10 people in close range.

□ A Thousand Faces: You can make the people around you think you are someone else, when you do, roll with Heart. On a 10+, Choose 1. On a 7-9, Choose 1, but something about you seems off to onlookers any attempts to persuade or mislead others are at a -1 ▪ You appear as the same person to everyone. They don’t necessarily expect to see you or know who you are, but you don’t look like yourself. ▪ You appear as a different person to everyone who views you. But they expect to see you and know who you are impersonating.


Obtenebration: Obtenebration grants its users power over darkness. The precise nature of the “darkness” invoked is a matter of debate among the Keepers. Electronic equipment (i.e. including thermal, night vision etc...) will not be able to reveal a Vampire while using Obfuscate. If a Vampire is recorded on video or through photography, however, their presence can be observed after their Obfuscation has dropped.

□ Shadow Play: This power grants the Vampire limited control over shadows and other ambient darkness. Though the Vampire cannot truly “create” darkness, she can overlap and stretch existing shadows, creating patches of gloom. Once a Kindred takes control of darkness or shadow, it gains a mystical tangibility. When you shape and control darkness and shadow, roll with Blood. On a 10+, hold 2. On a 7-9, hold 1 and mark corruption. On a Miss, mark corruption and a dark power gains 1 Debt on you. Spend hold 1 for 1 to: ▪ As you are hidden, take +1 forward to misleading, distract or trick ▪ Being unseen lets you take +1 forward to escape ▪ In stealth, take +1 forward to unleash ▪ Use your creations to strangle and smother an air-breather, inflict 1 harm (ap close loud)

□ Black Metamorphosis: The Vampire calls upon his inner darkness becoming a monstrous hybrid of matter and shadow. Though still humanoid, the Vampire takes on an almost demonic appearance, as the darkness within him bubbles to the surface. When you take on the form of a shadow demon full of tentacles and inky darkness, roll with Blood. On a 10+, hold 2. On a 7-9, hold 1 and mark corruption. On a Miss, mark corruption and a dark power gains 1 Debt on you. Spend hold 1 for 1: □ Your tentacles are able to conceal others in their darkness □ Your tentacles are able to blind the light for a short area □ Your tentacles deal 2 harm (close, loud) to your victim □ Your tentacles can grasp a target, pinning them in place □ Take +1 armour as your form fades into and out of darkness

□ Tenebrous Form: At this level, the Kindred’s mastery of darkness is so extensive that they may physically become it. By taking 1 corruption, the Vampire becomes an inky, amoeboid patch of shadow. Vampires in this form are practically invulnerable and may slither through cracks and crevices.


Potence: Vampires endowed with this Discipline possess preternatural strength. Potence enables Vampires to leap tremendous distances, lift massive weights and strike opponents with terrifying force.

□ Rebel’s Ferocity: In combat, the power of your combinations are harder to handle. When you unleash on a 12+, deal a second injury as if from a second attack of the same severity.

□ Force of Nature: You are capable of tremendous feats of strength. Most Vampires can throw normal  sized objects (such as baseballs or darts) ridiculously far. They can also lift incredibly heavy objects. Heck, Vampires with rebel’s ferocity can even throw those heavy objects, but they can’t throw them very far. Now, you can throw large and heavy objects at far distances.

□ Predator’s Exertion: (requires Rebel’s Ferocity) The embrace gifted you with startling strength, similar strength to that of angels and demons. You are so strong that you can direct your incredible power through the ground or floor to affect enemies at range. With your strength, you can strikes the ground and sends a shock wave along the surface increasing melee attacks to far distances. In addition, you gain +1 Blood (max +3). If you are already at +3 Blood you may stretch to +4 Blood max at the cost of erasing your Wild’s Rapport to 0 permanently.


Presence: Vampire who develop Presence can inspire zealous fervor, devoted passion or unspeakable terror in mortal and immortal alike.

□ Dread Gaze: While all Vampire can frighten others by physically revealing their true vampiric natures — bearing claws and fangs, glaring with malevolence, hissing loudly with malice — this power focuses these elements to insanely terrifying levels, when you do, roll with Heart. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. At your will, no matter the circumstances, you can spend your hold 1 for 1: ▪ Inflict 1-harm (ap) ▪ They take -1 right now ▪ You take +1 forward to persuade an NPC or unleash If they fulfill your command, that counts for all your remaining hold. On a Miss, you inflict 1 harm (ap) upon your subject, to no benefit.

□ Muse: (only for Clan Toreador) When you perform your chosen art, any act of expression or culture, or when you put its product before an audience, roll with Heart. On a 10+, spend 3. On a 7–9, spend 1. Spend 1 to name an NPC member of your audience and choose one: ▪ This person must meet me ▪ This person must have my services ▪ This person loves me ▪ This person must give me a gift ▪ This person admires my patron On a Miss, you gain no benefit, but suffer no harm or lost opportunity. You simply perform very well.

□ Entrancement: When you have time and solitude with someone, they become fixated upon you, roll with Heart. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 2. They can spend your hold, 1 for 1, by: ▪ Giving you something you want ▪ Acting as your eyes and ears ▪ Fighting to protect you ▪ Doing something you tell them to For NPC’s, while you have hold over them they can’t act against you. For PC’s, instead, any time you like you can spend your hold, 1 for 1: ▪ They distract themselves with the thought of you. They must keep their cool. ▪ They inspire themselves with the thought of you. They take +1 forward right now. On a Miss, they hold 2 over you, on the exact same terms

□ Majesty: (requires Dread Gaze or Entrancement) Under Majesty’s influence, hearts break, power trembles, and the bold shake. At this stage, the Vampire can augment her supernatural mind a thousand fold. When you impose your will on a crowd, roll with Heart. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1. ▪ They do what you want ▪ They fight as a gang for you ▪ None of them fight you back ▪ None of them escape On a Miss, they all fight back.


Protean: Vampires who develop this Discipline can grow bestial claws, assume the forms of wolves and bats, transform into mist and meld into the earth.

□ Feral Claws: The Vampire’s nails transform into long, bestial claws. Treat your claws and fangs as 3 harm (hand natural) that can destroy or at least scratch up most non-metal (and even some metal) objects

□ Shape of the Beast: You can take the form of a bat or wolf, roll with Blood. On a 10+, you shift fine. On a 7-9, choose 1. On a Miss, choose 2, but the MC may add complications. ▪ You drew upon the darkness to change. Mark corruption. ▪ The change was painful. Mark 1 harm (ap). ▪ Your secret is revealed. Take -1 Rapport against closest nonNight faction around.

□ Mist Form: This truly unsettling power enables the Vampire to turn into mist. His physical shape disperses into a hazy cloud, but one still subject entirely to the immortal’s will. While you are in Mist Form, you cannot interact with anything and nothing can interact with you. If you are using Mist Form to escape, treat the 10+ as the advanced 12+.